
Daniel in the Den of: Chaucer-'Canterbury Tales'-' Man of Lawe's


(Dan. vi. 1-28.)


Israel's Idolatry.

(Hosea iv. 1-19.)

Tale'-1. 330.

Quarles-Divine Fancies'- 'Daniel in the Lion's


Bishop Bickersteth-Yesterday, To-day and For
Ever'-B. vi. 1. 623.

Wilton-Lyrics Sylvan and Sacred


Greene-Looking Glass for London and Eng-
land'-11. 166-161.

Milton-Paradise Regained '-B. i. 1. 380.
Henry More-Immortality of the Soul'-B. i.

Canto. 1, 1. 7.


Christian Year' - Sexagesima Sunday

-St. 7.

Wordsworth-Eccles. Sonnets-Pt. ii. Sts. 11-12.
Mrs Browning-Idols.'

Lewis Morris-Hymn in Time of Idols.'

Shakespeare-King John'-Act v. Sc. 2, 1. 153.

Judgments upon the James I.-Ballad Virtue Increases Dignitie.'



[blocks in formation]

Herbert-Temple '-' Church Porch."
Quarles-Zion's Elegies--Threnodie '-Pt. i.

Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra-Act iii.

11. 13-123.

Milton Paradise Lost '-B. x. 11. 7-40.
Milton-Sonnet Of True Religion.'
More-Insomnium Philosophicum '-St. 19.
Christina Rossetti Saints and Angels.'

Greene Looking Glass for London and Eng

land'-11. 1902 and 1401.
Milton-Paradise Regained '-B. iii. 1. 275.
Quarles-Feast for Wormes'-Sec. 1.
Cardinal Newman-Jonas.'

The Great Fish. (Jonah i. 17.)

(Jonah ii. 1-10.)

Mission to Nineveh and
Incident of the

(Jonah iii. and iv.)

Chaucer-Canterbury Tales' - ' Man of Lawe's

Tale'-1. 343.

Gascoigne De Profundis."
Greene Looking Glass for London and Eng-

land-1. 1609.

Drayton-Harmonie of the Church'-Song of

Jonah in the Whale's Belly.

William Hunnis

Miserere Mei.'

Quarles Feast for Wormes'-Secs. 6-7.
Richard Wilton-Sign of the Prophet Jonas.'

Greene-'Looking Glass for London and
England'-11. 1953 and 2160.
Quarles Feast for Wormes'-Secs. 6-10.
D. G. Rossetti Burden of Nineveh."
Dobbin-Poems-Jonah and the Gourd.'
Dean Kynaston-' Fast of the Ninevites.'
Chaucer-Canterbury Tales'-Prologue- The
Poor Parsoun."


Rulers, Priests and Pro-
phets Denounced.
(Micah iii.-iv.)


Overthrow of Nineveh foretold.

(Nahum iii. 1-19.)


The Dawn of the Day
of the Lord.
(Hab. i. and ii.)

Milton-Paradise Lost'-B. x. 1. 925.
Dryden-The Good Parson.'
Herbert-Temple '-'The Priesthood.'
Bishop Ken 'The Good Priests.'
Wordsworth-Ecclesiastical Sonnets-Pt. ii. Sts.


Milton-Paradise Lost '-B. iii. 1. 275.
Quarles-Emblems'-B. ii. No. 10.
Christina Rossetti-'By the Waters of Babylon.'
Shakespeare-Richard II 'Act iii. Sc. 2, 1. 6.
Drayton-Harmonie of the Church'-'Song of

Milton-Paradise Lost'-B. x. 1. 750.
C. G. Mudie-Poems-In Babylon.'
Byron By the Rivers of Babylon.'


Woe to Jerusalem. (Zeph. i. 1-18.)


Rebuilding Jerusalem.
(Haggai i., ii., iii.):


Reign of the Redeemer. (Zech. lx. 9-17.)

MALACHI. Final Admonition.

(Mal. iv. 1-6.)

Shakespeare- Richard II.'-Act iii. Sc. 2.
Sir John Beaumont-The World '-St. 4.
Quarles Enchiridion '-B. ii. No. 38.
Herbert-Temple '-'Affliction.'
Carleton-Farm Ballads ''Fading Flowers.'
Swinburne-Atalanta in Calydon'-1. 212.
Christina Rossetti I do set My Bow in the

Shakespeare-1 ' Henry IV 'Act i. Sc. 1.
Sylvester-Bethulia's Rescue'-B. i. 1. 129.
Joseph Beaumont-'Psyche' - Canto ii. 1.78, also

Canto xiii. 11. 22-27.
Milton-Paradise Lost '-B. xii. 1. 349.
Herbert Church Militant'-1. 223.
Wordsworth-Ecclesiastical Sonnets-Pt. 1. St. 8.

Spenser-Hymn of Heavenly Love'-1. 130.
Joseph Beaumont - Psyche'-Canto v. St. 145.
Nicholas Breton-Solemne Passioun '-St. 58.
Bunyan-Holy War'-'Immanuel in Mansoul.
More-Hymn on the Redemption of the World.'
Herbert-Temple'-' Peace.'
Young-Reflection of State of Europe '-1. 146.
Horatius Bonar- Immanuel.'
Mrs. Cousin' In Immanuel's Land.'

Giles Fletcher-'Christ's Triumph after Death'
-Sts. 26-48.

Mrs Browning-He giveth His Beloved Sleep.'
Tennyson-'In Memoriam '-St. 131, 1. 34.
George Eliot-O, may I join the Choir Invisible."
G. T. Coster-Miscellaneous Poems- Malachi.'



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