
me, him will my Father honour:' fo that it does not follow, be caufe Jehovah is only to be ferved, that no fervice is to be paid to Jefus Chrift.-Mr. Lindfey remarks, that the apostles never teach, that prayer was to be offered to Chrift. This writer replies, that the apoftles have given us an example of calling upon Chrift in their own conduct, and have fpoken of it in fuch a manner, as fufficiently to difcoyer, that they looked upon it as a thing fit and laudable in their converts. He produces a variety of texts in proof of this affertion, and concludes, that it becomes us to acquiefce in, and behave fuitably to fuch direction, as is offered by God concerning our duty, though it may not be fo full and copious, as we might have expected, or delivered in fo exprefs and formal a manner, as we might have looked for.'

This writer appears to be a man of learning, actuated by a fincere defire, that the point in controverfy may be fully and fairly difcuffed.

An Examination of Thelyphthora, on the Subject of Marriage. By
John Palmer. 8vo. Is. 6d. Johnfon.

The author of Thelyphthora has laid it down as a principle, in his fyftem of polygamy, that the perfonal union of the man and woman is the only marriage ordinance appointed by God. This notion the writer of the prefent treatife endeavours to refute, by fhewing, that the first pair were united in a folemn manner by the Creator, who brought the woman to the man, prefented her to him, and gave them a bleffing, before any personal union commenced; that our Saviour plainly alludes to a marriage ceremony among the antediluvians, when he fays, they married wives, and were given in marriage;' that a marriage-ceremony was required in the patriarchal times, as appears from the cafe of Shechem, who entreated his father to procure him Dinah to be his wife, after her violation: that, under the Mofaic difpenfation, the fame form was continued; and that, according to Mr. M.'s own acknowlegement, betrothed perfons were confidered as husband and wife before any other connection took place.

This writer takes notice of fome abfurd confequences attending the Madanean fyftem; fuch as thefe: that, upon the principles therein advanced, there can be no fuch crime as fornication; that an unbetrothed maiden cannot be debauched; that a perfonal connection with her is an act of marriage; that a rape a religious rite; and that a man may feduce as many women, provided they are difengaged, as he chooses, &c.

If this publication meets with a favourable reception, the au thor defigns to purfue the fubject.





The Adventures of a Hackney Coach, vol. II. 8vo. 25. 6d. fewed. Kearfly.

This is as execrable a hack as any private gentleman would wish to be drove in; being nothing but a heap of uninteresting ill-written adventures, in a pompous and turgid ftyle. The author aukwardly affects the pathetic and fentimental manner of the celebrated Triftram Shandy, and endeavours to imitate what is inimitable.

Otho and Rutha: a Dramatic Tale. By a Lady. Small 8vo. 35. Bew.

The author's defign in this Tale is to inculcate fuch truths as are of eternal and effential importance to human life: 1. that its whole economy is fuperintended and regulated by a wife and beneficent Providence, which renders its moft gloomy viciffitudes and adverfe occurrences, ultimately productive of the highest feficity, not only to communities, but even to individuals; 2. that every external advantage, which man can either acquire or poffefs, is laborious in its attainment, faithlefs in its pretences, and unfatisfactory in its enjoyment; 3. that piety and virtue, improved and cultivated, conftitute the supreme happiness of an intelligent creature.

This Tale is written in a style, which resembles blank verse. The leffons of morality, which it fuggefts, are edifying and important. We shall place it on the fame fhelf with the Death of Abel.'

The Unfortunate Caledonian in England; or, Genuine Memoirs of an impreffed young Gentleman, in the Year 1779. 8vo. 25. 6d. Jerved. Wade.

Whether thefe Memoirs of an Impreffed yonng Gentleman be genuine or fictitious, they certainly afford entertainment. The incidents are interefting; the characters well delineated; and feveral places accurately defcribed. The narrative is alfo frequently enlivened with agreeable pieces of poetry. From the ingenuity which the author difcovers, we regret the difafter he has experienced; and are glad to find, that, after a variety of fortune, he has at last attained the accomplishment of his wifhes.

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An Introduction to English Grammar; to which is annexed a Trea-
tife on Rhetorick. By Joshua Story. Tho Second Edition with
Į 2mo. 1s. 6d. Evans.

We have given a favourable account of this Grammar in our Review for January 1779.-The prefent edition is improved in feveral places, and enlarged by a Treatife on Rhetoric, collected from the most eminent authors on that subject.



Confiderations on the Propriety and Expediency of the Clergy acting

in the Commiffion of the Peace. 8vo. 6d. Johnfon.

The author of these Considerations acknowleges himself to be both a clergyman and a magiftrate; and he endeavours to procure the fame diftinction for his reverend brethren, whom he represents as particularly qualified, on various accounts, for acting in the commiffion of the peace. We know not what pecu lar circumstances may concur to render this gentleman highly ufeful in his double capacity; but fhould be of opinion, that the clerical duties alone are, in general, fufficient to employ the attention of a faithful and diligent paftor. To inveft the clergy, therefore, with a judicial office, would seem to be a measure incompatible with the right discharge of their original function; and we may add, that the union of civil and eccefiaftical authority is far from being an alliance favourable to the meek and humble fpirit which is the effential ornament of a Christian


A Letter to the Jury who convicted Mr. Shelly, the Silversmith. By Robert Holloway. 8vo. IS. Brewman.

