
rally the most populous towns are situated in the worst places. Iddah may claim exception, being built on a hill; but the swamps of the neighbourhood cannot but prove very injurious to European constitutions. I can but briefly touch on another subject-the prospects which missionaries have of entering upon their work in the interior. The means of conveyance to their Stations depend upon mercantile intercourse between England and Africa. When that intercourse will be established it is difficult to foresee. Nothing that I have seen of the resources of the country can lead me to expect that any merchant would ascend the country as far as Egga more than once: of the country above that place I cannot speak from personal observation. Unless, therefore, a philanthropic Society were to send vessels up the Niger, the missionaries could not obtain passages, nor, in case of distress, see a possibility of returning:

Concerning the abolition of the slave trade, the Expedition has been more successful, than could have been expected. Thé King of Ibo and the Attah of Iddah have most rea dily entered into treaties, pledging themselves to abolish it ; and, as far as we had opportunities to ob

serve, have carried them into effect. There can be no doubt, that if vessels were continually in the interior they would be the means of putting an end to it altogether; but as the native kings and chiefs have been led to expect a more profitable trade instead of the slave-trade, and must have something in its place -which, however, it seems difficult to procure-it cannot be a matter for surprise if they should resume their former traffic, when they see themselves disappointed in their expectation, and when they are delivered from the fear of being noticed, by the absence of men-of-war.

All the experience I have gained, during my sojourn up the river, has confirmed by belief that it is through native agency chiefly that Africa must be benefitted. I had frequent opportunities to observe, that the chief objection raised—that the natives would pay no attention to what their own country-people might tell them -is without foundation. They listened to those who were with us very attentively; and often asked them to remain with them, and teach them better things. I know that the officers of the Expedition are also impressed with the importance of paying great attention to the training of native missionaries.




Beyrout, Jan. 17, 1842. In the kind providence of God we arrived here in safety on Friday morning last, after a very stormy and dangerous passage of six days from Malta.

I cannot describe our feelings on getting the first sight of the land of our forefathers. After leaving Malta, we were, on account of strong gales, &c., obliged to stop two or three times, once in the island of Crete, or Candia, near Carbusa Bay, which formerly was a nest of pirates, destroyed by English men-of-war, of which expedition our Captain (Gordon) was engaged, ten or twelve years ago. We were obliged to remain quiet the whole night near this place, which is dangerous for landing by night; but we arrived here early in the morning, not having been able to

sleep the whole night on account of the awful tossing of the ship. We went on deck by day-break, and had the first sight of the mountains of Lebanon, which were covered with snow. It was truly an interesting and cheering sight to us, as you may easily suppose, and quite made us forget all our misery during the past night, and the whole voyage.

Wé anchored here about nine o'clock, at a mile's distance from the town, which is beautifully situated on an eminence, having behind it the magnificent range of mountains, Lebanon, &c. In the absence of the English ships, our first object was to communicate with Colonel Rose, the Consul-General, to whom the Second Lieutenant immediately went with Lord's Aberdeen's despatches. In the course of an hour the Consul came on board. I am thankful to say, all our fears about our landing, &c., vanished on hearing from him

that all was now quiet, and that he had heard of nothing likely to obstruct our course. He goes with us to Jerusalem. If we leave to-morrow evening, we shall hope (D.v.) to land at Jaffa next day, and if Mrs. Alexander keeps up her heroism (or rather Christian courage) we may expect to be in the holy city by Friday.

I have had the gratification of already holding a confirmation in my diocese, viz. at Beyrout. Three very respectable and promising young men sent a very interesting memorial to me on Saturday night, and begged to be confirmed, if possible. I there fore sent Mr. Williams early in the morning to examine them, and if satisfied, to arrange for the service at three o'clock. We had a very respectable assembly at the Consulate of about fifty persons. This will at once prove the necessity and desirableness of having a Bishop to represent our Church in this interesting country. I hope we shall ere long have an English clergyman to officiate at Beyrout, where at present the Americans only have a service, to which the English residents from necessity go. One of the war steamers stationed here, the Vesuvius, arrived on Saturday from Jaffa. The Captain (Ommaney) with some of his officers left Jerusalem only on Wed nesday, and were thus able to give us interesting information. Mr. Nicolayson had been at Jaffa a fortnight ago expecting us, but was obliged to return; we shall, therefore, have to make our way by ourselves. Many difficulties are still before us, but He who brought us thus far will still continue to guide and protect us from all evil. I will now leave the remaining space to be filled up at Jerusalem. Adieu for the present.

gotten. Never were the goodness and preserving love of God more manifest than in the circumstance, that our whole party should have got over that day's journey without the hairs of any of our heads being hurt. It is impossible for me to describe the awfully dangerous state of the road from Ramleh to Jerusalem. It is nothing but one continuation of awful ascents and precipices over most strangely rugged paths, which no English horse or other animal could encounter; and yet all arrived in safety, except a few things which were lost on the road.

