
When a peasant maiden has fixed her affections upon a youth who may be insensible to her natural charms, she often proceeds to heighten them by the use of arsenic. If the poison is used with caution, never exceeding half a grain at a time, and gradually accustoming the system to its action, the effect is perfectly magical. It adds "to the natural graces of her filling and rounding form, paints with brighter hues her blushing cheeks and tempting lips, and imparts a new and winning lustre to her sparkling eye." Occasionally, however, the damsel may be in too great a hurry to extract beauty from the drug, and by augmenting the dose immoderately, she may fall a sacrifice to her passion or her vanity. Its use, however, is by no means confined to maidens. Though incapable of exciting the mental pleasure which opium and certain other narcotics produce, it is consumed very largely amongst the peasant population without occasioning any evil results, provided the doses are adapted to the constitution of the individual. But if the practice should be abandoned, symptoms of disease such as would ordinarily follow the reception of arsenic by uninitiated persons, immediately appear, and the patient is compelled to renew the habit in order to obtain relief from the ailments which spring up to torment him. It is the same with horses. Arsenic is given to these animals to secure plumpness of body and a sleek glossy skin; but if they pass into the hands of masters who do not patronize the practice, they lose flesh and spirits and gradually decline, unless the custom is resumed, when a few pinches in their food will render them perfectly convalescent. Like coca, too, this substance possesses astonishing powers in enabling persons to ascend hills without suffering from want of breath-a small fragment placed in the mouth before the attempt, and allowed to dissolve slowly, being sufficient to qualify a man for very elaborate undertakings in this line. Is it not marvellous to find that a deadly material like this should yet be a strengthener of respiration, an exciter of love, and a restorer of health? Mithridates is famous for the facility with which he digested his poisons, but we never understood that he took them to improve his body, and work himself up into a handsome fascinating gentleman.

Had space permitted, we should have been glad to draw upon some of the other chap

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ters of Professor Johnston's interesting work. Those on the "Odors we enjoy," and the "Smells we dislike," will be found to yield some very striking information; and in the latter case, the reader will be astonished to learn how the most unsavory emanations may be converted into objects of great scientific importance. The author hints at the possibility of compounding smells infinitely more terrific than any which nature produces, and of employing them in warfare either for purposes of defence or annoyance. Some substances are sufficiently atrocious in themselves. Swallow a small pellet of powdered sulphur, and it will diffuse a noisome atmosphere around the individual for many days. Take a quarter of a grain of a preparation of tellurium, and though in itself inodorous, it will impart such a disgusting fetor to the breath and perspiration, that the dearest friend of the victim will be ready to indict him as a public nuisance. If a single bubble of seleniuretted hydrogen gas be permitted to escape into a room, it will attack the company with symptoms of severe colds and bronchial affections, which will last many days. Indeed, it is only necessary to read what is said about a ferocious compound, known as the cyanide of kakodyle, to obtain some idea of the resources of the chemist in the elaboration of detestable smells. The vapor of this terrible substance is decomposed on coming in contact with air and moisture; and two of the most deadly poisons known to exist-white arsenic and prussic acid-are instantly engendered and dispersed through the atmosphere. We must, however, content ourselves with a simple but sincere recommendation of this ingenious work. It belongs to a class we should wish to see widely extended. Composed as it is in a popular style, and studded with facts of the most curious and at the same time of the most practical description, it will be perused by ordinary readers without encountering any of the difficulties which scientific productions too frequently present; whilst its varied learning and philosophical breadth will commend it to the very highest rank of thinkers. We can not pay it a better compliment than by expressing a hope that treatises like this-plain, easy, and perspicuousyet masterly and profound-may soon be reckoned amongst the common things of com mon life.

From Hogg's Instructor.


