
IV. From the fame. The lady parts with one of her beft fuits of cloths. A
flections upon fuch purchafers as take advantage of the neceflies of their fellow-
creatures. Self an odious devil. A visible alteration in the lady for the
worse. She gives him all Mr. Lovelace's letters. He (Belford) takes this
opportunity to plead for him. Mr. Hickman comes to visit her.

V. From the fame. Breakfaits next morning with the lady and Mr. Hickman.
His advantageous opinion of that gentleman. Cenfures the conceited pride
and narrow-mindednefs of rakes and libertines. Tender and affecting part
ing between Mr. Hickman and the lady. Obfervations in praise of intellec
tual friendship.

VI. Mifs Howe, to Clariffa. Has no notion of coldness in friendship. Is not
a daughter of those whom the fo freely treats. Delays giving the desired ne-
gative to the folicitation of the ladies of Lovelace's family. And why.
Has been exceedingly fluttered by the appearance of Lovelace at the ball given
by Colonel Ambrofe. What paffed on that occafion. Her mother, and al
the ladies of their felect acquaintance, of opinion that the should accept of
VII. Clariffa. In anfwer. Chides her for fufpending the decifive negative.
Were he jure fhe fhould live many years, he could not have Mr. Lovelace.
Cenfures of the world to be but of fecond regard with any body. Method as
to devotion and exercife the was in when fo cruelly arrested.
VIII. Clariffa, to Mifs Howe. Defigned to be communicated to Mr. Love.
Jace's relations.

IX. X. Lovelace, to Belford. Two letters entirely characteristick, yet inter-
mingled with lessons and obfervations not unworthy of a better character.
He has great hopes from Mifs Howe's mediation in his favour. Picture of
two rakes turned hermits, in their penitentials.

XI. Mifs Horve, to Clariffa. She now greatly approves of her rejection of
Lovelace. Admires the noble example he has given her fex of a paffion con-
quered. Is forry fhe wrote to Arabella: but cannot imitate her in her felf-ac-
cufations, and acquittals of others, who are all in fault. Her notions of a
hufband's prerogative. Hopes he is employing herself in penning down the
particulars of her tragical ftory. Uses to be made of it to the advantage of ber
fex. Her mother earnest about it.
XII. Mifs Howe, to Mifjes Montague. With Clariffa's letter, No. VIII. Her
own-fentiments of the villainous treatment her beloved friend has met with
from their kinfman. Prays for vengeance upon him, if the do not recover.
XIII. Mrs. Norton, to Clariffa. Acquaints her with fome of their movement>
at Harlowe Place. Almost withes the would marry the wicked man. And
why. Useful reflections on what has befallen a young lady fo universally be-
loved. Muft try to move her mother in her favour. But by what means,
will not tell her, unless the fucceed.

XIV. Mrs. Norton, to Mrs. Harlowe.

XV. Mrs. Harlowe's affecting answer.

XVI. Clariffa, to Mrs. Norton. Earnefly begs, for reafons equally generous and
dutiful, that the may be left to her own way of working with her relations.
Has received her fifter's anfwer to her letter, No. II. She tries to find an ex-
cufe for the feverity of it, though greatly affected by it. Other affecting and
dutiful reflections.

XVII. Her fifter's cruel letter, mentioned in the preceding.

XVIII. Clariffa, to Mifs Hore. Is pleafed that the now at laft approves of her
rejecting Lovelace. Defires her to be comforted as to her. Promises, tha
fhe will not run away from life. Hopes fhe has already got above the shock
given her by the ill-treatment he has met with from Lovelace. Has had an
efcape, rather than a lofs. Impoffible, were it not for the outrage, that the
could have been happy with him. And why. Sets, in the most affecting,
the most dutiful and generous lights, the grief of her father, mother, and
other relations, on her account. Has begun the particulars of her tragical
ftory; but would fain avoid proceeding with it. And why. Opens her de-

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fign to make Mr. Belford her executor, and gives her reafons for it. Her fa-
ther having withdrawn his malediction, he has now only a last blefling to
fupplicate for.

