
Steal a shive, 82.

as gypsies do, 414.
away their brains, 132.
away your hearts, 93.
convey the wise it call, 25.
from the world, 311.
immortal blessing, 86.
my thunder, 254-

us from ourselves away, 306.
Stealing and giving odour, 52.
Steals from the thief, 130.

who, my purse, 132.
Stealth, do good by, 304.
Steam, unconquered, 403.
Steam-engine in trousers, 465.
Steed, farewell the neighing, 134.
stand still my, 575

that knows his rider, 515.
threatens steed, 70.
Steeds, mounting barbed, 74.
to water, 138.
Steel, as with triple, 188.

foemen worthy of their, 492.
grapple with hooks of, 110.
grapple with hoops of, 110.
heart is true as, 38.
in complete, 72, 111.
locked up in, 72.

my man is true as, 86.
strings of, 120.

Steep and thorny way, 109.
bog or, 191.
my senses, 68.
of Delphos, 216.
of fame, 402.
Steeped me in poverty, 135.
to the lips in misery, 578.
Steeple, looking at the, 532.
Steepy mountains, 20.
Steer, happily to, 291.
Stem, moulded on one, 38.
Stenches, two-and-seventy, 475.
Step above the sublime, 407.
aside is human, 420.

[blocks in formation]

Stern Ruin's ploughshare, 420.
Sternest good-night, 99.
Sterte out of his slepe to, 3.
Stick, fell like the, 407.

fist instead of, 224.
Sticking-place, screw your cour-
age to the, 98.
Stiff in opinions, 236.

thwack, with many a, 226.
Stiffen the sinews, 70.

Still achieving still pursuing, 573-
an angel appear, 275.
as night, 187.

beginning never ending, 234-
destroying fighting still, 234-
govern thou my song, 198.
in thy right hand, 79.
small voice, 611.

the wonder grew, 373.
to be neat, 151.

waters, beside the, 614.
Stile, sitting on the, 598.
Stillness and the night, 44-
modest, 70.

Sting, death where is thy, 312.
thee twice, 42.
Stinger, that is a, 678.
Stinks, well defined, 475
Stir as life were in 't, 105.
fretful, unprofitable, 442.
more thou it, 11.

of the great Babel, 393.
smoke and, 206.

the fire, 392.

Stoic of the woods, 485.
Stoicism, the Romans call it, 265.
Stock of harmless pleasure, 341.
Stolen, not wanting what is, 134-
the heart of a maiden, 498.
waters are sweet, 619.
Stomach, my, is not good, 9.
of unbounded, 80.
Stomach's sake, wine for thy, 643.
Stone to beauty grew, 571..

fling but a, 322.

leave no, unturned, 648.
lucky escape for the, 408.
many a rich, 153.

rolling, gathers no moss, 7.
set in the silver sea, 59.
tell where I lie, 311.
the builders refused, 618.
underneath this, doth lie, 151.
unhewn and cold, 599.
violet by a mossy, 437.
walls do not a prison make,

[blocks in formation]

Stones piled, 216.

prate of my whereabout, 99.
sermons in, 45-

the enamer'd, 24.
Stony limits cannot hold, 84.
Stood beside a cottage, 559-
fix'd to hear, 199.

in Venice, 518.

upon Achilles' tomb, 534.
Stools, push us from our, 102.
Stoops to folly, woman, 376.
Stop a hole, might, 124.

to sound what, 119.
Stopping a bung-hole, 124.
Store, basket and, 609.

to increase his, 368.
unguarded, 293.
Storied urn, can, 358.

windows richly dight, 215.
Stories, great lord's, 426.

long dull and old, 426.
of the death of kings, 59.
Storm, directs the, 267.

pelting of this pitiless, 125.
pilot that weathered the, 434-
rides upon the, 39).
that howls along the sky, 367.
Storms of fate, 313.

of life, rainbow to the, 524.
of state, broken with the, 8o.
may enter king cannot, 347.
Stormy March has come, 556.
winds do blow, 483.
Story being done, my, 130.
God bless you, 433.

I have none to tell, 433.
locks in the golden, 83.
ne'er had been read in, 489.
of Cambuscan bold, 215.

of her birth, repeats the, 268.
of my life, 129.

of our days, 17.

