
they listed, as it is written of him.

25 When Jesus saw that the

14 And when he came to people came running together, his disciples, he saw a great mul- he rebuked the foul spirit, saying titude about them, and the unto him, Thou dumb and deaf scribes questioning with them. spirit, I charge thee, come out of 15 And straightway all the him, and enter no more into people, when they beheld him, him. were greatly amazed, and run- 26 And the spirit cried, and ning to him, saluted him. rent him sore, and came out of 16 And he asked the scribes, him: and he was as one dead; What question ye with them? insomuch that many said, He is

17 And one of the multitude dead. answered and said, Master, I 27 But Jesus took him by the have brought unto thee my son, hand, and lifted him up; and he which hath a dumb spirit;


18 And wheresoever he tak- 28 And when he was come eth him, he teareth him; and he into the house, his disciples askfoameth and gnasheth with his ed him privately, Why could teeth, and pineth away; and I not we cast him out?

spake to thy disciples that they 29 And he said unto them, should cast him out, and they This kind can come forth by could not. nothing, bnt by prayer and fast

19 He answereth him, and ing. saith, O faithless generation, 30 And they departed thence, how long shall I be with you? and passed through Galilee; and how long shall I suffer you? he would not that any man Bring him unto me. should know it.

20 And they brought him 31 For he taught his disciples, unto him: and when he saw and said unto them, The Son of him, straightway the spirit tare man is delivered into the hands him; and he fell on the ground, of men, and they shall kill him ; and wallowed, foaming. and after that he is killed, he

21 And he asked his father, shall rise the third day. How long is it ago since this 32 But they understood not came unto him? And he said, that saying, and were afraid to Of a child. ask him.

22 And oft-times it hath cast 33 ¶ And he came to Caperhim into the fire, and into the naum: and being in the house, waters to destroy him: but if he asked them, What was it that thou canst do any thing, have ye disputed among yourselves by compassion on us, and help us. the way?

23 Jesus said unto him, If 34 But they held their peace: thou canst believe, all things are for by the way they had disputed possible to him that believeth. among themselves, who should 24 And straightway the fath-be the greatest.

er of the child cried out, and said 35 And he sat down, and callwith tears, Lord, I believe; helped the twelve, and saith unto thou mine unbolief. them, If any man desire to be

first, the same shall be last of all, the fire that never shall be quenand servant of all.


36 And he took a child, and 46 Where their worm dieth set him in the midst of them: not, and the fire is not quenched. and when he had taken him in 47 And if thine eye offend his arms, he said unto them, thee, pluck it out: it is better

37 Whosoever shall receive for thee to enter into the kingone of such children in my name, dom of God with one eye, than receiveth me and whosoever having two eyes to be cast into shall receive me, receiveth not hell-fire; me, but him that sent me.

48 Where their worm dieth

38 ¶ And John answered him, not, and the fire is not quenched. saying, Master, we saw one 49 For every one shall be saltcasting out devils in thy name, ed with fire, and every sacrifice and he followeth not us; and shall be salted with salt. we forbade him, because he fol- 50 Salt is good: but if the salt loweth not us. have lost his saltness, wherewith 39 But Jesus said, Forbid will ye season it? Have salt in him not for there is no man yourselves, and have peace one which shall do a miracle in my with another. name, that can lightly speak evil

of me.

40 For he that is not against us, is on our part.

41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, He shall not lose his reward.


2 Christ disputeth with the Pharisees touching divorcement: 13 blesseth the children that are brought unto him, &c.

AND he arose from thence,

and cometh into the coasts of Judea, by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was 42 And whosoever shall of- wont, he taught them again. fend one of these little ones that 2 ¶ And the Pharisees came believe in me, it is better for to him, and asked him, Is it him that a millstone were hang- lawful for a man to put away ed about his neck, and he were his wife? tempting him.

cast into the sea.

3 And he answered and said 43 And if thy hand offend unto them, What did Moses thee, cut it off: it is better for command you?

thee to enter into life maimed, 4 And they said, Moses sufthan having two hands to go in- fered to write a bill of divorceto hell, into the fire that never ment, and to put her away. shall be quenched:

5 And Jesus answered and 44 Where their worm dieth said unto them, For the hardnot, and the fire is not quench-ness of your hearts he wrote you ed. this precept:

45 And if thy foot offend thee, 6 But from the beginning of cut it off: it is better for thee to the creation, God made them enter halt into life, than having male and female.

two feet to be cast into hell, into 7 For this cause shall a man

leave his father and mother, and adultery, Do not kill, Do not cleave to his wife; steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.

9 What, therefore, God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 21 Then Jesus beholding him 10 And in the house his dis- loved him, and said unto him, ciples asked him again of the One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast,

same matter.

11 And he saith unto them, and give to the poor, and thou Whosoever shall put away his shalt have treasure in heaven; wife, and marry another, com- and come, take up the cross, and mitteth adultery against her. follow me.

12 And if a woman shall put 22 And he was sad at that away her husband, and be mar-saying, and went away grieved: ried to another, she committeth for he had great possessions. adultery. 23 ¶ And Jesus looked round

13 And they brought young about, and saith unto his discichildren to him, that he should ples, How hardly shall they that touch them; and his disciples have riches enter into the kingrebuked those that brought them. dom of God!

