
Extracts from the Rev. Mr. Alley's Sermon. "A bare instruction in such worldly learning as may suit different ranks and degrees here, cannot be termed education. We know that we have to govern our lives by certain principles, and that we have certain duties also to perform. When we set about the momentous task of education, we cannot either be so ignorant, or so inattentive to the future and eternal welfare of our children, as not to feel the imperious duty of setting before them the good and the right way, training them up in those principles, and accustoming them to the performance of those duties, which are necessary for the guidance of their future lives. Whilst we are at so much pains to promote scientific and classical knowledge, so very zealous in all things which tend to our provincial interests, should the "one thing needful' be forgotten? Should we neglect to impress upon the infant mind, the means by which the great duties of a Christian, in this world of trial, may be known? should we leave the learning these to chance ?-to commit these little ones to the probability of either never having the knowledge of the truth set before them, or of having it very improperly taught, whilst we are at such pains to make them excel in worldly learning, which certainly is of a very minor value when compared with the knowledge of that which tends to their eternal salvation? No, my Brethren! I hope better things of you! I hope that you are convinced of the importance of a religious education, and that you look with a just dread at the neglect of so awfully sacred a duty, well knowing that, as your dear children are unable to decide for themselves, you are called upon by every tie, by every obligation, both divine and human, to do that for them!"

"The progress which education is making throughout the United Kingdom is a subject of joy and congratulation. Its schools and universities deservedly rank high amongst those of other nations, while none can excel or even equal the prodigious exertions which are daily making in the education of the people in general. But the efforts which have been, and are still made by the National, aided by the two venerable societies, namely, that for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, merit our highest admiration. Those deservedly respected and valuable societies, seeing that a great and effectual way was open' for general improvement, have been neither faint nor weary in exertion, and, although surrounded by many adversaries,' have stood undismayed amidst the attacks of those with whom they have had to contend. Having the highest motives to sustain them in the great cause. ick they so happily adopt.


ed, even the testimony of a good con science," and the hope of the life which is to come, they proceed with that confidence which is the result of conscious rectitude, and have been joined by the best in spreading saving knowledge amongst the poor. Within the last 30 or 40 years great exertions have been made, but even these have been found insufficient; from the progress, however, which the National Society is now making, we have reason to look for the happiest results. Already are there 1640 schools in Great-Bri. tain, in which 270,000 children receive their education; and from the last reports we also find the great assistance which the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has afforded to this most valuable body. We find that the aid of that Christian society has been extended to no less than 152,153 children, who have been wholly or in part supplied with bookswhilst we ourselves not only receive similar aid, but are also indebted to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts for pecuniary assistance towards the support of our school masters."

"The Madras system of education stands unrivalled both for the excellent mode of instruction which it pursues, and for its making religion a fundamental principle.

"The difficulties which haye hitherto attended instruction, are in this beautiful system completely removed. This may be evident to every one who attends our schools; you will there see a pleasing contrast with the laborious task of instruction according to the old method. Here more is done in two hours, by the effect of emulation, and by the consequent necessity of attention, than by the fear and drudgery of the other in a day. A more pleasant, speedy, and effectual mode of instruction could not be invented-it gives children habits of industry and regularity-it inspires proper pride-it brings into action, in childhood, all those principles and qualities which are so materially necessary in future life, and teaches children to use their reason and mental powers, instead of being driven like beasts of burden to their task-in short, to use the words of a learned divine, 'whosoever attentively surveys a seminary of education conducted on this plan, will at once be satisfied, that the point has been gained, upon which the judicious instructor may take his stand, and direct the mind in whatever it pleaseth him.'"*

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"Another, and, indeed, the chief reason why the institution, for which I am now addressing you, deserves universal support, is, that it does not rest satisfied with giving only temporal instruction, but sees the importance of instilling into the youth.

* Dr. Barton, Chap. to Abp. Cant.

ful mind the principles of Christianity, and the necessity of a consistent practice. It exercises a paternal care in giving such wholesome instruction as may be a mean, under the help of the Almighty, to make its youth a comfort to their friends and society-it teaches them to worship God in spirit and in truth; to live in unity and peace; to pay due respect to parents and superiors; to honour the king, and all that are put in authority under him, and, in all stations, and under all circumstances, to do their duty as unto God, and not to men-not as eye-pleasers, but as men who knoweth that God seeth the most secret actions of life, and is about their path, and about their bed, and spieth out all their ways.' Thus religion and morality are made fundamental principles and thus, by implanting in early life the fear of an omniscient God, the assurance of a future state of rewards and punishments, a knowledge of their own infirmities, and the necessity of striving against, and not permitting them to prevail; in short, by inculcating sound principles ofre ligion, do we hope, through God's help, to secure an attachment to those social duties which bind man to man, and which we could never otherwise hope to be observed.

