
against being "moved away from" the profession of it. His perfection, attain at least equal communion with their God, indecision is the first step to apostacy, and, should it proceed to and participation of Divine influence with their heavenly Sathis ultimate point, it is only his just punishment for neglect-viour. Thus is the child of fallen Adam complete in himself, ing to walk closely and humbly with his God. It is there- not in his Saviour. He needs no exercise of contrition, no fore most difficult for him to keep the field at all points against application to the blood of the atonement for his daily defithe infidel upon the low ground of external argument. For ciencies, no High Priest to "bear the iniquities of his holy though we protest against the supposition of any vulnerable, things." The plenary baptism of the Spirit precludes the or even debateable points on the side of Christianity; yet the need of an atoning and interceding Saviour for present destrength of the infidel side, as we have just hinted, bears ficiencies and defilements, and perfects what is called an houpon his opponent with mighty influence connected with the liness in the flesh, an inherent righteousness, which blots out appetites of his own heart. Thus man becomes not only a the character of sinners, and obscures the glory of the rightrebel against his God, but a traitor to himself, and the mur-eousness of the Redeemer, as the exclusive ground of justifiderer of his own happiness. Living, therefore, without fication before God.

prayer-we should assay to go to the intellectual conflict If we look for the external seal of these anti-scriptural with armour that we have not proved, and therefore that doctrines, it will be found in the exhibition of certain tongues would render us but uncertain protection. Unexercised in (dissimilar from the primitive manifestations, because unChristian faith, we cast away the only "shield, whereby we known, and therefore unfruitful to the church) connected could quench the fiery darts of the wicked one." In propor- with impulses of an extraordinary character, both of which tion to the practical influence of the principles of the gospel have been confessed by some of the most accredited subjects will be our intelligent conviction of their Divine origin. A to have been the offspring of delusion. Does not all this holy taste will enable us to receive the evidence of Christian seem to invest the Apostolic caution almost with the charac truth. In every step of spiritual religion will the invisible ter of prophecy-"I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent realities of the gospel be embodied and appropriated. The beguiled Eve through his subtlely, so your mind should be light to discover their external evidence will be thus increased corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ?" That by the removal of a counteracting internal bias; and the be- these doctrines come not from Christ is manifest from their liever, retreating in a heavenly atmosphere of communion obvious tendency to exalt self, and to stain the unspotted with God, will be little disturbed by speculative doubts holiness of our Divine Saviour. That they are not the fruit "Thou art my hiding-place and my shield; I hope in thy of the unction of the Spirit, is equally clear from their reword." sults, in obscuring the light and authority of Scripture by Lastly, let the mind be informed, expanded, strengthened some super-induced credentails, and thus confounding "the in its positions by an intelligent acquaintance with some of spirit of truth" in the word, and "the spirit of error" in the our most valuable treatises upon the evidences of Christianity new revelation. That as novelties they have no stability, -those most especially, that connect the testimony of internal we are encouraged to believe from the gracious deliverance perception with external proof. Thus covered at all points that has been manifested to some, who were fast bound unof intellectual or spiritual warfare "with the armour of der their seductive influence; while those who are yet berighteousness on the right hand and on the left"-the simple- guiled claim (though perhaps they may not thank us for minded Christian will be ready always to give an answer putting forth the claim) our Christian sympathy, forbearance, to every man that asketh him a reason of the hope that is in and prayer.

him with meekness and fear."

