[blocks in formation]

BAKER, Edwin H., 386.

BAKER, Rev. P. A., quoted, 298.
BALCH, Prof., book referred to, 82.
BALDWIN, Hon. Simeon E., 246, 384,
386, 390.

BAPTISTS, efficiency of the, 29.
BARTLETT, Rev. W. A., 402.

ALLEN, Rev. E. Bourner, 373, 400, 49. BAIRD, Rev. Lucius O., 164.
ALMS and the church, 73.
AMERICAN Bible Society, the, 31, 347,
393; Board, 377; centenary of, 11,
12; centennial year, 129; session of,
377; statement, 125; and brother-
hood, 16; Church, the, 44; Episcopal
Church, the, 225; Missionary, 27,
399; Missionary Association, session
of the, 450; financial statement, 157,
158, 159; gifts and legacies, 160;
statement of, 141; statistics, 144,
151, 152, 154, 155, 156; woman's
work, 161.

AMPHION chorus, 391.

ANDERSON, Rev. Asher, 7, 368, 369,
383, 384, 386, 390, 403, 408.
ANDERSON, Prof. Louis F., 372.
ANTICE, Henry, 382.

APPORTIONMENT plan, the, 372, 133,

136, 150, 162, 163, 167, 403, 27,
38, 42; and the American Board,
127; memorial from Southern Cali-
fornia, 375.

AQUINAS, Thomas, 117.
ARCHITECTURE, memorial on church,

ASSISTANT moderators, election of,
368; registrars, 367.

ASSOCIATION, recognition of district,

ATKINSON, Rev. George H., 7.

BARTON, Rev. William E., 371, 389,

BASSETT, Edward M., 397.
BATES, John B., 386.

BAYLEY, Rev. Frank T., 390.
BEACH, Pres. David N., 376.

BEACH, Prof. Harlan P., quoted, 12.
BEARD, Rev. A. F., 166.
BEARD, Rev. W. L., 129.
BEARDSLEY, H. M., 49, 371, 396; ad-
dress of, 384.

BELL, Rev. Enoch F., 128.
BENEVOLENT Societies, list of, 6; in
National Council, 364; relation of
National Council to, 237.

BERLIN, Congress at, 31.

BERRY, Rev. L. F., 408.

BEVAN, Rev. Llewellyn D., 383.
BIBLE and China, the, 31.
BILLINGS, Frederick, 7.
BLAISDELL, Pres. James A., 402.
BOARD of Ministerial Relief, memorial
to (see Ministerial Relief), 375.
BOSTON, motto of, 9.

BOSWORTH, Prof. E. I., 402.
BOWEN, Clarence W., 402.
BOYNTON, Rev. Nehemiah, 7, 41, 368,
386, 390, 391, 396, 408, 411.
BRADFORD, Rev. Amory H., 7, 41,

BRADSHAW, Rev. John A., 397.
BREED, Rev. Dwight P., 368.
BREWER, Justice, 32.

BRIDGMAN, Rev. Howard A., 369.
BROTHERHOOD, achievement and aims,
212; and American Board, 16;
Congregational, 211; our Congre-
gational, 15; and Cleveland Council,
15; Department of National Council,
395; Era, 48, 213; first convention
of, 15; and immigration, 81; move-
ment, scope, and significance of the
45; organizations, growth of, 49;
outlook, 215; policy, 214; and
polity, 283; scope of the, 383; sec-
ond convention of, 212; statistics,

BROWN, Rev. Charles O., 7.
BROWN, Rev. Charles R., 402.
BRUSH, George A., 386.
BUCKINGHAM, Hon. Wm. A., 7.
BUDINGTON, Rev. Wm. T., 7.

BUILDING Society, Congregational

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

CHALMERS, Rev. A. B., 402.
CHALMERS, Rev. Thomas, 367.
CHAMBERS, Rev. William, 113.
CHANDLER, Rev. Joseph H., 397.
CHAPIN, Rev. A. L., 7.
CHARITIES and corrections, 392.
CHASE, Rev. C. T., 403.

