

We said that the grain of wheat might be used either as fruit, or as seed: as which did we consider it?

How then shall we now consider it?

If we use the grain of wheat as seed, what must we do with it?

What will become of it in the ground?

You say the seed will die; do you mean that its power of life will be lost?[The seed will undergo a temporary corruption, which we call death; but God has given it a power of germinating again.]

Observe that in corrupting it is made to give forth life-by what is life preserved in, and called forth from the seed, during its process of corruption?

What are the outward means of drawing forth its life? [The earth and its juices; the rain and attendant moisture; the power of the sun and air which penetrate the seed, all contribute to vivify and fertilize the little germ: the divine power gives efficacy to these means.] What first, visibly springs from the seed? And what next?

What is the earliest state of the ear?

And its following state?

And how many grains do you suppose the ear might contain?

Of what then would the little seed we put into the earth be the parent? Observe that by

dying, and having its life called forth from death, its power and its use are multiplied many times.

Now read John xii. 24; and 1 Cor. xv. . 36-38; 42-44.-The resurrection of the body of the believer is illustrated by the consideration of the state of the grain of wheat in the earth, and its state after it has been fertilized through temporary death. Let us dwell in spirit upon the import of each contrasted expression used by the inspired Apostle. Read with attention and prayer, verses 42—44.

There might be a still farther application of the comparison of the grain of wheat, which though not adviseable to propose to young and inexperienced minds, we would venture to suggest to the more advanced Christian.

We have considered the grain of wheat as fruit, and as seed may not Christians be used by their heavenly Father, either as fruit or as seed?

In considering the grain of corn as fruit, we alluded to the process it must undergo, in order to contribute its share, however small, to the purposes of general good-and to the end which it might serve after it had been thus prepared.-Some Christians are as fruit— rich in gifts and usefulness, early manifesting the graces imparted to them by God.

In considering the grain as seed, we remarked that it has to pass through a state of death; that in this state the in-dwelling germ of life is fertilized and nourished through the medium of the elements; and that after this process, the renewed and invigorated power of life puts itself forth in manifold forms, the seed having through death acquired a higher and stronger life.

God may choose some of His redeemed, to be for the

present not fruit, but seed-choose them to undergo a farther process to be effected only in death-unseen, unnoticed by men, known only to Him who works life in death, and out of death brings forth life. Such souls having passed through the death of the old nature, may arise in newness of life indeed, a life in vigour and in usefulness multiplied seven-fold.

Let it be observed, that in each of the above cases, we speak of converted persons, we do not allude to that process which takes place in every soul during conversion.*

Out of the multitude of grains of corn, few comparatively are used as seed. It becomes not Christians to choose, or even to desire for themselves, but committing themselves wholly to God, leave it to His determination, whether they shall be used as fruit, early manifesting His glory to men,— -or whether as seed, they are to undergo a death, in which THE LIFE OF GOD shall wholly take the place of their own life, and in due time, though perhaps that time may be long, manifest itself in them, in the power of its own divine qualities.— We may conclude that the individual will receive an increase of fruitfulness, in proportion as his state acquires more of the life of God; his former state, though converted, contained a great proportion of the own life: his after state manifests the divine life completely ruling over the own life :- his fruit, then, will be that of heaven, and the strength and activity he puts forth, will be that of God alone, working in him, and by him.



Did you ever consider a blade of

Is there but one kind of grass? How is grass produced? sown by man ?

grass ?

Are the seeds

A few may occasionally be sown by man, but are they generally thus sown?

Is the creation of grass mentioned? Where? What is said respecting it?

What then is the proper parent of the grass? What was every vegetable to contain?

When the grass was first created, it was, as well as other vegetables, endowed with a power of producing its own seed, and multiplying its own kind. Of all the vegetable productions, which is the most abundant?

Can you see any reason for this?

Tell me some of the uses of

grass. Of what creatures is it the food?

Is it also the food of insects?

Is it food for man?-But does it in any way contribute to the nourishment of man? How?

Is it not the nourishment of animals which nourish man? *

Is grass useful to man in any other way?

* The Teacher might likewise tell the children that the different kinds of corn are the seed of different grasses :-or he might ask the question-Is there any species of grass, the seed of which is used for the food of man? What species ?

Of what use are vegetable productions with respect to the air we breathe?

Must not grass then, render the air more wholesome?

Of what colour is the grass

What reflections may its colour occasion?
Does it hurt or refresh your sight?

If it had been white, or scarlet, or yellow, or black, what would have been its effect upon your eye?

Let us now think of the number of blades of grass in a single field-in a whole countryin the world!

And whence does each blade derive its nourishment?

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How many wonders lie beneath our feet of which we seldom think! At every step we take in a field, we tread over several blades of grass-each blade contains many veins :what a number of these little channels of nutriment does our foot cover! God supplies each single vein; He causes the rain, the air, the sun, respectively to operate in producing the effect of circulation in the veins; each vein receives its portion of juices, and performs its own minute, yet necessary office, in nourishing the little blade.

Each blade forms but one, amongst the many thousands, perhaps millions which surround it; and many blades taken collectively, are a means of nourishment to animals, and mediately to


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