[blocks in formation]

Mrs. Richards.
Rev. Peter Roe, Kilkenny.
Rev. S. Readhead, Calverly.
Rev. A. B. Ram, Staffordshire.
William Richardson, Esq.

The Lord Bishop of Salisbury,
6 Copies.

Right Hon. Lady Olivia Sparrow, 20 Copies.

Right Hon. Lady Sydney, Bath. || Lady James Stuart.

The Dean of Salisbury.

The Dean of St. Asaph, 4 Copies.
Rev. Arch. Spooner, Elmdor,

William Stuart, Esq., Tempsford
Hall, 5 Copies.

Mrs. William Stuart, Ditto,
5 Copies.

Mrs. Sandford, Cullinswood,
20 Copies.

Rev. Chas. Simeon, King's Col-
lege, Cambridge, 10 Copies.
Fred. Shaw, Esq., Recorder of
Dublin, M. P., 2 Copies.
Captain Saurin, R. N.
Mrs. Stephenson, 2 Copies.
James Scott, Esq. K. C.
Delgany, 2 Copies.

Mrs. Stables.
Miss Stables.
A. Stanley, Esq.

William Sutcliffe, Esq.

Mrs. A. St. George, Wood Park.
Rev. Doctor Sadlier, S. F. T. C. D.
3 Copies.
W. D. Sadler, Esq.
Rev. W. Suttaby.

Francis Stringer, Esq. Armagh
E. L. Swan, Esq. Abbeylix.
Rev. Thos. Spencer, Wingfield,

Thos. Smith, Esq., City Sword
Edward Simpson, Esq., 3 Copies.
J. Staunton, Esq.

Mrs. J. De la C. Smith.
F. S. Stokes, Esq., Clapham.
Mrs. Stainforth, Clapham.
James Stewart, Esq., Leinster

John Supple, Esq.
Roger W. Scott, M.D. Liverpool.

His Grace the Archbp. of Tuam.
Right Hon. Lord Tullamore.
Lady Louisa Tighe, Woodstock,
2 Copies.

William Tighe, Esq., Ditto,
2 Copies.

Mrs. Tighe, 2 Copies.
Mrs. Tynte, 2 Copies.
Miss Tynte, 3 Copies.

John Thornton, Esq. Clapham.
Rev. William Thorpe, Cadogan

Rev. M. Todd, F. T. C. D.
William Trench, Esq., Cangar

Rev. F. Trench, Clogh Jordan.
Rev. C. Turner, Balbrigan.
William Tidd, Esq., Barrister at
Law, London.

Rev. Thos. Tattershal, Liverpool.
Richard Tatham, Esq., Kirk by

Rev. Edward Thomas, Baggot

The Vice-Provost, T. C. D. Miss S. Vansittart, 4 Copies.

John Waller, Esq., Castletown. W. R. Wills, Esq., Wills Grove, 10 Copies.

Rev. W. Carus Wilson, Kirk by Londsdale, 10 Copies.

Rev. Dr. Wall, S. F. T. C. D., 2 Copies.

Henry W. Wood, Esq., Rosmead. John Whitaker, Wood-house, 10 Copies.

Miss Whitaker, Ditto.

Rev. L. P. Welland, Leamington
Rev. Lewis Way, Leamington,
2 Copies.

Henry Whyte, Esq., Dublin.
Rev. John Waddy, Armagh.
Robert Wilson, Esq., Delgany,
4 Copies.

Rev. J. Ware, Clapham, 2 Copies.
Miss Ware, Ditto.
Miss Waldgrave.

Rev. Edward Ward, Iver.
Rev. W. Winstanley.
J. D. Williams, Esq.

Percival White, Esq., Clapham.
Mrs. J. Whitmore, Ditto.
Bolton Waller, Esq., Shannon

Rev. W. Waller, Ditto.
Miss Ann Waller, Ditto.

His Grace the Archbp. of York, 6 Copies.

John Young, Esq., M.P., Cavan, 2 Copies.


HAVING at the request of an old and valued friend, undertaken, though much interrupted, and in the midst of numerous and pressing parochial duties, to pen a Preface to the following Sermons and Tracts, I would in the commencement observe, that they treat on subjects at all times interesting, and deserving the serious consideration, of every friend of the Established Church; but they are particularly worthy of attention at the present period :

The events which have taken place within the last few years, have brought on a crisis of no ordinary importance in the annals of that Church in Ireland. She is now assaulted by all the power, and subtlety, and energy, of the


Church of Rome; and the spoliation of her temporalities is hoped for and expected, as the result of combined and well concerted operations, and as the prelude of her total removal, as a Candlestick holding up the steady light of Divine truth, in the midst of surrounding spiritual darkness. Time will tell, whether her present temporalities are essential to her existence; or whether, built as she is upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head Corner stone, she will come out of the present ordeal, not only safe; but wearing with more grace than ever," the garments of salvation."

No one who possesses just views of right and wrong, would for a moment, advocate the existence of a system, however system, however praised or however venerated for age, if it were unproductive of good; and if the fact were established with reference to her, let her at once be deprived of confidence and of support. But if, on the other hand, she has proved an instructor of the ignorant; a light to those that are in darkness;

a guide to the weary wanderer, who has travelled long and far from his father's house: then will she stand;-then will salvation and praise be her walls and bulwarks ;-then will the banner of redeeming love continue to be waved over her ;-and then, through succeeding generations, will her sons and her daughters rise up, and call Jehovah blessed. In her present oppressed condition, we see the consequences which necessarily flow from neglected opportunities of doing good; from despised privileges; from forgotten mercies. Her Clergy, as a body

have at all times been remarkable for commiseration of the afflicted, and for promptitude and generosity, in relieving temporal distresses: but it is undeniable, that there was a sad departure from her first love; that too many went forth to teach, who had never learned what were the first principles of the doctrine of Christ; and that a system of theology, at variance with the doctrines taught by the Reformers, and recorded in her own Articles, Liturgy, and Homilies: and

wholly unsupported by the Sacred Scriptures;

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