
Virtue's manly cheek, 403.

side, leaned to, 372.
Virtues, be to her, very kind, 256.
did not go forth of us, 27.
pearl chain of all, 153.
powers dominations, 197.
waste thyself upon thy, 26.
we write in water, 8o.
will plead like angels, 98.
Virtuous actions, 232.

and vicious every man, 289.
because thou art, 53-
Marcia towers, 265.
outrageously, 264.

Virtuousest and discreetest, 200.
Visage, devotion's, 116.

in his mind, 130.

lean body and, 222.
on his bold, 491.

Visages do cream and mantle, 39.
Visible, darkness, 182.

Vision and the faculty divine, 458.
baseless fabric of this, 23.
beatific. 185.
delightful, 382.
feminine, 567.

I took it for a faery, 208.

sensible to feeling, 99.
write the, 631.
young men's, 235.
Visions multiplied, 631.
of glory, 356.

young men shall see, 631.
Visit her face too roughly, 108.
my sad heart, 90.
Visitations daze the world, 568.
Visitings, compunctious, 96.
Visits like those of angels, 326.
Vocal spark, 438.

voices, singers with, 259.
Vocation, 'tis my, 61.
Vociferation, sweet, 259.
Voice, big manly, 48.

charming left his, 199.
cry sleep no more, 99.
each a mighty, 449.
I sing with mortal, 198.
in every wind, 353.
in my dreaming ear, 485.
in the street, 619.
is still for war, 265.
lost with singing, 67.
of all the gods, 36.
of charmers, 616.

of gratitude, 357.

of nature cries, 359.

of that wild horn, 490.

of the sluggard, 270.

of the turtle is heard, 627.
or hideous hum, 216.

Voice, seasoned with a gracious, 42.
sole daughter of his, 201.
sounds like a prophet's, 545-
still small, 611.
that is still, 582.
wandering, 439-

was ever soft gentle, 128.
you cannot hear, 317.
Voices, ancestral, 474-

earth with thousand, 473-
most vociferous, 259.
thank you for your, 81.
two, are there, 449.

your most sweet, 81.
Voiceful sea, swelling of the, 477.
Void, aching, 399.

Volscians' ears, unmusical to, 81.
in Corioli, 82.

Voluble is his discourse, 35.
Volume of my brain, 113.

small rare, 430.

within that awful, 494.
Volumes in folio, 34

Vomit, dog is turned to his, 644.
Votarist, like a sad, 207.

Vote that shakes the turrets, 589.
Vot'ress, imperial, 37.

Vow and not pay, 625.

me no vows, 681.

Vows with so much passion, 252.
Voyage, biscuit after a, 47.
of their life, 94.
Vulcan's stithy, 119.
Vulgar boil an egg, 306.
by no means, 110.
the great, 178.
Vulture, rage of the, 523.

Wad some power, 420.
Wade through slaughter, 359.
Wades or creeps, 191.
Waft a feather, 277.

me from distraction, 517.
thy name, 511.

Wager, opinions backed by a, 529.
Wagers, use arguments for, 228.

Wages of sin is death, 639.

Wags the world, 46.

Wail, nothing to, 206.

Wailing winds, 557.

Waist, round the slight, 522.

Wait a century for a reader, 169.
who only stand and, 217.

Wake and call me early, 580.

Waked me too soon, 270.

Wakeful nightingale, 194

Wakens the slumbering ages, 568
Wakes, at country, 241.

the bitter memory, 192.

Waking bliss, certainty of, 208.


Wales a portion, 424.

Walk, beyond the common, 279.
by faith not by sight, 641.

by moon, 195.

in fear and dread, 470.

of art, every, 431.
of virtuous life, 279.
solar, far as the, 286.
the earth unseen, 195.
while ye have the light, 638.
with, pretty to, 166.

with you, talk with you, 40.
Walked in glory, him who, 441.
in Paradise, 587.
Walketh in darkness, 617.
Walking in an air of glory, 222.
shadow, life's but a, 105.
Walks abroad, take my, 269.
benighted, 208.

echoing, between, 202.
happy, and shades, 202.
in beauty, 526.

o'er the dew, 107.
the waters, 525.
to-morrow, already, 476.

