
walking, and even when seated, they look | wherever the queen is, the services of the deshonestas" - a word which may as well be left in the original. "They are not good-looking, and are not graceful when dancing; their dancing consists of constrained gestures and a shuffling gait. There is not a single Spanish gentleman who would give a farthing for any of them, and they care equally little for the Spaniards."

Time seems to have effected some improvement in this respect, as Jane Dormer, one of Mary's ladies, married Fería, one of Philip's companions, who as Duque de Fería was afterwards ambassador to England.

Church are fully observed, for she is saintly and Godfearing. As for ourselves, we can get no justice. His Majesty has enjoined us to dispute with no man, but rather while we are here to feign compliance and to submit in silence to all the ills we may have to encounter. The result is that they both treat us badly and despise us."

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At this point he digresses to the capture of Rentz by the French, the news of which disaster caused a great commotion in Philip's suite, many of whom, both Spaniards and Flemings, obtained his permission to join the emperor with all haste. would be well that they should not return All the fiestas in this country, con- here considering how they have been tinues the writer, consist in eating and treated." Coming back to English affairs, drinking, "for they understand no other he is of opinion that the sovereign does mode of enjoying themselves." "The not rule, all real power being assumed by queen's table costs annually more than the Council, "some of whom have made three hundred thousand ducats." All the their fortunes and secured their position by household and very many official persons means of the revenues which they have lived in the palace, each señor having his taken from the churches. . . . Others were own cook in the queen's kitchen. "There born to high position; these are feared and are eighteen kitchens, and so great is the worshipped even more than the sovereign." amount of work going on in each that it is "They i.e. the Council - have anin truth like an Infierno." The royal pal-nounced publicly that his Highness must aces are very large, and of the four which not leave the kingdom without their per the writer had seen, the least was larger mission and that of the queen, for that this than the palace at Madrid. This compar- kingdom by itself is a sufficient charge ison does not, of course, apply to the pres- for any one king. Considering what ent magnificent building, but to the ancient these English are, I am not surprised at Moorish Alcázar which formerly occupied this, because they have discovered the the same site. "From eighty to one hun- straits to which we are put in Flanders, dred sheep and about a dozen oxen, all rejoicing at them, and even wishing that very large and fat, are daily consumed in they were worse. . . They are in truth the palace. Also about eighteen calves, more for France than for Spain.” besides poultry, game, venison, and wild boar, and a vast quantity of rabbits." (Compare Kings iv. 23.) "Beer is so abundant that the summer flow of the river of Valladolid is not greater than the quantity used daily." He complains that, large as the palace (Richmond) is, the Duke and Duchess of Alva were not provided with apartments, and so churlish were the people that with difficulty they found a house at all, and that none of the best, in a neighboring village. "Not only are they deprived of their official functions, but they are badly lodged besides." "The En-crosses, and scoffing at them. glish," he continues, "hate us as they do the devil, and in that spirit they treat us. They cheat us in the town, and any one venturing to walk in the country is robbed.

Although the Council is quite aware of all this, it is tolerated. . . . In short, justice neither exists nor is administered, and there is no fear of God in the land." "They celebrate mass but seldom; few and unwilling are the hearers, although,

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Reverting to a former grievance, he complains that no lodging is provided for the Spaniards, and that, living in the inns, they are charged exorbitantly. "As for the friars whom his Highness brought with him, they had better not have come, for as the English are malignant and ungodly, they so maltreat them that they dare not venture forth from their lodging." mob endeavored to tear off the robes of Don Pedro de Córdova and of Don Antonio, his nephew, both commanders of a military order, asking them why they wore


"Doña Hierónima de Navarra and Doña Francisca de Córdova, who came here, have not yet seen the queen, and indeed will not see her. They have not been to court, as they would have no one to speak to, the ladies here being very unsociable." The Duchess of Alva, he believes, will not be persuaded to go a second time. He thinks the queen is soon going to move to another palace, called Anton Curti (Hamp

ton Court), which is one of the largest and most beautiful of the royal residences. The palaces are all decorated with abundance of tapestry, the spoils of churches and monasteries. The crown, he says, has appropriated Church property to an amount double that of its own proper revenue. A year later, however, the queen, as is well known, attempted to surrender first-fruits and tenths to the pope. The legislature, deeply implicated in the plunder of Church property, rejected the bill, and restitution was limited to the transfer of the crown impropriations to the hands of Cardinal Pole. The letter concludes with the following passage: "The authors of 'Amadis de Gaul' and of other similar books of chivalry depicting flowery meads and enchanted castles, ought to have seen the strange habits and customs of this country. Who in any other place ever saw women riding unattended, and managing their horses with all the ease of a skilful man? The houses built for pleasure, the hills, woods, and forests, the delightful meadows, the fair and strong castles, the refreshing springs so abundant in this. country, are all very pleasant here in the summer season." The letter ends with the date of August 16, 1554.