But, independently of the danger, it was a most interesting day; the weather was most extraordinarily in our favour. The rain, though apparently ready to burst forth upon us in torrents, as is the case in this country, which would have drenched us all, as we had no covering, was restrained till after our arrival, when it did come down in torrents. The clouds hid the sun, which, even at this season, is powerful enough here to have greatly added to the discomfort of our journey. But our God is faithful, and he made us realize the 91st Psalm.

We formed quite a large body,the Consul-General (Colonel Rose), with seven or eight of his escort, Captain Gordon, and six or seven of the officers of the Devastation, Mr. Nicolayson and Mr. Bergheim, who met us at Jaffa, and accompanied us, Mr. Johns and the American missionaries, with escorts, who came to meet us about three miles from Jerusalem, and at last the chief officers sent by the Pasha, who had himself come to meet us in the afternoon, but was obliged to return, as night came on, and it was damp, (we arrived about six o'clock), and a troop of soldiers. headed by Arab music, which is something like the beating of a tinkettle. I'hus we entered through the Jaffa gate, under the firing of salutes, &c., into Jerusalem, and were conducted to Mr. Nicolayson's house, where we were most kindly and hospitably received, and all felt overwhelmed with gratitude and adoration, which is most justly due to Him who has hitherto proved himself better to us than all our fears.

Though fearfully exhausted on our arrival in the evening, we all felt comparatively well after a night's rest, which we all enjoyed in the two

Jerusalem, Jan. 25. Our hope expressed in the above closing remark has been realized, and our journeying fears removed through the tender mercy of our God, to whom be praise and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

On Friday evening we arrived in safety in the city of our forefathers, under circumstances of peculiar respect and honour. I can only wish half England to have witnessed our movement from Ramleh to Jerusalem on the last day of our journey to the Holy City, a day never to be for

rooms of Mr. Nicolayson. He kindly We also had the Sacrament, and it gave up his own bed to us; and the will be pleasing to the ladies of Readrest of the party, the six children, two ing to know, that the handsome comladies, and two female servants, had munion-service which they presented beds made up on the floors of the to the church was made use of for the sitting-room. This is still our abode, first time by the Bishop of Jerusalem. and I expect will be for some days to In a letter, dated Jerusalem, Jan. come, as few of our things have as 24, Mr. Nicolayson writes : yet arrived. Owing to the state of Í had, indeed, expected that his Mrs. Alexander, we were unwilling Lordship’s reception by the authori. to remain at Jaffa till after our bag- ties here would be a favourable and a gage was sent off, and so we left al- marked one, and yet it much exceedmost everything to follow us.

ed my expectation. Mr. Nicolayson engaged the best The Bishop was pleased to nomihouse that was to be got for us in nate me as one of his honorary chapJerusalem--the one that was occu lains, to assist Mr. Williams in such pied by Mr. Young, but it would be cases as may require either German considered in England a miserable or Arabic, or other foreign languages. hovel. When first I came to see it, I also attended his Lordship as it gave me the idea of a dungeon, interpreter to-day on a visit with Cowhich, seems to me here almost uni- lonel Rose and the whole party to versally the appearance of the houses the Pasha, who was all civility, and outside. I am happy to say Mrs. offered any service he could render to Alexander is quite satisfied, and so his Lordship. are the rest of the party. It is a great We have thus at length realized mercy that we have all learned in the expectation first so unexpectedly whatsoever state we are therewith to raised, and then so long delayed, of be content, and this will sweeten having this successor in the apostoliour lives everywhere, and especially cal office in our midst. May the in Jerusalem.

richest heavenly and spiritual blessWe had service in the temporary ings of God in Christ Jesus rest upon chapel on Sunday last. I preached him and his labours, and upon the my first sermon from Isaiah lx. 15; whole mission, and on the cause of Mr. Williams preached in the after.. Israel, especially in these regions ! noon, and Mr. Nicolayson conducted May God grant, that as the extera German service in the evening. nal organization of our mission and We had a very good congregation, all mission Church have thus been renour friends, the Consul General, dered complete, so we may each and Captain Gordon, and the officers, be all grow up into Christ in all things, ing present. Our feelings on the oc- so that we may also be complete in casion can be better imagined than him in whom all fulness dwells. expressed, as you may easily suppose.


We are glad to find that "the new building for the Infant Orphan Asylum (the first stone of which was laid last autumn by his Royal Highness Prince Albert,) has made such progress, that its completion may be confidently expected by Mid summer, 1843. The tender age of its objects, and its being the only insti. tution that receives children under seven years of age, render it one

of the most interesting of our National Charities. It has been stated, that of the Orphan children which require the aid of charity, there are more under the age of seven than above. The Duke of Wellington has kindly consented to preside at the Annual Dinner, and we trust that his Grace's sympathy with the helpless orphans will be cordially and liberally met by the public.