Wall, close the, up with our Eng-
lish dead, 69.

featherbed betwixt a, 226.
in the office of a, 59.
weakest goes to the, 82.
whitewashed, 373-

Waller was smooth, 305.
Walls, on the outward, 105.
stone, do not, 171.
Walnuts and the wine, 579-
Walton's heavenly memory, 452.
Wand, bright gold ring on her, 497.
he walked with, 183.
Wander through eternity, 187.
when you, 143.
Wandered east, I've, 558.
Wanderers o'er eternity, 517.
Wandering mazes lost, 188.
on as loth to die, 452.
steps and slow, 203.
voice, but a, 439.

Wanders heaven directed, 293.
Want as an armed man, 619.

but what we, 363.

lonely, retired to die, 338.
of decency, 246.

of heart, as well as, 554-

of thought, 554:

of thought, whistled for, 237.
of towns, elephants for, 260.
Wanted many an idle song, 301.
Wanting, art found, 631.
Wanton sweetness, 329.

wiles, quips and cranks, 213.
Wantoned with thy breakers, 521.


Wantonness in clothes, 168.
Wants that pinch the poor, 401.
War, blast of, blows, 70.

circumstance of glorious, 134.
ez fer, I call it murder, 593.
first in, first in peace, 427.
flinty and steel couch of, 130.
garland of the, 137.
grim-visaged, 74.

he sung is toil and trouble, 233.

is a game, 394.

is still the cry, 513.
its thousands slays, 386.
let slip the dogs of, 92.
my sentence is for open, 186.
my voice is still for, 265.
never was a good, 336.
no discharge in that, 625.
of elements, 266.
or battle's sound, 216.
right form of. 91.
rumour of, 390.

ten years, 251.

state of, by nature, 260.
testament of bleeding, 60.
the hand of, 59.

the state of nature, 380.
the study of a prince, 380.

to be prepared for, 405.
to the knife, 513.

tug of, then was the, 252.

was in his heart, 616.
weak defence in, 237.
War's glorious art, 283.

red techstone, 594.

Warble his native wood-notes, 214.
Warbled to the string, 215.
Warbler of poetic prose, 393.
Ward, knowest my old, 63.
Warder of the brain, 98.
Ware, great bed at, 274.

Warmest welcome at an inn, 351.
Warms in the sun, 287.
Warmth, dear as the vital, 251.
soft ethereal, 189.
Warning expected, 422.

for thoughtless man, 460.
Warp, weave the, 356.

Warrior famoused for fight, 139.
taking his rest, 549.
Warriors, fierce fiery, 91.
Wars and rumours of wars, 636.
and the big, 134.

endless, 190.

more pangs and fears than, 79.
who does in the, 137.

Was I deceived, 207.
Wash her guilt away, 376.
Washed with morning dew, 492.

Washing his hands, 555.

Washington's awful memory, 463. | Wave o' the sea, 55.

Waste, affections run to, 520.

hopes laid, 565.

in the wide, 526.

music, on the savage race, 358.
of feelings unemployed, 522.
of thought, 480.
Wasted for tyrants, 502.
Wasteful excess, 57.
Wasteth at noonday, 617.
Wasting in despair, 159.
Watch, an idler is a, 396.
authentic, 296.

call the rest of the, 31.
care keeps his, 85.

in every old man's eye, 85.
no eye to, 499.

o'er man's mortality, 458.
some must, 119.

the hour, do but, 529.
Watch-dog's honest bark, 531.

voice that bayed, 372.
Watched her breathing, 553.
Watcher of the skies, 548.
Watches, judgments as our, 296.
Watchful night, 462.

Water, conscious, saw its God, 173.
dreadful noise of, 76.
drink no longer, 643.
drops, women's weapons, 126.
brooks, hart panteth after,615.
imperceptible, 555.

in the rough rude sea, 59.
more, glideth, 82.

nectar and rocks pure gold, 24.
smooth runs the, 72.
spilt on the ground, 610.
to give a cup of, 551.
unstable as, 608.
virtues we write in, 8o.
water everywhere, 470.
whole stay of, 247.
Water-rats and land-rats, 40.
Waters, beside the still, 614.
blood-dyed, 481.
blue fades o'er, 513.
bread upon the, 626.
bright, meet, 497.
cannot quench love, 628.
hell of, 519.

