
other with a villa!-you take the allusions?— But hey! what the plague! you have got both your banks on one side-Here, sir, come round -Ever while you live, Thames, go between your banks. [Bell rings.] There, soh! now for 't-Stand aside, my dear friends!-away, Thames! [Exit THAMES between his banks. [Flourish of drums, trumpets, cannon, &c. &c.

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Scene changes to the sea-the fleets engage -the music plays Britons, strike home.'— Spanish fleet destroyed by fireships, &c.— English fleet advances-music plays Rule, Britannia.'-The procession of all the English rivers, and their tributaries, with their emblems, &c. begins with Handel's water music, ends with a chorus, to the march in Judas Maccabæus.-During this scene, Puff directs and applauds every thing- -then] Puff. Well, pretty well-but not quite perfect -so, ladies and gentlemen, if you please, we'll rehearse this piece again to-morrow.

[Curtain drops.

VOL. 11.






As the two translations which have been published of Kotzebue's SPANIARDS IN PERU' have, I understand, been very generally read, the public are in possession of all the materials necessary to form a judgment on the merits and defects of the Play performed at Drurylane Theatre.

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