

ROM. vi. 21.

What Fruit had ye then in those things, whereof ye are now afhamed? For the End of those things is Death.


HE firft Refolution, which every one

should take in the Conduct of Life, is to deliberate seriously, as foon as he becomes capable of it, by what Rule his future Behaviour shall be formed. And one principal Cause of the Follies, which Men commit, and the Miseries into which they fall, is their ftrange Neglect of this obvious Duty: a Duty: impoffible to be controverted; for it is only inquiring what will be moft for our Interest.

And yet a very great Part of Mankind never once think of any certain Rule at all for their Conduct; but go on at random, indulging the prefent Inclination, which Way foever it leads VOL. IV.




and how often foever it may vary: and thus fill up a Life of thoughtless Inconfiftency, aiming at no one End beyond pleasing themselves any how for the time, let what will follow. furely a very little Reflection might fhew, that what pleases us now, may ruin us ere long, perhaps very foon: that different Courses of Life have very different Confequences, highly deferving our Attention: and in particular, that thofe of a virtuous and a vicious Life differ fo extremely, that we ought not to continue an Hour undetermined, longer than we must, which we shall purfue. What the Prophet Elijah faid to the Ifraelites belongs equally to all of this unfettled Character: How long halt ye between two Opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow Him. Why this perpetual Wavering and Fluctuation, about the first thing, that you ought to fix; the one Point, on which all depends! If a profane and immoral Conduct will produce and fecure Happiness to you, follow Profaneness and Immorality, yield your Members as Inftruments of Unrighteousness unto Sin3. But if Religion and Virtue be the Means of true and lafting Selfenjoyment, let Religion and Virtue be

a 1 Kings xviii. 21.

b Rom. vi. 13.



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