
"his benefits?" and we shall best shew our gratitude, by employing that time and property in works of piety and charity, which others waste in self-indulgence, or devote to avarice.

We proceed now,

III. To consider the concluding resolution, "There"fore will I call upon thee, as long as I live." It is, I suppose, understood that this is the closing sermon, on' The signs and duties of the present times;' and that the Society is now dissolved. It has indeed been urged, that there is as much need of the society and its efforts as ever: for if, after God has so graciously delivered us, in answer to the prayers of his people; we, as a nation, go on in accumulating guilt, and ungratefully abusing his goodness; the present deliverance can only be considered as a reprieve, and the vengeance of heaven will fall proportionably heavier in the event. There is besides, great danger, lest the prosperity, that accompanies peace, should still more deeply corrupt us; and even increase the lukewarm and wordly spirit, which, alas! is already too prevalent among those who seem to be religious. Now, as far as this observation relates to the necessity of persevering in prayer, and every zealous exertion, it is perfectly just, and highly important: but if applied to the continuance of this Society, it appears inconclusive. The society originated in a general conviction, that the times were extraordinary, and required extraordinary exertions: and we considered ourselves as justified in this measure by the publick opinion. Yet we live in a day, when all

private associations are regarded with a jealous eye: and in some respects justly; for many very pernicious designs have been cloaked with fair pretences. Even this Society, though our avowed and real motives and objects were absolutely the same, and undeniably harmless and useful; and though we trust our whole conduct has been consistent with those avowed motives and objects; has not escaped some degree of censure and suspicion. We formed ourselves into a Society, during an alarming crisis, in order to promote a spirit of prayer for the land, and all orders of men in it; to counteract the progress of infidelity, impiety, and vice; and to use our influence to maintain subordination and quiet subjection to our lawful governors. Blessed be God, that awful crisis is now past; the immediate necessity for such a society ceases; should we continue it, our conduct might be misunderstood; and should a new occasion arise, by discontinuing it at present, we should be able to resume it, on this or a similar plan, with greater advantage, and without giving occasion against us to those who seek occasion.

But though these periodical sermons now close, and the Society is no more; as individual ministers, in our several congregations, and occasionally in each other's; we shall still exhort you, my brethren, to attend to the same important duties, which we have thus inculcated; and especially to continue in prayer and supplication for the land, and for the church of God: and we hope that both hearers and ministers will abound. yet more and more. We have no less reason to do this, and we have additional encouragement." God hath

" inclined his ear to us; therefore will we call on him as long as we live."

Even natural feelings will dictate a kind of prayer in seasons of great distress or alarm: but when the danger and anguish are over, and prosperity induces security, the same persons say in their conduct, "We "are lords, we will come no more unto thee." But the grace of God teaches those who possess it, to pray at all times. "Be careful for nothing; but in every

thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, "let your requests be made known unto God." Mingle, then, thanksgivings with your prayers in trouble; unite prayers and supplications with your joyful praises in prosperity. Pray without ceasing, in every thing "give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ "Jesus concerning you."

In all times of tribulation, in all times of our * wealth,―good Lord, deliver us.' National, as well as private success has its peculiar dangers. "When

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thy riches increase, and thy silver and gold is mul

tiplied;—then beware lest thy heart be lifted up, and "thou forget the LORD thy God." Oh! attend to this caution, my affluent brethren; and pray without ceasing to be preserved in your perilous circumstances: and pray every one of you, for yourselves and each other, and all your fellow-christians, and the land; that prosperity may not prove still more fatal to us, than even the late calamitous war. Pray especially, that we may experience and exemplify what we read of in the sacred history: "Then had the churches rest and were edified: and walking in the fear of the Lord,

"and the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multipli "ed."*

Continued prosperity, however, is by no means to be expected in this vale of tears: and, as in life we should daily prepare for death; so in peace and comfort we should be habitually ready for trouble and conflict. The resolution of the text, therefore, while it fairly admits of the use which has been just made of it, especially implies, that having been answered in the late day of distress, we should in every future danger and difficulty, call upon the LORD, even as long as we live.

Wordly men have a great variety of expedients, to which they have recourse, according to the suggestions of political wisdom, or worldly discretion: but the Christian, acting in his proper character, has but one expedient. He may indeed, either in publick or pri vate life, attend to proper measures subordinately: but his grand resort is, that of Jacob, when he wrestled with God and prevailed; that of David, when in his trouble he called on the LORD and he heard him; that of Hezekiah, when he and the prophet Isaiah " lifted

up their prayer for the remnant that was left." We have an omnipotent Father and Friend, who is infinitely kind and faithful: and whatever means we use, our grand concern is to prevail with him by prayer, and then we shall also prevail with man.

We read that Asa sought the LORD in extreme

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danger, and was mercifully delivered: but afterwards, when he was alarmed by another enemy, he hired the assistance of an idolatrous prince, and tempted him to break his league with the king of Israel, by giving him the consecrated treasures of the temple. How absurd was this conduct! He was rebuked for it, and in consequence died under a cloud, and left his character in obscurity. But David determined to " call on the "LORD as long as he lived:" and Hezekiah, it may be supposed, did the same, when he had received so astonishing a deliverance, in answer to prayer, from the power and rage of Sennacherib. After such a signal interposition of his almighty Friend, it must have been very strange indeed, if he ever betook himself to another refuge.

But the answers, vouchsafed to our supplications, not only encourage our renewed and persevering prayers; they even demand them. When we bless our God for answering us, we make an occasional acknowledgment of his condescending and compassionate love: but while we continue, on every emergency to call upon him, we make a constant and permanent return of gratitude and becoming confidence. It is true, this consideration implies, that "the LORD's ways are not as "our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts; for as "the heavens are higher than the earth; so are his ways

higher than our ways, and his thoughts higher than "our thoughts." But this is the very circumstance, which most honours his adorable name. If we apply to any supposed friend, during urgent distress, and meet with a repulse; we are afterwards disheartened

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