
becoming popular, unless there is something special about it to recommend it. Ordinary works of this description are sufficiently numerous, whilst excellent ones are equally rare, particularly in our language. We should think the work of Dr. Hazelius not very suitable for a text-book in Theological Seminaries, as it is wanting in authorities, and too frequently cumbered with discussions and inferences, which would be in our estimation more appropriate elsewhere. The author's aim, however, in his own language is: "by facts and documents to put forth the main principles of the Christian religion, to show that these are found in the confessions of all our Protestant denominations, and also, in the same manner, to illustrate the origin of aberrations from the truth, and how that doctrine has gradually arisen, which is exhibited in the council of Trent. Also to exhibit the remarkable providence of God in the origin and progress of the reformation, with a view to show that it was the same providence which we discover in the origin and first progress of Christianity." These are good aims, and if accomplished satisfactorily in the succeeding volumes, may commend the work to public attention. The first volume embraces seven chapters, treating of the state of the heathen world, and that of the Jewish nation, the rise and progress of Christianity in the first century, its extension in the second, the mode of worship, doctrines and life of private Christians. Under these several topics, matters of considerable interest are discussed and we think, on the whole, a fair, candid representation is made, and such a history given as would be profitable for the mass of Christians to read. We regret that the style is not better, and the errata so numerous.

37.-Letters to Persons who are engaged in Domestic Service. By Miss Catharine E. Beecher. New York: Leavitt & Trow, 1842. pp. 235.

Here is a book somewhat novel-a book of Letters to Domestics; and we are glad that the typographical execution corresponds with the doctrine of the Letters, that "the station of domestics is honorable and respectable." This is a much neglected and often much abused class of our fellow citizens. How few heads of families manifest that interest in the temporal and eternal welfare of those in their employ, which is demanded by every consideration of expediency and duty.How much are they left to themselves, without advice or ad monition. Many have, doubtless, felt the want of just such a

book, as Miss Beecher has here furnished; and we cannot but hope and believe that ladies, generally, will be glad to put it into the hands of their domestics, and even, in many instances, sit down by their side to read it and comment on it. It contains eighteen letters, touching on all topics connected with the station and relations of those at service in families. Among others, there are observations on the importance of raising the respectability of this station-respectful manners-visitingcompany-religious meetings-health-trials of domestics, and remedies-economy-care of children-dress, manners and language-the way to be happy, &c.




Dr. Karl Ferd. Ranke, ordinary Professor of Philosophy at Göttengen, and Director of the Gymnasium there, has been appointed Director of the Frederick-Wilhelm-Gymnasium at Berlin. Some investigations have been made of a fragment of an ancient inscription, consisting of five vertical columns of numbers, found at Athens by C. O. Müller. The Theolo

gical Faculty of Berlin consists of Drs. E. W. Hengstenberg, Ph. Marheineke, A. Neander, Fr. Strauss, A. Twesten, ord. Proff.; F. Theremin, Prof. hon., J. J. Bellerman, F. Benary, Fr. Uhlemann, J. C. W. Vatke, extraord. Proff.; H. G. Erbkam, F. A. Philippi, Privatdocenten. Dr. K. Ph. Fischer of Tübingen has become Professor of Theoretical Philosophy in the University of Bavaria. Dr. Ullmann, of Heidelberg has accepted the place of Dr, Augusti, at Bonn, and not Dr. Plucker as stated in the last number. The latter succeeds Dr. Augusti as Director of the Scientific Commission of Examination for the Rhenish Provinces. Dr. Ogbudski has been appointed Professor of the Slavic Languages and Literature in the University of Berlin. This University has 146 Teachers, and 1757 students. Prof. Ewald, of Tübingen has been transferred from the philosophical to the evangelico-theological-Faculty.


The Minister of the Interior has sent the Director of the royal press into France and Belgium, to visit their Institutions for the Blind, and to purchase materials for printing suitable books and maps, in order to the establishment of a normal school for the blind.-The literature of Spain is assuming a more serious, manly aspect. In the last four months of 1841, there were issued, at Madrid alone, some seventy works on history, education, political economy, etc.-Toreno has acquired great celebrity by his history of the Spanish Revolution, and Eugenio de Tapia, by his history of Spanish Civilization, which is considered the most important work in the present literature of Spain.


Father Luigi Tosti is writing a history of the convent of Mont Cassino, in which he promises a complete catalogue of its valuable manuscripts. In Florence, there has been formed a society of Artists, the only one in Italy, besides that at Rome. In the vicinity of Florence there has been recently found buried under rubbish, a very beautiful hearth, supposed to have been wrought by Donatello.


The number of Instructors in the Otho-University at Athens is 36; of students 292; Medical 52, Theological 20, Philosophical 53, Juridical 167.

The Polytechnic School formed by the Engineer von Zentner, is now in successful operation, and Professor Bonirota, from Paris, a celebrated limner, has accepted the invitation of the Dutchess of Plaisance to remove to Athens and become a Professor in this Institution. He went at her charges and receives his salary from her.


There are eight presses now in operation in this country, five of which are in Bucharest. The School at St. Sava has a library of about 11,000 volumes, which is open to the public.


The Frederich-University at Christiana was opened in 1813, with six Teachers and eighteen Students. It now has twenty Professors, and eight Lecturers, and about 700 Students Connected with it, there is a Botanical Garden-An Astronomical Observatory-A Library of about 130,000 volumes, open to the public daily from 12 to 2 o'clock-A Zoological and Mineralogical Museum-A Collection of Coins, amounting to more than 20,000-A Depository of Archives-A Repository of Northern Antiquities-A Collection of Models-A Naturalists' Cabinet-A Collection for the Faculty of Medicine.




OCTOBER, 1842.




By John R. Burnet, of Livingston, New Jersey.


THE subsequent article, although long, will, we trust, be acceptable to our readers. It is on a subject not often presented in the Repository, and was written by one who knows whereof he affirms.

The author was born in the possessisn of all his faculties, but when about eight years old, and after having learned to read, though not to write, he was deprived of his hearing entirely, in consequence of a violent attack of inflammation of the brain. Like others similarly affected, he soon lost the power of articulation, so that his utterances were unintelligible to strangers. Thus excluded from social intercourse, he resorted to books, and eagerly and attentively read those which fell in his way. His books were few and well digested. Of such as were valuable, and did not belong to him, he was in the habit of making abridgements.

In 1833, he entered the New York Institution for the Deaf and Durib, for the purpose both of making himself familiar with the language of signs, and of enlarging his field of knowJedge. After remaining a few months, he returned to the farm of his grand-parents, by whom he had been adopted, and where he now lives and labors to sustain himself and wife, SECOND SERIES, VOL. VIII. NO. II.


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