
Scottish that there is no greater whoredom in any place, than at your pilgrimages, History. except it be in common brothels.'

A. D. 1558.


Oliphant:-Thou preachedst secretly and privately in houses, and openly in the fields.'

Mille: Yea man, and on the sea also, sailing in a ship.' Oliphant: -Wilt thou not recant thy erroneous opinions? And if thou wilt not, I will pronounce sentence against thee.'

Mille:-'I am accused of my life; I know I must die once, and therefore, as constant Christ said to Judas, Quod facis, fac citius. Ye shall know that I will not recant the truth, for I am corn, I am no chaff: I will not be blown away with the wind, nor burst with the flail; but I will abide both.'

in the truth.


pro nounced

against him.

No cord

in all the


could be

bought to tie

him to

the stake.

These things rehearsed they of purpose, with other light trifles, to augment their final accusation; and then sir Andrew Oliphant pronounced sentence against him, that he should be delivered to the temporal judge, and punished as a heretic; which was, to be burned. Notwithstanding, his boldness and constancy moved so the hearts of many, that the bishop's steward of his regality, provost of the town, called Patrick Lermond, refused to be his temporal judge; to whom it appertained, if the cause had been just: also the bishop's chamberlain, being therewith charged, would in no wise take upon him so ungodly an office. Yea, the whole town was so offended with his unjust condemnation, that the bishop's servants could not get for their money so much as one cord to tie him to the stake, or a tarbarrel to burn him; but were constrained to cut the cords of their master's own pavilion, to serve their turn.

Nevertheless, one servant of the bishop's, more ignorant and cruel than the rest, called Alexander Somervaile, enterprising the office of a temporal judge in that part, conveyed him to the fire, where, against The mira- all natural reason of man, his boldness and hardiness did more and more increase, so that the Spirit of God, working miraculously in him, made it manifest to the people, that his cause and articles were most just, and he innocently put down.


working of God

in Walter Mille.

Now when all things were ready for his death, and he conveyed with armed men to the fire, Oliphant bade him pass to the stake. And he said, "Nay! wilt thou put me up with thy hand, and take part of my death? thou shalt see me pass up gladly: for by the law of God I am forbidden to put hands upon myself." Then Oliphant put him up with his hand, and he ascended gladly, saying, "Introibo ad altare Dei ;" and desired that he might have space to speak to the Mille de- people, which Oliphant and other of the burners denied, saying, that he had spoken over much; for the bishops were altogether offended bishops that the matter was so long continued. Then some of the young is permit- men committed both the burners, and the bishops their masters, to ted by the the devil, saying, that they believed they should lament that day; and desired the said Walter to speak what he pleased.

nied by


to speak,

young men.


And so after he made his humble supplication to God on his knees, he arose, and standing upon the coals, said on this wise:

'Dear friends! the cause why I suffer this day is not for any crime laid to words to my charge (albeit I be a miserable sinner before God), but only for the defence the peo- of the faith of Jesus Christ, set forth in the New and Old Testament unto us; ple. for which as the faithful martyrs have offered themselves gladly before, being assured, after the death of their bodies, of eternal felicity, so this day I praise hardness. God, that he hath called me of his mercy, among the rest of his servants, to seal

His constant

up his truth with my life: which, as I have received it of him, so willingly I offer it to his glory. Therefore, as you will escape the eternal death, be no more seduced with the lies of priests, monks, friars, priors, abbots, bishops, and the rest of the sect of Antichrist; but depend only upon Jesus Christ and his mercy, that ye may be delivered from condemnation.'





All that while there was great mourning and lamentation of the multitude; for they, perceiving his patience, stoutness and boldness, constancy and hardiness, were not only moved and stirred up, but their hearts also were so inflamed, that he was the last martyr that walter died in Scotland for the religion. After his prayer, he was hoisted the Mille, the up upon the stake, and being in the fire, he said, "Lord, have mercy tyr in on me! Pray, people, while there is time!" and so he constantly departed.


'Non nostra impietas, aut actæ crimina vitæ

Armarunt hostes in mea fata truces:

Sola fides Christi, sacris signata libellis,

Quæ vitæ causa est, est mihi causa necis.'

After this, by the just judgment of God, in the same place where Walter Mille was burnt, the images of the great church of the abbey, which passed both in number and costliness, were burned in the time of reformation.'

And thus much concerning such matters as happened, and such martyrs as suffered, in the realm of Scotland, for the faith of Jesus Christ, and testimony of his truth.

Persecution in Kent.

last mar




In revolving the registers of William Warham, archbishop of A. D. Canterbury, I find, moreover, besides these above comprehended, in 1511 the time and reign of king Henry; the names of divers others, whereof some suffered martyrdom for the like testimony of God's word, and some recanted; who, albeit here they do come a little out of order, and should have been placed before, in the beginning of king Henry's reign, yet rather than they should utterly be omitted, I thought here to give them a place, though somewhat out of time, yet not altogether, I trust, without fruit unto the reader; being no less worthy to be registered and preserved from oblivion, than others of their fellows before them.

