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Policy Statement Related to Substance Abuse

In accordance with the rules and regulations of the Los Angeles Unified School District, it is the intent of the Board of Education and Van Nuys High School to keep this campus as free as possible frem narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, intoxicants and other substances which have harmful effects on the lives of students attending this school. It is also our intent to provide students, staff members (both classified and certificated) and community members with an educational program which is preventive in nature and designed to help students and staff who are having problems related to drugs or alcohol.

Any student or staff member who possesses, furnishes, uses or sells narcotics or other hallucinogenic drugs or intoxicants on school premises shall be subject to arrest, suspension, expulsion or other disciplinary action.

Each case of a student under the influence or in possission of narcotics and/or other dangerous drugs shall be considered on its com merit as a unique problem requiring a unique decision by the school staff. Treatment and action shall be based upon an attempt to deal with the causes and behavior as well as the symptoms themselves.

Any student who sells narcotics or other hallucinogenic substance will be recommended to the superintendent and the Board of Education for expulsion.

Procedures For Substance Abuse Policy Implementation


A relevant, ongoing educational program focusing on drug, narcotics and alcohol abuse is offered at the school through the Health Education Program, science classes and core tean seminars. Prograns will be PREVENTIVE in nature and involve students, staff and community. Linkages between feeder elementary and junior high schools will be established to the extent possible.



A firm disciplinary policy relative to substance abuse will be maintained. lockers, grounds, facilities and persons are subject to search for reasonable cause.

If a student is suspected of being under the influence or in possession of drugs, narcotics or alcohol, he/she is to be taken immediately to the security officer or appropriate dean. The principal (or designce) and school nurse shall be informed. immediately and will observe and question the student. If, in the opinion of at least two staff members, the student is deemed to be under the influence or ia possission of illegal and/or dangerous substances, the student will be suspended, the parents notified and where necessary reported to authorities.

The principal (or designce) will make a determination that tice whether law enforcement agencies shall be notified. If the student is arrested, the school will attempt to notify the parent. On the came day the student is suspended, the core team chairperson (or dean) will be notified.

*Core Team: An intervation team of counselors, deans, administrators and volunteer professionals who have received appropriate training to function as facilitators and group leaders.

Policy Statement Related to Substance Abuse


The parents of a student who has been suspended for drugs, narcotics or other substance abuse will be informed of the intervention/education program at Van Nuys High School and will be informed of the consideration of the case by the Impact Program.

The core team chairperson (or dean) will gather data concerning the student by contacting staff members and parent(s). A meeting of parent(s), student, core tenu members and the administration (a designee) will be convened at which time the school policy governing substance abuse will be outlined and the conditicas for reinstaterent addressed: 1) Student attendance required at informatica sessions relating to chemical use, abuse and dependency, and/or 2) student participation in appropriate support group for a specified period of time.

Realizing its ultimate goals are of a proventive and rehabilitative nature, the Drug Abuse Committee and/or core ream will investigate cach case. All data which considers the nature and extent of the student's total involvement in cubstance abuse will be cxamined. Parcats will be provided viable alternatives (e.g. opportunity transfers) to the recommended school program. The superintendent and the Board shall be notified of one or more of the following actions.

1. Counseling by school personnel.


Consultation between staff and the student's family.

3. Voluntary involvement of student in other agency (public, non-public).

4. Required participation in a 10-week chemical concern seminar.
Opportunity transfer.


6. Referral to law enforcement, probation, protective services or other
public service agency.

No student shall be suspended longer than five (5) days pending formal action by

No (Chemical Abuse) related opportunity transfer from other schools will be accepted unless the student and parent cooperate in a program recommended by the Van Nuys Drug Abuso Team.



In keeping with the District's student advocacy policy, Van Nuys High
School will strive to establish a caring school community with empathy,
compassion and communication extending between and among students,
teachers, administrators and parents. We will strive to establish
emotionally healthy classrooms and learning cavircaments which include
emphasis on positive self-concept, coping skills, interpersonal relation-
ships, valuing, decision making and assertiveness. We will attempt to
provide sufficient outlets for ctudents' self-development and creativity
which recognize individual needs, interests and skill levels.


Staff development opportunities for all staff members (certificated and classificd) and parents will be provided free or with minimal fees. School support Groups will be approached to provide scholarships for participants and defray costs of materials and supplico.

The objectives of Impact training aro:


To heighten awareness about chemical dependency; the impact in
the school setting; and the role of school personnel.

2. To facilitate personal awareness of attitudes, feelings and ex-
pectations which impact school programming.

3. To offer practical skills for the school professional in identi-
fication, intervention and referral of chemical dependency.

4. To propose effective school programming and cuccessful implemen-
tation of components.

5. To sticulate discussion and action planning for school program

Faculty/Staff ceminars will be held periodically on subjects such as:
enabling behaviors

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Opportunities will be provided for all students to be informed of the
school's program relative to substance abuse and other psycho-socio
problems. General orientation meetings and group sessions will be held
to determine appropriate support groups. Core team members will facili-
tato various groups (e.g. alcohol, drugs, social awareness, family) and
develop referral sources for those who need thom. Assessment for students
appearing to need treatment will be by district personnel or professional
volunteers from Comp-care or similar agencey approved by the District.

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Teachers and other staff members who believe that a student exhibito symptoms suggestive of substance abuse shall complete an appropriate referral and cubuit it to the core team coordinator. The core tean coordinator vill cond requests for information to other teachers or staff members who have imovledge of the student. Impact core team will collate the referrals and materials. This committee will recommend a support group, referral source or other appropriate action for the student and communicate the result of the committee'o investigation to tho person who made the referral.


Parents will be encouraged to take the staff development classes, workshops and seminars along with the school's professional staff. To the extent possible, community meetings will be held to explain the program, develop procedures for involving school personnel with the family members of students troubled by chemical use problems, and provide support groups and referral sources for families in need of help.




Public Hearing

Los Angeles, California
October 31, 1986

My name is Irma Strantz and I am the Director of Los Angeles County's Drug Abuse Program Office. It gives me great pleasure to present to your Committee today a brief sypnopsis of the drug abuse problems, as well as prevention and treatment issues facing the County at the present time. In my report, I will attempt to address each of the questions posed by the Committee.


Certain key indicators of drug abuse are monitored in Los Angeles County on an ongoing basis, in order to develop the annual plan for services, including the allocation of public funding. These indicators are: drug related deaths; drug related emergency room visits; drug related arrests; and probation investigation caseloads. In addition, the County's computerized client information system (part of the Statewide system known as CAL-DADS) provides a quarterly report on the characteristics and drug problems of clients entering and leaving the treatment system.

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Los Angeles County has a population of 7.9 million in a State of 25.6 million (30.9%). During 1984, the latest year for which complete comparative data is available, Los Angeles County had 43% of the juvenile drug-related arrests; 46% of adult misdemeanor drug-related arrests; 47% of the adult felony drugrelated arrests; and 36% of the diagnosed and reported drug-related deaths in the State.

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