
be admired for his riches. He had rather be poor on earth, and have a title to a heavenly kingdom, than to have Egypt's throne, and fail of obtaining everlasting life.

Now I want my young reader should get much benefit from this example of Moses. I want you to believe, as Moses did, that there are better things than any which this world affords. I want you to believe fully that a treasure in heaven is worth far more than all the treasures of the world. If you do truly and with all your heart believe this, you will be much more anxious to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and to love and serve God, than you are to gain the riches and honors of this world. What can wealth or worldly honor profit you, when you are on your sick and dying bed? But if, at that hour, you have an interest in the Saviour, you will have the true riches, and be happy forever.

I want you to believe, as Moses did, that it is better for you to be united with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin; and that it is better even to suffer affliction with Christians, than to be flattered by wick

ed men, and unite with their company. It is true, that at the present day, pious people are not so much persecuted and afflicted as they were in former times, and we ought to be thankful to God for this. But even now, in this Christian land, true believers are often reproached on account of their religion. And many young persons are afraid to be serious, and to seek for the salvation of their souls, because they think that their careless companions will reproach and laugh at them. Cast away such fears as these. Remember Moses, esteeming reproach for Christ's sake greater riches than the treasures of Egypt. Let his example cheer you. If you do your duty and embrace the Saviour, God will take care of you; he will be your friend, and his friendship is worth more than all the praises of men.

I want you to believe, as Moses did, that God speaks to you, and that, in the Bible, he tells you what to do. For he does speak to you in his holy word, as truly as he spake unto Moses in the burning bush. He speaks to you in a different manner. But it

is none the less real. God speaks in the Bible. He speaks to you. Believe this, and believe also, that it is altogether best that you should obey him, and do as he commands you to do. If you honestly believe thus, and act as if you believed it, you will have true faith. Such is the faith that pleases God, that makes a Christian, and that saves the soul.

This is the faith, my young reader, which I want you to have. And why should you not have it? Will you not believe God? Does he not speak truly? Does he not speak to you? Why then should you not believe him? And why should you not believe in such a manner that you will do what God commands you?

Read, study, and think about what God has told you in the Bible respecting a Saviour. Jesus came to save you. But if you would be saved by him, you must believe in him. And is he not just such a Saviour as you need? You are a sinner, and there is no other Saviour for sinners. Will you not then accept of this one? Will you not believe what is said about him in the Bible? Will you not

trust yourself in his hands? It is safe to trust in him, and there is safety no where else."Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved"--so God tells you in the holy scriptures. But your belief must be of that kind which will lead you to obey God, and to do the commandments of Jesus Christ. Never be contented without such a belief. The salvation of your soul depends on it. For he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned.


About Daniel and his Three Friends.

The examples, contained in the former chapters, have showed what faith is, and how it is manifested, in the conduct of good men who believed the word of God, and did what he commanded them to do. In this chapter I propose to set before my young readers some examples in which faith was exhibited by pious men who refused to do what God had forbidden. They would not obey the commands of men, when those commands were contrary to the word of God. There is no difference in the faith-it is the same principle in both cases. But there is some difference in the manner of showing it, and this will render it useful to look at some examples of this kind.

The Bible gives us many cases of this kind, but as I cannot mention them all, I have cho

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