
niture of antique phrases, titles, and dignities, gathered from wide ranges of history, to be revived for modern use; in the midst of which the master's-i.e., Mr. Ruskin's-accounts, household and other, and Messrs. Tarrant and Mackrell, solic itors', letter conveying the information that "the Companions of St. George will indeed be capable of holding land, but not as the St. George's Company, that is, not as a corporation," and giving warning of various legal and other dangers, come in as passages of quite unilluminated prose. But there was no number of the series which did not contain passages of great beauty and sterling value, and over and

affair. Mr. Ruskin himself was unfortu- | dress and ornament; all in the most picnately unable to be present, and the ad- turesque and quaintly-worded way. In fact dress from him, which was read, was a many a page is, as it were, stiff with garpoor substitute for his voice and presence; but even if he had been there, however much greater the interest of the meeting would have been, he would have had no very astonishing marvel to tell; nothing wherewith to strike the imagination, like the acquisition of some bold outlying island in which the experiment might be, as the public would think, fairly tried; nothing except, indeed, his own eloquent words to lessen the sense of disproportion which could not but attend the first actual setting to work of a society with so lofty an aim, and such vague, imagined possibilities of all-embracing growth, as are involved in the design of St. George's Guild. The aim is high, and the framework capa-over again, Mr. Ruskin stated in a clear ble, in its author's hope, of indefinite ex- and direct manner, the objects of the soci pansion; but the lines are so laid that the ety, and what he proposed should be its world will, perhaps, be the better for the methods of action. Every one knows experiment, if only a small measure of how, in his opinion, and in some other peosuccess, such as it is within reason to hope ple's also, the world is in a very bad way, for, be obtained. The public has heard - selfishness, vanity, and practical atheism less of the essential than of the minor and having wholly undermined the framework somewhat fantastic details of the scheme. of social order, degraded labor, and deThey have been used to regard Mr. Rus-stroyed art. Those, to whom acquiescence kin (when they thought of him as anything in such a state of things is intolerable, are else than a great art-critic, the greatest, asked to form a guild, "the object of which perhaps, that ever lived), as one who had is to be the health, wealth, and long life of lost all patience with the world, and who the British nation," or, as he puts it elsehad gone utterly wrong in his views about where," to buy, or obtain by gift, land in the currency; he was childish about rail- England, and thereon to train into the ways, machinery, and the sacred right of healthiest and most refined life possible, getting the best interest you could for your as many English men, English women, and money; he was a hater of liberty and English children, as the land so possessed progress, yet positively no better than a can maintain in comfort; to establish for Communist, if all that was said of this them and their descendants a national new brotherhood of his were true. Un- store of continually augmenting wealth; doubtedly "Fors Clavigera," or the pam- and to organize the government of the phlet of that name which he gave to the persons, and administration of the propworld, or to those who took the trouble to erties, under laws which shall be just to write to Mr. George Allen for it, month by all, and secure in their inviolable foundamonth for eight years, until his untoward tion on the law of God." "The rents of illness, was, to say the very least, most such land, though they will be required varied and delightful reading. In its pages from the tenants as strictly as those of any Mr. Ruskin has used to the full the license other estates, will differ from common which clearly belongs to founders of imag-rents primarily in being lowered, instead of inary republics, and has given his mind to a great variety of details in the economy of his own. He has told us what the national store in place of the national debt shall consist of; has fixed his standard of value; chosen his coinage, a most lovely one, of course the ducat and half-ducat, | with the archangel Michael on one side and a branch of Alpine rose on the other, in gold the florin and penny, with its English daisy, and divisions of the penny, in silver; has meditated laws regulating

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raised, in proportion to every improvement made by the tenant; secondly, in that they will be entirely used for the benefit of the tenantry themselves, or better culture of the estates, no money being ever taken by the landlords, unless they earn it by their own personal labor." So much for the difficult subject of rent, regarded from the landlord's side. The unselfishness which is thus largely counted on in the matter of gifts of land, to begin with, and the surrender of rents in perpetuity, is, after all,