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MAY 2, Monday 64 Church Missionary

Sermon St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street |Rev. HUGH STOWELL, M. A. 3, Tuesday | 10 Church Missionary

Meeting Exeter Hall

EARL or CHICHESTER 6 Church Missionary 2nd Meet. Exeter Hall

MARQUIS OF CHOLMONDELEY 4, Wednesday 11 British and Foreign Bible

Meeting Exeter Hall

Rr. Hon. LORD BEXLEY 64 Indigent Blind Visiting

Sermon Episcopal Chapel, Gray's Inn Road Rev. Dr. HOLLOWAY 64 British Reformation

Sermon St. Clement Danes, Strand - Hon. & Rev. B. W. Noel, M. A. 5, Thursday British Reformation

Meeting Hanover Square Rooms -' - GEORGE FINCH, Esq.
12 Prayer Book and Homily
Meeting Exeter Hall

Prayer Book and Homily

Sermon St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street |Rev. Edw. BICKERSTETH
Promoting Christianity among the Jews Sermon Episc. Jews' Chapel, Bethnal Green Rev. Henry Raikes, A. M.
Moravian Missions -

Sermon St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row Rev. H. W. M'Grath, M. A.
6, Friday

10 Home and Colonial Infant School Examina. Model Infant Sch. Gray's Inn Road ; 11 Promoting Christianity among the Jews Meeting Exeter Hall - - - - SIR T. BARING, BART. 6 Religious Tract -

Meeting Exeter Hall - - - - Rr. Hon. EARL of ChicHESTER 64 (British Reformation

Sermon Scottish Church, Swallow Street Rev. John CUMMING, M. A. 8, Sunday | 11 London Female Mission

Sermon St. Mary's Chap. Park St. Grov. Sq. Rev. J. S. M. ANDERSON, M. A. 9, Monday 12 Lord's Day -

Meeting Freemason's Hall, Great Queen St. The LORD BISHOP OF CHESTER 6 Church Pastoral Aid

Sermon St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street Rev. H. RAIKES 10, Tuesday 11 Church Pastoral Aid

Meeting (Exeter Hall

Rr. Hon. LORD ASHLEY, M. P. 12 Naval and Military Bible Meeting Hanover Square Rooms

11, Wednesday) 12 Protestant Association -

Meeting Exeter Hall - - - - Rr. Hon. LORD KENYON
Newfoundland and British N. A. School Sermon St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street Ven. ARCHDEACON WILBERFORCE
London Hibernian

Sermon St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row Hon. And Rev. H. M. VILLIERS
12, Thursday London Missionary -

Meeting Exeter Hall - -

Hon. W. F. CowPER, M. P. 12 Irish Society of London

Meeting Hanover Square Rooms - (Rt. Hon. EARL OF GALLOWAY
Festival of the Sons of the Clergy Anniversary St. Paul's Cathedral - -
64 Protestant Association •

Sermon Episcopal Chapel, Gray's Inn Road Rev. Hugh Stowell, M.A. .
13, Friday
London Hibernian - -

Meeting Hanover Square Rooms - - MARQUIS OF CHOLMONDELEY
Indigent Blind Visiting -

Meeting Music Hall, Store St. Bedford Sq. Rt. Hon. Lord Ashley, M. P.
17, Tuesday British and Foreign Temperance - Meeting Aldine Chambers, Paternoster Row Rr. Hon. LORD TEIGNMOUTH

British and Foreign Temperance - Sermon St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row |Rev. HENRY HUGHES, M. A. 18, Wednesday 12 Foreign Aid - .

Meeting Exeter Hall -


Sermon Woburn Episc. Cha. Tavistock Sq. Rev. EDWIN SIDNEY, M. A. 19, Thursday | 12 Sailor's Home -

Meeting Hanover Square Rooms

ADMIRAL Sir R. STOPFORD, G.C.B. - 1 7 London Aged Christian

Sermon (Percy Chapel, Charles St. Fitzroy Sq.Rey. D. MOORE

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JUNE, 1842.




The invocation and the prayer in this Collect, both of them contain matter which will furnish us with a series of important scripture truths. It is a Collect suited to all, but especially to the young : by whom it may be used in their devotions, particularly whenever they are contemplating their future course of life.

1. The invocation presents us with this deeply-interesting reflection—that the great God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, watches with never-failing care over the successive generations of mankind. Not only does he behold them as so many creatures of his power, but to those who seek him, he grants this greatest of all mercies, that they are made also the children of his grace.

This is evidently alluded to in the expression, that he brings them up in his steadfast fear and love. He “brings them up.” He vouchsafes to them various religious advantages, together with grace to improve those advantages. For example; it is an unspeakable blessing to be born in a Christian land, where the Bible is generally known. When St. Paul had asked the question, " What advantage bath the Jew?” he answers it by adding, “ Much every way; chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.” Far more may we of this country, we of this age, glory in this high privilege, that we live in a land of Bibles. For this is the Book of books, by which the children of God are instructed and “ brought up” in the way of salvation. Together with this it is a blessing of the very highest importance, if we have had religious parents, whose aim was to “ bring us up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Such parents delight to fulfil the precept, “ These words which I command JUNE, 1842.

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