
worn mariner. The dew of the night before had been heavy, we therefore pitched our tent, and decided on starting, in future, at a very early hour in the morning, so as to accomplish our march before noon. It was dark when we moved off, and even cold. Your camel is impatient to rise ere you are well seated on him; gives a shake, too, to warm his blood, and half dislodges you; marches rather faster than by day, and gives occasionally a hard quick stamp with his broad callous foot. Our moon was far in her wane. She rose, however, about an hour after we started, all red, above the dark hills on our left; yet higher rose, and paler grew, till at last she hung a silvery crescent in the deep blue sky. I claim for the traveller a love of that bright planet far beyond what the fixed and settled resident can ever know ;-the meditation of the lover, the open lattice, the guitar, the villagers' castanets, are all in sweet character with the moon, or on her increase, or full-orbed; but the traveller (especially in the East,) he loves her in her wane; so does the soldier at his still picquet of the night; and the sailor, on his silent watch, when she comes and breaks in upon the darkness of the night to soothe and bless him.

though but for a few days, the camel of the desert. We always associate the horse with the Arab warrior, and the horse alone; also the crooked scimitar. Now these belong to the Syrian, and the Persian, the Mameluke, and the Turk as well. The camel is peculiar to the Arab alone. It was on the camel that Mahomet performed his flight to Medina. It was on a white she camel that he made his entry into that city. Seventy camels were arrayed by his side in the vale of Beder. And it was on his own red camel that the Caliph Omar, with his wooden dish and leathern water-bottle, and bag of dates, came to receive the keys of the holy city of Jerusalem, and the submission and homage of the patriarch Sophronius. "Moreover, it is on a winged white camel, in a golden saddle, that the Moslem, who is faithful to the end, believes that he shall ride hereafter.”—Ibid.

"Who passes the desert and says all is barren, all lifeless? In the grey morning you may see the common pigeon, and the partridge, and the pigeon of the rock, alight before your very feet, and come upon the beaten camel-paths for food. They are tame, for they have not learned to fear, or to distrust the men who pass these solitudes. The camel-driver would not lift a stone to them; and the sportsman could hardly find it in his heart to kill these gentle tenants of the desert: the deer might tempt him; I saw but one; far, very far, he caught the distant camel tramp, and paused, and raised and 'threw back his head to listen, then away to the road instead of from it; but far ahead he crossed it, and then away up a long slope he fleetly stole, and off to some solitary spring which wells, perhaps, where no traveller, no human being has ever trod. Here and there you meet with something of green,-a tree alone, or two, nay, in one vale you may see some eight or ten; these are the acacias; smallleaved and thorny, yet kind, in that "they forsake not these forsaken places." You have affections in the desert too; your patient and docile camel is sometimes vainly urged if his fellow or his driver be behind; he will stop and turn, and give that deep, hoarse, gurgling sound, by which he expresses uneasiness and displeasure. It is something to have rode,

Select Biography.



PAUL JONES was born and bred on the estate of Lord Selkirk, near Kircudbright; his father, by name Paul, a steady methodical Scotchman, being head gardener to Lord Selkirk, and young Paul acting in a subordinate capacity in the same establishment, as appears from the following story on record of father and son. In the gardens were two summer-houses, corresponding to each other. One day Lord Selkirk, during his walks, observed a man locked up in one of them, and looking out of the window-in the other summerhouse, looking out of the corresponding window, appeared young John Paul. "Why are those lads confined ?" said Lord Selkirk to the gardener. Lord, I caught the rascal stealing your Lordship's fruit." "But there are two, what has your son done, is he too guilty?" "Oh, no, please your Lordship, I just put him in for symmetry."


In this service he remained for some years; but at length being detected in certain knavish tricks, which would have entitled him to confinement in the summer house on stronger grounds than symmetry, he was dismissed, and following the bent of a wild and ardent disposition, betook himself to a sea-faring life, for which his habits, and the practical knowledge gained by long residence near a sea port, had fully prepared him. He commenced his naval career as common sailor; but his talents soon rendered him conspicuous, he was appointed mate, and

