
"The Church of England has now ‘Most thankful are we, that those assumed a strong and firm position members of our Church in England, in India. The number of her Mis who have the means, are at length sionary clergy here, although very roused to a sense of the obligation far from sufficient for the work which which is now peculiarly upon them, is set before them, is on the increase; to contribute, in proportion to those and I am most thankful to say, that means, to the maintenance in our the men whom we have are such as Colonies of a pious, learned, and India requires—faithful servants of large body of Missionaries, by supHim whose commission they bear,.porting our Missionary Societies as and faithful ministers of the Church they deserve to be supported. which sent them hither.

'It is constant excitement and 'Even during the comparatively over-work which break us downshort time which I have passed in sending many of us home-and some this country, I am satisfied that a to an early grave. We want, theredecided change has taken place in fore, more clergymen, to share with our Missionary machinery. We us the burden and heat of the day. work more systematically and more We have already far'more native Christogether, as we begin to see our way tians than it is possible for our present more distinctly. We are, indeed, limited number of Missionaries to still mere clearers of this vast moral instruct and superintend; and rapidjungle, mere breakers-up of the hard ly-increasing families will soon want rocky soil: but enough has been instruction and superintendence also, done to hold out a reasonable pros- or they will fall back into idolatry : pect that the ground will at last . they will starve or faint by the way, prove very productive; and we la- because they have no bread here in bour, therefore, not only in faith, the wilderness.' but in hope.


As various misapprehensions have in Divinity, whom we, being well been entertained respecting the ob- assured of his learning and piety, ject of the erection of an Anglican have consecrated to the office of a Bishopric at Jerusalem, it is very im Bishop of the United Church of Engportant to know that they may now land and Ireland, according to the be removed from the minds of all ordinances of our Holy and Aposwho desire to know the truth, as a tolic Church, and having obtained pamphlet, 'Published by authority, the consent of our Sovereign Lady has just appeared, entitled ' A State- the Queen, have sent out to Jerusament of the proceedings relating to lem, with authority to exercise spirithe establishment of a Bishopric of tual jurisdiction over the clergy and the United Church of England and congregations of our Church, which Ireland in Jerusalem.' It contains are now, or which hereafter may be, besides, these important documents, established in the countries above -1. The Act of Parliament. 2. The mentioned. And in order to prevent Queen's License for Consecration. any misunderstanding in regard to 3. The Letter Commendatory from this our purpose, we think it right to the Most Reverend the Lord Arch- make known to you, that we have bishop of Canterbury to the Bishops charged the said Bishop our brother in Syria and the adjacent countries. not to intermeddle in any way with To the Right Reverend our Brothers

the jurisdiction of the prelates or

other ecclesiastical dignitaries bearin Christ, the Prelates and Bishops

ing rule in the churches of the East : of the Ancient and Apostolic churches

but to show them due reverence and in Syria and the countries adjacent,

honour; and to be ready, on all ocgreeting in the Lord :

casions, and by all the means in his We, William, by Divine Provi- power, to promote a mutual interdence, Archbishop of Canterbury, change of respect, courtesy, and Primate of all England and Metro kindness. We have good reason to politan, most earnestly commend to believe that our brother is willing, your brotherly love the Right Rev. and will feel himself in conscience Michael Solomon Alexander, Doctor bound, to follow these our instructions, and we beseech you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to receive him as a brother, and to assist him, as opportunity may offer, with your good offices.

"We trust that your Holinesses will accept this communication as a testimony of our respect and affection, and of our hearty desire to renew that amicable intercourse with the ancient churches of the East, which has been suspended for ages, and which, if restored, may have the

effect, with the blessing of God, of putting an end to the divisions which have brought the most grievous calamities on the Church of Christ.“

'In this hope, and with sentiments of the highest respect for your Holinesses, we have affixed our archiepiscopal seal to this letter, written with our own hand at our Palace of Lambeth, on the twenty-third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fortyone.'

THE CASTERTON SCHOOLS. We have great pleasure in directing abroad, who, when fit, are advanced the attention of our readers to these into the other School. interesting institutions, which we It requires £150 a year, at least, trust will not be suffered to languish from charitable sources. or in any way limited in their useful The SERVANTS' School was comness for want of adequate funds. menced in the year 1820, at Tunstall;

The CLERGY Daughters' School but only permanently established at was established in the year 1823. It. Casterton in the year 1838. 100 poor is open to the whole kingdom ; but girls are clothed, lodged, boarded, its benefits are confined to the clergy and educated for service and for with the smallest incomes. 100 pupils teachers, for £10 a year each.. are clothed and educated for £14 a Promising young women are reyear, and £3 for drawing or music. The ceived into the School to train for greater part are provided for on leav- National School Teachers, on paying ing the School, as Governesses in 5s. a week. respectable families, for which there This School requires £100 a year is always a larger demand than can from charitable sources to cover all be met. The two-fold benefit is thus expenses; and if there were larger conferred upon a clergyman, of a means at command, more extended sound education and future provision. good could be done in the way of

About £700 a year is required from taking in the entirely friendless and · charitable sources.

destitute gratuitously. It is greatly desired to be enabled The satisfactory manner in which to fix the payment with each pupil the Schools are progressing is calcuat £10 a year, including every thing; lated to excite much thankfulness to nor will the School adequately meet God for the evident tokens of his the circumstances of the most neces blessing, and to commend them with sitous Clergy, till this is the case. It confidence to the liberal co-operation is anxiously hoped that the day may of a generous public, as affording arrive when, by donations or legacies, one of the least equivocal and most an endowment may be formed to extensively beneficial channels for render this practicable.

their benevolence. The PREPARATORY CLERGY Daugh All communications to be made to TERS' School, Established in 1837, the Rev. William Carus Wilson, Casis situated close to the parent insti terton Hall, near Kirkby Lonsdale ; tution. It provides, on the same by whom contributions will be thankterms, for 24 little children, chiefly fully received. orphans, and from missionary stations






MARCH, 1842.