no larger than that which founded and endowed old-world monasteries. As the leases of such lands fall in, the directing power of St. George will come more and more into play. Conditions as to the use of steam-power will be made. (We may observe, by the way, that Mr. Ruskin does not reject "the use of steam or other modes of heat-power under all circumstances, and would allow it for speed on main lines of communication, and for raising water from great depths, or other work beyond human strength.") "Schools and museums, always small and instantly serviceable, will be multiplying among the villages, youth after youth being instructed in the proper laws of justice, patriotism, and domestic happiness." Those of the companions who can, will reside, and see that St. George's laws, as well as those of the land, are duly obeyed. These St. George's laws "will, most of them, be merely old English laws revived, and the rest Florentine and Roman; none will be constituted but such as have already been in force among great nations." No persons will be appointed to lordships who cannot show proofs of a right divine to rule. Higher by the head, broader by the shoulders, and heartier in the will, the lord of land and lives must ever be than those he rules." There is to be no equality in St. George's domain, no competitive examinations"-here we turn to the educational side of the scheme "but contrariwise, absolute prohibition of all violent and strained effort—most of all, envious or anxious effort- in every exercise of body and mind;" the natural mental rank will be as carefully sought out, we suppose, as it ever was by Jesuit instructors; each scholar will be taught to know his place, to be content with his faculty, while putting it to the best use he can, and to cultivate reverent admiration of superior faculties as one of the first of duties. Wordsworth's line, "We live by admiration, hope, and love," seems to represent the ever-present, up-lifting thought of Mr. Ruskin's mind, when dealing with the subject of education: "All boys shall learn either to ride or sail, the power of highest discipline and honor being vested by Nature in the two chivalries of the Horse and Wave." "Children shall learn, in the history of five cities - Athens, Rome, Venice, Florence, and London


so far as they can understand, what has been beautifully and bravely done; and they shall know the lives of the heroes and heroines in truth and naturalness; and shall be taught to remember the greatest

of them on the days of their birth and death, so that the year shall have its full calendar of reverent Memory. And on every day, part of their morning service shall be a song in honor of the hero whose birth-day it is; and part of their evening service, a song of triumph for the fair death of one whose death-day it is; and in their first learning of notes, they shall be taught the great purpose of music, which is to say a thing which you mean deeply, in the strongest and clearest pos sible way."

The great doctrine of the value to mind and body of a fair proportion of manual labor will be well kept in view, — labor, that is, with tools, not machines. The thought of the studious person will be made wholesome by bodily toil, the toil of the laborer noble by elevated thought. Nay, Mr. Ruskin would have us "able to imagine (not an easy thing, he declares, for any person trained in modern habits of thought) a true and refined scholarship, of which the essential foundation is to be skill in some useful labor." Even coarse work, in pure air and in the midst of nature which has not been unfairly dealt with, ought not of itself to tend in any degree to render any human being unable to love beautiful things in nature and feel greatness in art. As for art and artists, "and some forms of intellectual or artistic labor inconsistent (as a musician's) with other manual labor," St. George cannot be said to look over-kindly on them! "Scholars, painters, and musicians may be advisedly kept on due pittance, to instruct and amuse the laborer at or`after his work, provided the duty be severely restricted to those who have high special gifts of voice, touch, and imagination," to the few, in fact, who will sing, or preach, or paint, however badly they may be paid, all from pure love, and with a stiff examination as to technical skill to be gone through before license of exhibition is granted them at all. Here, again, pure air and unspoiled nature are reckoned on as all-powerful helpers. "No great arts,” says Mr. Ruskin, were prac. ticable by any people, unless they were living contented lives, in pure air, out of the way of unsightly objects, and emancipated from unnecessary mechanical occu pation."


We have left ourselves no space for the confession of faith and vow which every companion is required to write out and sign. The first article, "I trust in the Living God," is followed by one which declares trust "in the nobleness of human nature, in the majesty of its faculties, the

thing he touched. Many are the hints that some of our first physicists and chemists have received from his fertile brain.

But it is not only as a scientist that Professor Clifford is known, and that his memory will llve; he was also well recognized as a moral philosopher, and whether at a meeting of that most select of all select societies the Metaphysical- or among less distinguished friends, his arguments bore the genuine stamp of deep thought, and when he ridiculed and he could do so in the most scathing manner - it was done for the sake of truth, and with a firm conviction that the subject in hand deserved it. It will interest many to know that he held the strongest anti-Russian views, and often regretted the inactivity of England and Europe during the late war. Shortly before he left England he wrote two letters to a journal known for its strong opposition to Russia, which were published, though not with his signature. He greatly deplored the attitude of the Liberal Opposition in this country.

