FAMILY LECTURES, IN THREE PARTS, ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THE Christian Religion: FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES, & FOR GENERAL INSTRUCTION. WITH AN ADDRESS TO SERIOUS INQUIRERS ON THE MEANS OF OBTAINING THAT KNOwledge oF DIVINE TRUTH BY JOHN PRIDHAM, M.A. FARINGDON, Berks. SECOND EDITION. BIBL All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD WATTS, PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY SEELEY AND SON, FLEET STREET; 1826. PREFACE. THE Writer's object, in this Publication, is, to edify the Christian Believer, to awaken the careless and profane, and to furnish plain directions to those who are desirous to know what they "must do to inherit everlasting life." The Work is especially designed for the use of Families and for general instruction; and may, therefore, be put into the hands of persons of every description: Paragraphs have been occasionally inserted from Authors of acknowledged piety and talent: and where a forcible argument or illustration occurred,the Writer has ventured to enrich his own Work with it. The Lectures were not written from texts; but texts have since been appended to them, explanatory of the subjects on which they treat. To prevent the Book from assuming too great a bulk, it has been found necessary to make some of the Lectures very short. If each |