once more upon the, 515.
o'er the glad, 524.
she walks the, 525.
stolen, are sweet, 619.
to a thirsty soul, 623.
unpathed, 55.
world of, 191.
Wave, cool translucent, 210.

long may it, 536.

of life kept heaving, 553.

spangling the, 493.
succeeds a wave, 168.

winning, deserving note, 168.
Waved her lily hand, 319.
Waves bound beneath me, 515.
dashed high, 542.

proud, be stayed, 613.
sea rolls its, 506.
Wax, my heart is, 12.
to receive, 529.
Way, dances such a, 166.
dim and perilous, 436.
eftest, 33.

glory leads the, 253.
glory shows the, 253-
life's common, 449.
madness lies that, 126.
marshall'st me the, 99.
milky, solar walk or, 286.
moves in a mysterious, 399.
noiseless tenor of their, 359.
of all the earth, 609.
of bargain, 64.
of life, 104.

of transgressors, 620.
on their winding, 505.
out of hell, 187.
pretty Fanny's, 275-
steep and thorny, 109.
tenor of his, 385.
the next, home, 163.
the wind is, 160.

through Eden took their, 203.
to dusty death, 105.

to heaven, 173..

to heaven led the, 317.
to parish church, 47.
which, shall I fly, 193.
wicked forsake his, 630.
Wayfaring men, 630.
Ways, amend your, 630.

among the untrodden, 437.
cheerful, of men, 191.
hundred and fifty, 49.
newest kind of, 69.
of glory, trod the, 79.
of God, just are the, 205.
of God, justify the, 182.
of God, vindicate the, 285.
of men, far from the, 315.
of pleasantness, 619.
ten thousand, 238.
that are dark, 598.
Wayward and tetchy, 76.
We are men my liege, 101.
are ne'er like angels, 176.
grieved we sighed, 177.

go no more roving, 528.
met 'twas in a crowd, 552.

We never blushed before, 177.
never mention her, 552.

spent them not in toys, 177.
watched her breathing, 553.
Weak and beggarly elements, 642.
delicately, 293-

to be, is miserable, 183.
women went astray, 256.
Weaker vessel, wife the, 644.
Weakest goes to the wall, 82.
Weakness, perfect in, 642.

stronger by, 179.
Weaknesses, amiable, 388.
Weal, prayer for other's, 511.
Wealth accumulates, where, 371.

and commerce, 595.
and place, 305.

by any means get, 305.
excess of, 21.

excludes but one evil, 344.
ignorance of, 371.

loss of, is loss of dirt, 147.
of Ormus and of Ind, 185.
private credit is, 607.
rich from want of, 361.
that sinews bought, 391.
Wealthy curled darlings, 128.
Weapon, satire's my, 304.

still as snowflakes, 537-
Weapons, women's, 126.
Wear a crown, sweet to, 73.
a golden sorrow, 78.
a lion's hide, 56.
motley's the ouly, 46.
worse for, 398.
Weariness can snore, 138.
may toss him, 164.
of the flesh, 627.
Wearisome condition, 18.
Wears the rose of youth, 137.
yet a precious jewel, 45.
Weary and old of service, 79.
be at rest, 611.
of breath, 553.
of conjectures, 266.
of the sun, 106.
stale flat, 108.
Weasel, like a, 120.
Weather, it will be fair, 634.

through cloudy, 409.
Weathered the storm, 434-
Weave the warp, 356.
Weaver's shuttle, 612.
Web, like the stained, 495.
middle of her, 286.
of our life, 51.

tangled, we weave, 490.
Wed thee with this ring, 646.
with thought, 584.
Wedded maid, 494.

Wedged in that timber, 246.
Wedges of gold, 76.
Wedlock compared to feasts, 171.
Wee short hour, 423.
Weed flung from the rock, 515.
on Lethe wharf, 112.
pernicious, 397.
Weed's plain heart, 592.
Weeds, dank and dropping, 218.
of glorious feature, 15.
wiped away the, 571.
Week, argument for a, 62.
days that's in the, 259.
Sunday from the, 106.
Weep a people inurned, 561.
all around thee, 411.
away the life of care, 539.
make the angels, 28.
might not, for thee, 549.
night is the time to, 479.
no more lady, 155, 602.
that I may not, 534-
the more, 360.

to record, 482.

who would not, 303.
Weeping thou sat'st, 411.

upon his bed, 577-
Weighed in the balances, 631.
Weight in gold, 430.