Strange bedfellows, 23.
but true, 536.
coincidence, 535.
Cozenage, 243.
eruptions, 63.


eventful history, 48.
fellows, nature framed, 39.
it was passing strange, 130.
something rich and, 22.
this is wondrous, 113.

Stranger in a strange land, 609.
surety for a, 620.
than fiction, 536.
yet to pain, 353.

Strangers honour'd, by, 312.
may be better, 48.
mourn'd, 312.
to entertain, 644.
Stratagems and spoils, 44.
Stratford atte bowe, 1.
Straw, quarrel in a, 122.

see which way the wind is, 160.
tickled with a, 289.
tilts with a, 452.
Strawberries, what Dr. Boteler
Straws, errors like, 241.
said of, 161.
Stream, haunted, 214.

in smoother numbers, 298.
thy, my great example, 175.
which overflowed the soul,460.
Streamed like a meteor, 355.
Streamers waving, 205.
Streaming splendour, 478.

to the wind, 184.

Streams from little fountains, 428.
gratulations flow in, 259.
lapse of murmuring, 199.
more pellucid, 443.

of dotage flow, 337.

of revenue gushed forth, 508.
run dimpling, 303.

teach him how to tell my, 130. Streets, lion is in the, 623.

will not go down, 678.

Stout Cortez, 548.

once a month, 237.

Strain at a gnat, 636.

prophetic, 215.
soft is the, 298.
that, again, 52.

Strained from that fair use, 85.
Straining harsh discords, 87.
Strains, soul-animating, 446.

that might create a soul, 209.

Strand, American, 164.

India's coral, 505.
May-pole in the, 332.
naiad of the, 491.

wandering on a foreign, 488.
Strange all this difference, 323.

Strength, all below is, 239.
be as thy days, 609.

God-given, 489.

king's name a tower of, 77.
labour and sorrow, 617.
lovely in your, 517.
of nerve or sinew, 443.
our castle's, 105.

perfect in weakness, 642.
to have a giant's, 28.
to strength, 616.

wears away, as my, 248.
Strengthens our nerves, 384.
with his strength, 288.
Stretched on the rack, 308.
upon the plain, 512.
Striding the blast, 98.

[blocks in formation]

the silken, 153.

Strings, harp of thousand, 271.
of steel, 120.

two, to his bow, 679.
Stripes, forty, save one, 642.
Strive here for mastery, 190.
Striving to better, 125.
Stroke a nettle, 276.

some distressful, 130.
Strokes, many, 73.
Strong as death, love, 627.
as flesh and blood, 454.
battle not to the, 626.
drink is raging, 621.
in death, 293.

in honesty, 93.

nor'wester's blowing, 464.
suffer and be, 574.
thou ever, 56.

upon the stronger side, 56.
without rage, 175.

Stronger by weakness, 179.
Strongly it bears us, 472.
Struck eagle, so the, 512.
Strucken deer go weep, 119.

Struggle of discordant powers, 382.
Struggling in the storms, 313.
Strumpet wind, 41.
Strung with his hair, 36.
Struts and frets his hour, 105.
Stubble, built on, 209.

land at harvest home, 61.

Stubborn gift, 444-
patience, 188.

things are facts, 367.
unlaid ghost, 208.

Studded with stars, 538.

Student pale, 307.

Studied in his death, 96.

Studies, still air of delightful, 218.
Studious let me sit, 329.

of change, 390.

of ease, 269.

Study is a weariness of flesh, 627.

labour and intent, 218.

of imagination, 32.

of learning, 219.

of mankind, 288.

Study of revenge, 182.

to be quiet, 643-

what you most affect, 50.
Stuff as dreams are made on, 23.
life is made of, 336.

made of sterner, 92.
other men's, 148.
penetrable, 120.
perilous, 105..

skimble-skamble, 64.

the head with reading, 308.
Stuffs out his vacant garments, 57.
Stumbling on abuse, 85.
Stupid starers, 291.

