
And you within it: if he fail of that,

He will have other means to cut you off:

I overheard him, and his practices.

This is no place,' this houfe is but a butchery;
Abhor it, fear it, do not enter it.

ORL. Why, whither, Adam, wouldft thou have me go?

ADAM. No matter whither, so you come not here. ORL. What, wouldst thou have me go and beg my food?

Or, with a bafe and boisterous fword, enforce
A thievish living on the common road?
This I must do, or know not what to do:
Yet this I will not do, do how I can;
I rather will fubject me to the malice
Of a diverted blood,+ and bloody brother.

ADAM. But do not fo: I have five hundred crowns,
The thrifty hire I fav'd under your father,
Which I did ftore, to be my fofter-nurse,
When service should in my old limbs lie lame,

This is no place,] Place here fignifies a feat, a mansion, a refidence. So, in the first Book of Samuel: "Saul fet him up a place, and is gone down to Gilgal." We still use the word in compound with another, as-St. James's place, Rathbone place; and Crosby place in K. Richard III. &c. STEEVENS.

Our author uses this word again in the same sense in his Lover's Complaint:

"Love lack'd a dwelling, and made him her place." Plas, in the Welch language, fignifies a manfion-houfe. MALONE. Steevens's explanation of this paffage is too refined. Adam means merely to fay-" This is no place for you." M. MASON. diverted blood,] Blood turned out of the courfe of nature.

So, in our author's Lover's Complaint:

"Sometimes diverted, their poor balls are tied

"To the orbed earth"



To divert a water-course, that is, to change its course, was a common legal phrafe, and an object of litigation in Westminster Hall in our author's time, as it is at prefent. REED.

And unregarded age in corners thrown;
Take that and He that doth the ravens feed,
Yea, providently caters for the sparrow,+
Be comfort to my age! Here is the gold;
All this I give you: Let me be your fervant;
Though I look old, yet I am strong and lufty:
For in my youth I never did apply

Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood; '
Nor did not with unbashful forehead woo
The means of weakness and debility;
Therefore my age is as a lufty winter,
Frofty, but kindly: let me go with you;
I'll do the fervice of a younger man
In all your business and neceffities.

ORL. O good old man; how well in thee appears
The conftant fervice of the antique world,
When fervice fweat for duty, not for meed!
Thou art not for the fashion of these times,
Where none will fweat, but for promotion;
And having that, do choke their fervice up
Even with the having: it is not fo with thee.
But, poor old man, thou prun'ft a rotten tree,
That cannot fo much as a bloffom yield,
In lieu of all thy pains and husbandry:
But come thy ways, we'll go along together;


and He that doth the ravens feed,

Yea, providently caters for the fparrow, &c.] See Saint Luke, xii. 6. and 24. DOUCE.

S - rebellious liquors in my blood;] That is, liquors which inflame the blood or fenfual paffions, and incite them to rebel against Reafon.

So, in Othello:

"For there's a young and fweating devil here,
"That commonly rebels." MALONE.

Perhaps he only means liquors that rebel against the conftitution.


• Even with the having:] Even with the promotion gained by fervice is fervice extinguifhed. JOHNSON.

And ere we have thy youthful wages spent,
We'll light upon fome fettled low content.

[ocr errors]

ADAM. Mafter, go on; and I will follow thee, To the last gafp, with truth and loyalty.From feventeen years' till now almost fourfcore Here lived I, but now live here no more. At seventeen years many their fortunes feek; But at fourfcore, it is too late a week: Yet fortune cannot recompence me better, Than to die well, and not my master's debtor. [Exeunt.


The Foreft of Arden.

Enter ROSALIND in boy's clothes, CELIA dreft like a Shepherdefs, and TOUCHSTONE.

Ros. O Jupiter! how weary are my spirits!

7 From seventeen years-] The old copy reads-feventy. The correction, which is fully fupported by the context, was made by Mr. Rowe.


8 O Jupiter! how weary are my fpirits!] The old copy reads-how merry, &c. STEEVENS.

And yet, within the fpace of one intervening line, fhe fays, fhe could find in her heart to difgrace her man's apparel, and cry like a woman. Sure, this is but a very bad fymptom of the brifkness of fpirits: rather a direct proof of the contrary difpofition. Mr. Warburton and I, concurred in conjecturing it should be, as I have reformed in the text:-how weary are my fpirits! And the Clown's reply makes this reading certain. THEOBALD.

She invokes Jupiter, because he was fuppofed to be always in good fpirits. A Jovial man was a common phrafe in our author's time. One of Randolph's plays is called ARISTIPPUS, or the Jovial Philofopher; and a comedy of Broome's, The Jovial Crew, or, the Merry Beggars.

In the original copy of Othello, 4to. 1622, nearly the fame miftake has happened; for there we find—

"Let us be merry, let us hide our joys,"

inftead of-Let us be wary. MALONE.

TOUCH. I care not for my fpirits, if my legs were

not weary.

Ros. I could find in my heart to difgrace my man's apparel, and to cry like a woman: but I must comfort the weaker veffel, as doublet and hose ought to fhow itself courageous to petticoat: therefore, courage, good Aliena.

CEL. I pray you, bear with me; I cannot go no further.

TOUCH. For my part, I had rather bear with you, than bear you: yet I fhould bear no crofs, if I did bear you; for, I think, you have no money in your purse.

Ros. Well, this is the forest of Arden.

TOUCH. Ay, now am I in Arden: the more fool I ; when I was at home, I was in a better place; but travellers must be content.

Ros. Ay, be fo, good Touchstone:-Look you, who comes here; a young man, and an old, in folemn talk.


COR. That is the way to make her scorn you ftill. SIL. O Corin, that thou knew 'ft how I do love her! COR. I partly guess; for I have lov'd ere now. SIL. No, Corin, being old, thou canst not guefs; Though in thy youth thou waft as true a lover As ever figh'd upon a midnight pillow:

9 I had rather bear with you, than bear you :] This jingle is repeated in K. Richard III:

"You mean to bear me, not to bear with me.”


- yet I should bear no crofs,] A cross was a piece of money ftamped with a crofs. On this our author is perpetually quibbling.


But if thy love were ever like to mine,
(As fure I think did never man love fo,)
How many actions moft ridiculous

Haft thou been drawn to by thy fantasy?

COR. Into a thousand that I have forgotten. SIL. O, thou didst then ne'er love fo heartily: If thou remember'ft not the flightest folly' That ever love did make thee run into, Thou haft not lov'd:

Or if thou haft not fat as I do now,

Wearying thy hearer in thy mistress' praise,
Thou haft not lov'd:

Or if thou haft not broke from company, Abruptly, as my paffion now makes me, Thou haft not lov'd:-O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe! [Exit SILVIUS. Ros. Alas, poor fhepherd! fearching of thy wound,'

I have by hard adventure found mine own.

TOUCH. And I mine: I remember, when I was in love, I broke my fword upon a stone, and bid him

3 If thou remember'ft not the flighteft folly-] I am inclined to believe that from this paffage Suckling took the hint of his fong: "Honeft lover, whofoever,

"If in all thy love there ever

"Was one wav'ring thought, if thy flame

"Were not still even, ftill the fame.

"Know this,

"Thou lov'st amifs,

"And to love true,

"Thou must begin again, and love anew," &c. JOHNSON. 4 Wearying thy bearer-] The old copy has-wearing. Corrected by the editor of the fecond folio. I am not fure that the emendation is neceffary, though it has been adopted by all the editors. MALONE.

5 of thy wound,] The old copy has-they would. The latter word was corrected by the editor of the fecond folio, the other by Mr. Rowe. MALONE.

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