Prefixed to this letter is a dedication to the lord mayor, in which it must be acknowleged that the author, who, it feems, is an attorney, is far from rendering his meaning perfectly intelligible. The purpose of the letter is to evince, that Mr. Shelly experienced rigorous treatment in being convicted of the criminal charge for which he was indicted.

The Southampton Guide: Or, an Account of the present State of that Town. Its Trade, Public Buildings, Charitable Foundations, Churches, Fairs, Markets, Play-houfes, Affembly Rooms, Baths, &c. together with a Defcription of the Ile of Wight, Netley Abbey, Lymington, Lyndhurst, Redbridge, New Foreft, Romfey, Broadlands, Bellevue, Bevis Mount, St. Dennis, Tichfield, &c. Interspersed with many curious and ufeful Particulars. A new Edition, 12mo. IS. Law.

The editor of this little Directory has improved the present edition, fo as to render it a proper pocket-companion for the vifitants of Southampton.

The Question-book: Or, a Practical Introduction to Arithmetic. Containing a great Variety of Examples in all the Fundamental Rules. By Thomas Molineux. 12mo. 15. 6d. Bathurst.

To this fhort introduction to arithmetic the author has added a Key, containing the answers to the Queftions. The anfwers to the questions will certainly leffen the labour of the teacher; as the author tells us he hath experienced in his own school.



For the Month of September, 1781.

Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, Efq. F. R and A. S. S. 4to. 41. 45. in boards, Cadell.

2 vols.

HERE is no fpecies of literature more useful than bio

T graphy. The memoirs of thofe perfons, who have

diftinguished themfelves by their learning, their ingenuity, their patriotic virtues, or their military exploits, are calcu-. lated to gratify a laudable curiofity, and excite a noble emulation. Yet it is not neceffary, that the biographer should confine his enquiries to the lives of thofe, who have been the objects of public admiration and applaufe. True greatnefs, like true happiness, does not confift in outward pomp and oftentation, but is feated in the mind; and is frequently found in retirement and obfcurity. The life of Ariftides or Atticus. may afford more useful instruction, than that of Alexander or Julius Cæfar: the private virtues of the former may ferve as examples to thoufands; while the heroifm of the latter can only be imitated by princes or warriors.

The Memoirs now before us prefent to our view one of the moft refpectable and exemplary characters, which the present age has produced. This character, we confefs, is attended with fome remarkable fingularities; but, at the fame time, it is diftinguished by many extraordinary virtues, by an ingenuous fimplicity, an inviolable integrity, and an unlimited benevolence.

Thomas Hollis, efq. of Corfcombe in the county of Dorfet, was born in London, April 14, 1720.

VOL. LII. Sept. 1781.



Thomas, his great-grandfather, was of Rotheram in the county of York, a whitefmith by trade, and the founder of the hofpital at Sheffield, for the maintenance of fixteen poor cutlers' widows. He was of the Baptist persuasion.

In the time of the Civil Wars he left Yorkshire, and settled, with his family, in London; and, in 1679, took a leafe for ninety-nine years of Pinner's-Hall, formerly the place of meeting of the principal independents, Oliver Cromwell, and others. This gentleman died in 1718, at the age of eightyfour, and left three fons, Thomas, Nathaniel, and John; and one daughter, Mary.

Thomas, his eldest son, an eminent merchant in London, augmented the Sheffield charity, and the truft for Pinner'sHall; but more particularly distinguished himself by his benefactions to New England, especially to Harvard College, in Cambridge, where he founded a profefforfhip for the mathematics and natural philofophy, and ten scholarships for ftudents in thofe and other fciences; which, with other endowments, amounted to nearly 5000l.

His brothers, Nathaniel and John, were joint contributors in many of his gifts. The latter, in particular, was a confiderable benefactor to the Sheffield truft, and to the Baptift and Independent Societies.

Nathaniel had one fon, Thomas, who died in 1735, three years before his father, leaving only one fon, Thomas, the fubject of thefe Memoirs, who inherited the fortune of his father, and of his great uncle Thomas, the latter dying in 1730, without iffue.

His mother was the daughter of Mr. Scott of Woolverhampton, in whofe family he was placed, till he was four or five years of age. From Woolverhampton he was brought to London, and not long afterwards fent to the great free-school of Newport, in Shropshire, where he ftaid till he was eight or nine years old. From hence he was removed to St. Albans, and put under the care of Mr. Wood. In his thirteenth, or fourteenth year he was fent to Amsterdam, to learn the Dutch and French languages, writing, arithmetic, and accounts. After a stay of about fifteen months he returned to London to his father, with whom he remained till his death, in 1735. After this he paffed fome years in the house of his coufin, Timothy Hollis, efq.

It was now determined by his friends, that he should have a liberal education, fuitable to the ample fortune he was to inherit; he was therefore placed under the tuition of the learned Dr. John Ward, Profeffor of Rhetoric in Gresham College, where he ftudied the languages, particularly Latin, and went through

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