"Gentlemen, if I had but time to discourse to you the miraculous effects of this, my oil, surnamed Oglio del Scoto; with the countless catalogue of those I have cured, the patents and privileges of all the princes and commonwealths of Christendom; or but the depositions of those that appeared, on my part, before the Signiory of the Sanita and most learned College of Physicians; where I was authorized, upon notice taken of the admirable virtues of my medicaments, and mine own excellency, not only to dispense them publicly in this famous city, but in all the territories that happily joy under the government of the most pious and magnificent," &c.— Volpone (Ben Jonson's Fox).

FROM his earliest childhood (this much | volvers; and as, notwithstanding the abovewe may gather from his memoirs) Dumas mentioned crackers, there still sat before him evinced the natural, nay, uncontrollable in a daring and unscathed horseman, the doughstincts of his African blood-an excessive ty champion, missing his sword just at this love of physical display, a singular aptitude critical moment, most felicitously terminated for bodily exercise, an absolute worship, in the struggle by whisking his adversary from short, of that supreme of human perform- his saddle, transferring him cross-wise, to his ances, a feat! The feeling was hereditary. own, backing out of the melée, and returnHis father, the republican general, was ing thus double and unmolested to his own equally notorious for this constitutional pre- expectant outposts! Bonaparte, an unquesdilection. If he rode in the manége, and tionable judge of the picturesque, made a happened to be within reach of a joist or most characteristic use of General Dumas on hook of any kind there with connected, be their first landing in Egypt. Being informed felt irresistibly compelled to lay hold thereon that a party of mounted Arabs were to give and, serrying his legs on either side of his him the meeting, and aware how small would steed, lift and equilibrate both himself and be the impression of his own diminutive stathis charger. If he came upon a sergeant ure on these primitive warriors, he deputed beguiling the tedium of the bivouac by hold- a select body of horsemen provided with the ing, in presence of his admiring inferiors, a necessary requisite of flesh and muscle, commusket by the barrel, and at full stretch, pleting the ocular deception by expediting this metacarpal exhibition would straightway Dumas at their head. The effect was magirouse the lurking devil of display within the cal. The climate, however, says his chronbosom of the dark-skinned general, when, in icling son, produced a disastrous effect, if compliment to his military pre eminence, the not on the iron frame, at least on the hitherleader would throw his non-commissioned to buoyant spirits of the general. A deep rival completely into the shade-quadrupling and settled despondency took possession of the difficulty by a new and overwhelming his mind, which be could shake off in the combination, wherein a series of muskets hour of action, but which returned with tenwere seen to protrude in a direct and unde- fold gloom, when physical exertion was no viating line of rigidity from the iron digits of longer necessary. From a brilliant and daring the performer! Adventures compared to swordsman, he now degenerated into a moping which that of Horatius Cocles was but an malcontent, excited feelings of unconquerable old woman's tale, were performed by this disgust in the youthful adventurer, who, copper-colored Ajax. In a chance rencoun- then at the head of the troops, and anxious ter with a host of Austrian cavaliers in a to treat the soldier to the invigorating expernarrow pass, General Dumas threw, solus, iment of a march through the desert, thought his Telamonian bulk across the path, fired proper to dispen-e with the general's preshis holster, perhaps his duelling pist ls, we ence, though not without inflicting upon him, are now uncertain which, with the rapidity in the sequel, a most serious mortification. and death-like accuracy of your modern re- In the revolt of Cairo, General Dumas re

