
country belonging to the Creek Indians, and possessing a population of about 25,000 souls. We cannot minutely follow the thread of the mission in Georgia: suffice it to say that it was hardly successful, and removed but few of the prejudices which caused the Chief Tomochichi to exclaim," Christian much drunk! Christian beat men! Christian tell lies! Devil Christian! Me no Christian!"

But Wesley's insisting on intolerant discipline, on immersion in baptism, and on other severities, hindered the good work. The preacher also began to de. part more and more from the practices of the church. At Frederica, too, whither Charles Wesley had gone, great confusiou arose out of his attempts at reform, and injudicious zeal. In 1737 Charles returned to England. John refrained from marrying Sophia Causton, the niece of the chief magistrate, in deference, it is said, to the decision of the Moravian brethren, to whom he proposed the question, whether he should or should not unite himself to that young lady. Other accounts state that the match was broken off by Miss C. in consequence of his eccentricities; and she soon after became the wife of a Mr. Williamson. Wesley seems at this period of his life to have been both intolerant and untractable. For some cause or other he repelled Mrs. Williamson from the communion table. For this and for scandal he was indicted. The prosecution, however, was not promptly followed up, and af. ter waiting several months for trial, he quitted the scene of his distress. His passage homeward from Charleston was tempestuous, and spent in strict self-ex amination he landed at Deal, after an absence of two years and four months. It is curious, that Whitfield sailed from the Downs for Georgia only a few hours before the vessel in which Wesley was, cast anchor; the ships passed in sight, but neither knew that his friend was on the deck of that at which he gazed.

"But when Wesley landed he learn ed that his coadjutor was on board the vessel in the offing: it was still possi

ble to communicate with him; and Whitfield was not a little surprised at receiving a letter which contained these words: "When I saw God by the wind which was carrying you out brought me in, I asked counsel of God. His answer you have inclosed." The inclosure was a slip of paper, with this sentence," Let him return to London." Wesley doubting, from his own experience, whether his friend could be so usefully employed in America as ia England, had referred the question to chance, in which at that time he trusted implicitly; and this was the lot* which he bad drawn."

Whitfield had, during the absence of Wesley, made many proselytes in Eng


He began his preachings at Gloucester, and preached afterwards to enthusiastic multitudes in London, Bristol, and other places; but he left all for America.

"It is therefore apparent, that tho' the Wesleys should never have existed, Whitfield would have given birth to Methodism :-and now when Whit field, having excited this powerful sensation in London, had departed for Georgia, to the joy of those who dreaded the excesses of his zeal, no sooner had he left the metropolis, than Wesley arrived there, to deepen and widen the impression which Whitfield had made. Had their measures been con certed, they could not more entirely The first sermon have accorded.

these which Wesley preached was upon strong words: If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature;' and though he himself had not yet reached the same stage in his progress as his more ardent coadjutor, the discourse was so high strained, that be was informed he was not to preach again in that pulpit.

"This was on the second day after On the next his arrival in London. Sunday he preached at St. Andrew's, Holborn, and there also was informed

* This remarkable instance of Wesley's predi lection for the practice of sortilege, is not noticed

by either of his biographers. Whitfield himself re lates it, in a letter published at the time of their separation.

In the wards all whom he should converse with; that he would labour after continual seriousness, not willingly indulg ing in any the least levity of behaviour, nor in laughter, no, not for a moment; and that he would speak no word, and take no pleasure, which did not tend to the glory of God. In this spirit he began to exhort the hostess or the servants at an inn, the chance company with whom he was sat at meat, and the traveller with whom he fell in on the road; if a passing salutation were exchanged, a word of religious exhortation was added."

that he was to preach no more. course of the week he went to Oxford, whither Peter Boehler accompanied him, and where he found only one of the little Society which he had formed there; the rest having been called to their several stations in the world. During these days he conversed much with the Moravian, but says that he understood him not; and least of all when he said, Mi frater, mi frater, excoquenda est ista tua Philosophia. Ere long, being with his mother at Salisbury, and preparing for a journey to his brother Samuel, at Tiverton, he was recalled to Oxford by a message that Charles was dying there of a pleurisy: setting off immediately upon this mournful summons, he found him recovering, and Peter Boehler with him. Boehler possessed one kind of philosophy in a higher degree than his friend: the singularity of their appearance and manner excited some mockery from the undergraduates, and the German, who perceived that Wesley was annoyed by it chiefly on his account, said, with a smile, Mi frater non adhæret vestibus, it does not even stick to our clothes.' This man, a person of no ordinary powers of mind, became Wesley's teacher it is no slight proof of his commanding intellect, that he was listened to as such; and by him, in the hands of the great God,' says Wesley, I was clearly convinced of unbelief, of the want of that faith whereby alone we are saved.' A scruple immediately occurred to him, whether he ought not leave off preaching, for how could he preach to others who had not faith himself? consulted whether he should leave it off, Boehler was and answered, By no means.' 'But what can I preach?' said Wesley. The Moravian replied, Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it, you will preach faith.' Accordingly he began to preach this doctrine, tho,


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his soul started back from the

"He had a little before resolved, and written down the resolution as a covenant with himself, that he would use absolute openness and unreserve to

after this period was to resort to extemWesley's first important alteration poraneous prayer. Between 40 or 50, agreeing to meet weekly and draw up now (1738) congregated in London, the fundamental rules of their society, "in obedience to the command of God by St. James, and by the advice of Peter Boehler."