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For this new sphere of action his enterprising character and talents were admirably adapted; and these, added to his thorough knowledge of the northern coasts of England, soon brought him into notice, and pointed him out as a fit actor in the marauding schemes then in agitation. Accordingly, in the latter part of 1777, he was actively employed as Commander, in fitting out the Ranger* privateer, mounting 18 guns, besides swivels, and manned with a desperate crew of 150 men. In the course of the winter he put to sea, and made two captures on the European side of the Atlantic, both of which were sent into a French port. In the month of April, 1778, he for the first time appeared in the neighbourhood of his native place, and forthwith proceeded to execute a well digested plan for burning the town and shipping of Whitehaven. Having made the land, he cau tiously kept in the offing to avoid observation, but at the close of evening, the necessary preparations being made, he stood in for the shore, and at midnight, having approached sufficiently near, his boats well manned, and armed by thirty daring fellows, in deep silence pushed off from the vessel. A small battery commanded the bay and entrance of the harbour ; it was necessary to secure this before they could venture on ulterior measures; accordingly, having made good their landing, the party rushed upon the garrison before any alarm could be given, and made them prisoners. The guns were immediately spiked, and every thing seemed to favour the final success of their enterprize. It was dead low water, and the vessels were laying side by side without a chance of preservation, should the flames once get head. Little expecting such a visit, no watches were on the look out, and the inhabitants were buried in sleep. In full security and confidence the armed force dispersed themselves, depositing matches ready primed amidst combustibles on the decks and rigging. Nothing more was required for their

In some accounts she is called the Revenge.

destruction than the signal for lighting the trains. At this critical moment a loud knocking was heard in the main street, and voices of alarm were heard in every direction. It was evident that they were discovered, and nothing remained but to commence in haste the work of destruction, for the alarm had now become general, and crowds were seen running towards the piers, attracted by the lights which the retiring party were hastily throwing on board the vessels; fortunately without effect, one only being seriously scorched, the crews and townsmen succeeding in extinguishing the flames before they reached the rigging. Foiled in their attempt, the privateer's men regained their boats, and putting off, reached their ship in safety. On mustering, one only of the party was missing, and to him were the people of Whitehaven indebted for their preservation; for, influenced either by conscientious motives or selfinterest, he quitted his companions when engaged about the harbour, and running up the main street, knocked at every door as he passed, roused the sleepers from their beds, and calling upon them to rise and save their lives and property.

Having failed in this enterprize, Jones stretched across the Solway Firth, towards the coast of Scotland, and with the early dawn entered the river Dee, forming the harbour of Kircudbright. Á little above its junction with the sea the river widens into a sort of estuary, and here on a promontory, or rather island, where the river is about a mile and a half in width, stands St. Mary's Isle, the Castle of Lord Selkirk, and here, within a short spot endeared to him by the strongest ties and earliest associations, soon after sun-rise Jones dropped his anchor, with feelings, if we may judge from the tenor of a letter which will be mentioned in the course of the following narrative of that day's proceedings, very different from those which the public gave him credit for, proving that, with all his failings, his heart was still susceptible of impressions which might have raised him, as much as his unjustifiable deeds had hitherto lowered him, in the estimation of his countrymen. Early in the morning, the privateer had been observed making her way up the river, her guns and warlike appearance attracting much attention and curiosity, for vessels of her description were seldom seen working up the intricate passage of the Dee. Not a suspicion was entertained of her real character, but the male part of the population conjectured her to be a visitor equally unwelcome a ship of war coming up for the purpose of impressment. Accordingly at an early hour

(Lord Selkirk being fortunately in London), Lady Selkirk was informed of the circumstance, and a request was made by the men servants that they might absent themselves for the purpose of concealment. The vessel had no sooner anchored than she was observed to dispatch an armed boat. The crew on landing seemed to have no particular object in view; and after remaining some time, strolling up and down the country, took to their boat and returned on board. Before, however, the people had recovered from their first alarm, the boat was again observed to push off, and in a few minutes a strong body of armed men landed on the beach without interruption; not as before did they stroll about, but, forming in regular order, marched directly to the castle, which they immediately surrounded, and then, for the first time, a suspicion of the real character of such unexpected visitors was excited. Lady Selkirk, who, with her children, were the only members of the family then resident in the castle, had just finished breakfast, when she received a summons to appear before the officer commanding the detachment; she obeyed with considerable fear, which was not diminished upon a nearer view of the visitors, whose ferocious looks, and ragged dress, too plainly showed their hostile intentions; and, as it was evident that plunder was their object, the worse might be expected in case of resistance. They were armed with every variety of weapon; muskets, pistols, swords; and one savagelooking fellow bore an American tomahawk over his shoulder. Two officers had the command of the party; one of them coarse and rude in language and behaviour; the other, on the contrary, was not only courteous and respectful but even apologized to Lady Selkirk, regretting the unpleasant duty in which it was his unfortunate lot to appear as a principal. Their first inquiry was for Lord Selkirk on being assured that he was not in the country some disappointment was manifested. After a short pause, the latter officer said he must then request her Ladyship to produce all her plate. She replied, that the quantity in the castle was very small, but what there was should be immediately given up; and accordingly the whole was laid before them, even to the silver tea-pot used at breakfast, which had not been washed out. The officer on receiving it directed his men to pack up every article, again apologizing for his conduct on an occasion which he called a dirty business, and then taking leave, at the head of his men returned to the vessel, leaving the family not a little rejoiced at their escape. Still,

however, as the ship did not get under weigh, fears were entertained of a second visit, and Lady Selkirk lost no time in sending off her children, and removing whatever property was likely to become a source of temptation, to a place of security. Her fears were fortunately groundless, and in a few hours she had the satisfaction to see the privateer under weigh without offering further molestation.