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The third letter of the series, which is short and unimportant, is by the same hand as the preceding one, and is written from London, October 2, 1554. It begins by announcing that the country had proved unhealthy to the Spaniards, and that some of the servants had died. Thanks to God, however, "ninguno” - had been in danger. This strange expression seems to mean that none of the more important personages had suffered. The country itself, he says, is good enough, but the natives, "considering that they call themselves Christians, are about the vilest upon earth." There are daily cases of stabbing, and in the previous week three Englishmen and one Spaniard were hung for crimes of violence.

The queen's household is large, and comprises many of the principal personages of the realm. There are many ladies belonging to the court, all positively ugly. "I cannot understand why this should be," he says (surely not very difficult to guess), "for outside the palace I have seen some good looks and pretty faces."

"All the women wear their dresses very short, and most of them wear black stockings, neat and well-fitting. They wear their shoes slashed, as do the men. . . . We Spaniards are about as much at our ease with these English as we should be

with so many brute beasts; we neither understand them, nor they us, they are such barbarians."

He alludes to the queen's expectation of an heir, and says that the matter is much spoken of in the palace. These rumors did not, however, become serious until late in the following spring, when a Te Deum was actually sung in Norwich Cathedral for the birth of a son, and public rejoicings in London, and salutes from the shipping at Antwerp, welcomed the prince who, after all, was not to be.

Well might Philip be made to say,

I am sicker staying here Tho' I be ever deadly sick at sea, Than any sea could make me passing hence, So sick am I with biding for this child. Is it the fashion in this clime for women To go twelve months in bearing of a child? The nurses yawned, the cradle gaped, they led Processions, chanted litanies, clashed their bells,

Shot off their lying cannon, and her priests Have preached, the fools of this fair prince to Till by St. James I find myself the fool.*


The writer again complains of the thieves, who are, however, severely punished when caught. Indeed, he says that one day an Englishman was hanged for stealing fourteen-pence; he makes a calculation, and finds that the amount is only eighty-four maravedís. Yet all this severity was of no avail. The next grievance is that everything, more especially provisions, is so dear; the Spanish gentlemen find that they have to disburse by the hundred where they had hoped to make ten suffice. With a promise to keep his correspondent informed of what may happen, this short letter ends.

The fourth letter, which is entitled "News from England,” is addressed to the Condesa de Olivares, and professes to give an account of the restoration of England to the Catholic faith and to obedience to the pope. It commences in the form of historical narrative, and relates how, as soon as Mary had succeeded to the throne, the pope despatched Cardinal Pole as legate to England. On reaching the emperor's court, and on hearing there of the turbulent disposition of the English, and of their unwillingness to render obedience to the pope, he gave out that he had come to Flanders in order to await a peace between the emperor and the king of France, abandoning for a time his journey to England. Upon this it was proposed in the Consistory

* Tennyson, "Queen Mary," act iii., scene 4.

to revoke his powers, as it seemed impos- | pages of Mr. Froude, that it seems a waste sible to restore England to obedience. of time to follow any farther the meagre Philip, however, induced the pope to sup- narrative of the Spanish writer. port Pole, and shortly after the Council was persuaded to invite him over to England. The Parliament which assembled in November asked permission of the sovereigns to discuss the question of his reception, "for in this Córtes nothing can be discussed without permission of the crown." This is the writer's version of what occurred, not entirely to be depended upon as regards strict historical accuracy.

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worthy of note, and nearly all that it treats of can be better read elsewhere. It is wanting in the curious gossip of its predecessors, and its comparative dulness is not atoned for by historical accuracy or merit.

He becomes more worthy of attention when, in concluding his letter, he describes a "juego de cañas," or tilting with reeds, which the Spaniards had prepared for the entertainment of the court. performers, thirty of a side, were marshalled in troops of ten, each troop in a gorgeous and distinctive costume, and under the command of some grandee. Philip himself took a part, joining the Two Englishmen of distinction, whom company of Don Diego de Córdova. the writer calls Mirol Pajete and Mirol After much ceremonious parading before Atingush Lord Paget and Sir Edward the spectators, first by twos and then in a Hastings had already been dispatched body, they went through the mock comto escort the cardinal, who arrived on the bat, fortunately, says the writer, without 24th November, disembarking at the river fall or any other disaster. The novelty of stairs of the palace of Whitehall. Philip, the performance rendered it especially who was at dinner, rose from table at once, gratifying to the spectators. In this letter, and hastened to welcome him, Mary re-which concludes the work, there is little maining in the palace, and waiting to receive him on the principal staircase. As he approached she made a solemn reverence to the crucifix which he bore. After a brief interview he departed for Lambeth, which had been assigned to him as his lodging, its rightful occupant, Cran. mer, who is described as "casado y gran hereje," married, and a great heretic, being then a prisoner. The next two or three days were spent in the frequent interchange of visits between Pole and the sovereigns, preliminary to negotiations with the Parliament. On the 29th November the debate was commenced in the House of Lords by the ecclesiastics, who were grievously taunted by the lay peers for having consented to the divorce of Katherine of Aragon. After a while, however, they came to an agreement, revoking all the statutes of Henry VIII. and his son, which had encouraged disobedience to the pope and belief in the "maldita y detestable" heresy of Luther. The next day, the festival of St. Andrew - which was ordered to be observed henceforth as the Feast of the Reconciliation, in memory of what occurred a formal petition was presented by the Parliament to their Majesties, praying them, through the mediation of the cardinal, to procure absolution and pardon from the pope. This document enjoys the honor of having been done into verse by the laureate ("Queen Mary," act iii. sc. 3). Seldom, surely has such unpromising material undergone a similar process. The original is given in many historical works, and so graphic and picturesque an account of the arrival and reception of Pole is to be found in the

