
of the head to the sole of the foot,* of ancient Israel, is perceived to be too applicable to the modern anti-type. Some of the symptoms to be treated are, if we mistake not,-pride, worldlymindedness, pleasure, heretical notions, and, strange to say, a desire of supremacy ourselves;-a Diotrephæan spirit affecting the pre-eminence, entirely disqualifies a servant of the "meek and lowly" Jesus from devoting himself with a single eye "to the honour of God, and the edifying of His Church." And, why, if we really desire some efficient system of reform, should we hide our eyes from these symptoms of the real reasons of our present condition? If we are afraid to own, and look at "the roots of the matter," it is impossible that we ever should devise measures at all equal to our exigencies. No act of legislation can supply moral qualifications; for instance, such as the opposites of those which I have pointed out, in order to the extracting of motes from our brother's eye, or the clearing away of prejudices from his heart. It must be done by other means. The duties of loyalty to the Queen, of patriotism to one's own country, and benevolence to the universal brotherhood, are made subordinate to the purest selfishness, and most degrading ambition, which ends in accomplishing nothing useful and honourable. I seek not you, but yours, is the language of some who understand not the objects for which our branch of Christ's holy catholic Church has been established in this land of lands. They forget the obligations which they brought themselves under, when they promised to "be diligent in prayers, and in reading of the Holy Scriptures, and in such studies as help to the knowledge of the same, laying aside the study of the world and of the flesh:" and when, just before they averred, the Lord being their helper, that they would "banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God's word:" and before that promised that they would "minister the doctrine and sacraments, and the discipline of Christ, as the Lord hath Isaiah i. 6. SEPTEMBER 1851.

commanded, and as this Church and Realm hath received the same, according to the commandment of God:"-obligations which, when fulfilled, will accomplish more than the compromising measures of the past Session, towards preventing "the man of sin" from "working" to our injury "with all manner of deceivableness." And, at the same time, such a spirit and devotedness in the several orders of the ministry, will dispose them to seek the very reformation which the Church requires; their personal interests will not corrupt their hearts, nor their motives hinder their making the concessions enforced by the "Christian Guardian."

Now, then, that "we see through a glass darkly," and know but in part, at present, the working and relative adaptation of the Bills of last Session to the crisis of our Church, it is the duty of every man to be "apt and meet" in his vocation, to stand by his gun, and wield his two-edged sword. The " great work" to be done, is to be done every day; preparation is to be made for sallies and invasion from the enemy's camp; and if Popery advance with its cavalcade, we must be in readiness to drive it back towards Rome,-every parish by its own forces, in the spirit of Christianity, without noise and without strife.

If the assumption of ecclesiastical titles be prevented by fine or severer means; if synodical action be made illegal without the consent of the sovereign of these realms; if the Bull, in short, of Pio Nono be ignored, and be as good as burned by order of borough and county magistrates, even wherever it may be distributed under seal of an ecclesiastic; still Popery will exist, the Popery that never left our shores, never was reformed, and cannot be transubstantiated any more than bread and wine into a material body and blood. That must be destroyed by the word of God, and "the breath of His mouth," which is no

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morrow is dead, and serves only for a beacon, like the pillar of salt into which Lot's wife was turned. Look! and flee out of the doomed city. Be not partakers of her plagues by connivance at her sins.

Among other means that will prove effectual, towards as well the neutralizing of all the efforts of Antichrist, as of restoring a more wholesome discipline and efficient administration of such as already exists,-will be found not only in multiplication of bishops, but greater particularity and vigilance in presenting only fit and apt men for admission into holy orders.

At present, the dioceses of our bishops are so large, that with all the machinery subordinate to them, it is almost impossible for them to discharge their obligations, and be practically episcopoi. Were each diocese divided into three or four, and the revenue respectively into as many parts, we should perhaps have no more spiritual peers, but treble the number of able and learned overseers, who might every year personally visit every parish in their dioceses, preach their own views to the people, redress grievances, and audit the reports of the churchwardens. In one diocese, north of the Trent, the clergy, much as they esteem and revere their bishop, had received no summons to hear from his own lips a Charge for six or seven years. Probably, owing to the extent of his duties. On this delicate and difficult subject, a hint may be deemed more than enough, but unless we do speak out, who will hear or understand? Agitation (a thing of ill-omen) rightly directed, may prevent a species of the wrong kind being accredited. We, the ministers and

people of the Episcopal Church of England must ourselves reform, and become the reformers, and the end will be to our own advantage; but, if we leave it to men who have not the spirit of Christ, it will probably be in the end to our discomfiture.

