
neFalk- In 1771 he published another political pamphlet land's entitled "Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland's Islands," in which, upon materials


in which he was sitting, he repeated these lines, which he said were written by one Giffard, a clergyman; but the poem in which they are introduced, has hitherto been undiscovered goiquibusb

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"Verse sweetens toil, however rude the sound:
All at her work the village maiden sings;
Nor while she turns the giddy wheel around,

Revolves the sad vicissitude of things."


In the autumn of 1782, when he was at Brighthelmstone, he frequently accompanied Mr. Philip Metcalfe in his chaise, to take the air; and the conversation in one of their excursions happening to turn on a celebrated historian, since deceased, he repeated, with great precision, some verses, as very characteristick of that gentleman. These furnish another proof of what has been above observed; for they are found in a very obscure quarter, among some anonymous poems appended to the second volume of a collection frequently printed by Lintot, under the title of Pope's MISCELLANIES:

"See how the wand'ring Danube flows,
Realms and religions parting;

A friend to all true christian foes,
To Peter, Jack, and Martin.
Now Protestant, and Papist now,
Not constant long to either,
At length an infidel does grow,
And ends his journey neither."


Thus many a youth I've known set out,
Half Protestant, half Papist,

And rambling long the world about,

Turn infidel or atheist." Son 17

In reciting these verses I have no doubt that Johnson substituted some word for infidel in the second stanza, to avoid the disagreeable repetition of the same expression. M.] net & al golonige bly syahisi to uomup

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furnished to him by ministry, and upon general Johnson's
topicks expanded in his rich style, he successfully pamphlet
endeavoured to persuade the nation that it was wise toquad
and laudable to suffer the question of right to re-
main undecided, rather than involve our country in
another war. It has been suggested by some, with
what truth I shall not take upon me to decide, that
he rated the consequence of those islands to Great-
Britain too low. But however this may be, every
humane mind must surely applaud the earnestness
with which he averted the calamity of war; a cala-
mity so dreadful, that it is astonishing how civilised,
nay, Christian nations, can deliberately continue to
renew it. His description of its miseries in this
pamphlet, is one of the finest pieces of eloquence
in the English language. Upon this occasion, too,
we find Johnson lashing the party in opposition with
unbounded severity, and making the fullest use of
what he ever reckoned a most effectual argumen-
tative instrument,-contempt. His character of
their very able mysterious champion, Junrus, is
executed with all the force of his genius, and
finished with the highest care. He seems to have
exulted in sallying forth to single combat against
the boasted and formidable hero, who bade de-
fiance to "principalities and powers, and the rulers
of this world.”

This pamphlet, it is
one particular, after the observable, was softened in

first edition; for the con-
clusion of Mr. George Grenville's character stood
thus: "Let him not, however, be depreciated in
his grave.
He had powers not universally pos-
sessed could he have enforced payment of the
Manilla ransom, he could have counted it." Which,



Letter to instead of retaining its sly sharp point, was reduced Bennet to a mere flat unmeaning expression, or, if I may Langton use the word,-truism: "He had powers not universally possessed and if he sometimes erred, he was likewise sometimes right."



AFTER much lingering of my own, and much of the ministry, I have, at length got out my paper. But delay is not yet at an end: Not many had been dispersed, before Lord North ordered the sale to stop.tHis reasons I do not distinctly know. You may try to find them in the perusal.2 Before his order, a sufficient number were dispersed to do all the mischief, though, perhaps, not to make all the sport that might be expected from it.

"Soon after your departure, I had the pleasure of finding all the danger past with which your navigation was threatened. I hope nothing happens at home to abate your satisfaction; but that Lady Rothes, and Mrs. Langton, and the young ladies, are all slane of dad

"I was last night at THE CLUB. Dr. Percy has written a long ballad in many fits; it is pretty enough. He has printed, and will soon publish

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Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falk

land's Islands."

2 By comparing the first with the subsequent editions, this curious circumstance of ministerial authourship may be discovered.

[It can only be discovered (as Mr. Bindley observes to me) by him who possesses a copy of the first edition issued out before the sale was stopped.-M.]

Goldsmith is at Bath, with Lord Clare.

At Mr.

pont proposal


it. Mr. Thrale's, where I am now writing, all are Strahan's well. I am, dear Sir,

"Your most humble servant,

« March 20, 1771.”

Mr. Strahan, the printer, who had been long in intimacy with Johnson, in the course of his literary labours, who was at once his friendly agent in receiving his pension for him, and his banker in supplying him with money when he wanted it; who was himself now a Member of Parliament, and who loved much to be employed in political negociation; thought he should do eminent service, both to government and Johnson, if he could be the means of his getting a seat in the House of Commons. With this view, he wrote a letter to one of the Secretaries of the Treasury, of which he gave me a copy in his own hand-writing, which is as follows:

66 SIR,

"You will easily recollect, when I had the honour of waiting upon you some time ago, I took the liberty to observe to you, that Dr. Johnson would make an excellent figure in the House of Commons, and heartily wished he had a seat there. My reasons are briefly these :

"I know his perfect good affection to his Majesty, and his government, which I am certain he wishes to support by every means in his power.

"He possesses a great share of manly, nervous, and ready eloquence; is quick in discerning the


Johnson's strength and weakness of an argument; can express qualifica himself with clearness and precision, and fears the tions face of no man alive.

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"His known character, as a man of extraordinary sense and unimpeached virtue, would secure him the attention of the House, and could not fail to give him a proper weight there.

"He is capable of the greatest application, and can undergo any degree of labour, where he sees it necessary, and where his heart and affections are strongly engaged. His Majesty's ministers might therefore securely depend on his doing, upon every proper occasion, the utmost that could be expected from him. They would find him ready to vindicate such measures as tended to promote the stability of government, and resolute and steady in carrying them into execution. Nor is any thing to be apprehended from the supposed impetuosity of his temper. To the friends of the King you will find him a lamb, to his enemies a lion.

"For these reasons, I humbly apprehend that he would be a very able and useful member. And I will venture to say, the employment would not be disagreeable to him; and knowing, as I do, his strong affection to the King, his ability to serve him in that capacity, and the extreme ardour with which I am convinced he would engage in that service, I must repeat, that I wish most heartily to see him in the House.

"If you think this worthy of attention, you will be pleased to take a convenient opportunity of mentioning it to Lord North. If his Lordship should happily approve of it, I shall have the satisfaction of having been, in some degree, the

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