
folly, their affectation, and their arrogance, at the time when the rage for editing and commenting on SHAKSPEARE was at its

height, and every pedant in Black-letter lore assumed the prerogative of an authorized pollutor of his text*.

From the force of its sentiments, the beauty of its imagery, and, above all, the solemnity

From this general reproach must the great Dr. Johnson be excepted, who, even as a Shaksperian Commertator, is entitled to our respect; and of whom it may truly be said, that he never wrote without the

intention, and scarcely ever without the effect, of rendering mankind wiser or more virtuous.

of its conduct, there is, perhaps, no tragedy in the English language better adapted to receive a burlesque than " HAMLET;" and from its being so frequently before the public, so very generally read, and so continually quoted, it is, more than any other, calculated to give to burlesque its full effect, and which can only be produced by a facility of contrast with its subject work. For it is obvious, that in a work of this nature (the object of which is to convey the precise sentiments and ideas of the author, but in. language, and in a manner, unsuited to their subject and the character of the speaker) many parts must appear ridiculous, and even contemptible, when considered independently

of the passage or passages to which they allude. For a reader, therefore, to derive entertainment from a burlesque, but more particularly to be enabled to decide whether it be ill or well executed, a familiar acquaintance with the original is indispensable.

The travestie having been originally undertaken with an idea to. its representation on the stage, it will be perceived that stageeffect is sometimes considered as in the opening of the piece amidst the magnificence of the palace, in preference to the stillness of the platform; and in the substitution of a pugilistic trial of skill, in the last scene, for the more elegant exercise of the rapier.

With respect to the annotations, particular allusions are sometimes made; but, in general, nothing more is intended than an imitation of the general style, manner, and character of the commentators; and an attempt to produce the ludicrous by the application of the pomp and affectation of critical sagacity and of controversial asperity, to subjects light, trifling, and insignifi


With no other view, in the publication of this trifle, than to afford an hour's amusement, the author solicits for it an exemption from severe and minute criticism: with an apology for having occupied so much of his

reader's time, upon so unimportant a subject, he respectfully submits his work to the public, and trusts to an indulgent and liberal reception.

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