CHESTERTON on social equities, quoted,
63, 65.

CHILD, religious instruction and the,
105; labor, 399.

CHINA and the Bible, 31.
CHRISTIANITY and Islam, 109.

CHURCH, and citizenship, 384; immi-
gration in relation to the, 80; politics
and the, 52; property, report of com-
mittee on, 390; success, reasons for,
114; and theol. seminary, the, 116.
CHURCH Building Society, the Congre-
gational, 19.

CHURCHES, decadent, 112; down-town,
250; memorial, 134.

CITY church extension, 249.

CITY organization, Congregational, 249.
CIVIC Committee favored, 396.
CLARK, Rev. Calvin M., 371.

CLARK, Edgar E., 228.

CLIFTON, Dr., 138.

COFFIN, O. Vincent, 7.

COGSWELL, William B., 386.

COIT, Alfred, 368, 386.

COLLEGE and Congregationalism, the,

COLLEGES, in National Council, 365.
COLOR line, 376; at Sunday-school con-
vention, 30.

COMITY, federation, and unity, mem-
bers of committee on, 263; report
on, 253, 397.

COMMISSION of fifteen, 143, 370.
COMMISSION of nineteen, 396; to nomi-
nate Secretary, 389.
COMMITTEES ad interim, 414.
COMMITTEE on city church extension,
members of, 252; on coöperation
with national conference charities
and corrections, 392; of eleven,
Year Book statistics referred to, 383;
of nine, 376; on polity, 370; resolu-
tion, 370; of twenty-five, 371.
COMMITTEES, list of reports of ad
interim, 6; members of, 367; of
session, 413.

COMMUNION Services, 391.
CONGREGATIONAL brotherhood, report
of committee on, 372; Church Build-
ing Society, 400; Education Society
and ministerial education, 274; Sun-
day-School and Publishing Society,
397; Sunday-School Society and min-
isterial education, 274; Union of
England, greetings from, 383.
285; our debt to, 23; what it is, 22;
what it costs, 23; at university
centers, 18; and the college, 18.
Congregationalist, The, 26, 290, 178.
CONGRESS in Chicago, laymen's, 11, 12.
CONRAD, Rev. A. Z., 347.

CONSTITUTION of National Council,

CONTENTS, table of, 5.
COOKE, Hon. Lorrin A., 7.
COOL, Rev. Peter A., 374.
COOPER, Rev. J. W., 143.
CORPORATION, members of National
Council, 234.

COUNCIL, Cleveland, Ohio, National, 9;

the Federal, 13; the National Free,

COUNCILS and the theological semi-
nary, 122.

Cox, Rev. Sydney H., 390.
CREDENTIAL Committee, 367.
CREEGAN, Rev. C. C., 127, 384.
CROSS, Rev. James F., 155.
CROSSETT, Lewis A., 395.
CUBA, transfer of work in, 168.
CUMBERLAND Plateau Association, me-
morial of, 374.

CUTCHEON, Hon. B. M., 7.
CUTLER, Rev. Charles H., 374.

DAVIS, Ozora S., address, 80, 371,
384, 402.

DAWSON, Dr. William J., 377.
DAY, Rev. Frank J., 383.

DAY, address of Rev. Wm. H., 109,
368, 391, 411.

[ocr errors]

DEBERRY, Rev. W. N., 409.
DEBTS of societies and Together
Campaign," 401.

Declaration of Unity, 334.
DELEGATES to International Council
1908, 193; fraternal, 365; roll of,
348; summary of, 367.
DEMOND, Charles, 7.
DENISON, Rev. John Hopkins, 391.
DE TOCQUEVILLE, quoted, 53.
DEWEY, Rev. Harry P., 368, 391.
DEXTER, Rev. Henry M., 7.
DINGLEY, Hon. Nelson A., 7.
DISCIPLES of Christ, 400; convention
of, 194; greetings from, 383.
DISSENSIONS, the church and indus-
trial, 75.