As to the choice of fit men to serve God in the sacred ministry of His Church, it may be suggested that, in some instances an insufficient probation has been passed, or no collegiate course has been finished, no regular curriculum run over, and the goal reached according to the prescribed laws of the arena. Exceptions have been made unhappily, and theology not having been studied polemically and systematically, "the whole armour has never been "put on," and the tyro is not equally matched with the subtle priesthood of Rome—"the young Catholics endowed by nature,' sent over "to the continent, there to receive an education, and be formed with care in the study of ecclesiastical science, especially, in order that being in sacred orders, they may, on their return to this country, be able to support their countrymen by the ministry of their word and by the sacraments, and that they may defend and propagate true faith."*

But in such a matter private judgment must yield; and we can only the more fervently pray during the Ember weeks, and at all times, that "Almighty God would so guide and govern the minds of His servants, the bishops and pastors of His flock, that they may lay hands suddenly on

no man.

DECEM ANNORUM PRESBYTER R. September the 14th, 1851.

The late BULL of Pius IX.


THAT the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted at the right hand of God, to be the Head over all things to His Church, is a truth which no one who believes the Gospel will deny. But is it practically remembered? Do we realize

the fact? Especially, when important stations in the Church upon earth are to be filled up, do those who are concerned in the appointment,whether as trustees and patrons on the one hand, or as a congregation

who need a pastor on the other,practically acknowledge that the appointment belongs to the Great Shepherd of the sheep?-and that He is, above all things and before all things, to be enquired of,-to be consulted? If He were duly enquired of, would not a blessing follow?

In August, 1823, a Missionary was returning from Germany into Holland, feeble and exhausted with fatigue and illness, and thinking with himself that the days of his usefulness, if not of his life, were now drawing to a close. In this state of body and mind he arrived at Nymegen, where he was hospitably received by Mr. Huysen, a German merchant who was then residing in that town, and who was known to him as an excellent Christian. This good man, after ministering to the Missionary with all kindness and hospitality, endeavoured to turn his visit to good account by thus addressing him: "I am in a great difficulty, and, as you are a minister of Christ, I will ask your advice." The Missionary, thus appealed to, expressed his willingness to give the best advice in his power; and his kind host thus proceeded:-" The circumstances are these: the Lutheran Church in this place is now without a pastor, and a variety of events, which I need not detain you by relating, have given me so much weight and influence in the congregation, that the appointment of a new pastor seems very much to devolve upon me; and I feel the burden and responsibility to be so great, that I am quite oppressed and overwhelmed by it, insomuch that I know not what to do. Now what would you advise?"

The Missionary replied at once: "Do as little as you possibly can,excepting only this. You know that the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted to be the Head over all things to His Church, and that He is specially exalted to give 'pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.' (Eph. iv. 11, 12.) To Him, therefore, belongs the appointment of all ministers, in all congregations. Acknowledge Him in that high and glorious office, which pecu

liarly belongs to Him. Put the whole matter, by humble, earnest, and persevering prayer and supplication, into His gracious and almighty hands; beseeching Him to send you a pastor and teacher after His own heart. Do this in faith. For the rest; when you are actually under a necessity to act one way or other, then act according to the best of your judgment and conscience, and leave the event in His hands. But, except in waiting upon the Lord with continual prayer, I advise you to do as little as possible."

This commended itself to the good man, as sound, judicious, and truly scriptural advice. He seemed to be much relieved and comforted by it; and next day they parted.

Some six or eight months afterwards, the Missionary was gratified by a visit from his worthy host, from whom he had not heard during the interval; and, after christian salutation, Mr. Huysen said, "Though I am very much pressed for time, and could scarcely contrive to get through the business which brought me to Amsterdam, yet I could not reconcile it to my feelings to leave the place without calling upon you, to thank you for the advice which you gave me when I had the pleasure of seeing you in my house at Nymegen, and to tell you the result. What you then said made a deep impression on my mind. It was just what I wanted. Therefore, as you advised me, I began immediately to make it a matter of very humble and earnest prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ, that He would be pleased to send us a truly faithful minister,-one whom He had chosen, and whom He would bless. Not very long afterwards there came to me a young man, with very high recommendations from friends in Germany on whose judgment I relied, to preach a probationary sermon, as a candidate for the vacant office. But when he preached the sermon, it was so different from what I expected, that I knew not what to think. I was never more disappointed; and the only thing which gave me any hope was, that when he came home with me to dinner, and I asked him what he himself

thought of the sermon he had just preached? his reply was, that he could only say that he seemed to have been left entirely destitute of that help which he commonly experienced in preaching."

