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ALTHOUGH we have the feelings of a parent for the publication before us, yet it may be proper to declare to the world, that it is not indebted to us for its birth, nor was it born in our house. We knew neither its father nor mother, nor hardly of its existence, until, naked, hungry, and helpless, it was brought and laid at our door. Pity for its or phan state bade us, for the moment, give it shelter and nourishment. In proportion as it engaged our care it won our af fections. We began to provide for its maintenance; and what we were unable to afford ourselves was supplied by the contributions of charity. It seemed grateful for the care of its patfons, and tried to reward our beneficence by its smiles and prattle. The older it grew the more it was caressed. We carried it into the parlours of our friends, who, praising it as a child of beauty and promise, predicted its eminence in the world.

Whether these predictions will be verified, agreeably to our desires, is a matter of uncertainty. We still guard our infant hope; and present appearances are very favourable. It is extremely docile; and we have no doubt, under good management, of his being every thing we could wish. We continue to solicit for him the various bounties, which are usually bestowed on children of his condition and merits. We are daily introducing him to the acquaintance of the wise and good, and laying plans to give him an excellent education. It is our intention to have him instructed in several ancient and modern languages, matriculated in two or three universities, and versed in almost every art and science. He shall be associated with all our learned and humane societies, and made a corresponding member of some very respectable institutions abroad. To the ad Vantages of a home education he shall enjoy privileges from trav elling. He shall inspect the colleges, hospitals, and armies of




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