INDEX. Bagshaw, Rev. Thomas, 219, n. Johnson's letters to, 219, 339, 54 Baker, Sir George, 542 Ballow, Thomas, Esq. (the lawyer,) 294 Baltick, Johnson's proposed expedition to the, 231 Barber, Mr. Francis, 61, 63, 241, 558 Barclay, Mr. the young author, 139 Mr. one of Mr. Thrale's successors, 467 Baretti, Joseph, 81, 96, 98, 156, 279, 343, 439 the first who received copy money in Italy, 340 his trial, 166 Beggars, 415, 471 Beggar's Opera,' 253, 390 Belchier, Surgeon, 303 Bellamy, Mrs. her letter to Johnson, 506, n. Belsham, Mr. his Essay on Dramatic Poetry, 107, n. Bentham, the Rev. Dr. 278 Bentley, Dr. verses by, 436 Berenger, Richard, Esq. 457 Beresford, Mrs. and Miss, 519 Berkeley, Bishop, 131, 178, 437 Berwick, Duke of, his Memoirs, 379 Beville, Rev. Mr. his ingenious defence of Hammond, Bewley, Mr. his enthusiastic veneration for Johnson, 473 Bible, the, should be read with the comments by Lowth, 'Bibliotheca Harleiana,' 38 Bicknel, Mr. 84 Bickerstaff, Mr. Isaac, 163 'Biddulph, Miss Sidney,' the Novel, 107 Biographia Britannica,' 343, 516, n. Biography, remarks on, 1-5, 118, 201, 283, 309, 337 157 Johnson's letters to, 59, 76 his letter to Johnson on his Dictionary, 76 Birds, their migration, 216 Bishops, 457, 522. See Clergy. Blagden, Dr. 438 Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, his Sermons, 317, 319-341, 396, his account of 'Popes's Essay on Man,' 416 Robert, Esq. Solicitor-General for Scotland, 301, n. Blake, Admiral, Johnson's Life of, 36 Blaney, Elizabeth, 5, 548 Blank verse, 118, 176, 370, 394, 435 442, 448 Blue-stocking club, 102, 463 Boerhaave, Johnson's Life of, 35 Boetius magis Philosophus quàm Christianas, 177 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first Viscount, his works, 70 BOSWELL, (the Author of this Work.) introduced to Johnson, 107, 108 his Account of Corsica,' 153, 156-160 his Letter to the People of Scotland,' 483 For other matters, see, 131, 140, 152, 170, 200, 267, Johnson's argument in favour of his trying Johnson's excellent letter to him on his suc- Johnson's other letters to him, 131, 139, 145, BOSWELL, letters to Johnson from him, 146, 156, 181, answer, 482 375, n. Johnson's letters to, 313, 328, 479; her Dr. his character of Johnson, 290 James, Esq. (the author's second son, (291, -Veronica,(the author's eldest daughter) 329, n. Bourchier, Governor, 456 Boufflers, Mad. de, 265 Boulter's Monument, a poem, & Bowles, William, Esq. 502 Bowyer, Printer, his life, 547 Budgell, Eustace, 301 Budworth, Mr. 560, n. Buffon, remark on, 313, n. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress,' 212 Burke, Right Hon. Edmund, anecdotes of, and remarks his Bonmots, 390 his universal knowledge, 435 the Author, introduced to him, 213 his Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol censrued by his Essay on the Sublime,' &c. 165 his Letter on the Affairs of America,' 348 Burman, Johnson's Life of, 38. Burnet's History of his Own Times, 205. Burney, Dr. 404, 405, 489, 553. Johnson's letters to him, 76, 86, 87, 139, 504, Burney, his Anecdotes of Johnson, 88, 265, 471. Calimachus, 430. Cambridge, Richard Owen, Esq., 252, 368, 490. Camden, Charles, first Lord, 387. Campbell, Hon. Archibald, 200, 524. his Political Survey,' 279. Rev. Dr. Thomas, 244, 245. Candidates at Elections, Johnson's excellent advice to Cave, Mr. Edward, Johnson's Life of, 67. 