What are wanted on all sides as the basis of an estabII. We would mark from this Memoir the high importance lished profession, are-First, brokenness and contrition of of a settled profession of the gospel. We have already seen heart. Here, as we before observed, Miss Graham's defithe rich and matured character of Miss Graham's doctrinal ciency exposed her to "the snare of the devil." Not being sentiments. Hers was not the religion of feeling, (though deeply impressed with the sense of her own vileness, she her feelings were powerfully engaged,) but of solid intelli- could not lie low enough before her God to receive his pure gent conviction. There was no excitement of impulse or and heavenly light in her soul. He was therefore pleased to imagination, no love of novelty, but a contentment in solid, humble her thoroughly, till he had brought her to his feet; Scriptural, and practical views of Divine truth. Here was a that happiest, lowest, yet most exalted place for a redeemed ground-work for that steady consistency of Christian profess- sinner. What Job learnt in his prostrate frame of humiliaion, in which she was enabled to serve her God and Saviour tion, made all the former attainments of this "perfect man" with acceptance and usefulness. It would be a painful in- of God appear as nothing in his eyes. And indeed there is vestigation to trace the various causes and symptoms of that much to be acquired in a self-abasing walk with God, and in unsettled aspect of religion, which the present state of the a well-digested study of our hearts, before there can be any church so largely exhibits. Too often we find the profession capacity for receiving a Scriptural apprehension of the docto be of a superficial, and therefore of an uninfluential character. trines, that are the matter of present controversy in the A susceptible temperament opens the door to self-delusion. church. The decided views on these subjects, that are The religion of the imagination is substituted for the religion sometimes received at an early, and perhaps uncertain, stage of the heart. Sentimentalism captivates the mind by a sort of of the Christian profession, have been probably obtained unconfused ideal sublimity. Unorganized excitement is mis-der the influence of excitement, rather than from Divine taken for solid practical principle. External separation from teaching-from an implicit submission to some professed the world is identified with the spiritual love of holiness. A leader in the church, rather than from a simple exercised habit of serious thought and partial reformation is commenced study of the sacred volume. In the spirit of brokenness of without any defined motive or object. Hence, when the tem- heart this deluding power of excitement is subjugated to a porary impulse has subsided, the baseless fabric resting upon chastened temper of tenderness and self-distrust. One want it begins to shake. The religion of novelty and interest be-absorbs every faculty and desire of the soul. There is no comes irksome drudgery, without any spring of activity or temptation to linger by the way in busy idleness amid the privilege. The peace and joy, which had been anticipated as attractions of novelty. There is a careful guard against all the immediate result of a certain train of feelings, ends in dis-entanglements of disputation, that might, by diverting the appointment; and the "goodness" which had no connexion mind from the main object of pursuit, palsy the spiritual with tenderness of heart, humility, and faith, "passes away affections, and pervert even the word of God to an occasion as the morning cloud, and the early dew." The man who of erasing instead of fixing permanent impressions upon the had been living upon notions, doctrines, and feelings-not heart. In this spirit of simplicity and godly sincerity," upon realities-sinks down into the character of a dry, heart-the mind will gradually be enabled to receive Scriptural less professor, with no genuine response to the vitality of statements, that before it had been unable to comprehend; godliness. and will grasp, with an intelligent habit of faith, the fulness

Of others again we would speak with special tenderness, of Divine truth in all its happy and practical influence. while we are constrained to consider them as wanderers from Connected with this temper, spiritual apprehensions of "the old paths," where the church of God has hitherto found Christ are of the utmost moment. This was the main prin"rest," refreshment, and establishment. But we cannot view ciple of Miss Graham's steadiness of profession. She was without the deepest concern the attempt now made by true accustomed, as we have before noticed, to "consider Christ.” disciples of Christ (for such undoubtedly are many of those Hers were not transient glances at the glorious object of to whom we allude) to degrade the Son of God to a sinful faith. Her religion was characterized by a contemplative participation and sympathy with our nature. We feel bound habit of connecting every part of the Christian system with to protest against that great truth,' now for the first time Christ. And in this great subject, the most intellectual opened to the church--that believers in this life of sin and im- mind will find full employ. Unfathomable depths, after a VOL. II.-2 G