covered, for an instant, all his wonted elastic- | courtesan, with the fantastic and half-crazed ity, dashing gallantly and almost naked into "Hernani," joint productions of Hugo's drathe deadly strife, and turning the tide of matic muse, the latter written in eight, the battle by such deeds as alone can speak home former in twenty-seven days' time. These, to the breasts of the fatalist Mussulmen. with Alfred de Vigny's almost literal transA picture commemorative of the scene was lation of "Othello," were the startling foreto be painted by Gorodet, wherein the gene- runners of the portentous change contemral was to figure as the leading character, plated in the hitherto tame and classic drama and with all the pictorial deference due to of France, by these bold disciples of the his complexion and athletic form. The pic- English Shakspeare, the man who, in Dumas's ture was painted; the terrific game of revolt, reckless language, "has next to God created with its rush, and shock, and bloodshed, was most largely." The temperament of Dumas, admirably simulated, but with a shameless savoring so remarkably of those well-fed violation of historic truth, General Dumas conditions advocated by Cassius in his first was omitted-at whose intimation or request memorable dialogue with Brutus, enabled it is by no means difficult to divine. The him to take as well as keep the lead in the republican general (thus is Dumas, senior, dramatic race; while certain ungallant ferocever designated by his dutiful son) hence- ities evinced in his flirtings with the historical forth stood aloof, sharing in none of the muse, and summed up in the following coarse glories of the imperial campaigns. The truth and brutal apology: Qu'il est toujours peris, he remained unemployed and unpensioned, mis de violer l'histoire pourvu qu'on lui fasse maugre his early services to the state; thus un enfant, at once supply us with a key to maintaining, perforce, no doubt, those pre- his peculiar process, as well as mode of suctensions to unflinching republicanism on cess. His sentiments on poetical training, as which his son dwells with such ostentation, drawn out in connection with the humorous and to which, ever and anon, even he lays portrait of one of his fellow-laborers in the such ludicrous claims. Thus descended and romantic vineyard, are too preciously sugorganized, blessed, that is, with a constitu- gestive to be omitted in so personal a sketch tion and animal spirits which have fallen to as this. "De Vigny," says Dumas, in the the lot of few writers, Dumas's first and ear- 14th volume of his "Memoirs," date of remliest feat was the high dramatic position he iniscence, 1829, "had not much imaginawon by his historical drama of "Henri III.," tion, but great correctness of style. He was performed on the 13th February, 1829, on known by the romance of Cinq Mars,' the highest stage in Paris, and in presence which would have met with slender success, of his patron, the Duke of Orleans, with if it appeared now, but which, at that time a whole knot of diplomatists and titled of literary dearth, had great vogue. Bepersonages. Up to this date, and for a year sides Cinq Mars,' De Vigny had written or two longer, Dumas held the very subor- delightful little poems, five or six, among dinate situation of copying clerk in the office which Eloa' and Dolorida.' In short he of the Palais Royal, a situation to which he had just published a very moving elegy on had been preferred by reason of an excellent two hapless youths who had committed suihand writing, which, in the language of Ham-cide at Montmorency, within earshot of the let, did him most yeomanly service, the more so, as he then had no other staff or reed to lean upon for support, being burdened with a mother, but poorly bred, and most imperfectly educated. His triumph on the first stage, the Theatre Français, was shortly after repeated on the second, the Theatre de l'Odéon; while the sale of the manuscript of "Henri III." for six thousand francs, and that of "Christine" for twelve thousand, naturally struck our adventurous dramatist as two very remarkable achievements. The banner of the romantic host now flutters in the breeze, and bore, within a few months after, the additional emblazonments of " Marion Delorme," the first of the lamentable series of dithyrambic plays in honor of the

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ball music. De Vigny was a singular man, polite, affable, affecting the most complete immateriality, which was in perfect harmony with his charming, small-featured, and intellectual face, and head of curling fair hair. De Vigny never touched the ground but when absolutely necessary; when his wings were folded, and he happened to take his stand on the craggy peak of some mountain, it was a piece of condescension on his part towards humanity. What particularly surprised Hugo and myself was, that Vigny seemed not in the slightest degree subject to those coarse necessities of our nature which certain amongst us (Hugo and myself were among these) satisfied not merely without shame, but even with a

certain sensuality.