XIX. Clariffa, to her fifter. Befeeching her, in the most humble and earnest
manner, to procure her a last bieffing.

XX. Mrs. Norton, to Clariffa. Mr. Brand to be fent up to enquire after her
way of life, and health. His pedantick character. Believes they will with-
hold any favour, till they hear his report. Doubts not that matters will foun
take a happy turn.

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XXI. Clarija, in anfer. The grace the asks for is only a blefling to die with
not to live with. Their favour, if they defign her any, may come too late.
Doubts her mother can do nothing for her of herself. A trong confederacy
against a poor girl, their daughter, fifter, niece. Her brother perhaps got it re-
newed before he went to Edinburgh. 'He needed not,' fays the; his work
is done, and more than done.'
XXII. Lovelace, to Belford. Is mortified at receiving the letters of rejection.
Charlotte writes to the lady in his favour, in the name of all the family. Every-
body approves of what he has written; and he has great hopes from it.
XXIII. Copy of Mifs Montague's letter to Clarifja; befeeching her, in the names
of all their noble family, to receive Lovelace to favour.

XXIV. Belford, to Lovelace. Propoles to put Belton's fifter into poffeffion of
Belton's house for him. The lady visibly altered for the worfe. Again infifts
upon his promise not to moleft her.

XXV. Clarifa, to Mifs Montague. In answer to hers, No. XXIII.

XXVI. Belford, to Lovelace. Has juft now received a letter from the lady, which
he inclofes, requetting extracts from the letters written to him by Mr. Love-
lace within a particular period. The reafons which determine him to oblige

XXVII. Belford, to Clariffa.
friend's favour.

XXVIII. Clariffa, to Belford.

With the requested extracts; and a plea in his

Thanks him for his communications. Requests
that he will be her executor; and gives her reasons for her choice of him for
that folemn office.

XXIX. Beljord, to Clarifa. His chearful acceptance of the truft.
XXX. Belford, to Lovelace. Brief account of the extracts delivered in to the
lady. Tells him of her appointing him her executor. The melancholy plea-
fure he fhall have in the perufal of her papers. Much more lively and affect-
ing,' fays he, must be the file of those who write in the height of a picfenc
diftrefs, than the dry, narrative, unanimated file of a perfon relating diffi-
'culties furmounted, can be.'


XXXI. Arabella, to Clariffa. In answer to her letter, No. XIX. requefting a
laft bleffing.

XXXII. Clariffa, to her mother. Written in the fervor of her fpirit, yet with
the deepest humility, and on her knees, imploring her bleffing, and her fa-
ther's, as what will sprinkle comfort through her laft hours.

XXXIII. Mifs Montague, to Clariffa. In reply to hers, No. XXV. All their fa.
mily love and admire her. Their kinfiman has not one friend among them.
Befeech her to oblige them with the acceptance of an annuity, and the fift
payment now fent her, at leaft till he can be put in poffeffion of her own eftate.
This letter figned by Lord M. Lady Sarah, Lady Betty, and her fifter and felf.
XXXIV. Lovelace, to Belford. Raves against the lady for rejecting him; yet
adores her the more for it. Has one half of the houfe to himself, and that
the best; having forbidden Lord M. and the ladies, to fee him, in return for
their forbidding him to fee them. Incenfed against Belford for the extracts he
has promifed from his letters. Is piqued to death at her proud refufal of him.
Curies the vile women, and their potions. But for these latter, the majesty of
ber virtue, he fays, would have faved her, as it did once before.
XXXV. From the jame. He thall not, he tells him, be her executor. Nobody
hall be any-thing to her but himself. What a reprobation of a man, who was
once fo dear to her! Further inftances of his raving impatience.
XXXVI. Lovelace.

