Intelligence. THE DEATH OF THE KING OF HANOVER. The last male member of King George the Third's immediate family has at length shared the fate of all the living. In his 81st year, Ernest, King of Hanover, better known in England by the title of the Duke of Cumberland,-has thus closed a long life, and has descended to the tomb, without the regret, or at least without the usual outward manifestation of such a feeling, on the part of the people of the country which gave him birth. Two circumstances have combined to cause this chilling indifference at the decease of a Prince, who, whatever may have been his position and character here, has proved himself in Hanover to have been a Monarch gifted with much decision and wisdom, and to have been respected, if not beloved, by his subjects. The first circumstance to which we have alluded, was to be found in the serious charges which were at one time continually and perseveringly brought against the moral character of the Duke of Cumberland. His character was blackened by accusations which, from the rank of the accused and other circumstances, could never be brought before the bar of public justice or public opinion, in such a manner as irrefragably to establish either his guilt or innocence. This ought to have been borne in mind, when many have been tempted to sit in judgment upon the departed King. Suspicions might have been strong in one case, and rumours prevalent in another, but where actual and indisputable proof was wanting, and no public and thoroughly impartial trial could be had, much of charity ought to have been allowed to mingle with our own private thoughts, and still more, in our public remarks upon his character. The other circumstance to which we allude, and which might have added much weight to the accusations we have referred to, was the unyielding and unalterable character of the Duke of Cumberland's politics while he was amongst us, and especially in times when the liberal measures of late years began to be vigorously urged upon the legislature. We are far from being desirous to say one word which should make us apologists for any acts of real immorality committed by the great, but we do think it but fair to take into account the great dislike always manifested towards the late King, on account of his stern opposition to measures of reform. We cannot approve of the bitter article in the Times newspaper following the announcement of his death, for, as we said before, where nothing has been absolutely proved, it is not just to follow up suspicions and rumours with caustic and political hatred even to the very tomb. It had been far better to have allowed the decease of the King of Hanover to pass away without raking up the uncertain stories of by-gone days, and where nothing of positive good could be said, it had been better for all sides to have preserved a decorous silence. One advantage we may hope to reap from the history of a royal family now gathered to their fathers, and that is, that our beloved Queen, and her scarcely less esteemed Consort, will strive so to train up their royal children in the fear of God, that they may be preserved from the vices, the follies, and the corruptions that have dishonoured so many of their ancestors. DR. MARRIOTT IMPRISONED BY A few numbers back we inserted a letter from our friend, Dr. Marriott, appealing for help in his efforts to stop the circulation and influence of the Apocryphal writings in Germany. We have now to record his imprisonment by the military authorities of Baden, for circulating a tract against the power of the Jesuits, and also on account of two pictures, exhibiting a striking contrast between Christ the Master, and the Pope his professed servant. The apparent cause of this arrest is the military power, but the real instigators are those restless agents of mischief, the Jesuits, who are doing their utmost to upheave all order in kingdoms and nations, for THE PROTESTANT ALLIANCE. Before this number shall have been the sole object of re-establishing the published, we trust that a great meet universal re-ascendancy of the papal power. A private letter from Karlsruhe has been handed to us, giving the following particulars : "Karlsruhe, Nov. 17th, 1851. "My dear Friend,--You will be astonished to hear that our good friend, Dr. Marriott, has been for now nearly a fortnight imprisoned here. He came to this place to counteract the Jesuits, who lately also in this town were holding their 'mis sion.' He brought a tract with him, bearing the title Anecdotes gathered from the Chief Work of Alph 14 von dignori, dedicated to the Jesuits who at present are holding the mission at Karlsruhe, by Dr. Marriott. On account of this tract, and on account of two pictures, published by the Religious Tract Society, and another, 'The Lord and the Servant,' shewing Christ and the Pope, he was by the military authorities, (Berlin being still in a state of siege,) sentenced to four weeks' imprisonment. "Dr. Marriott has requested me to in form you what has taken place, and begs you to let also his family know of it. He is of good cheer, although he looks a little pulled down in his health; but he hopes that the