
tion, the Truth of all his Doctrines, and therefore confequently of that which he taught concerning the other World. If this had not been true, that we shall live for ever by him, (as he hath promifed us) God would have never raifed him up to Life again, to deceive us a fecond time, and Acts 2.27, in fo material a thing. But feeing God did not leave his Soul in Hell, but exalted Aas 5.31.him to a glorious Life, even to fit at his right Hand, in the Fullness of Power and



Dignity; this is an undeniable Argument, that they who believe in him fhall not peJohn 6.40.rifh neither, but be raised again as he was; because he who had fo confidently, before his Death, told his Difciples that he would thus rife again in three Days, did with the fame Confidence declare to them, that he would raise them alfo, and beftow upon them everlafting Life. Now the firft being certainly brought to pass by the Power of God, who alone could do it, there can be no doubt but the other will be made good in due time.

6. But laftly. To all this let me add the Teftimony of the Apoftles and Difciples of Chrift, who after his Death, and Afcenfion into Heaven, went about the World preaching the Truth of their Mafter's Doctrines, and particularly of this Article of the Life to come. All of thefe 1 Pet. 5.1.were fo fully perfuaded of the Glory that was to be revealed, that they travelled into



all Countries to publish these glad Tidings, and to bring over all Mankind to the Belief of Jefus, and to a Hope of eternal Life thro' him. And God was pleased to work with them, and to confirm the Truth of what they preached, by mighty Signs and Wonders: So that they themselves, as well as our Saviour, gave ocular Demonstration of another Life, by raising the Dead, and doing all those great things over again that he had done before them. And that none might fufpect this to be an Impoftor, they at length moft of them laid down their Lives to atteft the Sincerity of their Faith as to this Point.

And now can we require greater or ftronger Evidence for the Truth of any thing that doth not fall under our Senfes, than we have given of the Life to come? Certainly, whoever among us is an Infidel in this Point, after fuch evident Demonftrations as our Saviour and his Apostles have given of the Truth of it, fhews himself to want Senfe and Judgment, as well as Goodness.

Ay, but the Infidel may fay, all the Force of these Arguments depends upon the Truth of the hiftorical Matters of Fact that have been infifted on. But how fhall we, who live at fo great a Distance of time, know that there ever was fuch a Perfon in the World as Jefus Chrift, or that he preached fuch Doctrines, or that he wrought fuch


fuch Miracles to confirm them, or that he rofe from the Dead, or that he gave fuch Power to his Difciples after him to do those wonderful things? I anfwer, we may know and be affured of all these things by the fame Evidence, nay much better, than we know that there was such a Perfon as Julius Cæfar, and that he obtained fuch Victories, and made fuch Alterations in the Government of Rome, and did fuch other famous Acts as are recorded of him. none of us bore witnefs to thefe Tranfactions, but yet we firmly believe them upon the Credit of authentick Hiftory, and univerfal uncontrouled Tradition, and the permanent Effects which followed upon thofe Actions. Upon the fame Ground therefore, and for the fame Reason, we cannot refuse our Affent to all that the facred History relates of our Saviour and his Apoftles, it having all the Marks of an authentick Hiftory upon it, and being backed with the concurrent Teftimony of other Writings in every Age fince that. And, which is more, having at this Day standing Proofs to give Credit to it from the wonderful Alterations and Effects which followed upon these things in the World at the Time they were done, and continue visible in this very Age all the World over. So that in truth there can be no Exception made against the Scripture- Hiftory, but what may be made against any History in


the World: Nay, I dare be bold to say, we have an hundred times greater and ftronger Evidence for the Truth of the History of our Saviour, as delivered in the New Teftament, than we have for the Truth of any History in the World; that is, of Things or Perfons at the fame Distance from us.

Bleffed therefore be God, who hath made us acquainted with the Gofpel of his Son, and given us fuch undeniable Evidence for the hiftorical Truth of it. And bleffed be our Lord Jefus, who hath in that Gospel brought Life and Immortality to fuch a certain and perfect Light. That very thing alone, tho' there was nothing else to be faid for the Chriftian-Revelation, would fufficiently justify both the Gospel it felf, and our Lord Jefus, the Author of it, to all Mankind; nay, and effectually recommend. his Religion, above all others that ever were taught, to all Perfons in all Nations of the World. This is our Glory, and the Privilege of our Religion, that Chrift alone hath brought certain Tidings of another Life. He alone hath afcertained Mankind of that great important Propofition, concerning which, they were in an Uncertainty before, viz. That verily there is a Re- pr. 58. 11, ward for the Righteous; doubtless there is a God that judgeth the Earth. Our Lord Jefus hath not only told us this, but he hath proved it undeniably, and beyond all VOL. VI. Excep


Exception, by raising himself from the Dead, and taking Poffeffion of the Kingdom of Heaven by that fame Spirit of his, which he hath affured us fhall raife us up also one Day, and carry us to that bleffed Place where he now reigns in Glory.

O happy Tidings! O glorious Gofpel! Christ Jefus is come from Heaven to demonftrate that Point which puzzled all the Wits of the World before. Chrift hath brought Life and Immortality to Light by the Gospel. 1 Pet. 1. 3. Chrift hath begotten us again to a lively Hope, by his Refurrection from the Dead.


hath fhew'd us that there is a happy glorious State to be attained in Heaven after our fhort Labours here. He hath directed us likewise moft plainly and certainly in the Way and Methods by which we may attain to it. And he himself is gone before us to take Poffeffion of it in our Name, and in our Behalf, and to prepare Mansions for us against the time he comes and fetches us thither. Oh! What Support is here to our Faith! What Encouragement is here to our Hopes! What Obligation is here to our Obedience! What an irresistible Argument is here given us to break loose from our Sins, and our vicious Conversation, and from henceforward to devote our felves entirely to the Service of Jefus Christ our great Lord and Mafter, who hath done fo Eph. 3.20. abundantly for us above what we could ask or think!


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