Style is the dress of thoughts, 324.
of man, highest, 280.
refines, how the, 298.
Subdu'd to what it works in, 140.
Subdues mankind, 516.
Subject of all verse, 152.

such duty as the, owes, 51.
unlike my, 325.
Subjection, implied, 194.
Subject's duty is the king's, 70.
soul is his own, 70.

Sublime a thing to suffer, 574-
Sublime and the ridiculous, 407.
tobacco, 530.

Submission, coy, 194.

Substance might be called, 189.
of his greatness, 158.
of ten thousand soldiers, 77.
of things hoped for, 643.
true, proves the, 298.
Substantial smile, one vast, 588.
things, 169.

Suburb of the life elysian, 577-
Success not in mortals, 265.

things ill got had ever bad, 74.
with his surcease, 97.
Successful soldier, 494-
Successive rise, 315.

title long and dark, 235.
Successors gone before him, 25.
Succour dawns from heaven, 493.
us that succor want, 14.
Such a questionable shape, 111.
apt and gracious words, 35.
as sleep o' nights, 89.
master such man, 8.
mistress such Nan, 8.
things to be, 585.

Suck forth my soul, 20.

my last breath, 310.

Sucking dove, gently as any, 37.
Suckle fools, 131.

Suckled in a creed, 445.

Sudden thought strikes me, 433.

Suffer a sea change, 22.

and be strong, 574-

Suffer, hope of all who, 570.
wet damnation, 153.
who breathes must, 256.
Sufferance, corporal, 28.
is the badge, 40.
Suffering, child of, 590.
ended with the day, 587.
learn in, 539.

sad humanity, 578.
tears to human, 444.
Sufferings, to each his, 353.
Sufficiency, an elegant, 327.
to be so moral, 33.
Sufficient to have stood, 192.
unto the day, 633.
Sugar o'er the devil himself, 116.
Suing long to bide, in, 15.
Suit lightly won, 490.
of sables, 119.

the action to the word, 118.
Suits of woe, 108.

Sullein mind, musing in his, 13.
Sullen dame, our sulky, 419.
Sullenness against nature, 219.
Sultans, poets are, 175.
Sum of all villanies, 331.

of more, giving thy, 45.
Summer, eternal, gilds them, 533.
friends, 163.

last rose of, 498.
life's a short, 338.
made glorious, 74-
of her age, 244.
of your youth, 349-
sweet as, 80.
thy eternal, 139.
Summer's cloud, like a, 102.
day, hath a, 173.
day, see in a, 37.
fantastic heat, 58.
noontide air, 187.
ripening breath, 85.

Summers, this many, 79.
Summon from the past, 575.

up remembrance, 139.
up the blood, 70.

Summons, when thy, comes, 556.
thee to Heaven or Hell, 99.
upon a fearful, 107.
Summum nec metuas diem, 203.
Sun, all except their, is set, 533.
and shade, through, 582.
as the dial to the, 230, 284.
bales unopened to the, 279.
beauty to the, 82.
burnished, 41.

candle to the, 283, 665.
children of the, 284.

common, 361.

declines, as our, 281.

Sun, dew-drop from the, 456.
doubt the, doth move, 114.
dry, dry wind, 8.
early rising, 168.

go down upon your wrath, 642.
goes round, 179.

grow dim with age, 266.
hail the rising, 363.
half in, 500.

impearls on every leaf, 198.
in his coming, 508.

in my dominion never sets, 509.
in the lap of Thetis, 228.
is a thief, 88.
knitters in the, 53.
loss of the, 325.
low descending, 606.

no new thing under the, 624-
of righteousness, 631.
of York, 74

pleasant to behold the, 626.
pleasant the, 195.

reflecting upon the mud, 145.
round the setting, 458.
shadow in the, 75.

shall not smite thee, 618.
shine sweetly on my grave,402.
snatches from the, 88.
tapers to the, 416.

that side the, is upon, 501.
the worshipped, 82.

to me is dark, 205.

unpolluted, 145.

upon an Easter-day, 166.
upon the upland lawn, 359.
walks under the midday, 208.
warms in the, 287.

weary of the, 106.

which passeth through pollu-

tions, 145.

world without a, 481.
worship to the garish, 86.
Sunbeam soiled by outward touch,


Sunbeams, motes that people, 214.

out of cucumbers, 261.