"The spirit of emulation, moreover, which the Madras system excites, is deserving of admiration. It is most interesting to behold the anxiety of the scholars in their laudable contest for pre-eminence. Their study is rendered an amusement in place of a labour. They love their duty when they are led to it by exbortation-when, instead of whipping and other disgraceful punishments, their little reason is appealed to by suitable motives, and when, by praise or reprehension, they are'incited to the performance of those tasks which are assigned them. 'Emulation,' says Aristotle, is a certain painful solicitude, occasioned by there being presented to our notice, and placed within our reach, in the possession of those who are by nature our fellows, things at once good and honourable, not because they belong to them, but because they do not belong to us.'

we have a great work in hand, truly great both in a spiritual and temporal point of view. We have need for your prayers and assistance. We need your prayers, be, cause we well know that on God depends the success of every undertaking, that it is he alone who 'giveth the increase ;' and we look for your assistance, because the work which we have on hand is attended with a variety of expenses which must be charged on those who have better means of defraying them than the poor. Therefore, my Brethren, while you pray for our success and utility, let the measure of your contributions bear ample testimony to the sincerity and fervour of your prayers prayer without exertion is nothing-separated they are of no avail-united, and all things are possible!

"The great spiritual importance of a religious education has, I hope, been impressed upon you, and I trust that you, my hearers, are fully impressed with the awful responsibility we lie under, to spread amongst all classes the light of saving knowledge. Our great God willeth not, that one of these little ones should perish,' and if, through our neglect, they be lost, how will it fare with us? Bury not, then, your talents, but so lay them out, that, at the coming of our Lord, he will find them bringing forth with usury, to the glory of his eternal name!

"Never, my Brethren, were our exer tions more needed than at the present time, when vice is seen in every corner, when impiety and fanaticism are spreading abroad their baneful influence, when doctrines the most impure are maintained and propagated, when blasphemous and seditious publications are circulated with so much avidity, particularly amongst the lower orders; in short, when we see the agents of our great adversary so assiduous in seeking prey for him to devour; never, I say, my Brethren, was there more occasion for all our watchfulness! Never were we more imperiously called upon to place every barrier in the way, to fortify our strong holds against the attacks of the wicked one. And how can we more ef fectually do this than by bringing up our children in that right and good way in which reason and religion tell us they aught to go, and causing the word to grow and increase amongst them. When we reflect on these things, none, whose breasts are not steeled against every feeling of religion and humanity, will resist the im. pression which such thoughts ought to have upon them! All will be moved by. one common desire to promote the eternal welfare of mankind by every means winn their power, of being the humble instruments, through Christ, of saving the soul of a brother! When we behoid our mother country making such prodigious exertions. mere effusions of praise on this occasion, in the moral improvement of mankind;

"In fact, the Madras stands pre-eminently superior to any other system of education yet discovered. The labour of the school is equally divided, the tasks are easy, and perfectly suited to the capacity of the child-in each there must be well grounded instruction previously to any advance. Idleness and ill behaviour are totally prevented by the number and watch fulness of the teachers, and all is obtained by example and method; negligence and inattention in one, will appear more conspicuous by proficiency and diligence in the other, pride and folly by meekness and humility."

"We must not rest contented in the

when we see her stretching forth the hand of Christian love and charity, sending to all nations the sacred volume of revealed religion, and distributing, unsparingly, in religious tracts, such helps towards the right reading and understanding of Holy Writ, as are necessary to prevent that sacred word being perverted, and to check the mischief not only arising from evil or mistaken interpretation, but to fortify the mind against the arguments of the infidel; when we see her so zealous in the instruction of her own youth, shall we be idle?Shall we, I say, my Brethren, be idle? No! You, I am sure, will never be deaf to the dictates of humanity; will never be proof against the feelings of nature and grace! nor obstinately refuse, out of your superfluities, to supply the means which, under God, may save a soul from hell, and thereby cover a multitude of sins!"" [We will only add, that these excellent remarks on the Madras (or Dr. Bell's) sys tem of instruction, and on that only truly Christian mode of gratuitous education which gives to religion its proper degree of attention and importance, are particu larly interesting in this city, where there is an Episcopal Charity School thus conducted. The trustees are now erecting, for its accommodation, a large and commodious edifice, and hope, with the aid of the liberal, to be soon enabled so to extend the operations of the school as to afford to all poor children of the Church, and to others who may apply, the benefit of a good common education, with the unspeakably great advantage of careful instruction in the principles and duties of Christianity.]