Señor de Gayangos, in his prefatory notes, remarks that Muñoz and the other writers observe a discreet silence as to the private life and character of Philip; their writings being of a semi-official nature, and some of them destined for the press, they would hardly venture to criticise or disparage so exalted a personage. Of their exceeding candor, when they did dare to speak freely, we have a specimen in the description of Mary, and in their comments upon the English ladies. We learn, he says, from correspondence of a more private nature (references not confided to the reader) that the conduct of Philip while in England was by no means exemplary, but, on the contrary, "dissolute and licentious in the extreme." He then alludes to the scandal as to his relations with Isabel de Osorio. This latter affair appears prominently in an important historical document, the Vindication of William of Orange, addressed, in 1580, to the Confederated States of Holland, and afterwards circulated among the courts of Europe. Af ter condemning the despotic temper of Philip, his tyranny in the Low Countries, and the cruelties sanctioned by him in Granada, Mexico, and Peru, he turns to his family affairs and accuses him of the murder of his third wife, Elizabeth de Valois - the beautiful Isabel de la Paz of the Spaniards. He declares, also, that at the time of Philip's first marriage

with the princess of Portugal, he was actu- | fool; and, worst of all, is his lot when a ally married to Isabel de Osorio, by whom knowledge of this last fact is shared by he had two sons, Pedro and Bernardino. If this latter accusation be grounded on no better evidence than the former, he must so far be held innocent, for in spite of the assertions of the Prince of Orange, modern historians have satisfied themselves that Elizabeth died a natural death, if indeed in that age any death could be termed natural where the patient was abandoned to the care of Spanish physicians.

Here we take leave of the book and its hero. The short episode in Philip's life, when for a while he sacrificed himself to Mary Tudor and to political expediency, is soon about to close, and that England, which never loved him too well, will know him no more except as her bitterest foe. A long life chequered with light and shadow, with great victories and as great calamities, is before him. St. Quentin, Gravelines, and Lepanto are in the future, to be more than balanced by the loss of the Netherlands and the destruction of the Invincible Armada, the crowning disaster bringing desolation to well-nigh every family of Spain. Yet farther in the more distant future stands the grim shadow of the Escorial, and the narrow death-bed cell hard by the high altar of the central sanctuary. Here, fixing his eyes upon the cross, which through life he had thought to reverence by a career of bloodshed and deceit, he passed away, hated and feared of

the world in general. The depression consequent on self-reproach is almost a greater evil than the loss itself, and many sufferers condemn themselves to a sort of social outlawry without waiting for the verdict of the world. One very unpleasant consequence of a partial reverse of fortune is the necessary reduction of expenditure before domestics and dependents. There is a certain sulky satisfaction in making ostensible sacrifices in the eyes of friends and acquaintances; but the act of giving up horses, carriages, and other luxuries conveys no idea of heroism to the minds of servants. Perhaps the most painful accompaniment of an unfavorable balancesheet consists in the duty of reducing the comforts, advantages, and pleasures of wives and children; but on so distressing a subject we will not linger. It must be understood that we are in no case referring to absolute ruin, but rather to inconvenient deficiencies in ways and means. There have been plenty of causes for such deficiencies during the last few years. A period of unnatural financial inflation has been suddenly followed by a severe fall in the prices of coal and iron, a ruinous depreciation in the value of foreign loans, and a general stagnation of trade. But, be the times good or bad, individual cases of serious loss are constantly occurring. Either the debts of an extravagant son have to be paid, or a lawsuit runs away with a few hundreds or thousands, or some sudden damage is done by fire or water, or a freak of quixotic liberality costs more than had been expected. There have often been disputes on the question whether one or another branch of expenditure is usually the first to be curtailed in cases of loss of income, and whether this or that article of luxury is most readily sacrificed. It has been argued that the stables are usually the earliest scene of reduction, while other disputants have maintained that autumn THE evil of a shortened income has a tours, Scotch shootings, or yachts are the double sting when it is the result of any first luxuries to be given up. Pictures, fault on the part of the sufferer; and it china, books, and wine have each been makes all the difference whether he is pre-named as the special hobby most willingly sented before the eyes of the world as a fool or a martyr. After a loss of money the loser's private meditations are apt to run in a very disagreeable channel. If he had or had not acted in such a manner, he reflects, this trouble might have been avoided; still more unpleasant are his contemplations when he knows that all would have been well if he had not been a