14 But when Jesus saw it, he 24 And the disciples were aswas much displeased, and said tonished at his words. But Jesus unto them, Suffer the little chil- answereth again, and saith undren to come unto me, and for- to them, Children, how hard is bid them not: for of such is the it for them that trust in riches to kingdom of God. enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go

15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

16 And he took them up in 26 And they were astonished his arms, put his hands upon out of measure, saying among them, and blessed them. themselves, Who then can be

17¶ And when he was gone saved! forth into the way, there came 27 And Jesus looking upon one running, and kneeled to them, saith, With men it is imhim, and asked him, Good Mas- possible, but not with God: for ter, what shall I do that I may with God all things are possiinherit eternal life?


18 And Jesus said unto him, 28 I Then Peter began to say Why callest thou me good unto him, Lo, we have left all, there is none good, but one, that and have followed thee. is God.

29 And Jesus answered and

19 Thou knowest the com- said, Verily, I say unto you, mandments, Do not commit There is no man that hath left

house, or brethren, or sisters, or baptism that I am baptized with? father, or mother, or wife, or 39 And they said unto him, children, or lands, for my sake, We can. And Jesus said unto and the gospel's, them, Ye shall indeed drink of 30 But he shall receive a hun- the cup that I drink of, and with dred-fold now in this time, the baptism that I am baptized houses, and brethren, and sisters, withal shall ye be baptized: and mothers, and children, and 40 But to sit on my right lands, with persecutions; and in hand and on my left hand is not the world to come eternal life. mine to give; but it shall be giv31 But many that are first en to them for whom it is preparshall be last; and the last first. ed.

32 And they were in the 41 And when the ten heard way, going up to Jerusalem; and it, they began to be much disJesus went before them: and pleased with James and John. they were amazed; and as they 42 But Jesus called them to followed, they were afraid. And him, and saith unto them, Ye he took again the twelve, and know that they which are acbegan to tell them what things counted to rule over the Genshould happen unto him, tiles, exercise lordship over 33 Saying, Behold, we go up them; and their great ones exto Jerusalem; and the Son of ercise authority upon them. man shall be delivered unto the 43 But so shall it not be chief priests, and unto the scribes; among you: but whosoever will and they shall condemn him to be great among you, shall be death, and shall deliver him to your minister:

the Gentiles;

44 And whosoever of you 34 And they shall mock him, will be the chiefest, shall be and shall scourge him, and shall servant of all.

spit upon him,and shall kill him : 45 For even the Son of man and the third day he shall rise came not to be ministered unto, again. but to minister, and to give his 35 I And James and John, life a ransom for many. the sons of Zebedee, come unto 46 I And they came to Jerihim, saying, Master, we would cho: and as he went out of that thou shouldest do for us Jericho with his disciples, and whatsoever we shall desire. a great number of people, blind 36 And he said unto them, Bartimeus, the son of Timeus, What would ye that I should sat by the highway side begdo for you? ging.

37 They said unto him, Grant 47 And when he heard that unto us that we may sit, one on it was Jesus of Nazareth, he bethy right hand, and the other on gan to cry out, and say, Jesus, thy left hand, in thy glory. thou Son of David, have mercy

38 But Jesus said unto them, on me. Ye know not what ye ask. Can 48 And many charged him ye drink of the cup that I drink that he should hold his peace: of? and be baptized with the but he cried the more a great

deal, Thou Son of David, have 6 And they said unto them even as Jesus had command

mercy on me.

50 And he, casting away garment, rose, and came to

49 And Jesus stood still, and ed: and they let them go. commanded him to be called: 7 And they brought the colt and they call the blind man, say-to Jesus, and cast their garments ing unto him, Be of good com- on him; and he sat upon him. fort, rise; he calleth thee. 8 And many spread their garhis ments in the way: and others Je- cut down branches off the trees, and strewed them in the way. 51 And Jesus answered and 9 And they that went before, said unto him, What wilt thou and they that followed, cried, that I should do unto thee? The saying, Hosanna: Blessed is he blind man said unto him, Lord, that cometh in the name of the that I might receive my sight. Lord.


52 And Jesus said unto him, 10 Blessed be the kingdom Go thy way; thy faith hath of our father David, that cometh made thee whole. And imme- in the name of the Lord: Hodiately he received his sight, and sanna in the highest. followed Jesus in the way.


1 Christ rideth into Jerusalem: 12 he curs

11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round

eth a fruitless fig-tree: 27 he silenceth the about upon all things, and now priests who question his authority. the even-tide was come, he

AND when they came nigh went out unto Bethany, with

to Jerusalem, unto Beth- the twelve.

phage and Bethany, at the mount 12 And on the morrow, of Olives, he sendeth forth two when they were come from of his disciples, Bethany, he was hungry.

2 And saith unto them, Go 13 And seeing a fig-tree afar your way into the village over off, having leaves, he came, if against you and as soon as ye haply he might find any thing be entered into it, ye shall find thereon: and when he came a colt tied, whereon never man to it, he found nothing but leaves: sat; loose him, and bring him. for the time of figs was not yet, 3 And if any man say unto 14 And Jesus answered and you, Why do ye this? say ye said unto it, No man eat fruit of that the Lord hath need of him; thee hereafter for ever. And his and straightway he will send disciples heard it. him hither. 15 ¶ And they come to Je

4 And they went their way, rusalem: and Jesus went into and found the colt tied by the the temple, and began to cast door without, in a place where out them that sold and bought two ways met; and they loose in the temple, and overthrew him. the tables of the money-chang5 And certain of them that ers, and the seats of them that stood there said unto them, sold doves; What do ye, loosing the colt? 16 And would not suffer that

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