DOLLIVER, Senator, tribute, 393.

DOSHISHA, Japan, greetings from, 383.
DOUGLASS, Rev. H. P., 143, 166.
DOUGLASS, Rev. Trueman O., 390.
Dowd, Rev. Q. L., 400.

DRAPER, Governor Eben S., 347, 410.
DUDLEY, Guilford, 368, 408.
DUNNING, Rev. Albert E., 371.
DUTTON, Samuel T., 402.

DWIGHT, Rev. Henry O., 393.

DWINELL, Rev. I. E., 7.

DYER, Rev. Frank, 49, 212, 333, 373,

DYOTT, Rev. Luther R., 390.

EATON, Pres. Edward D., 368, 396;
telegram to, 395.
EDDY, D. Brewer, 127, 128.
EDDY, Rev. Zachary, 7.
EDINBURGH, Missionary Conference
in, 11, 12; World Conference at,

EDUCATION, aim of religious, 101;
Association, the Religious, 290, 291;
and Congregational Educational So-
ciety, ministerial, 274; and Congre-
gational Sunday-School and Pub-
lishing Society, ministerial, 274; and
the home religions, 103; members of
committee on ministerial, 275; and
the ministry, commission on minis-
terial, 392; recommendations of com-
mittee on ministerial, 275; religious,
committee on, 402; religious, report
on, 287; report on ministerial, 269;
and the Sunday-School and Pub-
lishing Society, religious, 288; So-
ciety, the Congregational, 19, 400;
and Congregational Home Mission-
ary Society, 170; statement of the
Congregational, 137; and temper-
ance, 300; theological seminary and
ministerial, 272; and our youth,
religious, 101.

EDWARDS, Rev. John, 153.
EELLS, Rev. Cushing, 7.
EKINS, Rev. Grove F., 347.

ELEVEN, report of committee of, 403.
EMERSON, Mr. Ralph, gift of, 147.
EPISCOPAL brethren, our debt to our,
29; Church, the Protestant, 398;
greetings from, 382.
EQUITIES, Social, 62.
ESSEX North Conference, memorial
from, 396.

EUCKEN, Professor, 110.

EVANGELISM, educational, 219; com-
mittee on, 221; committee ap-

pointed, 373; and Congregational
Home Missionary Society, 169;
pastoral, 219; visitation and, 220.
EVANGELISTIC committee, address in
behalf of, 410; report of, 217; work,
report of committee on, 372.
EVANGELIZATION, city, 17; and Home
Missionary Society, 17.
EVANS, Rev. Daniel, 382.
EVANS, Ira H., 7.

EVERSZ, Rev. Moritz, 218.
EWING, Rev. William, 383.
EXPANSION, Opportunity and, 9.
EXTENSION in residential and suburban
communities, 250.

FAITH, declaration of, 259.
FANCHER, B. H., 396, 408; vote of
thanks to, 396.

FAVILLE, Rev. John, 374.
FEDERAL Council, 13, 71, 226, 231;
1908, delegates to, 264; delegates to,
389; expenses of, 267; and immigra-
tion, 82; and temperance, 297; prin-
ciples of, 266.

FEDERATION, report on, 253, 397.
FELLOWSHIP in the West, 37; solidarity
of Congregational, 34, 36, 40.
FENENGA, Pres. Melmon J., 347.
FIFTEEN, members of commission of,
240; report of commission of, 237.
FINANCE Committee, 368, 369.

FISCAL years, dates of, 24.
FISHER, Prof. George P., 7.
FISHER, Rev. Miles P., 288.
FISK Jubilee Singers, 384.
FISK University, 163.
FITCH, Rev. F. S., 7.

FITCH, Pres. Albert P., address, 116,

FITZGERALD, Mayor John F., 347, 410.
FORBES, Rev. Samuel B., 7, 205.
FORD, H. Clark, 32, 368, 408.
FOSDICK, Frederick, 390.
FOSTER, Hon. L. S., 7.

