

Art. VI. His furprizing choice of apoftles, who were poor fishermen of Galilee. No connection with the great men or fages of his nation. His chufing to be followed by poor people. Art. VII. His refufal not only of the royalty offered by the people, but also of being concerned in any temporal affair. Art, VIII. The priests and pharifees, whofe credit was very great, reproved by him publicly with great freedom. Art. IX. Chrift foretold his approaching death, which caufed no alteration in his measures, neither did he ftrive to avoid it.



213 Art. X. Chrift made ufe of no human means to engage his difciples, and foretold to them only perfecutions and death.




Art. I. Chrift was fure of fuccefs, and foretold that from a small beginning, the gospel would foon be propagated to the fartheft extremity of the earth.


Art. II. Chrift foretold that his death, instead of being an obftacle to the progress of the gospel, would promote it.


Art. III. Chrift foretold that the converfion of the Gentiles would be the fruit of his death.



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Art. IV. He foretold that the Jews, who were witnesses of his miracles, and depofitaries of the holy fcriptures, would be excluded his kingdom, and the Gentiles preferred before them. 223


Art. V. Chrift did not foretell thofe things merely as a prophet, but as one who was to perform them himself. Art. VI. Chrift foretold the courage and feadinefs of his apostles, and answered for it, as being himself the fource and principle there

of. 227 Art. VII. Chrift foretold that his apostles would on all occafions be endued with a wifdom fuperior to all their enemies, and that it was he that would beflow that wisdom on them. The extent of fuch a promife.



Art. I. The literal accomplishment of the prediction of the fuccefs of the gospel, which quickly Spread from Jerufalem and all the neighbouring nations, even to the remoteft corners of the earth. 234 Art. II. The accomplishment of what was foretold of the blindness of the Jews, as also of their punishment and impenitence, tho' the whole feemed improbable.




Art. III. The prediction of the faith of the Gentiles fulfilled, tho' very difficult and improbable after the incredulity of the Jews. 239 Art. IV. The accomplishment of the promife made to the apoftles of invincible patience and courage, tho' every circumftance feemed to oppofe it. Art. V. Important reflections on the courage and zeal of the apostles, which ought not to be confounded with the courage and patience of other martyrs. 243 Art. VI. The fulfilling the promise made to Chrift and his apoftles, to endue them with that wif dom, which their enemies could not contradict.


Art. VII. The power of Chrift clearly proved by the triumph of a wifdom, which had the appearance of folly.



Important reflections on the predication of the apoftles, who, far from being ashamed of the folly of the cross, placed their whole confidence in it: and on their weakness in which they gloried. The divinity of Chrift clearly evinced by the efficacy of the gospel, and by the weakness of its ministers.

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Art. I. The apostles knew very well, that it was impoffible to fucceed by human means, in perLuading the belief of Christ crucified.



Art. II. They even made the fuccefs of their predication depend on the fcandal of the cross. 254 Art. III. Tho' they wrought many miracles, yet they attributed the efficacy of their words only to the cross of Chrift. 255 Art. IV. Oppofitions of every kind to the fuccefs of the gospel increased in the times of the apoftles, who triumphed over all, and were fully convinced they fhould be victorious. 256 Art. V. The apostles in a very little time made a furprizing progress, without making use of any human means. 257 Art. VI. God's defign in employing only weak men, who were confcious of their difability, in conducting a work infinitely above human Strength and wisdom. 258 Art. VII. Invincible force of the demonftration founded upon the plan and defign of Christ, on the means be chofe, on his predictions contrary to all probability, and on the events which clearly justified them.



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