At the annual meeting of the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society of the Western District of the State of New-York, held at Trinity Church, in the village of Utica, on Wednesday, September 27,1821, the following persons were chosen officers for the ensuing year.

Hon. Morris S. Miller, of Utica, President; Rev. Lucius Smith, of Auburn, 1st Vice-President; Rev. Russel Wheeler, of Butternuts, 2d Vice-President; Rev. Henry Anthon, of Utica, Recording Secretary; Hon. Nathan Williams, of Utica, Treasurer. Managers-Joseph L. Richardson, Esq. George B. Troup, Esq. Roderick Matson, Esq. of Cayuga; Rev. Milton Wilcox, Jonas Earll, ju. Esq. of Onondaga; Hon. Thomas H. Hubbard, of Madison; Rev. F. T. Tiffany, Rev. M. A. Perry, of Otsego; Henry Green, Esq. Elon Andrews, Esq. of


The next annual meeting will be held on the fourth Wednesday of September, 1822, at the Episcopal Church in Cooperstown, county of Otsego, at 10 A. M.

M. S. MILLER, President.

H. ANTHON, Secretary.

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On the eighteenth Sunday after Trini ty, October 21st, the Right Rev. Bishop Hobart held an ordination in St. Paul's Chapel, in this city, and admitted Mr. William B. Thomas to the holy order of Deacons, and the Rev. Marcus A. Perry, Deacon, Missionary at Unadilla, Otsego county, and parts adjacent, to that of Priests Morning prayer was conducted, and an appropriate sermon preached by the Rev. Daniel M'Donald, D. D. professor in the Interior Branch Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Geneva.

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Her Majesty was born the 17th of May, 1768, and died August the 7th, 1821, aged 53 years, 11 weeks, and 4 days. She was married April the 8th, 1795, and was, therefore, a wife 26 years, 17 weeks, and 3 days. On the 7th of January, 1796, she was delivered of her first and only child, the late Princess Charlotte, and of course, was 25 years and exactly seven months a mother. Her Majesty left England in 1814, and returned in 1820, being absent 6 years. She was 1 year, 7 months, and 8 days Queen of England. Her daughter. died 3 years, 9 months, and 2 days before.

Lately, in Philadelphia, the Rev. Joseph Turner, an aged presbyter of the diocess of Pennsylvania.

A great number of stacks of hay and straw, on different farms in England, in consequence of being stacked too green, became overheated, took fire, and destroyed a large amount of farming utensils, barns, stables, sheds, &c.

THE Governor of New-York has, by proclamation, recommended the observance, throughout the state, of Wednesday, the twelfth day of December next, as a Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving.

No. 12.]





From the Churchman's Magazine, for
September, 1821.

Biography of Dr. Mansfield. IN presenting to our readers a biographical sketch of one, who long acted a distinguished part in the concerns of the Church in Connecticut, we regret that it is not in our power to give a more particular account of the facts connected with his life, than is contained in the following communication from a correspondent, whose favours will always be thankfully received.

The Rev. Richard Mansfield, D. D. was born at New-Haven, in October, 1723, and died at Derby, the 11th of April, 1820, in the 97th year of his age, and the 72d of his ministry.

grammar school.

Dr. Mansfield gave early evidence of abilities, and a thirst for knowledge. Little, however, is known of the employment of his youth, except that his parents fostered his passion for literature, and placed him at a respectable Here his progress was rapid, and creditable to his genius. Not long after this he entered Yale College, where he distinguished himself by his classical attainments, and graduated in 1741, with the reputation of be ing the first Dean scholar in his days. His parents early imbued his mind with the principles of religion, and during his collegiate course, he was serious and thoughtful on the subjects of religion, and manifested an ardent love of divine truth. It was this love of truth which led him, when preparing for the ministry, upon which it seems he had resolved at the time he graduated, to examine the doctrines, discipline, and worship of the Christian Church, with great fairness and candour and a readiness to embrace the truth wherever it might be found, which no consequences could counteract.

Dr. Mansfield was bred a Presbyterian, or Congregationalist, which are VOL. V.

