THE WORKS OF THE REV. THOMAS ZOUCH, D. D. F.L.S. RECTOR OF SCRAYINGHAM, AND PREBENDARY OF DURHAM; With a Memoir of his Life : By the REV. FRANCIS WRANGHAM, M. A. F.R.S. AND CHAPLAIN TO HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. York: Printed by Thomas Wilson and Sons, High-Ousegate, FOR FA C. AND J. RIVINGTON, NO. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, AND NO. 3, WATERLOO-PLACE, PALL MALL, LONDON, AND WILSON AND SONS, YORK. 1820. Fuit olim usitatum statuere claris hominibus ex marmore aut ex ære statuas, testes diu futuras magnorum in Remp. meritorum; et simul corum dicta factaque posteris prodere, ut cùm has imagines intuerentur, animum et mentem ipsâ præstantium hominum cogitatione confirmarent, certarent cum illis probitate et industria, neque priùs conquiescerent quàm virtute famam illorum ac gloriam adæquavissent. (Vit. Budæi, Præf.) Ce commerce, que nous croions entretenir avec ceux qui ne sont plus, nous inspire naturellement le desir d'en établir un semblable avec la posterité. (Carpentariana.) |