193, 390, 528 Chambers, Catherine, 92, 152. Ephraim, his proposal for his Dictionary Sir Robert, 220, 221. Johnson's letter to him, 72. Sir William, 488,- Heroic Epistle' to him Chamier, Anthony, Esq. 133, 368 Johnson's letter to, 507. Charade, Johnson's, on Dr. Bernard, Lord Bishop of Charlemont, James, first Earl of, 456 Charles I. 253 Charles 11.245 Johnson's opinion of Charles V. his celebration of his funeral obsequies in his Chastity, 281. See Marriage Chathain, Earl of, 529 Chatterton's poems, 302 Chesterfield, Lord, 46, 67, 69, 204, 242, 400, 410, 484, 334 -might be made a very pretty book, 303. Churton, Rev. Mr. Ralph, his excellent remarks, 496, should visit London with their wives, to acquire topics of conversation, 345 Country life, 368 Courtship of great men, how far allowable, 141, 348 11, 57, 84. 239 Coverley, Sir Roger de, 254 -the edition of his select works by Bishop Hurd, the Lives of the Poets, by Shields, and Cibber Crabbe, Rev. Mr., his Village,' 484 Cradock, Joseph, Esq. 299 Craven, Lady, (now Margravine of Anspach,) 294 Croft, Rev. Herbert, his Life of Young,' 447 Cromwell, the Usurper, Johnson's design of writing his life, 502 Crosbie, Mr. Andrew, 255 Crouch, Mrs. 500 Crousaz, 33, 39 Cruikshank, Mr., Johnson's letters to, 546, 558 Cumberland, Richard, Esq. 300, 449, 553 Curates, the question of raising their salaries discussed, 331 Dalrymple, Sir John, his Memoirs, 204 Dalzel, Mr., Professor of Greek at Edinburgh, 543 Davies, Mr. Thomas, character and anecdotes of, 107, his Memoirs of Garrick, 426 Dawkins, - Esq. the traveller, 468 Death, reflections on, 90, 169, 282, 387, 518, 524. See Johnson Debts, contracting them, the source of much evil and Dedications, Prefaces, Introductions, &c. by Johnson, Defoe, Daniel, 373 Delany's Observation on Swift,' 367 Dennis, John, his critical works worth collecting, 2990 Derrick, Samuel, Esq. 105, 108, 126, 406, 489, 501 Devaynes, John, Esq. 516 Devil, the first Whig, 391 his influence upon the souls of men, 521 Devonshire, Duke of, 247, 407 Duchess of, 542 Diamond, Mr. 63 Dibdin, Mr. 171 Dick, Sir Alexander, letters of, 318, 328, 512 -Johnson's praise of his liberality as a Scotchman, Elibank, Patrick, Lord, 295, 303, 432, 465 Eliot. Edward, of Port Eliot (first Lord, 454, 534 Elphinstone, Mr. James, his edition of The Rambler,' 53 Elwal, the enthusiast, 189, 217 Emmet. Mrs. the Actress, 284 Entails, 267, 270, 273, 274 Johnson's letters on, 268, 269, 270, 271 Envy. 152, 221, 386 Flood, his epitaph on Johnson, 565 Floyer, Sir John, 6, 516. - author of an excellent book on the asthma, 516 Foote, Samuel, anecdotes and character of, 166, 167, Fop, a clerical one, only half a beau, 453 Foppery, never cured, 177 Forbes, Sir William, 313, 354 Ford, the Rev. Cornelius, 8, 399 Fordyce, Dr. James, 108, 561 Forrester, Colonel, 294 Forster's Voyage to the South Sea, 245 Forster, Mrs. Elizabeth, (Milton's grand-daughter) 59 his journal there, 259, & seq. the reason assigned why he did not print an ac- his opinions of that country, 400 Francis's Horace, 401 Franklin, Rev. Dr., his translation of Lucian's ⚫ Demo- French writers superficial, and why, 125 language, Johnson's knowledge of, 163 in general know no more than women, 309 a gross ill-bred people, 400, 503 Friends and friendship, 63, 79, 188, 334, 410, 421, 427, whether there are any probable grounds for Friendship, departed, 54, 331, 387 one of its greatest pleasures, 202 Fullarton, Colonel, 401 Future state of man, 188, 351, 380, 495 -different degrees of happiness in heaven, 141, 380 II. 35, 36, 52, 245 III. his accession and character, 96, 99, 102, Johnson's interview with, &c. 149 Johnson's praise of his opinion, 514 his Latin poem on, 156 Gluttony, 129 Goldsmith, Dr. Oliver, character of. 112, 114, & seq. treated by Charles, the first Lord Camden, as an extraordinary man, 367 his death, 2, 27 |