fulness of its mercy, and the joy of its | love." Nor can we give here any sketch of the constitution of the society, and the conditions of companionship. We had intended to convey to our readers a notion of what we take to be the essential objects of Mr. Ruskin's design, keeping aside much which represented only the indulgence on the founder's part of his own brilliant fancies in State-making, as well as the wide-sweeping arrangements which, as he himself says, 66 are thought out in the scale of European work." Some very small bits of various parishes being all the society has to begin with, we wished to give only such extracts from "Fors" as would fit this modest scale, and be capable assuming a certain amount of unselfishof being put in practice within it; but the temptation to quote some sentences at length which go beyond this, and show how much that is noble is contained in the author's ideal of education and life, has been too much for us now and then. The society, however, exists, and we may possibly one day give some account of the Few are aware that at one period of his meeting, presided over by an ex-mayor of life he was an ardent believer in what are no mean city, and attended by real, hard-called High Church views, and that he working companions, with which its public be said to have commenced.


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From The Examiner.

It is with the deepest feelings of regret that we record the death, at the early age of thirty-four years, of Professor W. Kingdon Clifford, F.R.S., late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and professor of applied mathematics and mechanics at University College, London. In power of original mathematical investigation it is not too much to say that he showed genius of the very highest order, and the value of his contributions to the most abstruse branches of mathematical science will be appreciated even more than it is now by future workers; for he was a pioneer with whom few could keep pace. Professor Clifford's powers of exposition were al most marvellous, and he was absolutely unrivalled in the facility with which he would explain the results of the most abstruse calculations so as to make them intelligible to the meanest capacity. It is seldom that these two faculties are found in one individual; but Professor Clifford was also a thinker in many branches of science, and threw some new light on every

then studied theology with that zeal which characterized all he did. His knowledge of the Fathers was perhaps unequalled by that of any bishop on the Bench. It was this which gave him such power in his attacks on superstition. He knew his own strength and the weak points of the enemy's fortress, while his honesty of purpose and his love of truth made him a difficult foe to encounter. What rank he would have taken, had he lived ten years longer, among the philosophers whose thoughts influence men for all time we cannot say, but it is certain that he gave every promise that his more matured productions would take their place side by side with those of the first thinkers of any age. But it is as a man that his friends will remember him; they will think of that charming gentle manner, of that pleasant smile, of that face that was never seen in anger, of those cheering words always at command, of his consideration for others, of all his lovable qualities, and they will find a blank left which can never be filled.

For him we can do nothing, but profit by the example he has left us. But for those nearest and dearest to him, from whom he has been snatched, it is our duty as well as our privilege to make that provision which his short life and slender means prevented him from insuring.

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Who presented to me, on my Seventy-Second Birth-
day, February 27, 1879, this Chair, made from the
Wood of the Village Blacksmith's Chestnut-Tree.
AM I a king, that I should call my own
This splendid ebon throne?

Or by what reason, or what right divine,
Can I proclaim it mine?

Only, perhaps, by right divine of song
It may to me belong;
Only because the spreading chestnut-tree
Of old was sung by me.

Well I remember it in all its prime,
When in the summer-time

The affluent foliage of its branches made
A cavern of cool shade.

There by the blacksmith's forge, beside the


Its blossoms white and sweet

Enticed the bees, until it seemed alive,
And murmured like a hive.

And when the winds of autumn, with a shout,
Tossed its great arms about,

The shining chestnuts, bursting from the sheath,

Dropped to the ground beneath.

And now some fragments of its branches bare, Shaped as a stately chair,

Have by my hearthstone found a home at last,
And whisper of the past.

The Danish king could not in all his pride
Repel the ocean tide,

But seated in this chair, I can in rhyme
Roll back the tide of time.

I see again, as one in vision sees,

The blossoms and the bees,

And hear the children's voices shout and call, And the brown chestnuts fall.

I see the smithy with its fires aglow,
I hear the bellows blow,

And the shrill hammers on the anvil beat
The iron white with heat!

And thus, dear children, have ye made for me
This day a jubilee,

And to my more than threescore years and ten Brought back my youth again.

The heart hath its own memory, like the mind, And in it are enshrined

The precious keepsakes, into which are wrought The giver's loving thought.

Only your love and your remembrance could Give life to this dead wood,

And make these branches, leafless now so

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Yet pleased the humble prayer to hear, And kind to all that live,

Thou, when thou seest the contrite tear, Art ready to forgive.

Christian at Work.

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