Bernard Bosanquet and His Friends: Letters Illustrating the Sources and the Development of His Philosophical OpinionsGeorge Allen & Unwin, 1935 - 326 pagina's |
Oxford in the Seventies | 31 |
London in the Eighties | 46 |
Copyright | |
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Bernard Bosanquet and his Friends: Letters Illustrating the Sources and the ... J. H. Muirhead Gedeeltelijke weergave - 2014 |
Bernard Bosanquet and his Friends: Letters Illustrating the Sources and the ... J. H. Muirhead Gedeeltelijke weergave - 2014 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
A. E. Taylor A. N. WHITEHEAD Absolute abstract Aesthetic Andrews appeared Aristotelian Society ARMANDO CARLINI attitude BERNARD BOSANQUET LETTER Bradley's Carlini concrete consciousness COTTAGE OXSHOTT SURREY COTTAGE QUEEN'S DRIVE course criticism Croce DEAR BOSANQUET DEAR FRANK DEAR HOERNLÉ difference doctrine DRIVE OXSHOTT SURREY Edward Caird epistemology existence experience express external F. H. BRADLEY feel finite friends Gifford Lectures glad Green HEATH COTTAGE OXSHOTT HEATH COTTAGE QUEEN'S Hegel HELEN BOSANQUET hope idea idealism idealist individual interest Italian judgment knowledge Logic mean meant metaphysical mind moral nature Neo-Realistic Nettleship object Oxford passage perhaps Plato Plotinus point of view premisses principle Professor published QUEEN'S DRIVE OXSHOTT question reality reference religion seems sense sincerely BERNARD BOSANQUET social spirit suppose sure T. H. Green theory things thought true truth unity University Vivante whole wife Wildon Carr write