Lord will bring good out of his troubles. He wishes that his friends in England would bring the matter before Lord Palmerston, it being of high importance that he should be honourably released from his prison. "I am sorry that he has met such treatment in this country, for which he has, by the circulation of tracts, Bibles, &c., done such a vast deal of good. The Jesuits are gaining influence everywhere. I have been told that they openly have preached that no peace would be established in Europe, until all the nations had returned to the Holy Catholic Church, and all princes had submitted to receive their authority from the Pope. I anticipate tremendous struggles between the Church of Christ and the Romish apostacy, before the latter be finally cast into the bottomless pit. "The matter has been brought to the knowledge of the British Ambassador at Stutgard." ing will have been held in Freemason's Hall, under the Presidency of the Earl of Shaftesbury, to take measures against the continued endowment of Maynooth, and indeed, as we are glad to perceive by the terms of the placard, for the purpose of adopting resolutions suited to the present crisis. In the first pages of this number, there is a brief article upon the former subject, but we may be permitted here to express the earnest hope that whatever resolutions the meeting at Freemason's Hall may adopt they will be vigorously urged forward throughout the entire country, and that our Protestant electors will lose no opportunity of pressing home upon their representatives the duty of supporting the determination of a Protestant country. Dr. Wiseman is not prepared to abandon one iota of his claims, or those of his other pseudo bishops in our country. The former has been lately preaching at Moorfields Chapel, which we believe is to be so altered, as to be worthy of being the archiepiscopal seat of the Cardinal. These prelates of Rome may not legally commit themselves to the penalties of the Act, by affording a legal evidence of their signature, but their cathedrals and churches are placarded with their vain-glorious titles, and surely some stringent measure ought to be adopted with reference to this infringement of the spirit of the law. But with all our endeavours to obtain positively working enactments against the encroachments of Popery, it ought to be our grand object to unite our christian bodies, as is done in this "Protestant Alliance," so that we may present to the world, and to our government and legislature in particular, such a united and concentrated force as shall make them see that English Christians, whatever be their minor differences, are in hearty combination in their opposition to the renewed aggressions of Rome. LONDON: J. H. JACKSON, ISLINGTON GREEN. THE CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN, AND CHURCHMAN'S MAGAZINE. DECEMBER, 1851. WILLIAM TYNDALE; OR, ROME AND THE BIBLE. THE intelligent reader of the Christian Guardian does not need to be reminded that the cause of the English Reformation was the cause of Christianity, and that the richest blessing of the "bright and blissful Reformation" was comprised in the resuscitation of the truths of an almost forgotten Bible. Nor, since the publication of Mr. Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, can any well-informed Protestant be unaware of the exalted position which WILLIAM TYNDALE OCсиpies in the roll of distinguished men to whom our country is, under God, indebted for its greatest treasure-the widely-disseminated English Bible. In spite of the ancient hatred which the Church of Rome bore to the word of God, and notwithstanding, also, the still continued and steady opposition of that apostate Church to the free circulation of the true sayings of God, Britain yet retains that rich harvest of blessings which an honoured Bible is the invariable channel of conveying to a nation. And for this she owes a deep and lasting debt of grateful recollection to the memory of Tyndale; to whom belongs the high merit of first translating the sacred volume DECEMBER-1851. from the original text into English, and first putting it to press. In the present number of our Magazine, we are happy to place before our readers a most eloquent engraving of the martyrdom of this great and holy man-feeling anxious, in a day of varied aggression on the Bible, to record our admiration of one who toiled so ceaselessly, in order that his fellow-Englishmen might read in their own tongue the wonderful works of God. A glance at a few particulars of the life of Tyndale may not be deemed an unwelcome accompaniment of the engraving. It seems most probable that our Translator was born in the year 1484, the same year in which Innocent VIII. was elected pontiff. Within the hundred of Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, and in the centre of one of the most priest-oppressed parts of England, arose a man whose subsequent devoted labours have conferred a moral interest on that picturesque district, and rendered it one of the most spiritstirring spots in England. Tyndale's parents, it appears, sent their son to Oxford; where, says Foxe, by "long continuance, he grew up and in 2L2 |