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now convertible terms, though the very respectable denominations of Christians in this State, commonly called Presbyterians, was then generally denoted by the latter appellation. It was the religion of his ancestors-it was professed by his instructors, and by the community to which he belonged, and his impressions were all, of course, in favour of the tenets of that particular denomination. When Dr. Mansfield entered upon the investigation of religious truth, with a view to the ministry, there was no Episcopal

* The principal distinction between Congregationalists and Presbyterians, arises from their different views of the Christian

ministry. Originally the Congregationalist held, that all Ecclesiastical powers were vested in a society or congregation, whereever formed; and that the call, or election of this congregation, confirmed by a vote of the Church, invested the person called with the authority of the Priesthood. “Ordination, whether by the hands of ministers, or the committee of the Church, they maintained, was nothing, but setting apart, installing, or inaugurating one who had been chosen to the office; and that ferred by the imposition of hands; and, no spiritual or temporal power was conof consequence, that ordination was not to go before, but to follow election."-" Ordination doth not constitute an office, nor give him the essentials of his office." See Cambridge Platform, and decisions of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, on the Dedham Case, 1821. See also the early histories of the Colonies.

Presbyterians place their ministry on much higher ground. They hold that the office of the Priesthood is conveyed by tution; they believe in the necessity of its ordination, and maintain its divine instibeing handed down by a regular and unbroken succession. It was on the grounds of this distinction that Presbyterians have sometimes refused to acknowledge the validity or regularity of congregational

administrations. And it is believed to be on this ground that, notwithstanding their community of interest, they form two separate and distinct communions. 45

Church in New-Haven, and, indeed, but one Churchman, and he in the humbler walks of life. At this period, the Church in Connecticut could not be said to have existed more than twenty years. Its members were few in num-ber, and dispersed throughout the community. This is remarked, to show that Dr. Mansfield must have been uninfluenced by extraneous circumstances in the investigation of these subjects, and unbiassed in his conclusions.

In November, 1723, Dr. S. Johnson, who, with several others, had gone out to England for Episcopal ordination, returned, and settled in Stratford. "He was then the only Episcopal clergyman in the colony, and found himself, on all sides, surrounded by bitter adversaries. He was generally treated as a schismatic and apostate and the people seemed resolved, by thwarting him, and rendering his situation uneasy, to drive him, if possible, from the country." Not long after this, "Mr. Williams, the President of Yale College, entered into a combination with the Hampshire ministers to try, if it were possible, to get the members of the Church, of which there were now six or seven congregations in Connecticut, deprived of their minis ters, by contriving that they should be stripped of their salaries. This is evident from their letter transmitted to the Bishop of London by Dr. Coleman."*

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There was but little at that time which could induce one to attach himself to the Church, but a conviction of its divine origin, and an imperious sense of duty.

While Dr. Mansfield was engaged in the examination of the doctrines, worship, and discipline of the Christian Church, the celebrated George Whitfield, a preacher, whose powers of oratory have rarely been equalled, travelled throughout the country, with the ostensible object of arousing Christians from their coldness and indifference, and exciting them to a zealous profession and practice of the Gospel. By his novel and declamatory style of oratory, mingled with deep pathos, he was enabled to excite a wild and un

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governable species of enthusiasm, the effects of which were felt long after his career had ended. "At the first appearing of this adventurer, who was in the orders of the Church of England, and still wore the garb of her clergy, although he had violated her laws as well as his own oath of canonical obedience, he was received with all the marks of high approbation and applause, by the dissenting ministers in general." That some of them regarded him as sent forth upon an extraordinary commission, and endowed with extraordinary gifts, there is no room for doubt; but there were others who countenanced him, because "they considered him as an instrument by which the Church in Connecticut might be crushed in her infancy, or, at least, her growth much retarded." There was some ground for this, in his freedom of remark, and constant invectives against her Bishops and Clergy. But it was not long before they began to perceive their mistake, and to repent of the countenance they had shown him.— They were disappointed in their expectations: for while the course he pursued did not materially injure the Episcopal Church, it threatened the utter dissolution of their own churches. "Other itinerant preachers soon sprang up, who, imitating his voice and manner, and disregarding all rules of Ecclesiastical order, fanned the flame which he had kindled. These were not long after followed by a multitude of ignorant lay exhorters, who uttered the most horrid expressions concerning God and religion, and proclaimed the divine wrath against the unconverted in the most affecting tones of voice, and with the greatest violence and extravagance of gesture."

By these circumstances the whole country was thrown into confusion. "The peace of the congregational churches was disturbed, and endless divisions and separations took place. Altar was raised against altar, and new meeting-houses were erected in opposition to the old ones." This wild species of fanaticism had spread into almost every part of the State, and every attempt to restrain it added to its force. "In short, the religious con

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