Dramatis Perfonæ. KING John. Prince Henry, Son to the King. Arthur, Duke of Bretagne, and Nephew to the King. Pembroke, Effex, Salisbury, English Lords. Hubert, Bigot, Faulconbridge, Bastard-Son to Richard the First. Robert Faulconbridge, suppos'd Brother to the Bastard. James Gurney, Servant to the Lady Faulconbridge. Peter of Pomfret, a Prophet. Philip, King of France. Lewis, the Dauphin. Card. Pandulpho, the Pope's Legate. Melun, a French Lord. Chatilion, Ambassador from France to King John. Elinor, Queen-Mother of England. Constance, Mother to Arthur. Blanch, Daughter to Alphonso King of Caftile, and Neice to King John. Lady Faulconbridge, Mother to the Bastard, and Robert Faulconbridge. Citizens of Angiers, Heralds, Executioners, Messengers, The SCENE, sometimes in England; and, THE |