XXXVI. Lovelace, to Clarifa. A letter full of penitence, promifes, praifes,
and admiration of her virtue. Has no hopes of escaping perdition but by her
precepts and example. All he begs for the prefent is, a few lines to encourage
him to hope for forgiveness, if he can juftify his vows by his future conduct.
XXXVII. Clarija, to Lord M. and the ladies of bis house. Thankfully declines
accepting of their offered bounty. Pleads for their being reconciled to their
kinfman, for reafons refpecting her own peace. Hopes that they may be en-
abled to rejoice in the effects of his reformation, many years after the is laid
low, and forgotten.
XXXVIII. Belford, to Lovelace. Brief account of his expelling Thomafine,
her fons, and her gallant. Further reflections on keeping. A state not cal-
culated for a fick-bed. Gives a fhort journal of what had paffed relating to
the lady fince his laft. Mr. Brand enquires after her character and behaviour
of Mrs. Smith. His ftarchednefs, conceit, and pedantry.

XXXIX. From the fame. Further particulars relating to the lady. Power left
her by her grandfather's will.

XL. Clariffa, to Lovelace. In anfwer to his letter, No. XXXVI.

XLI. Her uncle Harlowe's cruel letter, in anfwer to hers to her mother, No.XXXII.
Meditation ftitched to it with black filk.

XLII. Clariffa, to her uncle Harlowe. In reply.

XLIII. Mifs Howe, from the Isle of Wight. In answer to hers, No. XVIII. Ap-
proves not of her choice of Belford for her executor; yet thinks she cannot
appoint for that office any of her own family. Hopes the will live many years.
XLIV. Clariffa, to Mifs Howe. Sends her a large packet of letters; but (for
her relations fake) not all she has received. Muft now abide by the choice
of Mr. Belford for her executor; but further refers to the papers the fends her,
for her juftification on this head.

XLV. Antony Harlowe, to Clarifja. A letter more taunting and reproachful than
that of her other uncle. To what owing.

XLVI. Clarissa, in anfwer. Wishes that the circumftances of her cafe had been
enquired into. Concludes with a folemn and pathetick prayer for the happi-
nefs of the whole family.

XLVII. Mrs. Norton, to Clariffa. Her friends, through Brand's reports, as the
imagines, intent upon her going to the Plantations. Wishes her to difcourage
improper visitors. Difficult fituations the tests of prudence as well as of virtue.
Dr. Lewen's folicitude for her welfare. Her coufin Morden arrived in Eng-
land. Further pious confolations.

XLVIII. Clariffa, in anjwer. Sends her a packet of papers, which, for her re-
lations fake, the cannot communicate to Mifs Howe. From these the will col-
lect a good deal of her ftory. Defends, yet gently blames her mother. Afraid
that her cousin Morden will be fet against her; or, what is worse, that he will
seek to avenge her. Her affecting conclufion on her Norton's divine confo-

XLIX. Lovelace, to Belford. Is very ill. The lady, if he die, will repent her
refufal of him. One of the greateft felicities that can befal a woman, what.
Extremely ill. His ludicrous behaviour on awaking, and finding a clergyman
and his friends praying for him by his bed-fide.

L. Belford, to Lovelace. Concerned at his illnefs. Withes that he had died
before laft April. The lady, he tells him, generously pities him; and prays
that he may meet with the mercy he has not fhewn.

LI. Lovelace, to Belford. In raptures on her goodness to him. His deep re-
grets for his treatment of her. Bleffes her.

LII. Belford, to Lovelace. Congratulates him on his amendment. The lady's
exalted charity to him. Her ftory a fine fubject for tragedy. Compares with
it, and cenfures, the play of the Fair Penitent. She is very ill; the worse for
fome new instances of the implacablenefs of her relations. A meditation on
that fubject. Poor Belton, he tells him, is at death's door; and defirous to
fee him.

LIII. Belford, to Clarissa. Acquaints her with the obligation he is under to go

to Belton, and (left the should be furprized) with Lovelace's resolution (as
fignified in the next letter) to vifit her.