What then was good Mr. Huysen to do? He could do nothing for the young man's appointment, after such a sermon as he had heard. He could not well do anything against him, in the face of such testimonials as he had received. He therefore stood by, and left the event entirely in the Lord's hands. The consistery, being left to themselves, unanimously called the young candidate to be their minister; which, in all human probability, they would have been far from doing, had he preached a better sermon, (for they, and all the congregation, were then in a state of spiritual death.) He came, in due time, to enter upon the regular discharge of his ministerial duties among them, and, from that time, he began to preach the Gospel with such power, and with such an abundant blessing, that there was a very great revival of truly spiritual religion, not only in that congregation, but also in the whole neighbourhood. Members of the Dutch Church, who never were able before so much as to understand a German sermon, came to hear him, and were enabled to derive spiritual refreshment and edification from his preaching; and this blessing continued so long as the Missionary had any opportunity of

receiving any intelligence of what was going on.

He returned to England about three years after, and had no further tidings from Nymegen till the other day, when he was led briefly to mention the above circumstance to the Rev. H. van Maasdyk, minister of the Flemish Protestant Church at Brussels, who came over to London last month, to attend the recent Conference of the Evangelical Alliance. This christian brother thereupon told him: "I am myself a native of Nymegen; I know the place well; and I can testify of my own knowledge that the blessing of God rests upon that congregation to this day."

Such facts are worth a thousand arguments. Are they not worthy of deep consideration? Do they not

convey precious and important instruction? Does ever any man, or any congregation or body of men, give unto the Lord Jesus Christ the honour and glory which is due unto Him, without receiving, sooner or later, an abundant blessing?

Many reflections might be made upon this simple narrative. But is it not best to leave the reader to make them for himself? We will only commend it more especially to the consideration of all those who have, directly or indirectly, anything to do with the appointment of ministers, or the bestowal of preferment in the Church.

T. A.


A STUDENT of the Hindoo College (2nd class senior department) named Modoosoodun Dutt, had for some time past determined to renounce the religion of his fathers, and to embrace Christianity. It is very singular, that before he had actually made up his mind to take this step, he had received no clerical instruction whatever, having been in the habit of reading books and tracts by himself. A few weeks

ago he presented himself before a clergyman in Calcutta, as a catechumen, and stated his willingness to embrace the religion which reason, conscience, experience, all conspired to tell him was the true one.

He was

shortly after introduced to the archdeacon, who was highly satisfied with the proofs he exhibited in himself of sound faith, and a well-grounded conviction. His relations being men of


wealth and respectability, he subjected to a great deal of annoyance and trouble. He withstood their opposition with great firmness, and continued unshaken in his determinations. A thousand rupees in Government Securities were sent to him with a request that he should immediately take his passage to England and get baptized there, that no obloquy might be cast upon his family by his em bracing Christianity on the spot. He refused to accept of the gift upon such conditions, and was baptized in the old Church last Thursday, by the venerable Archdeacon Dealtry. He had been accustomed to write poetry in the Hindoo College, and several of his productions were printed in the "Literary Gazette " and other periodicals. He composed a hymn on

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[The Editors are not responsible for every statement or opinion of their correspondents; at the same time, their object is to open the pages of their Magazine to those only, who seek the rear good of that Protestant Church with which it is in connexion.]

To the Editor of the Christian Guardian.

Sir, It is somewhat singular that the same number of the "Christian Guardian," (August number) which at p. 358 contains my table of Scripture-lessons for private use in lieu of the Apocryphal lessons, also contains at p. 382, col. 2, an editorial preface to Dr. Marriott's letter on "the Apocrypha," which urges as a necessary step in Church-Reform the removal "from our Church Bibles" of "the

Apocryphal writings." It is not, I believe, generally known that this is a step which any or every clergyman might take forthwith,—as I have stated in "Hints and Suggestions on a Revision of the Liturgy,” (published by J. H. Jackson,) p. 12, in favour of which I have there adduced the high authority of Hooker. There is no law whatever that I have ever met with which requires "the Apocrypha" either to be bound up with the Bible, or to be read from the same volume as the Bible. It is read simply as a useful, uninspired-and therefore fal

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lible-composition (like the book of Homilies,) as the learned Presbyterian divine, Dr. J. Cumming, candidly testifies. (See Cumming's "Is Christianity from God?" A. Hall, 1848, c. viii. p. 157.) Any of your clerical readers, therefore, or church-wardens, or lay-members of our Church, who may be disposed to rectify the traditionary abuse and objectionable custom of placing on the reading desks copies of the Bible containing the Apocrypha, with the words "Holy Bible' on the outside, may, if they please, without delay, cause it to cease, by presenting to their parish church or chapel a new set of books for the desk. In very many of our country churches the books are so worn and torn as to render a new set very desirable. And the large "Folio editions of the Prayer-Book and Bible (all of which, I believe, contain "the Apocrypha,”) are too large to be convenient. But the following two sizes will be found to be very convenient, and of a good type, and well suited to (at least) very many of our reading-desks. They

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