
ing the march, by treating them with kindness and humanity, conversing freely with them, and giving effectual orders that they should want for nothing. Proxenes, between whose family and Xenophon's an ancient friendship subsisted, presented that young Athenian to Cyrus, who received him very favourably, and gave him an employment in his army amongst the Greeks. He set out for Sardis at length, and marched towards the upper provinces of Asia. The. troops knew neither the occasion of the war, nor into what countries they were going. Cyrus had only caused it to be given out, that he should act against the Pisidians, who had infested his province by their incursions.

'Tissaphernes, rightly judging that all these preparations were too great for so small an enterprise as against Pisidia, had set out post from Miletus to give the king an account of them. This news occasioned great trouble at court. Parysatis, the mother of Artaxerxes and Cyrus, was looked upon as the principal cause of this war; and all persons in her service and interest were suspected of holding intelligence with Cyrus. Statira especially, the reigning queen, rẹproached her incessantly in the most violent terms. "Where is now," said she to her, "that faith you have so often engaged for your son's behaviour? Where those ardent prayers you employed to preserve from death that conspirator against his king and brother? It is your unhappy fondness has kindled this war, and plunged us into an abyss of misfortunes." The antipathy and hatred of the two queens for each

Xenoph. 1. ii. p. 294.

f Plut. in Artax. p. 1014.

other, was already very great, and much inflamed by such warm reproaches. We shall see what consequences they have. Artaxerxes assembled a numerous army to receive his brother.


* Cyrus advanced continually by great marches. What troubled him most on the way was the pass of Cilicia, which was a narrow defile between very high and steep mountains, that would admit no more than one carriage to pass at a time. Syennesis, king of the country, prepared to dispute this passage with him, and would infallibly have succeeded, but for the diversion made by Tamos with his fleet, in conjunction with that of the Lacedemonians. To defend the coasts against the insults of the fleet, Syennesis abandoned that important post, which a small body of troops might have made good against the greatest army.

When they arrived at Tarsus, the Greeks refused to march any farther, rightly suspecting that they were intended against the king, and loudly exclaiming that they had not entered into the service upon that condition. Clearchus, who commanded them, had occasion for all his address and ability to stifle this commotion in its birth. At first he made use of authority and force, but with very ill success, and desisted therefore from an open opposition to their sentiments: he even affected to enter into their views, and to support them with his approbation and credit. He declared publicly, that he would not separate himself from them, and advised them to depute persons to the prince, to know from his own mouth against whom they were to be led, that they might follow him volun

* Xenoph. i. i. p. 248–261.

tarily if they approved his measures; if not, that they might demand his permission to withdraw. By this artful evasion he appeased the tumult, and made them easy, and they chose him and some other officers for their deputies. Cyrus, whom he had secrectly apprized of every thing, made answer, that he was going to attack Abrocomas1 his enemy, at twelve days. march from thence upon the Euphrates. When this answer was repeated to them, though they plainly saw against whom they were going, they resolved to proceed, and only demanded an augmentation of their pay. Cyrus, instead of one darici a month to each soldier, promised to give them one and a half.

Some time after, Cyrus was informed that two of the principal officers, upon account of a private quarrel with Clearchus, had deserted with part of their equipage on board a merchant ship. Many were of opinion that it was thought proper to send two galleys after them; which might be done with great ease; and that when they were brought back, they should be made an example, by suffering death in the sight of the whole army. Cyrus, convinced that favour was the most certain means to the attainment of affection, and that punishments, like violent remedies, ought never to be used but in extreme necessity, declared publicly, that he would not suffer it to be said that he had detained any one in his service by force; and added that he


b It is not said where he commanded. It appears to be upon the Euphrates. He marched with 300,000 men to join the king's army, but did not arrive till after the battle.

i The daric was worth ten livres.

* Beneficiis potius quam remediis ingenia experiri placuit. Plin. in Traj.

would send them their wives and children, whom they had left as hostages in his hands. An answer of so much wisdom and generosity had a surprising effect, and made even those his firm adherents, who were before inclined to retire. This is an excellent lesson for all who govern. There is in the mind of man a fund of natural generosity, which it is necessary to know and apply. Threats exasperate them, and chastisement makes them revolt, when endeavours are used to force them to do their duty against their will. They desire a certain degree of confidence in their honour,' and that the glory of acquitting themselves of it out of choice be left in their power. To show that

you believe men faithful, is often the best means to make them so.

Cyrus soon after declared that he marched against Artaxerxes; upon which some murmuring was heard at first, but it soon gave place to expressions of joy and satisfaction, occasioned by that prince's magnificent promises to the army.

As Cyrus advanced by long marches, he was informed from all parts that the king did not intend to come directly to a battle, but had resolved to wait in the remote parts of Persia till all his forces were assembled; and that to stop his enemies, he had ordered an intrenchment to be thrown up in the plains of Babylonia, with a fosse of five fathoms broad, and three deep,

1 Nescio an plús moribus conferat princeps, qui bonos esse patitur, quam qui cogit. Plin. ibid.

Plerumque habita fides ipsam obligat fidem. Liv.

m Plut. in Artax. p. 1014. Xenoph. l. i. p. 261–266.

extending the space of twelve parasangas," or leagues, from the Euphrates to the wall of Media. Between the Euphrates and the fosse, a way had been left of twenty feet in breadth, by which Cyrus passed with his whole army, having reviewed it the day before. The king had neglected to dispute this pass with him, and suffered him to continue his march towards Babylon. It was Tiribasus who determined him not to fly in such a manner before an enemy against whom he had infinite advantages, as well from the number of his troops as the valor of his generals. He resolved therefore to advance against the enemy.



THE place where the battle was fought, was called Cunaxa, about twenty five leagues from Babylon. The army of Cyrus consisted of thirteen thousand Greeks, one hundred thousand barbarians, and twenty chariots armed with scythes. The enemy in horse and foot might amount to about one million two hundred thousand, under four generals, Tissaphernes, Gobryas, Arbaces, and Abrocomas, without including six thousand chosen horse, that fought where the king

The parasanga is a measure of ways peculiar to the Persians. It was commonly 30 stadia, which make about a league and a half French. Some were from 20 to 60 stadia. In the march of Cyrus's army, I sup Pose the parasanga only 20 stadia, or one league, for reasons I shall give hereafter.

• Xenoph. in Exped. Cyr. 1. i. p. 263-266. Diod. 1. xiv. p. 253, 254. Plut. p. 1014-1017.

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