18 And Jesus, walking by the | Zebedee their father, mendsea of Galilee, saw two brethren, ing their nets; and he called Simon called Peter, and Andrew them. his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. 21 And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with 18. Sea of Galilee; called also the sea of Tiberias (John 6:1. 21:1); the lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1); and, in the Old Testament, the sea of Chinnereth (Num. 34:11). This lake, or inland sea, is between twelve and sixteen miles long, and five broad. Its waters are pure and sweet, and it abounds in fish. It is situated in a very pleasant region, from the hills of which many rivulets descend. 19. Fishers of men; a sufficiently clear intimation, that he designed to employ them in promoting his cause. 22. The ship; a small fishing vessel. || Followed him. At this time, probably, the disciples mentioned in the 18th and 21st verses, abandoned their occupation, as a stated pursuit, and became constant attendants on Jesus. At an earlier period (see John 1: 40, &c.), Andrew, Simon Peter, and Philip, seem to have been, in a реси liar manner, attached to Jesus. But, probably, the invitation, or command, given at that more early period, was designed only to secure their attendance for a short time; and they returned to their employment for a subsistence. At the time of which Matthew here speaks, the persons named were more specially called by the Saviour to be his constant attendants. The account here given by Matthew corresponds to the account given by Mark (1:16-20), and by Luke (5: 22 And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. 23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease among the people. 24 And his fame went throughout all Syria; and they 1-11). Luke gives a more particular statement than the other writers. By comparing the several accounts, it would seem that Jesus went on board of Simon's boat, and from that taught the people. He then directed that the boat should be put off into the sea for fishing. After taking a remarkable draught of fishes, Simon and Andrew were called from their employment, to follow Jesus. Shortly after this, as Jesus was walking along the shore, he saw James and John in their father's boat, and in a similar manner called them. 23. Synagogues; Jewish houses of worship. The temple was in Jerusalem; but, for the convenience of the people, smaller houses were erected for worship in various places. || Gospel of the kingdom. The word translated gospel properly means glad tidings, joyful announcement. Preaching the gospel here means announring the glad tidings. The kingdom here means the reign of God, or of heaven a term signifying the Messiah's administration. See on 3:2. The whole phrase, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, means, announcing the joyful news of the reign of God, that is, of the Messiah's having come. INTRODUCTORY EXPLANATIONS, I., On the meaning of the word Gospel, page xiii. of this volume. See 24. Syria; the country north and north-east of Palestine. || Possessed with devils. The word demons, that is, evil spirits, would be more suitable than the word devils. The New Testament, in the original, makes a distinction between the Devil, who is the chief of the fallen spirits (Matt. 12: 24. 25: 41), and demons, or evil spirits, who are subject to him. It is the demons who are represented as entering into persons and possessing them. || Lunatic; persons afflicted with epilepsy, or with derangement, whose disorder was supposed to increase in strength with the increase of the moon. || Palsy. Under the general name of palsy, many infirmities were comprehended. 1. The apoplexy, a paralytic shock which affected the whole body. 2. The hemiplegy, which paralyzed only one side of the body. 3. The paraplegy, which paralyzed all the parts below the neck. 4. The catalepsy, a contraction of the muscles in the whole, or in a part, of the body. If a person's hand, for instance, when struck with it, was extended, he was unable to draw it back; if not extended, when struck with it, he was unable to extend it. It became diminished and dried up. 5. The cramp. The limbs, when seized with the cramp, remained immovable, sometimes turned in, and sometimes out, in the same position as when they were first seized. brought unto him all sick peo- | great multitudes of people from ple that were taken with divers Galilee, and from Decapolis, diseases and torments, and and from Jerusalem, and from those which were possessed Judea, and from beyond Jorwith devils, and those which dan. were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. 25 And there followed him A CHAPTER V. ND seeing the multitudes, he went up into a moun are not agreed; and the accounts given of the name are not satisfactory. The cities commonly named did not lie in the same region of country, but were considerably distant from each other. Josephus, the Jewish historian, mentions Scythopolis as one of them, a city which was on the west side of the Jordan; the other cities were on the east. Decapolis may be regarded as a region beyond, that is, east of, the Jordan, embracing several cities; and these cities were inhabited principally by people who were not Jews. OBSERVE, 1. A worthy example of prompt obedience to Jesus. vs. 20, 22. 2. The devotion of Jesus to his official work. v. 23. Compare also John 4:34. 