None of us had ever ed it to the poet, with a bon pour l'exécution. detected De Vigny at table. Dorval, who The plan transformed into a play was read, for seven years of his life had spent several always in presence of the same assembly; hours a-day in his company, confessed to us, and one with a pencil, another with scissors, with an astonishment almost bordering on a third with a compass, a fourth with a ruler, terror, that he had never seen him eat any set about the work of emasculation, so that thing but a radish!" Dumas's visible pref- the comedy, drama, or tragedy, was pruned, erence of the showy or slapdash process, so clipped, and cut on the spot, not according perfectly in unison with his instincts, is so to the author's notions, but in accordance cleverly worded in the onslaught he makes with those of Messrs. So-and-so, very conon Casimir Delavigne as a successful poet scientious folks, no doubt, all men of note and dramatist, that we can not forbear giving and wit among themselves, good professors, the passage almost in extenso. It is has a honest men of science, respectable philolosubsidiary value besides, being, like the pre- gists, but sorry poets; who, instead of allowceding quotation, indirectly illustrative of our ing their friend to soar aloft under the influauthor's constitutional creed in all questions ence of a powerful afflatus, clung desperately of literary power or produce. "I knew C. to his legs, lest he should take his flight into Delavigne well as a man, and have studied regions beyond the ken of their purblind him a good deal as a poet. I never felt much vision." Were our author's statements at all admiration for the poet, though I entertained times trustworthy, it would be no uninterestthe highest esteem for the man. As an in- ing study to mark the dawn of his own dividual, and barring indisputable and undis- expanding intellect, to witness, above all, by puted literary honesty, C. Delavigny was a what obstinate and persevering labor he conman of mild, nay, polite address. His head, trived to break through all but the Cimmemuch too large for his small person, struck rian ignorance under which, even by his own one as disagreeable at first sight; though his avowal, he suffered at the outset. Here, large forehead, intelligent eyes, and the ben- however, we are compelled to think, from evolent expression about his mouth, soon what we know of his mental tendencies, and obliterated first impressions. Though a man despite his ever-recurring assertion on the of much wit, he was of those whose wit flows question of deep and sustained application, only pen in hand. His conversation, gentle that his studies were pursued for the nonce, and affectionate, was tepid and colorless; as and that his acquirements, be they of what he had nothing grand about his gestures, seeming order or magnitude they might, nothing powerful in the tones of his voice, so he sometimes fell short of, though they also was deficient in power and grandeur of lan- occasionally outstripped, the exigencies of the guage. Standing in a drawing room, he moment. Of this latter assertion we possess attracted no attention; to have noticed him a rather burlesque confirmation, furnished by at all, one would have required to know he a late courteous passage-at-arms between our was C. Delavigne. One of his special char- dramatist and the respectable editor of that acteristics, and in our opinion a most unfor- widely-known periodical, La Revue des du tunate one, was his submission to the ideas Mondes. At a period when Dumas was still of others, which could only proceed from thought a literary chieftain, and while his want of confidence in his own. He had name yet enjoyed that share of literary influ(rather a strange fact) created round him a ence it has since so justly forfeited, M. Buloz, sort of Admonition Office, or Checking Com- (the name of the above-mentioned editor,) mittee, whose business it was to see that his aware of that gentleman's ready and unimagination should not go astray! a some- questioned powers of handling, supplied him what superfluous precaution, as Delavigne's with certain learned notes on Palestine, refancy stood more in need of the spur than questing he would therefrom gather and get the bridle. The consequence of such derelic-up for his review a series of attractive and tion of his own will was, that Delavigne, | when his talent was in all its strength, and his fame at its highest, could venture on nothing either of or by himself. The idea hatched in his brain was submitted to the committee before assuming either shape or plan. The plan again, when terminated, was a second time laid before the committee, which commented, discussed, corrected, and return

interesting articles, by the title of "Impressions de Voyage au Sinai." This our author set about digesting with his usual celerity, sending in, among other imprimatur proofsheets, one containing rather a novel piece of information, couched in the following terms:

