
teoufhefs and goodness; and directing our SERM. views forward, with delight and thank- III. fulness, to the world of perfect peace and blifs unchangeable, in which there fhall be no more forrow, nor pain, nor death, but we shall be exalted to a higher rank of existence, and be made like unto the An gels of God.





Of the natural relation of men to God, and their common tie to each other.

ACTS xvii. 28.

For we are alfo his offspring.

HERE is no thought that de- SERM. fcribes human nature more IV. honourably, or represents the

original and unchangeable re

lation, which mankind ftand in to the fupreme Being, in a more pleafing and agreeable light, than that fuggefted in the text. The thought itself is extremely just


SERM. juft and natural, one of the first and most IV. univerfal dictates of reason; which all the fuperftitions and prejudices, that ever prevailed in the world, have not been able to efface. And as it fprings from genuine and uncorrupted nature, it must undeniably be a proper and wife reflection; and, withal, nothing can be of greater importance to teach us the right knowledge " of our Maker, of our fellow-creatures, & of ourselves," and point out the variéus difpofitions and duties that become us. For all which reasons, which Ishall have occafion in what follows to explain more at large, St. Paul, in his fpeech to the men of Athens, did not think it any difparagement to his Apoftolic authority to adopt this noble maxim of a Greek Heathen poet, and establish it as a Chriftian doctrine, viz. that we are all the offfpring of God. A clear and unconteftable proof this, that the gofpel is built upon, and therefore could never be intended to difcredit, the difcoveries made by the light of nature; and, withal a remarkable instance of the Apostle's excellent address, who, by arguing with Pa

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gans on principles allowed by the wifeft SERM. among themselves, took the fureft me- IVI thod to footh and allay their prejudices, to infinuate truth with the greater ease, and fecure to it its just force and energy. It is very evident, that we are declared, in the text, to be the offspring of God. by nature. "It is from our being his "creatures, that we derive the character

of being his children and his family."

- May it then be fitly said of all the creatures of God that they are also his offSpring? I anfwer" that a title may be

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fo far founded in creation, that that

may be neceffary to give a right to it, "and yet it may not have its fole founda"tion there: Or, in other words, it may

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properly belong to a certain order of "creatures, but not to all creatures with“out diftinction." And agreeably hereto, both revelation and the voice of reafon concur,in appropiating this exalted and honourable character to rational Beings; who are not only the workmanship of the Deity, but partake of his nature, and bear a peculiar resemblance of him in his moft excellent communicable attributes.


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