In the language of this Collect we are again reminded of that spirit of humiliation, which is needful at all times, and to which the season of Lent especially calls our attention. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up,” might properly be the motto to this Collect. We are led from it to consider the self-humi. liation of the penitent, and his relief from the burden of sin through the free grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1. First, observe the language of genuine self-humiliation. “We for our evil deeds do worthily deserve to be punished.”

The acknowledgment of our being sinners is very common with men. It is so general, that none but an absolute infidel would deny himself to be a sinner. Yet, when something more than a commonplace confession is required, most persons are somewhat at a loss to comprehend what it is they ought to feel. They are not called upon to relate the history of some particular sin or habit of iniquity to their fellow-creatures : but they are summoned to bewail their guilt before the heart-searching God : and this is what by nature they are slow to do. In reality, of ourselves, we are unable to do it. For true and genuine confession implies a knowledge of God's holy law, a knowledge of ourselves, and a deep concern of heart on the review of our state before God. The soul must be stirred up to grief, alarm, and shame: this, you perceive, is not natural or easy : the most part of men take a gentler way with themselves. They quiet their consciences with “ True, I am a sinner; but God is merciful.”

MARCH, 1842

But a sincere penitent dwells on this thought, “ My evil deeds." When the subject of his guilt and danger is set before him, he does not reject it angrily, questioning, " What sins of mine do you allude to ?” But he inwardly confesses all that he remembers; and he considers also, that there are sins innumerable committed by him which he cannot remember. No vain excuse does he make: he lays his hand upon his mouth; he is convicted in his own conscience. The sins of all his life-sins of youth-sins of riper years—sins of yesterday and of to-day—sins of the heart, the iniquity of his holy things

-all come in turn before his view; and he acknowledges that he is utterly unclean.

Has it pleased the Lord to visit us with any affliction or trial ? This visitation is graciously intended to make us yet more humble. We should bow beneath the rod, saying, “ Art thou come to bring my sins to my remembrance, O Lord ?" He seems to answer us, “ Yes: for as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten : be zealous, therefore and repent.” Let us in all humility answer yet again, “ I will bear the indignation of the Lord, for I have sinned against him.”

In the book of Leviticus (chapter xxvi. 40-42), this spirit of self. abasement is well described in the case of Israel smarting under punishment. " If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me: And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity; then will I remember my covenant."

Accepting God's punishments,-acknowledging, “ Thou art righteous, but I am unholy”——this is what every sinner ought to do. When his proud spirit is brought low, the covenant of pardon and peace may then be spoken of.

2. Let us now reflect on our relief from the burden of siv. .

We appeal to God, pleading “ the comfort of his grace.” It is from grace, from free and undeserved mercy, that we must seek remission and forgiveness of sin. « By grace are ye saved, through faith ; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” Pardon is the gift of God, through Christ. It is the blessing which Christ purchased by his death upon the cross. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.” In his name the Lord says to every humble believer, “ I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” To every penitent backslider he says, “ I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely : for mine anger is turned away from him.”

These are comfortable promises ; and, therefore, we address God in the words," the comfort of thy grace.” He himself thus speaks of his gracious dealings, “ Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God, Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins.” The church in like manner is described as revived by the tokens of the Saviour's love: “ And in that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee : though thou wast angry with me, yet thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me."

When sin is pardoned, what a burden is taken away from the conscience. We pray to be “ relieved,” that is, lightened of our load of guilt. Look then to Jesus, who bore that burden on our behalf, being made a curse for us. He is our Lord and our Saviour. Let us flee to him in faith; and serve him with hearty love. Amen.


The prayers of the church of God are very simple, but full of unction. Mercy is our constant petition at the throne of grace. “ Look upon us”-that is, accept us in and through the Son of thy love, Christ Jesus. Deal not with us according to our deservings ; but according to thy covenant of grace. This was the cry of the prophet Jonah, when he was ready to think himself lost; 6. Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord ; and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.” (Jonah ii. 4-7.)

Thus it is that we should constantly be lifting up our hands to the mercy-seat. If we draw nigb in prayer to God, he will draw nigh to us. If we direct our eye to him, he in return will mercifully look on us. He asks us, “ What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?" He asks, that he may do it.

Our prayer in this collect is twofold: govern us, and guard us.

1. First, govern us. Whoever is joined to the people of God by faith in Christ, surrenders himself to be governed by God. The Lord is his master : he is no more under the yoke of Satan. He is dead to sin, and alive unto God. Sin hath no more dominion over him. He is under grace. That mercy of God which freed him from the curse of sin, frees him also from the power of sin. « Therefore,” says the Apostle Paul, “ we are debtors, not to the flesh to live after the flesh: for if ye live after the flesh ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” (Rom. viii. 12, 13.)

The gracious and holy government of God over his redeemed children, extends both to their bodies and to their souls. The soul is indeed the master-principle: if the soul be governed by the Spirit of God, it follows that the body will be governed in like manner. For

together will work for God's glory. Thus the same Apostle reasons (1 Cor. vi. 19, 20.) “ What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.”

Similar to this is the prayer which the Apostle offers for believers ; (1 Thess. v. 23.) « And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly : and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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