

Dr. MAYER's communications are full of interest, and always encouraging. For the present, however, obvious considerations limit the publication of details. Dr. Mayer has lately passed through a season of protracted anxiety and fatigue, terminating in the decease of his youngest child. He has not, however, remitted his labours among his brethren, although sleepless nights might have pleaded for some cessation. The following is an extract from his notes of Oct. 6th:

It has pleased the Lord to remove into a better world our little daughter Alice, on Monday last, at half-past six p.m. She had suffered for fully seven weeks, and our anxiety was not little during that period. "Jesus, receive her spirit!" prayed Mrs.

who called a few minutes before she breathed her last, and, "The Lord has resumed His own, His name be praised!" answered I, and my wife joined in both sentiments, becoming reconciled to the good will of God, though the wound was afresh, and is so still. As for myself I am almost worried out. Watching, expectation, fear, and hope have confused me; still I know I am a Christian, and, as such, I even try to sanctify the name of the Lord, by showing to the Jews that Christian resignation which teaches perfect happiness in the very times of trouble. They speak about it among themselves, marvel at it, and begin to compare also in this respect Christianity with Judaism. Many a conversation of that sort I have had already within these last seven days, and undoubtedly the impression left was favourable to our cause. As a native of England, my child was buried in the British cemetery on the 1st of October, on which very day I resumed my wonted labour, occupation having become more than necessary for me. On the following Friday evening, when all Israel was in the synagogue praying for remission of sin, two of my inquirers came to me, spending the evening with me, and on the very day of atonement I had a prayer-meeting in my house in which five Jews participated, remaining with me to dinner, and leaving at evening time.

When I had taken my ticket to fulfil an engagement at Florence, I got ill, fell in a swoon, and, of course, was obliged to return home, after having had medical aid at the station. Though I feel better to-day, still I labour under the consequences of overexcitement and fatigue, and I dare say I require a little rest.

The preaching in the Waldensian Church is accompanied with the best results possible. Besides the usual visitors, there are always present new hearers-even the most respectable among the Jews, and some of the rabbis. Now has preached three times, making an excellent impression. He will still continue for four times more; but then three months have expired, and what then? I repeat the question, That then?

The Missionaries have been informed of the straitened circumstances in which the Society has been placed, in consequence of the extension of the Missions, and indispensable expenses. They have expressed a lively interest in the fact, and offers of assistance have been tendered. We commend the following from one of them to the attention of our readers:

What you state relative to the Society's financial condition grieved me much. It is clear the Society has increased its agency beyond its income. Were I present at the Committee meeting that was to decide on the retrenchments to be effected, I would have suggested, instead of the Committee reducing the salaries of their missionaries, which might create discontent, and lead to difficulties, to address a circular letter to all the agents of the Society, stating the present financial position and probable prospects of the Scciety, and calling upon them to contribute, each

according to his ability, to the funds of the Society; at the same time intimating that their contributions are expected not to fall short of ten per cent. upon their salary, to be deducted quarterly, and acknowledged in the HERALD as donations; and that so soon as the Society's finances improved, they would be informed of it, and their contributions dispensed with. This course, I think, would prove much more agreeable to the feelings of the Committee and the Missionaries. Supposing the salaries to amount to £4,000 per annum, the donations would exceed £400, and by restricting the missionaries from travelling, &c, at least £200 more might be saved. If there is yet time, I beg you will lay this suggestion before the Committee. I remember once, when the Wesleyan Society was in a similar position, the missionaries were informed of it, and their contributions were of essential help. Besides, when the friends of our cause come to know that the missionaries, at the Committee's call, are making such sacrifices out of their scanty incomes, they will be stimulated to greater liberality and more active co-operation. When a missionary is seen contributing £20 per annum, out of an income of £200, those possessing ampler means will be ashamed to think that they only give £1 1s. a year to a cause so sacred and important. Another advantage that would result from my suggestion is, that it will leave no room for jealousies, or for the supposition that one's salary has been reduced to a greater proportion than that of another. There is no way of avoiding these evils exept by either leaving the missionaries to act voluntarily, or by a per-centage reduction, without regard to place or position. I venture to offer these remarks because they proceed from the best and purest motives.

