The Book of Daniel & the Minor ProphetsRobert Sinker J.M. Dent, 1902 - 242 pagina's |
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Pagina xiv
... Jeroboam II . continued . There is not a word hinting at the political breakdown which followed his death . Through chaps . iv . - xiv . , however , we see signs of the anarchy which ensued . Jeroboam's son reigned for six months , his ...
... Jeroboam II . continued . There is not a word hinting at the political breakdown which followed his death . Through chaps . iv . - xiv . , however , we see signs of the anarchy which ensued . Jeroboam's son reigned for six months , his ...
Pagina xix
... Jeroboam II .; but while to Hosea the Northern Kingdom is tottering to its fall , Amos sees a powerful and prosperous monarchy , the strong hand of Jeroboam evidently still grasping the helm . Affliction is to fall on Israel ' from the ...
... Jeroboam II .; but while to Hosea the Northern Kingdom is tottering to its fall , Amos sees a powerful and prosperous monarchy , the strong hand of Jeroboam evidently still grasping the helm . Affliction is to fall on Israel ' from the ...
Pagina xx
... ( 2 Sam . xiv . ) . It has been thought that the high rocky side of Tekoa ... ii . 16 ) . Three discourses follow , in- vectives we may call them , with ... Jeroboam I. Throughout all the varied strain of threat and appeal , of ...
... ( 2 Sam . xiv . ) . It has been thought that the high rocky side of Tekoa ... ii . 16 ) . Three discourses follow , in- vectives we may call them , with ... Jeroboam I. Throughout all the varied strain of threat and appeal , of ...
Pagina xxiii
... Jeroboam II . to nearly its old extent in the golden days of Solomon . It is worthy of note that the reign of Jeroboam II . coincides nearly with xxiii Minor Prophets Introduction .
... Jeroboam II . to nearly its old extent in the golden days of Solomon . It is worthy of note that the reign of Jeroboam II . coincides nearly with xxiii Minor Prophets Introduction .
Pagina xxiv
Robert Sinker. that the reign of Jeroboam II . coincides nearly with the period from the death of Ramman - Nirari , King of Assyria , to the accession of Tiglath - Pileser - a period marked , we are told , by a curious inactivity and ...
Robert Sinker. that the reign of Jeroboam II . coincides nearly with the period from the death of Ramman - Nirari , King of Assyria , to the accession of Tiglath - Pileser - a period marked , we are told , by a curious inactivity and ...
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The Book of Daniel and the Minor Prophets (Classic Reprint) R. Sinker Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 2017 |
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Abed-nego Amos answered Assyrian Babylon beasts behold Belshazzar Beth-aven Beth-el Book of Daniel burning fiery furnace captivity cast Chaldeans children of Israel covenant Daniel Darius deliver desolate destroy devour dream dwell earth Edom Egypt ephah Ephraim evil fathers fire flock Gilgal glory God's Habakkuk Haggai hand hear heart heathen heaven Hebrew holy horns Hosea house of Israel inhabitants iniquity interpretation thereof Jacob Jehoiakim Jehovah Jeroboam Jeroboam II Jerusalem Joel Jonah Judah judgment king king's kingdom land lion Lord hath LORD of hosts Lord's mercy Meshach mighty Moab mountains Nabonidus nations Nebuchadnezzar Nineveh palaces pass priests princes prophecy prophet punish reign sacrifice saith the LORD Samaria Shadrach shepherd shew spake stand sword Temple thine things thou hast thou shalt thought transgressions tree turn unto the Lord unto thee verse vision whoredoms wine word worship Zechariah Zerubbabel Zion