LIV. Lovelace, to Belford. Refolves to throw himself at the lady's feet. Lord
M. of opinion, that he ought to admit of one interview.

LV. From the fame. Arrived in London, he finds the lady gone abroad. Su-
fpects Belford. His unaccountable freaks at Smith's. His motives for be-
having fo ludicrously there. The vile Sally Martin entertains him with her
mimickry of the divine lady.

LVI. From the fame. His frightful dream. How affected by it. Sleeping or
waking, his Clariffa always prefent with him. Hears he is returned to her
lodgings. Is haften ng to her.

LVII. From the fame. Difappointed again. Is affected by Mrs. Lovick's ex-
poftulations. Is fhewn a meditation on being hunted after by the enemy of her
foul, as it is entitled. His light comments upon it. Leaves word that he re-
folves to fee her. Makes feveral other efforts for that purpose.

LVIII. Belford, to Lovelace. Reproaches him that he has not kept his honour
with him. Inveighs againft, and feverely cenfures him for his light behaviour
at Smith's. Belton's terrors and defpondency. Mowbray's impenetrable

LIX. Belford, to Lovelace. Mowbray's impatience to run from a dying Belton
to a too lively Lovelace. Mowbray abufes Mr. Belton's fervant in the language
of a rake of the common clafs. Reflection on the brevity of life.
LX. Lovelace, to Belford. Receives a letter from Clariffa, written by way of
allegory, to induce him to forbear hunting after her. Copy of it. He takes
it in a literal fenfe. Exults upon it. Will now haften down to Lord M. and
receive the gratulations of all his family on her returning favour. Gives an
interpretation of his frightful dream to his own liking.

LXI. LXII. From the fame. Pities Belton. Rakifhly defends him on the issue
of a duel, which now adds to the poor man's terrors. His opinion of death,
and the fear of it. Reflections on the conduct of play-writers with regard to
fervants. He cannot account for the turn his Clarissa has taken in his favour.
Hints at one hopeful cause of it. Now matrimony feems to be in his power, he
has fome retrograde motions.

LXIII. Belford, to Lovelace. Continuation of his narrative of Belton's laft ill-
nefs and impatience. The poor man abuses the gentlemen of the faculty.
Belford cenfures fome of them for their greedinefs after fees. Belton dies.
Serious reflections on the occafion.

LXIV. Lovelace, to Belford. Hopes Belton is happy: and why. He is fetting

out for Berks.

LXV. Belford, to Lovelace. Attends the lady. She is extremely ill, and re-
ceives the facrament. Complains of the harraffes his friend had given her.
Two different perfons (from her relations, he fuppofes) enquire after her.
Her affecting address to the doctor, apothecary, and himself. Disposes of fome
more of her apparel, for a very affecting purpose.

LXVI. Dr. Lewen, to Clariffa. Writes on his pillow, to prevail upon her to
profecute Lovelace for his life.

LXVII. Her pathetick and noble answer.

LXVIII. Mijs Arabella Harlowe, to Clariffa. Proposes, in a most taunting and
cruel manner, the profecution of Lovelace; or, if not, her going to Penn-

LXIX Clariffa's affecting anfwer.

LXX. LXXI. Mrs. Norton, to Clarifa. Her uncle's cruel letter to what owing.
Colonel Morden refolved on a vifit to Lovelace.-Mrs. Hervey, in a private
converfation with her, accounts for, yet blames, the cruelty of the family. Mifs
Dolly Hervey wishes to attend her.

LXXII. Clarifa, in anfwer. Thinks he has been treated with great rigour by
her relations. Expreffes more warmth than ufual on this fubject. Yet foon
checks herself. Grieves that Colonel Morden refolves on a visit to Lovelace.
Touches upon her fifter's taunting letter. Requests Mrs. Norton's prayers
for patience and refignation.