"La pile de Volta, ce minerai qu'on trouve dans les entrailles de la terre !" This blundering excess of information, Buloz


states, he had the singular good fortune to dear a gem, too costly a pearl, to be won or remark in time, and kindly erase, in expecta- worn by one in a hurry to live, and live in tion of the writer's everlasting gratitude. To splendor. Not Falstaff's obesity and passion the editor's unmitigated surprise, M. Dumas, for sack were more insuperable bars to his instead of testifying thankfulness for such climbing the heights of honor, than is Dutimely interference, warmly protested against mas's love of opulence and vulgar display to the irreparable injury done to his mineralog- his breasting the steeps of originality. Acical discovery-so amazingly and so amus cordingly we see him stoop at a cheaper and ingly did he, Dumas, ignore even the exist- surer quarry-the place of improvisatore and ence of the naturalist Volta; so ingeniously caterer for the pleasures of the multitude. did he expound, or rather impound, that The situation was vacant; he assumed its philosopher's pile or galvanic battery! When functions at once, and entered on the manireminded by Buloz, in a late angry discussion, fold duties of the office with a readiness, faof this most unlucky trespass on the domains cility, and fertility of resource perfectly unof science, Dumas indignantly repelled the paralleled. It is true there were detractors, charge, as far as the obnoxious fact was con- nay, even contemners of the office; what cerned, though he had no hesitation in admit- then? The official snapped his fingers in the ting the general reproach of uncommon igno- face of the hypercritical, or calling up a The admission had its advantages; braggart air, challenged them to a trial of what it took from the extent of his informa- conclusions. He could build a novel or run tion, it added to that of his intellect; thereby up a five act play in less than a week, and superinducing among groundlings the flatter- while thus employed, eat, drink, digest, and ing belief, that if Dumas stood so high in the sleep, besides supplying some half-dozen rolls of fame, the secret must lie, not in the papers with feuilletons, harrowing, or divertnature of things, but in the independent qual-ing, to order. Which of all, or any, of his ities of his indomitable personality. The seven or eight hundred volumes which bear his name attest the wonderful fact, that, as some men eat and drink, so does Alexandre Dumas write; nay, they may be adduced as an argument in favor of velocity being as much a criterion of power in the sphere of mind, as steam in that of mechanics. This celerity, however, this most agile skimming of the streams of fiction, says but little in favor of depth. It may tell magnificently of continuous speed, but it is the speed of the swallow-sixteen hours on the wing-a prodigious exertion of the muscular power, unquestionably, but then unfortunately displayed in the pursuit and capture of flies! Dumas must have long since awakened from the glorious dreams of excellence which at one time allured his aim and animated his He must be painfully conscious of the grovelling level to which he has brought his once aspiring faculties. Yet who will assure us of this? Who will assert that the man has any such consciousness, or that the indistinct and occasional glimmerings he has of his debasement are aught else but so many dim yet useful lights enabling him to discern more surely the primary and earthly pointings of his nature; the better to collect, mass, and centre the remains of a once divine affla tus in the pursuit of notoriety, in the gratification of necessities whose princely proportions are but a miserable offset to their more than plebeian meanness? Originality is too



disparagers could perform the like? The office had its disagreeables, no doubt, disagreeables involving the twin exhibition of the kindred and cognate faculties of quack and buffoon. What then? Was he not devoted heart and soul to the people, and the people's cause? And wherein consists devotedness, if not in self debasement in presence of the idol? But let this self-denying servant of the multitude speak for himself; let him mount the stage, and expound his mission, part at least of the paramount duties of his office. Lamartine," says he, " is a dreamer, Hugo, a thinker, 1 a vulgariser. What is too subtle in the dream of the one, a subtlety which sometimes prevents its being approved; what is too deep in the thought of the other, a depth which prevents its being understood, I take possession of, I the vulgariser. I give body to the dream of the one; I give perspicuity to the thought of the other; I serve the public up the twofold dish, a dish which from the hand of the first would not, from its excessive lightness, have been sufficiently nutritious; from the hand of the second, owing to its excessive heaviness, would have given the public a surfeit; but which, seasoned and presented by mine, agrees with the generality of stomachs, the weakest as well as the strongest." If he is thus skilful in cooking and serving up his friends for the public digestion, he is not less eminently so in serving up himself; nor does the extent to which he carries the feast at all

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