FREE Church assembly and solidarity,

FRIZZELL, Rev. J. W., 134.
FUNDS of Church Building Society,
protection of, 135.
FULLER, Levi A., 368.

GALLAUDET, Rev. Herbert D., 391.
GATES, Pres. George A., 148, 371, 409.
GEORGE, Pres. J. H., 402.
GILLETT, Prof. Arthur L., 372.
GLADDEN, Rev. Washington, 7, 41,

368, 382, 392; quoted, 16.
GOMPERS, Samuel, quoted, 297.
GONZALES, Rev. John B., 371, 392.
GOODSPEED, Rev. F. L., 7.
GOODWIN, Rev. F. J., 408.
GORDON, Rev. George A., 7, 391.
GOWER, Samuel H., 399.
GRAY, Rev. Thomas, 153.
GREENE, Samuel, 376.
GREETINGS, 376, 382, 383, 384.
GROSE, Dr. H. B., 166.
GUNSAULUS, Rev. F. W., 7.

HAECKEL, Professor, 110.

HAIGHT, L. P., 367, 372; quoted, 50.
HALL, Rev. George E., 164.
HAMBLEN, Frederick A., 347.
HAMMOND, Charles G., 7.
HAMPTON, Rev. William H., 347.
HAND fund, the Daniel, 158.
HANKS, Rev. Carlos H., 382.
HARADA, Pres. Tasuku, 383.
Harger, Miss Mary, 347.
HARRISON, Bayard E., 382.
HARTER, Lloyd E., 48, 212.
HARVARD College, 409; Congregational
Church, Brookline, Mass., 391.
HAVELOCK at Cawnpore, 99.
HAWAII, American Missionary Associa-
tion work in, 156.

HAYS, Robert R., 347.

HAZARD, M. C., 178.

HAZEN, Rev. Henry A., 7.
HEERMANCE, Rev. Edgar L., 371.
HENDERSON, Rev. George W., 7.
HERRICK, Rev. Samuel E., 7.
HERRING, Rev. H. C., 167, 390.
HICKS, Harry Wade, 127; quoted, 47.

HILL, Rev. Jesse, 373.
HINDRANCES to the kingdom, 43.
HODGDON, Rev. Frank W., 374, 391.
HOME, the, 29; Missionary Society,
the Congregational, 392; and city
evangelization, 17; statistics, 170;
Congregational, 392; statement of,
167; receipts, 171; missions and tem-
perance, 300; religious education and
the, 103.

HOMESTEAD ASSsociation, appeal of, 406.
HOOD, Pres. E. Lyman, 371.
HOPKINS, Charles A., 195.
HOPWOOD, Rev. John L., 347.
HORTON, Rev. Robert F., 42, 115.
HOWARD, Gen. O. O., 7, 32.
Howe, Daniel R., 392.

HOWE, Julia Ward, memorial service,

409; tribute to, 394.

HOYT, Rev. James P., 367.
HUBBARD, Phineas, 369.

HUCKEL, Rev. Oliver, 396.

HUGET, Rev. J. Percival, address, 34,
383, 402.

IMMIGRANT, caring for the, 251; the
leader of the, 85.
IMMIGRATION defined, problem of, 80;
and Daughters American Revolu-
tion, 82; and the brotherhood, 81;
in relation to the church, 80; and the
church, 80; and the Federal Council,
82; and the churches, 85, 384; and
the Young Men's Christian Associa-
tion, 82, 85; and the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, 82;
and the school, 84; and the church,
85; and the Protestant churches,
INCORPORATION, resolutions of, 384;
of state bodies, 279; of National
Council, 234; of National Council,
members of committee, 236.
INDIAN work, 154.
INDUSTRIAL Committee, declaration of
principles, 231; members of, 233;
memorial referred to, 396; report of
committee on, 382; obligations, 71,

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