LXXIII. Mifs Horve, to Clariffa. Approves now of her appointment of Belford
for an executor. Admires her greatnefs of mind in defpifing Lovelace. Every-
• body fee is with, taken with Hickman. Yet the cannot help wantoning with
the power his obfequious love gives her over him.

LXXIV. LXXV. Clariffa, to Mifs Howe. Inftructive leffons and obfervations
on her treatment of Hickman.-Acquaints her with all that has happened
ince her laft. Fears that her allegorical letter is not strictly right. Is forced
by illness to break off. Refumes. Withes her married.

LXXVI. Mr. Werley, to Clarija. A generous renewal of his addrefs to her
now in her calamity; and a tender of his best fervices.
LXXVII. Her open, kind, and inftructive answer.

LXXVIII. Lovelace, to Belford. Uneafy, on a fufpicion that her letter to him
was a ftratagem only. What he will do, if he find it so.

Has a low-

LXXIX. Belford, to Lovelace. Brief account of his proceedings in Belton's
affairs. The lady extremely ill. Thought to be near her end.
fpirited day. Recovers her fpirits; and thinks herself above this world. She
befpeaks her coffin. Confeffes that her letter to Lovelace was allegorical
only. The light in which Belford beholds her.

LXXX. From the fame. An affecting converfation that paffed between the lady
and Dr. H. She talks of death, he fays, and prepares for it, as if it were an
occurrence as familiar to her, as dreffing and undreffing. Worthy behaviour
of the doctor. She makes obfervations on the vanity of life, on the wisdom
of an early preparation for death, and on the last behaviour of Bel on.
LXXXI. LXXXII. LXXXIII. Lovelace, to Belford. Particulars of what
paffed between himself, Colonel Morden, Lord M. and Mowbray, on the
vifit made him by the colonel. Propofes Belford to Mifs Charlotte Men-
tague, by way of raillery, for an husband.-He inclofes Brand's letter, which
mitreprefents (from credulity and officioufnefs, rather than from ill-will) the
lady's condu&t.
LXXXIV. Belford, to Lovelace. Expatiates on the bafeness of deluding young
creatures, whofe confidence has been obtained by oaths, vows, promites.
Evil of cenforioufnefs. People deemed good too much addicted to it.
to know what he means by his ridicule with regard to his charming coufin.
LXXXV. From the fame. A pro, er teft of the purity of writing. The lady
again makes excules for her allegorical letter. Her calm behaviour, and ge-
nerous and useful refletions, on his communicating to her Brand's mifrepre-

fentations of her conduct.


LXXXVI. Colonel Morden, to Clariffa. Offers his affiftance and fervice to make
the best of what has happened. Advifes her to marry Lovelace, as the only
means to bring about a general reconciliation. Has no doubt of his refolu
tion to do her juflice. Defires to know if he has.

LXXXVII. Clariffa. In anfwer.

LXXXVIII. Lovelace, to Belford. His reafonings and ravings on finding the
lady's letter to him only an allegorical one. In the midft of thefe, the natural
gaiety of his heart runs him into ridicule on Belford. His ludicrous image
drawn from a monument in Westminster Abbey. Refumes his ferious dif-
pofition. If the worst happen, (The Lord of Heaven and earth, fays
he, 'avert that worff!') he bids him only write, that he advifes him to take a
trip to Paris. And that will stab him to the heart.

LXXXIX. Belford, to Lovelace. The lady's coffin brought up stairs. He is
extremely fhocked and discomposed at it. Her intrepidity. Great minds, he
obferves, cannot avoid doing uncommon things. Reflection on the curiosity of


XC. From the fame. Defcription of the coffin, and devices on the lid. It is
placed in her bed chamber. His ferious application to Lovelace on her great

XCI. From the fame. Aftonished at his levity in the abbey-inftance. The lady
extremely ill.

XCII. Lovelace, to Belford. All he has done to the lady, a jeft to die for; fince
her triumph has ever been greater than her iufterings. He will make over all

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