Sunday from the week divide, 106.
shines no Sabbath day, 301.
Sundays observe, 164.
Sunflower turns on her god, 498.
Sung ballads from a cart, 241.

from morn till night, 387.
Sunium's marble steep, 533.
Sunless land, 457.

Sunlight, as, drinketh dew, 579.
Sunneshine, estate and, 163.
Sunny as her skies, 529.
openings, spots of, 537.
Suns, light of setting, 442.
process of the, 581.

Sunset of life, 483.

Sunshine broken in the rill, 495.
in the shady place, 13.

of the breast, 353.
settles on its head, 372.
soul's calm, 290.

to the sunless land, 457.
Superfluous lags the veteran, 337.
Supped full with horrors, 105.
Supper, man made after, 68.

nourishment called, 34.

with such a woman, 321.
Supply, last and best, 294.
Support and raise, 182.
Surcease, success with his, 97.
Sure and certain hope, 646.

and firm-set earth, 99.
assurance double, 103.
Surely you'll grow double, 453.
Surer to prosper, 186.
Surety for a stranger, 620.
Surfeit reigns, crude, 209.
with too much, 40.

Surge may sweep, 515.

whose liquid, resolves, 88.
Surgery, honour no skill in, 65.
past all, 132.

Surges lash the shore, 298.
Surpasses or subdues, 516.
Surprise, that testified, 237.
Surprises, millions of, 164.
Survey, monarch of all I, 399.

our empire, 524-

Survive or perish, live or die, 507.
Suspects yet strongly loves, 133.
Suspended oar, drip of the, 517.
Suspicion, Cæsar's wife above,650.
haunts the guilty mind, 74.
sleeps at wisdom's gate, 192.
Swain, dull, treads on it daily, 209.
frugal, 368.
Swallow a camel, 636.

that come before the, 55.
Swallow's wings, flies with, 77-
Swallow-flights of song, 585.
Swam before my sight, 309.
in a gondola, 49.

Swan and shadow, 447.

of Avon, 152.

on still St. Mary's lake, 447.
Swan-like end, 42.

let me sing, 533.

Swashing and martial outside, 45.
blow, remember, 82.
Sway, above this sceptred, 43.
give sovereign, 97.
impious men bear, 266.
of magic potent, 443.
required with gentle, 194.
with absolute, 248.

Swear an eternal friendship, 433-
eat and yet I, 71.
not by the moon, 84.
rant and, 241.

to the truth of a song, 257-
Sweareth to his own hurt, 614-
Swears a prayer or two, 83.

with so much grace, 252.
Sweat but for promotion, 46.
for duty, 46.

of thy face, 608.

under a weary life, 116.
Swell, music's voluptuous, 516.
the soul to rage, 234.
Swelling of the voiceful sea, 477-
Sweep on greasy citizens, 45-
Sweeping whirlwind's sway, 356.
Sweeps a room, who, 163.
Sweet and bitter fancy, 49.

and musical, 36.

and virtuous soul, 163.
and voluble, 35.

are the uses of adversity, 45.
as English air, 582.

as summer, 8o.
as the primrose, 373.
as year by year, 550.
attractive grace, 193.
beautiful as, 279.

bells jangled out of tune, 117.

childish days, 437.

communion, 197.

counsel together, 616.
day so cool so calm, 163.
days and roses, 163.
discourse, 173.
every, its sour, 602.

far less, to live with them, 498.
girl-graduates, 582.

influences of Pleiades, 613.
is every sound, 583.

is pleasure after pain,233.
Sweet-and-twenty, kiss me, 52.
Sweet is revenge to women, 531.
is solitude, 396.

is the breath of morn, 195.
land of liberty, 568.
little cherub, 410.

morsel under his tongue, 247.
musk-roses, 38.

nothing half so, in life, 498.
Phosphor bring the day, 162.
poison for the age's tooth, 56.
reluctant, 194.

repast and calm repose, 361.
shady side of Pall Mall, 412.
silent thought, 139.

so coldly, so deadly fair, 522.
south, like the, 52.
swan of Avon, 152.

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