Büchner's Valerio and the Theatrical Fool TraditionAkademischer Verlag H.-D. Heinz, 1977 - 221 pagina's |
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Pagina 3
... entrance in Leonce und Lena marks a 1 Note Note that the analogy is not perfect , since the gloomier comments of Jaques actually occur after his meeting with the fool . In sudden shift in tempo and mood from Leonce's ponderous 3.
... entrance in Leonce und Lena marks a 1 Note Note that the analogy is not perfect , since the gloomier comments of Jaques actually occur after his meeting with the fool . In sudden shift in tempo and mood from Leonce's ponderous 3.
Pagina 16
Nancy Lukens. temporary upset of the political order , which is restored with perfect symmetry and no dire consequences . On the other hand , the tragedy of King Lear shows dire consequences of the inner as well as outward upheaval in ...
Nancy Lukens. temporary upset of the political order , which is restored with perfect symmetry and no dire consequences . On the other hand , the tragedy of King Lear shows dire consequences of the inner as well as outward upheaval in ...
Pagina 130
... perfect symmetry of the language game , whose dramatic motivation consists solely in legacy of the archetypal fool - ruler relationship with its constant batting back and forth of jest and threat and more or less lewd inferences . The ...
... perfect symmetry of the language game , whose dramatic motivation consists solely in legacy of the archetypal fool - ruler relationship with its constant batting back and forth of jest and threat and more or less lewd inferences . The ...
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Amar-Azu Anton audience automata become boundaries Büchner's comedy Büchners Leonce characters clown comic commedia dell'arte conception conscious Contemporary context contrast court fool figure dramatic function Edited Escurial fact Folial folly fool figure fool pair fool tradition fool's language fool's role fooldom Frank Wedekind freedom Frisch Georg Büchner Ghelderode grotesque Günter Grass habe Harlequin Ibid identity imagination IREAM-AZU ironic irony ISBN Jaques jester kart king and fool King Lear King Peter king's kingdom kingship Komödie König Nicolo könnte Konungen Krapp Lagerkvist Langeweile Lear's Fool Lehmann Leonce und Lena Leonce und Lena"--eine Leonce's Lustspiel marionette mask Max Frisch melancholy Michel de Ghelderode motif Nadur Narren nature Pär Lagerkvist play playwright prince puppet question reality reflect relationship roleplay romantic scene Seiten sense Shakespeare Shakespeare Our Contemporary social order society stage structure symbols theater theatrical fool thou Touchstone Touchstone's transcend Verlag Wedekind Werk wordplay words Woyzeck Zeit