3. The benevolence of Jesus. v. 24. Compare Acts 10: 38. It is also a painful reflection, and one which ought to excite us to selfexamination, that, while multitudes were attracted to Jesus (v. 25), very few, comparatively, became " disciples indeed." John 8:31. CHAPTER V. In this chapter and the two following ones, Matthew has recorded what is called the sermon on the mount. Luke has also presented (6:20-49) the same discourse substantially, though in a smaller compass. The company to which it was delivered, and the event related as occurring just after, lead to the conclusion, that both Matthew and Luke record the same discourse. Compare Matt. 4: 24, 25, and 5:1, with Luke 6:17; and Matt. 8:5-13, with Luke 7:1-10. There is an apparent 25. The names of places mentioned in this verse have already been noticed, and the places may be seen on the Map, with the exception of Decapolis. This word is commonly explained as signifying a district containing ten cities (the word deka in the Greek language meaning ten, and polis, a city). In the enumeration of these cities, writers | disagreement between the two evangeBy bearing in mind the circumstance, that Jesus had before him his twelve apostles, selected for his special service, and a multitude of other persons, some of whom, doubtless, were gladly receivinginstruction, and others were drawn by curiosity and by desire that their sick friends might be cured, we shall see how appropriate was his discourse in all its parts. The apostles, in view of their work, needed cautions and encouragement; many of the multitude neededed, do not obtain true consolation: 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. tain; and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, 3 Blessed are the poor in lists; namely, Matthew speaks of Jesus going up the mountain so as to address the people; but Luke says, that Jesus, having spent a night in prayer on a mountain (6: 12), came down and stood in the plain (6:17), and, without mentioning any change of place, proceeds to speak of his addressing the company. This disagreement, however, is only apparent, and can be easily reconciled. Luke says, that Jesus retired to a mountain, and spent the night in prayer; that he came down in the morning, and exercised his healing power on the many sick that were among the multitude (6:17-19); and Matthew mentions the additional circumstance, that Jesus again repaired to a suitable spot on the mountain. Luke says nothing in opposition to this; he only omits to mention it. By further comparing Matthew with Luke, it would appear, that, a short time before addressing the multitude, Jesus formally selected his apostles. Some he appears to have selected previously (Matt. 4: 18-22); he now completed the number of twelve. Matthew gives no intimation of the time when the whole number of the twelve was filled up. He barely mentions the names of the apostles on another occasion, when he was about to give an account of the instructions which they received previously to being sent forth as the Messiah's heralds. Matt. 10:2-4. spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. warning on various points; and all needed better and more enlarged views of the nature of true religion, and of the design of the Messiah. See 1. The multitudes; the people spoken of in 4:25. || A mountain; the mountain on which he had spent the preceding night in prayer. Luke 6:12. It was probably some elevation in the neighborhood of Capernaum; for he entered Capernaum soon after finishing the discourse. See Matt. 8:5. Luke 7:1. || When he was set; having taken a seat. Such was the custom in teaching among the Jews. Compare Luke 4: 20. 3. Blessed; truly happy. The object of our Saviour in these introductory verses was, to correct the prevailing erroneous notions respecting true happiness, and to show in what it really consists. || The poor in spirit; those whose temper of mind corresponds to a condition destitute of worldly advantages; those who are lowly, conscious of ignorance and unworthiness; that is, the humble in mind. Such are truly happy in contrast with the proud, the great, those who are aspiring after the honors of this world. || Kingdom of heaven ; the Messiah's reign, commenced on earth, and consummated in the world of glory. To the lowly in mind, not to the proud and aspiring, belong the blessings of the Messiah's administration, both in this life and in the life to come. See on 3: 2. 4. They that mourn. The word here used in the original is applicable to persons in sorrowful circumstances, in affliction. The idea is, truly happy are persons in adversity, rather than the prosperous. || Comforted. The tendency of afflictions is, to lead men to the proper source of abiding consolation. Many, when they are afflict 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. still, a state of affliction is more favorable for obtaining everlasting bliss, than a state of prosperity. In the general idea of affliction, mourning for sin may be included; and the call to repentance had been so distinctly made on previous occasions, that the Saviour's hearers could be in no uncertainty respecting its necessity. His object, however, on the present occasion, seems to have been not so much to show the need of repentance, as to unfold some other great principles of his religion, and to show wherein man's true happiness consists. The Jews had associated great worldly honor and happiness with the coming of the Messiah; Jesus wished to draw had become settled in the land, and in v. 11th, appears to be of the same import as the expression, delighting themselves in the abundance of peuce, or prosperity. The idea, then, expressed by our Saviour is, Truly happy are the meek; for they shall enjoy special tokens of divine regard. It is well to NOTICE here, that one of the most interesting and affecting representations which the Saviour makes of himself is, "I am meek and lowly in heart." Matt. 11: 29. 