
"ro'mance." The following are among the most common

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In some words we find that as yet there is no fixed standard of spelling, two forms being equally correct, as "gasoline" or "gasolene," "theater" or "theatre," scepter" or "sceptre"; so, often, in pronunciation two forms are considered correct. Thus Webster gives

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In the case of words of this kind that admit of two pronunciations, both of which are correct, it is usually considered best to follow the first pronunciation given.

In some words authorities do not agree in regard to the accent, as in the following :

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In words of this kind, for which there is no fixed standard of pronunciation, it is often very perplexing to a speaker to determine which authority is best to follow.

In the first place he may safely leave out of consideration the British authorities - the Oxford English Dictionary, Stormonth, and the Encyclopedic Dictionary. British pronunciation differs so widely from American that it would not be wise to follow British authorities in determining the standards in this country.

Aside from this he must use his own discretion. His good judgment will tell him that it is not wise to use an unusual or striking pronunciation and flaunt it in the face of an audience that is not accustomed to it, although there may be authority for it. It would show neither good taste nor good judgment to adopt the pronunciation "celib'acy," as it is not in common use, and is recognized by only one authority and then only as a second choice.

The following words, according to different authorities, admit of two or more pronunciations by change of accent:

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Sometimes mispronunciation is due to failure to utter words according to their natural syllabic divisions, as "de spair," mispronounced "des pair." More frequently, however, it is the result of a careless dropping of a syllable or of adding a syllable that has no place in the word. The following cases illustrate errors of syllabication that are a common source of mispronunciation.

1. The error of incorrectly dividing words into syllables.

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2. The error of dropping syllables entirely.

associate not assosh'ate

accurate not acc'rate

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NOTE. Special attention should be given to such errors as those of the list above. I have found that among students there is no more common source of mispronunciation than that of the careless dropping of syllables.

3. The error of pronouncing words with more syllables than usage permits.

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