(To be continued.)

The Novelist.


THE GROTTO OF ST. ODILLE, Near Fribourg, in the Black Forest. ODILLE was the daughter of Attich, Duke of Alsace. She had been brought up in the convent of Mayenfield, and in her own mind had long resolved to devote herself to a holy life, and to take the veil.

One day she left the convent to visit her father's court, and all the youthful knights were deeply stricken with her beauty.

Soon the young and beautiful recluse was surrounded by lovers, and amongst the number was a German Prince, whose suit the Duke approving of, his daughter was ordered to approve of also. But Odille, considering herself as already devoted to a religious life, viewed the proposal with horror, and knowing that her father's will was to her a mandate, she divested herself of her rich garments, and taking the habit of a wandering beggar, she reached the Rhine, and passed safely in a little boat to the opposite side.

Her flight was soon discovered by the Duke, who sent pursuers after her in all directions. He himself mounted his swiftest steed, and by accident took the road which Odille had just passed. The boatman described her so accurately, that the Duke felt no doubt he was close upon his daughter's steps, and with increasing eagerness he now pressed on.

Odille had already ascended half way up one of the high mountains of the forest, looking down upon the Rhine, when, worn out with fatigues to which she had been little used, she seated herself upon a rock, and lifting up her eyes to heaven, joined her hands in prayer. But presently, startled by a distant sound of horses' feet, she looked around, and beheld an approaching troop of horsemen, drest in her father's colours.

She hastily arose to save herself by rapid flight. Fear at first acted like wings upon her nimble feet, but soon her weak and gentle nature yielded, and she fell exhausted upon a rock.

The horsemen advancing with a rapid

pace were now near upon the spot, when Odille, trembling, lifted up her hands to implore deliverance from heaven. Suddenly the rock opened! Odille entered, and instantly the rock closed!

Presently she heard the sound of horses' feet above her, and her father's voice calling her by name.

"My father," answered Odille, and Attich gazed around in mute surprise. "Odille,' cried he again, and he was seized with terror on hearing a second time the voice of his daughter issuing as if from the rock beneath him. ❝ You persecute him who protects me," replied Odille, and she then related what had passed. Attich now recognized the will of a superior power, and swore to respect his daughter's vow, and to build for her a convent. Upon this the rock opened, and Odille came forth, arrayed in a garment of celestial light. She fell into her father's arms, and besought his blessing and forgiveness.

The rock has remained opened from that day, and in the grotto which had hidden Odille rises a medicinal spring, possessing many virtues.

Numerous pilgrims and invalids make visits to this sainted spot, and Saint Odille and her holy life, though not recorded in the page of history, are carefully handed down by every family within her presiding district.

The Gatherer.

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff."---Wotton.

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CROSS READINGS. VISITORS to the metropolis are respectfully invited to be sold by auction by Messrs. Adams, at-42s. to 48s. per dozen.

Ever anxious to prevent imposition, Day and Martin respectfully inform the public that the first number of the Monthly Critical Gazette will be a gene

ral assortment of warrants, subpœnas, summonses, &c.

Important information.-His Grace the Duke of Wellington-arrived at C. Holmes's waggon-warehouse, Jesus' Col lege Lane where he was enthroned, and put in possession of five or six bakers -and the up-shot is not a little surprising.

University intelligence.-Congregations removal of 100 pipes of wine. will be holden for the purpose of-the

Letters from St. Petersburgh of the the newly-appointed Bishop of Glouces 20th of March state, that-Dr. Bethel, ter, arrived in the Independent Tallyho. Post Coach.

of a fine-toned piano-forte-empty casks, Birth. The Lady of Esq., and a variety of other effects.-For particulars inquire of the auctioneer.


On receiving a benevolent donation in an hour of adversity, accompanied with a request that it might never be mentioned.

HAIL! charity, celestial maid, in purest silence drest,

Thy soothing balm can heal a heart by poverty opprest;

While gratitude forbid to make the geneSteals to her closet, bends her knee, and rous cure appear, drops a silent tear.

England in 1558, and is entitled, “The THE first Newspaper was printed in English Mercurie," which by authority, was imprinted at London, by Christopher Barker, her highness's (Queen Elizabeth's) printer.


Tim Tobyk, P. T. W., Mr. Skinner, Ja cobus, and several other correspondents, in our next; when we shall decide on numerous communications recently received.

H. R. is informed, that contributions for our Scientific Amusements will be acceptable.

Printed and Published by J. LIMBIRD, 143, Strand, (near Somerset House,) and sold by all Newsmen and Booksellers.

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