of mightiest monarchies, 187.
Weird sisters, 103.
Welcome at an inn, 351.
deep-mouthed, 531.
ever smiles, 81.
friend, 173.
in your eye, 97.
peaceful evening, 393.
pure-eyed Faith, 207.
shade, more, 317.

the coming guest, 304, 315.
Welkin dome, lit the, 541.
Well, last drop in the, 528.

not done, 343-

not so deep as a, 86.
not wisely but too, 136.
of English undefyled, 14.
paid that is satisfied, 43.
shaken, to be, 427.

to know her own, 200.
to say, 78.

worth doing, 324.
Well-bred man, 397.
Well-favoured man, 31.

Well-said again, 78.

Well-spring of pleasure, 597.

Wells, buckets into empty, 392.
Well-trod stage, 214.
Weltering in his blood, 233.
Wench's black eye, 85.
Wept o'er his wounds, 372.

Wert thou all that I wish, 499.
Western flower, 37.

star, lovers love the, 487.
Westminster, we thrive at, 310.
Westward the course of empire
takes its way, 273.

the star of empire, 273.
West-wind purr contented, 594.
Wet damnation, 153.

sheet and flowing sea, 504.
Wether, tainted, 42.
Wethers, return to our, 6.
Whale, bobbed for, 606.

throw a tub to the, 261.
very like a, 120.
What a fall was there, 93.

a falling off was there, 112.
a piece of work is man, 114.
What a taking was he in, 26.

are these so withered, 95.
boots it at one gate, 205.
can an old man do, 554.
can ennoble sots, 290.
care I how fair she be, 159.
constitutes a state, 411.
dire effects, 267.
do you read, 114.
God hath joined, 635.
has been has been, 240.
has posterity done, 418.
he knew what's, 225.
is a lie after all, 535.
is a man profited, 635.
is and must be, 192.
is done is done, 101.
is friendship, 375.

is Hecuba to him, 115.
is her history, 53.

is impossible can't be, 426.
is in a name, 84.

is one man's poison, 157.
is what, he knew, 225.
is worth in anything, 228.
is writ is writ, 521.
is yours is mine, 30.

makes all doctrines clear, 230.
man dare I dare, 102.
men daily do, 32.

men dare do, 32.

men may do, 32.
ne'er was nor is, 297.
news on the Rialto, 40.
none hath dared, 17.
perils do environ, 226.
stronger breastplate, 72.
the dickens, 26, 680.
thou would'st highly, 96.
though the field be lost, 182.
we gave, 605.

we have we prize not, 32.

What we left, 605.

we spent, 605.

will Mrs. Grundy say, 425.
Whatever is best administered, 289.
is is right, 287.
Whatsoever is worth doing, 324-
thing is lost, 401.
things are just, 642.
things are pure, 642.
things are true, 642.
ye would, 634-

Wheat, as two grains of, 39.
Wheedling arts, 318.

Wheel broken at the cistern, 627.
butterfly upon a, 303.

in the midst of a wheel, 630.
the sofa round, 392.

Wheels, madding, 198.

of weary life, 243-

of Phoebus' wain, 207.

When found make a note of, 588.
I ope my lips, 39.

in doubt, 657.

Israel of the Lord, 493.
love speaks, 36.

lovely woman stoops, 376.
shall we three meet, 95.
taken to be well shaken, 427.
the sea was roaring, 318.
two dogs are fighting, 333.
we two parted, 511.
Whence and what art thou, 189.
is thy learning, 319.

Where dwellest thou, 81.

go the poet's lines, 590.
I would ever be, 550.
is my child, 524.
Macgregor sits, 12.

my Julia's lips do smile, 168.
none admire, 348.

the bee sucks, 24.
the tree falleth, 626.
thou lodgest, 610.

was Roderick then, 492.
your treasure is, 633.
Whereabout, prate of my, 99.
Where'er I roam, 369.

Wherefore are these things hid, 52.

art thou Romeo, 84.
for every why a, 225.
in all things, 71.

Wherein I spake, 129.

Wheresoever whensoever, 413.
Whether in sea or fire, 107.
While I was musing, 615.

stands the Coliseum, 520.
there is life, 320.
Whining school-boy, 47.

Whip, in every honest hand a, 135.

me such honest knaves, 128.

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