PERIOD OF THE ISRAEL. JUDAH. Jeroboam II., d. circa 745 в.с. Zechariah (six months), Shallum (one prophesies. Uzziah d. circa 740 B.c. Isaiah month). 744-737. Menachem. 737-736. Pekahiah. 736-730. Pekah. 734. Deportation of people of Galilee and Gilead by Tiglath Pileser. 730-722. Hoshea. 722. Sargon captures Samaria. End of the Northern Kingdom. 740-736. Jotham. 736-728. Ahaz. 735. Syro-Ephraimitic attack on Judah. Ahaz appeals to Tiglath Pileser (Pul). 727-699. Hezekiah. EGYPT, ETC. MINOR PROPHETS. ASSYRIA AND BABYLON. 745-728 в.с. Tiglath Pileser (Pul) king of Assyria. 732. Tiglath Pileser conquers Damascus. 727-723. Shalmanezer IV. 722-705. Sargon (Isaiah xx. 1, only mention of him). 720. Sargon defeats Egypt at Raphia. Circa 728 в.с. Ethiopic (25th) Dynasty in Egypt. Sabaco. 608. Death of Josiah at Megiddo. Jehoahaz (3 months). ASSYRIA AND BABYLON. 711. Capture of Ashdod by Sargon's Tartan (commander-inchief). 705-681. Sennacherib. 701. Mysterious disaster to Assyrian army. Retreat of Sennacherib. 681. Sennacherib murdered by his sons. 681-668. Esarhaddon. 668-626. Assurbanipal (Sardanapalus). 625. Nabopolassar ruler of Babylon (Chaldean Dynasty). 606. Fall of Nineveh. End of Assyrian Empire. 605. Nebuchadnezzar (son of Nabopolassar) defeats Necho at 604-562. Nebuchadnezzar king of Rise of the Chaldean Empire. Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem. 608-597. Jehoiakim. 597- Jehoiachin (3 months). Babylon. First Captivity to Babylon. 597-586. Zedekiah. kingdom of Judah. 586. Fall of Jerusalem. End of Temple and city burnt. BABYLON. 586-573. Siege of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar. 568. Nebuchadnezzar invades Egypt. 561-560. Evil Merodach. Neriglissar (Nergal JUDAH. 586. Murder of Gedaliah, the Babylonian governor of Judah. Flight to Egypt. 561. Jehoiachin released by Evil Merodach, after thirty-seven years' imprisonment (2 Kings xxv. 27). 538. Edict of Cyrus permitting the return of the Jews to Palestine. 537. Return of the Exiles to Jerusalem. 520. Haggai and Zechariah. Zerubbabel governor. 520-516. Rebuilding of the Temple. 460 (?). Malachi. 458. Ezra, the scribe, comes to Jerusalem. 559-556. sharezer). 555-539. Nabonidus (Nabunad). |