6. Hunger and thirst; earnestly desire, as a man hungry and thirsty desires food and drink. || Righteousness; holiness, uprightness in the most extensive sense, in heart and life, to away their minds from such expecta-wards God and towards man. || Fill tions, to lead them to spiritual views, and to a suitable indifference as to the honors and prosperity of this world, and thus to correct their false notions of bliss and of the Messiah's reign. ed; satisfied. As a hungry man derives satisfaction from food, so they shall obtain satisfaction by receiving the object of their desires. 7. The merciful; the compassionate; those who are inclined to pity, and are considerate of others' wants and welfare; not overbearing, nor heedless of others' interests: such a man as is described in Ps. 112: 4, 5, 9. Compare Luke 10:30-37. || They shall obtain mercy. Compare Ps. 41: 1-3. Both God and man will show them favor. A uniformly merciful disposition, manifested in the ordinary concerns of life as well as on signal occasions, in private as well as in public, to inferiors and to the neglected as well as to others, cannot but be acceptable to reflecting men and to God. A man well known to be merciful seldom meets with insult and neglect. 5. The meek; the gentle, the kind, the forgiving. Truly happy will such be esteemed, when contrasted with the angry, the harsh, and the unrelenting. Compare Luke 9:51-56. || They shall inherit the earth; more properly, the land. This expression appears to have been a proverbial one among the Jews, indicative of consummate bliss. Compare Ps. 37: 9, 11, 22, 29. Its origin was this: God had promised to Abraham that his posterity should eventually possess the land in which he was sojourning. Gen. 13:14-17. 15:18. 17:8. Acts 7: 5. This promise was repeated to Isaac (Gen. 26: 3, 4), and to Jacob (Gen. 28: 13, 14). Thus it came to be the object of desire and expectation to their descendants, and they regarded the possession of the promised land as combining every good thing, and as a pledge of the divine faithfulness and of prosperity. The expression was used, as we see in the 37th Psalm, after the people | God; they shall enjoy the special fa 8. The pure in heart; the sincerely upright and pious, whose hearts correspond to their outward profession of love to God; of whose hearts Om niscience can approve, as men approve of their lives: such men as was Nathanael. John 1:47. || They shall see 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost 11 Blessed are ye when men his savor, wherewith shall it shall revile you, and persecute be salted? it is thenceforth you, and shall say all manner of good for nothing, but to be evil against you falsely, for my cast out, and to be trodden sake. vor of God. In the East, kings very rarely made their appearance in public; and in some countries, to go into the presence of a monarch without being expressly invited, would expose a person to death. See Esther 4: 11. Hence, to be admitted to the presence of the king, was a very propitious circumstance. The expression, therefore, to see God, is equivalent to the expression, to enjoy his favor. 9. The peace-makers; those who are ready to interpose their kind offices for maintaining mutual peace, and for restoring harmony when it has been storing harmon interrupted. || Children of God. They resemble God in their disposition, and will be acknowledged and treated by him as his children. The spirit of peace and good will, uniformly cherished amid provocations as well as in other circumstances, is no slight evidence of a person's being under the influence of pure religion. The spirit of discord and war, whether on a large scale or a small one, finds no countenance in the principles of Him, who is appropriately styled Prince of peace. 10. The kingdom of heaven. See on ν. 3. 12. The prophets, &c.; such as Elijah (1 Kings 18:17. 19:1-18.21: 20); Elisha (2 Kings 2: 23); Jeremiah (Jer. 20:2, 10. 26:8-15. 32: 3. 37:11-15.38: 4-13); Daniel (Dan. 6:1-17). Such declarations as are contained in these introductory verses, were well adapted to excite the attention of the people, as containing new sentiments; under foot of men. to correct false notions, so generally indulged, concerning human happiness and concerning the design of the Messiah's coming; to lead the people to spiritual views and to a just estimate of holiness and of heavenly good. 13. It would now seem that the Saviour directed his remarks more particularly to those whom he designed soon to send forth as his heralds and as teachers of his religion; while yet the thoughts expressed would also be applicable to all his followers. The salt of the earth. Salt has a purifying and preserving efficacy. So it would be incumbent on the apostles, by teaching, and on all the disciples, by example, to exert a salutary influence on the sentiments and characters of men. || Lost his savor; become tasteless and powerless. The salt found in the Valley of Salt, near Aleppo in Syria, loses its saltness by exposure to the sun, rain, and air. The salt made in Judea from the water of the Dead Sea was probably liable to be thus spoiled. It may be proper to remark here, that the word his is used throughout the Bible, with reference to things, as well as to persons. || Wherewith shall it be salted? how can it be endued with a saline quality, and become useful for the purposes of salt? much as to say, it is valueless, and will be rejected. So the apostles and other disciples, unless religious truth and holy principles dwelt in them, would be valueless as to salutarv religious influence, and would bring on themselves the disapprobation of God. as |