BOOK THE THIRD. Man in a Sinful State. In this Book you have passages selected from the Holy Scripture, brought up to your view by chapter and verse. Shocking and an alarming account of the most wicked acts and deeds of sinful men, which things are left upon record for our examples, for you and for me, that we follow not their steps. Now my readers, we see and feel the result of disobedience, and how it hath let the grand enemy into our souls, and sin, and misery into this world; and we see how soon wrath, hatred, and malice, and cruelty got possession of the soul, even as it appears in the first-born, which slew his Brother Abel. Gen. iv, 8. It appears that Eve was in hopes that she had gotten a man from the Lord, which would add to their joy and comfort, but alas, it appears that he added to their grief, shame, and sorrow; and it is often seem so in our days, and we know not what enemies hang at the breast of a Mother; and again, instead of man's seeking the Lord and the knowledge of his ways, they fell away to the evil imagination of their own hearts and their thoughts it is said was evil continually So that it re pented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his hearts. Gen. vi, 5, 6. But yet the Lord had mercy on them for a long time, nevertheless they repented not; but because they were strong and healthy and full of sin, and the judgment of God delayed, it was fully set in them to do evil. Eccl. viii, 11. And after the Lord had suffered their wicked practices for a long time, and gave them grace and a space of time to repent; but it appears they repented not; then mercy withdrew and gave place for justice, and then the Lord destroyed them G But, alas! O Lord I am involved in sin, Redemption is in Christ alone, Who came from heaven to earth below, Then let me to my saviour go, And may he come and dwell within, I then shall there my father see, In peace and joy and love, And there with him for ever dwell, And may this be the happy lot and portion, In sincerity and truth. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be with you all. Amen. END OF THE SECOND BOOK, BOOK THE THIRD. Man in a Sinful State. In this Book you have passages selected from the Holy Scripture, brought up to your view by chapter and verse. Shocking and an alarming account of the most wicked acts and deeds of sinful men, which things are left upon record for our examples, for you and for me, that we follow not their steps. Now my readers, we see and feel the result of disobedience, and how it hath let the grand enemy into our souls, and sin, and misery into this world; and we see how soon wrath, hatred, and malice, and cruelty got possession of the soul, even as it appears in the first-born, which slew his Brother Abel. Gen. iv, 8. It appears that Eve was in hopes that she had gotten a man from the Lord, which would add to their joy and comfort, but alas, it appears that he added to their grief, shame, and sorrow; and it is often seem so in our days, and we know not what enemies hang at the breast of a Mother; and again, instead of man's seeking the Lord and the knowledge of his ways, they fell away to the evil imagination of their own hearts and their thoughts it is said was evil continually So that it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his hearts. Gen. vi, 5, 6. But yet the Lord had mercy on them for a long time, nevertheless they repented not; but because they were strong and healthy and full of sin, and the judgment of God delayed, it was fully set in them to do evil. Eccl. viii, 11. And after the Lord had suffered their wicked practices for a long time, and gave them grace and a space of time to repent; but it appears they repented not; then mercy withdrew and gave place for justice, and then the Lord destroyed them G by the deluge of water and judged them as he saw good. Gen. 7, 21. And after the flood, sin still remained, for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah was very wicked sinners; therefore let us fall in with the offers of his grace and mercy, and forsake our sins before it be too late, for fear lest there be no remedy at all. And again, we see in another place how that Pharaoh's heart was hardened in sin, and how he fought against God, and despised the face of Moses. Exodus, c. v, 2, x, 28. And afflicted his people Israel. But the Lord, by his mighty power, overthrew him in the Red Sea, and saved his people Israel. Because his mercy, through Christ, endureth for ever. Exodus, c. xiv. But again, after this we may see that some of the children of Israel become very cruel and sinful, as you may see in this book. But that which is omitted in this Book, you may find it mentioned in some of my other Books, see the Book of Whoredom, or the Cruelty of the Wicked, therefore he that thinkest he standeth let him take heed lest he fall; and from whence came wars and fighting among you, saith St. James, come they uot hence, even of your lusts that war in your members; yes, methinks it do, and through lust, pride, and covetousness, and to get a great name, I say by these things many thousands have been slain. For it appears that it was through wicked lust that so many thousands fell by the sword, as we read of in Judges, c. xix & xx. And again, it seems to be through lust, 2 Samuel, c. iii, 7. That Abner was slain, by the cruel hand of Joab, yet it appears that Joab slew him because he had slain his brother Asabel in the battle, 2 Samuel, c. iii, 27. But again, it appears that Joab, which was Captain over Israel, was very cruel, because he also slew Amasa in his cold blood, and it appears to me that Joab must have been in a sinful state when he done this, because he slew these two Captains in a very cruel and subtle manner-see 2 Samuel, c. xx, 9. And Joab said to Amasa, art thou in health, my brother? And Joab took Amasa by the beard with the right hand to kiss him. Bnt Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand; so he smote him therewith in the fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to the ground, and he died. O Joab, how fierce was thy anger and thy grudge, Thy guilt would not have been so bad, But David never forgot it all his days, 1 Kings, ii, 5. 1 Kings, ii, 29, 34. And again, we see how that Baanah and Rachab slew their king to the intent of obtaining David's faviour, but David being a just and wise man, and a man after God's own heart causeth them to be slain for their wicked deeds; for David said, that they had committed this against a righteous person, and that when he was lain upon his bed at noon. 2 Sam. iv, 5, 12. And again we see that after this in another place, that Ahithophel, David's counsellor became very treacherous and cleave unto Absalom the son of David, and so gave counsel to take away David's life, but when he saw that his counsel was not allowed he went home to his house and hanged himself, a poor sinful man methinks, he pointed the arrow as it were at David's heart, but it entered into his own breast. 2 Sam. xvii. But after David some of the King's of Israel was exceeding wicked, such as Manessah, which made his son pass through the fire, and he used enchantment and dealt with familiar spirsts and wizards; he wrought much wickedness in the sight of the Lord. 2 Kings, c. 21. For it is said that he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood. C. xxiv, 4. And many more of them provoked the Lord to anger. Yes, they did much wickedness, and grieved the holy one of Israel; O my soul, enter not too much into the secrets of their sins. But O that the Lord may humble our souls before him, and that it may please him to keep us from all these henious, wicked, and detestable things which he abhoreth; and again, Jehoram was a very wicked King and he slew all his brethren with the sword, which were better than himself, moreover, he made high places in the mountains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication, and compelled Judah thereto. But see his miserable end, and after all this the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incureable disease. It came to pass that in process of time, after the end of two years his bowels fell out, by reason of his sickness, so he died of a sore disease. 2 Chron, xxi. O Jehoram what hath thou done, |