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eral bands or little companies, none They were to be divided into sevconsisting of fewer than five, or more than ten persons; in these bands every one in order engaged to speak as freely, plainly, and concisely as he could, the real state of his heart, with his several temptations and deliverances since the last meeting. On Wednesday evenings, at eight o'clock, all the bands were to have a conference, beginning and ending with hymns and prayer. Any person who desired admission into this society was to be asked, what were his motives, whether he would be entirely open, using no kind of reserve, and whether he objected to any of the every one present who felt any objecrules. When he should be proposed, tion to his admission, should state it fairly and fully; they who were received on trial were to be formed into distinct bands, and some experienced person chosen to assist them; and if no objection appeared to them after two months, they might then be admitted day was to be observed as a day of into the society. Every fourth Saturgeneral intercession; and on the Sunday sevennight following, a general lovefeast should be held, from seven till tep

in the evening. The last article provided that no member should be allowed to act in any thing contrary to any order of the society, and that any person who did not conform to those orders after being thrice admonished, should no longer be esteemed a member. These rules were in the spirit of the Moravian institutions, for Wesley was now united with the Brethren in doctrine, as far as he understood their doctrine, and well disposed to many parts of their discipline. Charles also now yielded to Peter Boehler's commanding abilities, and was by him persuaded of the necessity of a faith differing from any thing which he had yet felt or imagined. The day after he had won this victory, Boehler left London to embark for Georgia."

Thus gradually approaching what the methodists denominate efficient faith, Wesley continued till Wednesday May 24th, a remarkable day in the history of Methodism, for upon that day he dates his conversion,-a point, say his official biographers, of the utmost magnitude, not only with respect to himself but to others.

"On the evening of that day he went very unwillingly to a Society in Aldersgate Street, where one of the assembly was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans.What followed is considered by his disciples as being of deep importance; it may therefore best be given in his


own words: About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed; I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation: and an assurance was given me, that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and sav ed me from the law of sin and death. I began to pray with all my might for those who had in a more especial manner despitefully used me and persecuted me. I then testified openly to all there what I now first felt in my heart. But it was not long before the enemy sugges ted, This cannot be faith, for where is thy joy ?-How many a thought arising from that instinctive logic which is grounded on common sense, has been fathered upon the personified principle of evil! Here was a plain contradiction in terms,—an assurance which had not assured him. He returned home, and was buffeted with temptations; he cried out and they fled away; they returned again and again. I as often lifted up my eyes,' he says, and He sent me help from his holy place. And herein I found the difference between this and my former state chiefly consisted. I was striving, yea fighting with all my might under the law, as well as under grace: but then I was sometimes, if not often conquered; now I was always conqueror."

[We are sorry we cannot conclude this paper in our present Number.]

From the Monthly Magazine, March, 1820. LETTERS FROM THE HAVANNAH.

NO. II.*

I SCARCELY need inform you that the merchants first set the example of providing elegant furniture for their apartments; but hitherto there have been few imitators. The principal families of the island tenaciously adhere to their antique manners and pristine simplicity: you scarcely ever see in their saloons any other movables than trunks, thrown here and there on chairs; these trunks take the

See Ath. Vol. VII. p. 302.

names of the different articles which they represent. That which contains papers is called the secretaire, and that which holds the linen, the commode ; so that they are no strangers to the use of French furniture.

In a country wherein the state and condition of society are but in their infancy, spectacles, such as the play, the ball, &c. are a sort of needful distrac tions. Let me say a word or two about the spectacles. They act here

very frequently those sacred mysteries in Europe. An additional amusement is, to survey, in the groups, a marchioness or a countess seated between a Spanish monk and a Dutch seaman, that waft to her, from the right and left, the fragrant fumes of their cigarres.

which so delighted our good forefathers. I have witnessed the triumph of the Ave-Maria, tragi-comedy, which closes with the sudden appearance, in the midst of the theatre, of a chivalrous worthy, mounted on a real horse, shaking at the end of a lance the bloody head of an infidel.

This horrid exhibition excited a titter of enjoyment in all the spectators. The ladies in particular seemed to be bighly entertained-no fainting fits, no nervous attacks. How could a mere fiction agonize the blunt feelings of women hardened by the spectacles of bull-fights, and almost every day meeting with the dead body of some human being who has been assassinated? The ball and gaming-rooms are about a quarter of a league from the city; and you proceed to them through an avenue, at the end of which appears a little pedestrian statue of Charles III. with proportions but meagre, and a conformity of costume which throws over the monarch an appearance rather grotesque.

