
Then straightway plunging with all his might,
Away to the left-his friend to the right,
Apart they went from this world of sin,
But at last together they entered in.

And now, when the river was rolling on,
A Presbyterian church went down;

Of women there seemed an innumerable throng,
But the men I could count as they passed along.

And concerning the road they never could agree
The old or the new way, which it could be,
Nor never a moment stopped to think
That both would lead to the river's brink.

And a sound of murmuring, long and loud,
Came ever up from the moving crowd;
"You're in the old way, and I'm in the new;
That is the false, and this is the true"-
Or "I'm in the old way, and you're in the new;
That is the false, and this is the true."

But the brethren only seemed to speak:
Modest the sisters walked and meek,
And if ever one of them chanced to say
What trouble she met on the way,
How she longed to pass to the other side,
Nor feared to cross over the swelling tide,

A voice arose from the brethren then, "Let no one speak but the holy men;

For have ye not heard the words of Paul 'Oh, let the women keep silence all?'"

I watched them long in my curious dream,
Till they stood by the borders of the stream;
Then, just as I thought, the two ways met;
But all the brethren were talking yet,
And would talk on till the heaving tide
Carried them over side by side-
Side by side, for the way was one;
The toilsome journey of life was done;
And all who in Christ the Savior died,
Came out alike on the other side.

No forms, or crosses, or books had they,'
No gowns of silk or suits of grey;
No creeds to guide them, or MSS.;

For all had put on Christ's righteousness.


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རིིས་པ་། -ར་མY,3,,


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