Ever since I heard of the financial straits of the Society, which, as you say, may necessitate retrenchments, instead of strengthening the missions in existence and occupying new and interesting fields, I have been considering in what way I could economise so as to be able to contribute to funds from which, in every time of trial and suffering, the Committee have ever been ready to succour and help me.

I find that by patching up last winter's clothing, I shall avoid purchasing any new supply, either for myself or for those dependent upon me; and by withdrawing my young brother from school to assist his sister in household work, I shall save the wages and keep of a servant. These, and other retrenchments on the few comforts I enjoy, will enable me to contribute £5 per quarter out of my salary—and you know I am entirely dependent on that salary for support-until the Society's funds shall be in a more flourishing condition.

I write the above lines on the supposition that the Society is still in straits. In this case you will make of them what use you may deem proper, and I shall hold to my offer. But if the Society's funds are in a better condition, I shall be very thankful, for I can ill afford such a sacrifice, since I have yet to liquidate a debt of £40, borrowed on my life insurance, and on which I am paying five per cent. interest, and I expect the doctor's bill of visits, that will be presented in December, will be heavy enough. Besides, you know that there are three individuals—my old blind father, my sister, and youngest brother-dependent upon me for support. The latter two have acquired a greater claim upon me from the joyful circumstance of a decisive change, morally, intellectually, and spiritually. Were they strangers I should feel it my duty to support them. Even my brother Moses, formerly so bitter an opponent, is now reading the New Testament, and is far from adhering to rabbinism. I refer to them so seldom from the indelicacy of saying much of those so near and dear to me. If, therefore, I can be spared such a crippling of my means of support, I shall be very thankful indeed.


THE following is the kind proposal of Sir CULLING E. EARDLEY, referred to on the first page, and the list appended indicates the response already made.

Sept. 27, 1862.

My dear Sir,-Your statement about the Jews' Society is deeply interesting. So are letters from Dr. Mayer, sent me by Mr. Herschell.

I think I am bound, as Treasurer, to give you a little help; and it shall be proportioned to what others do from this time.

I will add £10 to every £100, promised from and after the receipt of this letter, up to £1000. If you can get promises for £1000, I will give £100. If £500, it will be £50. If £100, it will be only £10.

I wish I could do more, but I am glad to do this. things.-Believe me, faithfully yours,

It is a deeply interesting state of
C. E. EARDLley.

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THE MONTHLY MEETING for prayer and conference will be held (D.v.) on Wednesday evening, November 19, at 7 o'clock, in the Society's Office, Nol, Crescent Place, Blackfriars.

London: Published by JOHN SNOW, 35, Paternoster Row.

Printed for the Society by Adams and Gee, 23, Middle Street, West Smithfield, E.C-No. 203.-November, 1862.

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No. 204.]

DECEMBER 1, 1862.

[Price ld.

Monthly Retrospect.

OUR gatherings from the Missionaries' reports during the past month are well adapted to sustain our confidence in the agencies employed, and to renew ascriptions of praise to Him who deigns His smile on the humble effort. We give a few instances-not all that might be adduced. We have full reliance on the truthfulness of the statements, but are unwilling to weaken by public narration the mutual confidence existing between the visitors and those who have received them.

You will perceive also the feelings manifested by our friends the Missionaries on learning the pecuniary difficulties of the Society. It would seem hard to withdraw the husbandman from the field in which the seed sown by him has begun to germinate, although he knows that not a grain shall perish. A cordial effort on the part of those who are wont to consider the cause of Christ theirs-the liberal donations of a few-the prayerful offerings of the many, would yet prevent the evil so much to be deplored. Our Missionaries are not overpaid ;-shall we diminish their stipends? have gained introductions among Jewish families;-shall we bid them retire?

Rev. A. GELLERT writes:

Our Missions.



Referring to the subsequent case, I cannot head my present statement better than by the following:-" Jesus cried and said: He that believeth in me believeth not on me, but on Him that sent me; and he that seeth me, seeth Him that sent me. I am come a light unto the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness."


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