A Table of certain true Servants of God and Martyrs


Martyrs-William Carder, of Tenterden, weaver. Agnes Grebil
of Tenterden, wife of John Grebil the elder, and mother to John

(1) Ex fideli testimonio è Scotia misso. [By this and the foregoing references of the same character, it may be inferred that these documents were sent from Scotland to John Foxe when at Basil, compiling his Ecclesiastical History. Spotswood avails himself of this account of Mille, but without acknowledgment-correcting the proper names, and making a few other slight alterations. The venerable martyr himself stated, that he was eighty-two years old. See Petrie's History of the Catholic Church (fol. Hague, 1662, pp. 189-191). Petrie quotes a manuscript written by Lindsay, and preserved in the library of the college of Edinburgh.-ED.]



1511 to



and Christopher Grebil, who, with her own husband, accused her to death, being threescore years of age; Robert Harrison, of Halden, of the age of sixty years; John Browne, of Ashford; Edward Walker, of Maidstone, cutler.

Accusers and Witnesses :-William Rich, of Benenden; Agnes Ive, of Canterbury; Robert Hills, of Tenterden; Stephen Castelin, of Tenterden; John Grebil, of Tenterden, husband to Agnes Grebil the martyr; Christopher Grebil, the natural son of Agnes Grebil the martyr; John Grebil the younger, the natural son' of Agnes Grebil the martyr; William Olbert, of Godmersham; Lawrence Chyterden; Thomas Harwood, of Rolvenden; Joan Harwood, his wife; Philip Harwood; William Baker of Cranbrook; Edward Walker; Robert Reynold, of Benenden. Persecutors and Judges:-W. Warham, archbishop of Canterbury; Dr. Cuthbert Tonstal, doctor of both laws, and chancellor of the archbishop; Dr. Sylvester, lawyer; Dr. Wells; Dr. Clement; Dr. Brown; Dr. John Collet, dean of Paul's; Dr. Wodington.

The Articles whereupon these five blessed Martyrs were accused and condemned by the aforesaid Judges and Witnesses, were these:*

First, For holding that the sacrament of the altar was not the true and very body of Christ, but only material bread in substance.

II. That auricular confession was not to be made to a priest.

III. That no power is given of God to priests, of ministering sacraments, saying mass, or other divine service, more than to laymen.3

IV. That the solemnization of matrimony is not necessary to salvation of soul, neither was instituted of God.*

V. That the sacrament of extreme unction is not available, nor necessary to soul's health.

VI. That the images of the cross, of the crucifix, of the blessed Virgin, and other saints, are not to be worshipped; and that those who worship them do commit idolatry.

VII. That pilgrimages to holy places, and holy relics, be not necessary, nor meritorious to soul's health.

VIII. That invocation is not to be made to saints, but only to God, and that he only heareth their prayers.

IX. That holy bread and holy water have no more virtue after their consecration, than before.

X. That they have believed, taught, and holden all and every of the same damnable opinions before; as they did at that present.

XI. That whereas they now have confessed their errors, they would not have so done, but only for fear of manifest proofs brought against them, or else but for fear to be convicted by them: they would never have confessed the same of their own accord.

XII. That they have communed and talked of the said damnable errors heretofore, with divers other persons, and have had books concerning the same.

A.D. 1511.

William Carder, being convented before William Warham, archbishop, and his chancellor Cuthbert Tonstal, Doctors Sylvester,

(1) Natural son, as distinguished from son-in-law.-ED.

(2) Ex Regist. W. Warh.

(3) Their meaning was this, that priests can claim no more virtue or high estate by their order than can a layman.

(4) For a sacrament, they meant.



Wells, Clement, Brown, with others more, the notaries being Henry William Potking, and David Cooper, the articles and interrogatories above specified were laid unto him. Which articles he there and A.D. then denied, affirming that he never did nor doth hold any such 1511 opinions, otherwise than becometh that every christian man should do, ready to conform himself in all points to their doctrine; and therefore, to clear himself the better against those interrogatories objected against him, he stood in denial of the same. The like also did every of the other four martyrs after him.



of War

bishop of

All which notwithstanding, the uncharitable archbishop, seeking The all advantages against him that he might, and more than right law dealing would give, brought in against him such witnesses as before were ham, abjured, who, he knew, for fear of relapse, durst do none other but archdisclose whatsoever they knew; to wit, Christopher Grebil, William CanterRich, Agnes Ive, John Grebil, Robert Hills, and Stephen Castelin : bury. whose depositions being taken, and the said Carder being asked what he could say for himself, he had nothing, he said, to produce against their attestations, but submitted him unto their mercy saying, moreover, that if he had ever any misbelief of the sacraments of the church, contrary to the common holding of the catholics, he now was sorry and repented him thereof. This being done, the archbishop, this his submission notwithstanding, and notwithstanding that the register maketh no mention of any relapse, contrary to good law, at least contrary to all christian charity, proceeded to the reading of his blind sentence; and so condemned him, who neither stood stubbornly to that which he did hold, neither yet did hold any thing contrary to the mind of holy Scripture, to the execution of burning.

