

faction has been regarded with frigid neutrality by Answers the Tories, who being long accustomed to signalise to Johntheir principles by opposition to the Court, do not yet consider, that they have at last a King who pamphlet knows not the name of party, and who wishes to be the common father of all his people."

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To this pamphlet, which was at once discovered to be Johnson's, several answers came out, in which, care was taken to remind the public of his former attacks upon government, and of his now being a pensioner, without allowing for the honourable terms upon which Johnson's pension was granted and accepted, or the change of system which the British court had undergone upon the accession of his present Majesty.unHe was, however, soothed in the highest strain of panegyrick, in a poem called "The Remonstrance," by the Reverend Mr. Stockdale, to whom he was, upon many occasions, a kind protector. batcollon and

noThe following admirable minute made by him, describes so well his own state, and that of numbers to whom self-examination is habitual, that I cannot omit it:

"June 1, 1770. Every man naturally persuades himself that he can keep his resolutions, nor is he convinced of his imbecility but by length of time and frequency of experiment. This opinion of our own constancy is so prevalent, that we always despise him who suffers his general and settled purpose to be overpowered by an occasional desire. They, therefore, whom frequent failures have made desperate, cease to form resolutions; and they who are become cunning, do not tell them. Those who do not make them are very few, but of their



Letters effect little is perceived; for scarcely any man relating persists in a course of life planned by choice, but as he is restrained from deviation by some external power. He who may live as he will, seldom lives long in the observation of his own rules." 1

Of this year I have obtained the following letters:

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"As no man ought to keep wholly to himself any possession that may be useful to the publick, I hope you will not think me unreasonably intrusive, if I have recourse to you for such information as you are more able to give me than any other man.

"In support of an opinion which you have already placed above the need of any more support, Mr. Steevens, a very ingenious gentleman, lately of King's College, has collected an account of all the translations which Shakspeare might have seen and used. He wishes his catalogue to be perfect, and therefore intreats that you will favour him by the insertion of such additions as the accuracy of your enquiries has enabled you to make. To this request, I take the liberty of adding my own solicitation.

"We have no immediate use for this catalogue, and therefore do not desire that it should interrupt or hinder your more important employments. But it will be kind to let us know that you receive it. "I am, Sir, &c., odot



"Johnson's-court, Fleet-street, ot of 92690
March 21, 1770."

1 Prayers and Meditations, p. 95

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the revision of his Shak

"THE readiness with which you were pleased speare to promise me some notes on Shakspeare, was a new instance of your friendship. I shall not hurry you; but am desired by Mr. Steevens, who helps me in this edition, to let you know, that we shall print the tragedies first, and shall therefore want first the notes which belong to them. We think not to incommode the readers with a supplement; and therefore, what we cannot put into its proper place, will do us no good. We shall not begin to print before the end of six weeks, perhaps not so M or staninilgmooy

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“I am, &c., merplƆ „ak Hoy esood deiland andw❝SAM. JOHNSON." "London, June 23, 1770."


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DO❝I AM revising my edition of Shakspeare,

and remember that I formerly misrepresented your
opinion of Lear. Be pleased to write the para-
graph as you would have it, and send it.
you have any remarks of your own upon that or
any other play, I shall gladly receive them.

"Make my compliments to Mrs. Warton. I sometimes think of wandering for a few days to Winchester, but am apt to delay.

"I am, Sir,

yabiled b. “Your most humble servant,

"Sept. 27, 1770.” 10%







"I AM at last sat down to write to you, and should very much blame myself for having neglected you so long, if I did not impute that and many other failings to want of health. hope not to be so long silent again. I am very well satisfied with your progress, if you can really perform the exercises which you are set; and I hope Mr. Ellis does not suffer you to impose on him, or on yourself.ov

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"Make my compliments to Mr. Ellis, and to Mrs. Clapp, and Mr. Smith.

"Let me know what English books you read for your entertainment. You can never be wise

unless you love reading.

"Do not imagine that I shall forget or forsake you; for if, when I examine you, I find that you have not lost your time, you shall want no encouragement from

"Yours affectionately,

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"TO THE SAME. y sal

in dudastrodon W "I HOPE you mind your business. I design you shall stay with Mrs. Clapp these holidays. If you are invited out you may go, if Mr. Ellis gives leave. I have ordered you some clothes,

which you will receive, I believe, next week. Dr. MaxMy compliments to Mrs. Clapp and to Mr. Ellis, well's

and Mr. Smith, &c.

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tanea "

"Your affectionate,


"December 7, 1770." nd bos panelet ad of

wal invigofothing to esihaja yaayo ni During this year there was a total cessation of all correspondence between Dr. Johnson and me, without any coldness on either side, but merely from procrastination, continued from day to day; and as I was not in London, I had no opportunity of enjoying his company and recording his conversation. To supply this blank, I shall present my readers with some Collectanea, obligingly furnished to me by the Rev. Dr. Maxwell, of Falkland, in Ireland, some time assistant preacher at the Temple, and for many years the social friend of Johnson, who spoke of him with a very kind regard. sda bo

"My acquaintance with that great and venerable character commenced in the year 1754. I was introduced to him by Mr. Grierson,1 his Majesty's printer at Dublin, a gentleman of un


Son of the learned Mrs. Grierson, who was patronized by the late Lord Granville, and was the editor of several of the classicks.

b[Her edition of Tacitus, with the notes of Ryckius, in three volumes, 8vo. 1730, was dedicated in very elegant Latin to John, Lord Carteret, (afterwards Earl Granville,) by whom she was patronized during his residence in Ireland as Lord Lieutenant between 1724 and 1730.-M.]



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