I had almost forgotten to mention, that, close to the statue, and on the high road, you see a block of marble rudely sculptured, surmounted with the bust of Christopher Columbus. It is a sort of shapeless mass of that great man, the design abandoned almost as soon as projected, the posture, lying in the dust at the feet of a king, is a pretty significant emblem of the ungrateful treatment he experienced from the husband of Isabella.

Five or six hundred volantes convey the ladies and gentlemen to the ballrooms. These carriages can only be compared, in point of elegance, to the most ordinary post-chaises; they are drawn by a couple of horses, with a black postillion mounted on one of them. On entering the ball-rooms, you perceive that dancing is but a secondary object of the assembly; the first apartments that you cross are supplied with tables covered with gold and silver; and immense sums are lost and gained here with a rapidity and a degree of phlegm unknown



Here the vicious tendency of gambling is not soured by public opinion; there is the priest, the noble, the magistrate, the merchant, all sitting in public, about a board of green cloth, with as much indifference as we can appro'priate to the most trivial actions. The father of a family goes to place his wife and daughters in the dancing rooms, and then returns to the gaming-room; all this is in the order of their manners, and no sense of public morals or decorum seems to be hurt by it. Nor does the slightest disgrace attach to the bankers that hold the gaming-money, for some of these bankers are members of the most illustrious families in the colony. It is true that the laws and the ordonnances of the governors hold out threatening penalties against gaming, but those who are to put the laws in execution find it to their advantage to screen the offenders with their protection. They give the governor and the intendant to understand that gaming is a necessary evil; and it should seem that they back their assertions with weighty reasons, as the doors are always kept open, and they play, one might almost say, in the open air.

But now for the dancing apartment. It is decorated with taste and elegant simplicity a hundred wax-candles reflect their sparkling lustre on the women seated at one end of the room. Your entrance is the most favourable moment to catch the illusion; large black eyes, a physiognomy full of expression, and the handsomest little feet in the world, would in any country excite an emotion in the breast even of a stoic; but he would be quite astonished to find also a soul and senses.

At the other end of the room are the men, alike seated, but throughout the ball, the two confronting parties do not mingle; there are certain chevaliers of honour who accommodate the dancers

with invitations.

In short, there is such an air of strictness and decorum pervading the assembly, that one might fancy it was copied from the rigid ceremonials practised by the Jesuits of Paraguay, in the balls they gave the natives.

All the balls open with a minuet, and it is often repeated, not so much by preference as from necessity. It is rather walking however than dancing, being just suited to a country, where the least motion puts you out of breath, and is a drain upon your strength.

When the ladies rise up from their seats, they lose in a moment half of the graces which fancy had imputed to them. They bound as if they were lame; and indeed, the narrow shoes that compress their feet, pinch them severely at every step they take. Their countenances pretty plainly give a different expression to the features. They have no corset to keep up their shapes, and they do not know how to put on the robe which they wear, the use of robes being of recent introduction. Ten years ago, the ladies used to appear in public much in the simple costume of a woman getting out of bed.

The men display superior graces in motion, from being more at ease in their feet; but they appear destitute of that dignity and noble air which so well become the minuet. They are besides totally unacquainted with the real character of this dance; these semi-barbarians can step up to the ladies very frequently in a riding coat, and always either without a hat or else with a round


It is only the whites that are admitted to such a ball as I am describing, and it already appears that they cannot boast of having an accurate tradition of the minuet. This honour may be claimed exclusively by the free negroes. How much was I surprised to see these negroes of a noble and supple shape, respectfully advan

cing to their ladies with a three-cornered hat in hand, and with a dignity which begins to grow scarce in Europe? The negresses are not eclipsed by their cavaliers; all their movements are replete with grace and nobleness; nor do they torture their feet to conceal their true dimensions. A right taste presides at their toilettes; their rich dresses, do not jostle with elegance; and they wear their robes with an ease that would create admiration in the most assiduous of our opera loungers.

I had entered the negroes' ball, to make merry for a few minutes at their expense; but that was impossible. What I beheld was far superior to what I had quitted; and had any one then addressed me on the subject of comparison, maintaining the superiority of the whites over the blacks, I should have given a short answer: Only open your eyes, and speak plainly what you think.'

The decent gaiety of these blacks, men and women; the mildness of their physiognomy, and the affability of their manners, render it impossible to refuse them the sentiments of our benevolence. Nature has gifted them with the endow. ments of improvisatori and musicians; and I do not hesitate to predict, that if ever the island shall possess a colonial literature, it is the blacks that will engross the merit of the obligation.

My letter so far is pretty long, and I feel the call for repose. If I recruit my strength in another month, I intend to report the condition of the blacks in slavery; the state of the arts and sciences; to notice the government and the tribunals, the clergy and noblesse, the political bias of the population, the plantations, culture; and, lastly, the deplorable lot of such Europeans as resort hither with the hopes of realizing an establishment. I mean also to furnish you with some statistical notices that may prove interesting to the amateurs.

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