Then after him was called forth Agnes Grebil, and examined of the said twelve articles above recited, which she, in like manner, denied, as the other had done before, putting her adversaries to their proof. Then the archbishop, calling for John Grebil her husband, and Christopher and John Grebil her two sons (who before had been abjured), caused them, upon their oath, to depose against their own natural mother; and so they did.

First John Grebil the elder, her husband, examined, by virtue of his oath, to say how Agnes, his wife, hath and doth believe of the sacrament of the altar, of going in pilgrimage, offerings and worshipping of saints, images, &c., and how long she hath thus holden, deposed thus:

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'That first, about the end of king Edward the Fourth's days, in his house, The catholic by the teaching of John Ive, she [Agnes, his wife] was brought to that belief; clergy of and so forth from thence daily, until the time of detection, she hath continued.' the 'And besides that,' said he, when my children Christopher and John, being papists about seven years of age, were then taught of me in my house the said error husband of the sacrament of the altar, and by the said Agnes my wife divers times, she against was always of one mind in the said misbelief against the sacrament of the the wife, altar, that it was not Christ's body, flesh and blood, but only bread.' Further- children more, being examined how he knew that she was steadfast in the said error, he to accuse said, 'that she always without contradiction affirmed this teaching, and said, mother. the said opinion was good, and was well contented that her children aforesaid were of the same opinions against the sacrament of the altar,' etc.1

(1) Ex verbis Registri.

and the

their own

Henry The bishop with his catholic doctors, not yet contented with this, VIIL to set the husband against the wife, proceeding further in their A.D. catholic zeal, caused her two children, Christopher and John, to be produced, one of the age of two-and-twenty, the other of nineteen, against their own natural mother; who likewise, being pressed with their oath, witnessed and said:




Christopher and

John Gre

bil witnesses

"That the aforesaid Agnes, their mother, held, believed, taught, and defended, that the sacrament of the altar was but bread, and not the very body of Christ's flesh and blood: that baptism was no better in the font, than out of the font: that confirmation was of no effect: that the solemnization of matrimony their mo- was no sacrament: that confession to God alone was sufficient: also that going in pilgrimage and worshipping of saints and images was of none effect, etc.




and of un


the hus

band to

ward the wife. Greater

'Item, That their father and the said Agnes their mother, held, taught, and communed of the said errors within their house divers times, by the space of those three years past, as well on holy-days, as working days, affirming and teaching that the said opinions were good and lawful, and to be holden and maintained; and agreement was made amongst them, that none of them should discover or bewray either of these beliefs in any wise.

Finally, That they never heard their said father and mother holding or teaching any other opinions, than be the said errors against the sacrament of the altar, and pilgrimages, offerings, worshipping of saints and images, as far as they could remember,' etc.'

Here hast thou, christian reader, before thine eyes a horrible spectacle natural of a singular, yea of a double impiety; first of an unnatural husband, husband witnessing against his own wife; and of as unnatural children, accusnatural ing and witnessing against their own natural mother: which although Great im- they had so done, the cause being of itself just and true (as it was piety of not), yet had they done more than nature would have led them to do. do. Now the case being such as which, by God's word, standeth firm, sound, and perfect, what impiety were it for men to accuse a impiety poor innocent in case of heresy, which is no heresy? Now, besides all in the this, the husband to come in against his own wife, and the children against to bring the knife wherewith to cut the throat of their own the mo- natural mother that bare them, that nourished them, that brought Greatest them up, what is this, but impiety upon impiety, prodigious and all in the horrible for all christian ears to hear? And yet the greatest impiety men, the of all resteth in these pretensed catholics and clergymen, who were authors the authors and causers of all this mischief.



impiety of



The cause why this good woman so stood, as she did, in the denial of these aforesaid articles objected, was this; for that she never thought that her husband and her own children, who only were privy to her religion, would testify against her. Whom notwithstanding after she perceived to come in, and to depose thus against her, denying still (as she did, before) that she did ever hold such manner of errors, and being now destitute of all friends and comfort, burst out in these words openly (as the register reporteth), "that she repented the time that ever she bare those children of her body." And thus the archbishop with his doctors having now the thing that condemn- they sought for, albeit she was ready to deny all errors, and to coned by the form herself to their religion, yet notwithstanding, they, refusing her readiness and conformity, proceeded to their sentence, and so conbishop. demned her to death.



sentence of the


(1) Ex verbis Registri.

(2) Ex Regist. W. Warham, fol. 177.

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