And now, in the dimly lighted vaults of the Pantheon beneath, surrounded by the ashes of his kindred, a marble tomb, the show of every passing traveller, holds all that remains of Philip, king of Spain. DUCIE.

From The Saturday Review.

renounced. We venture to think that the authorities in such matters have failed to notice the expenditure which, in by far the majority of instances, is really the first to be reduced. Unless we are greatly mistaken, ninety-nine people out of a hundred who have lost money cut down their charities before they make any other sacrifice. Next in order come those expenses which

are calculated to please and entertain other lic. The happy man who has married a people rather than the spender; and thirdly, those personal luxuries which the impoverished person happens least to care about, be they china, horses, books, or anything else. It is sometimes curious to see how readily a man of artistic reputation and aesthetic taste will part with his collection of works of art, in which his whole soul has been generally supposed by his friends to have been completely absorbed. The most refined will usually let their old masters, their rare editions, and their Sèvres and Chelsea china be scattered to the four corners of the earth, rather than endure deteriorated dinners or drink inferior wine.

charming and beautiful woman, with enlarged ideas as to "how things ought to be done," has sometimes occasion to hail with satisfaction such a catastrophe, for instance, as a fall in the value of foreign government securities. He has the merest trifle invested in stocks of this description, and their depreciation causes him no perceptible inconvenience, but he is able to say with truth that he has lost money in foreign bonds. He makes this an excuse for various economical proceedings, and thus a panic in foreign stocks becomes a source of actual wealth to him. It may happen, too, that an affectation of loss not only enables a person to save money, but In its epidemic form, to be hard up is also to obtain a certain kudos. There is sometimes a sort of fashion. We have really no end to the uses of adversity, real lived to see times when it has been consid- or imaginary, if the thing is judiciously ered what is termed "good form" to be a managed. A false reputation of having little impecunious. Whenever there is a lost money makes a man to a certain exsudden collapse of incomes in the fashion- tent richer. Less will be expected of him able world, the opportunity is seized by in the way of entertainment and display, many people, who have in reality been and the parson will let him off more hard up for years, to admit their neediness. cheaply in the matter of parochial subscripThey thus get off the more easily, as they tions. He will have a golden opportunity are not singular in their adversity. If of selling a house or a horse that he does they have to reduce their display and lower not like, of getting rid of an overbearing their standard of entertainments, so have upper servant, or even of breaking up his their neighbors. Again, some people who establishment altogether and enjoying an cannot be said to be really hard up are glad agreeable tour abroad. Indeed, one of the of an excuse for curtailing their expendi- recognized forms of mendicancy in these ture. At such times we suspect that many latter days appears to be to spend the winmen deceive their wives as well as the pub-ter in the Mediterranean in a steam yacht.


AIR-FLUSHING. By air-flushing is meant | quickened if the door be opened, and the stairthat process in ventilation whereby the atmosphere of a room is suddenly changed, and replaced by a volume of air direct from withIn houses this is brought about chiefly by the action of the windows, which are suddenly opened to admit of a deluge of the purer element. The advantages which follow this action of extraordinary ventilation are at all times most grateful, and it can be effected by the use of the ordinary sash window in the following manner. The window of a room has the top sash lowered and the bottom sash raised until the top and bottom rails of both the upper and lower sashes meet in the middle of the window, leaving a quarter space of the window open at the top, and the same at the bottom of the window aperture. As a rule, after this has been done, the cold air will rush in at the bottom opening, and find an exit at the top one. The clearing of the room is

case window as well, whereupon a direct sweep of air will take place. It is astonishing how pleasant the atmosphere of a room can be made by this simple proceeding, when, after a long sitting with an extra number of inmates, the ordinary ventilating media of the apartment have been overtaxed, and nothing can more readily restore a student who has been burning the midnight oil or, still worse, gas, in a close room, the ventilating arrangements of which are imperfect, than a resort once or twice during the evening to this simple cure. When the apartment has several windows, the process of air-flushing is very quickly performed, as one window is certain to act as an outlet; and when the room is pierced with window openings made opposite each other a very few moments will suffice to make the requisite change in the atmosphere.

Sanitary Record.

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