long life of research, will yet remain to be explored. Here again the subjects revolve before the mind, but without rewe may advance with deeper intensity of interest at every search. The difference is inconceivable between the act of successive step, until the whole soul is "filled with all the reading, and the habit of meditation and search in the sacred fulness of God!" A mind sustained and invigorated by volume. If the mind does not ponder often upon Scripture, these sublime contemplations, will lose its speculative taste; no definite views will be obtained; no profitable instruction will try "doubtful disputations" by their reference to this drawn out from it. Whereas a spiritually reflecting mind grand subject; and, while enlarging to the utmost its com- will extract rich meaning from its apparently difficult and pass of sacred truth, will be drawn off from uncertain doc-barren portions. Being made the subject of thought, and trines to those that are evidently Scriptural in their character, formed into materials for prayer, Scripture knowledge beclear in their light, fruitful in privilege, holy in influence. comes of a more heavenly character; and meditation upon a "Not" being altogether "ignorant of Satan's devices," the single passage becomes more fruitful than the general reading Christian will readily trace to its proper source all diverging of large portions of the sacred book. Perhaps there is no from this concentrating point, and will steadily guard against precept more intimately connected with Christian establishthis baneful "corruption from the simplicity that is in ment, than that which has been indirectly adverted to—" Let Christ." And thus living by faith, he will live upon the the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." Let vitality of the gospel. The unfolding of Christ makes holi- there be no part of us, where the word does not dwell. Let ness at once practicable and precious. His principles, as there be no part of the word, that does not dwell in us. Here they expand in knowledge, will become more practical in re- is a new world of heavenly light, where the intellect is called sults; while these results will reciprocally exercise his prin- forth into its full exercise. Here the soul is refreshed, and ciples in a more lively and delightful glow of Divine light. the heart is moulded under the influence of Divine wisdom; For the cultivation of this spiritual contemplation, habits and hence stability of our profession "in the simplicity of of retirement seem to be of importance. Leaving the time, Christ."

measure, and rules to every man's judgment and conscience,| We would venture to add a few words upon the high resand being fully aware that a difference of character generates ponsibility of cultivating "the spirit of a sound mind." The in this particular a diversity in the operation of Divine grace high estimate which the apostle formed of this faculty may -we cannot forbear inculcating the general subject as appli- be seen in his placing it among the special gifts for the work cable to the several departments of the church. Doubtless of the ministry, and in his prayers for his own son in the Miss Graham drew much advantage from her retired habits faith, and for his beloved flock, that they might maintain it to exercise her mind in heavenly contemplation. Probably in constant exercise. His own example proves, that-instead much of the defective standard of attainment and privilege of a sound judgment cooling the fervour of zeal (as it is somein the present day may be traced to the neglect of the habits times supposed to do)-it increases its effect by directing its now adverted to. Christians actively engaged in the service movements. Indeed a weakness in this point brings with it of God may be ensnared by the very activity of their en- many hindrances to a settled consistency of profession. A gagements. Those of a more quiet and collected tempera- luxuriant imagination often obscures the well-regulated and ment, will connect their "times of refreshing from the pre- implicit exercise of faith. The truth is often clothed with sence of the Lord"-their most solid, stable, invigorating adventitious attractions. It is not received simply as of God. comfort-with the cultivation of this habit. Those who There is a want of clear perfection and determined grasp of are enabled still to maintain the freshness of their early the points presented to view. Again, an excited temperaimpressions, feel their need of this advantage, and mourn ment without a staid judgment, opens many avenues of deluover the deprivation of it as a loss, for which no Christian sion. This is a matter of frequent notice in the cases of a society-however refined, elevated, or holy-can compensate. defective religious education, or of late conversion; or in a All who realize the difficulties of their daily path, and the rapid transition from the cares of business or the warfare of weariness that belongs to incessant watchfulness and conflict, the camp, to the heated atmospheres which are now to be must feel; that as the body cannot be sustained without found in the church. The dazzling brightness of truth breaksleep, so neither can the soul thrive without the active resting in upon unfurnished minds, and often upon palpable so to speak of retirement with God. A recollected habit of darkness, overpowers the faculty of discrimination. The mind-shutting out the world, and calling home our thoughts overturn of their former opinions has destroyed confidence in to Christ and eternity-is indispensable to give life and spi- their own conclusions; and together with their old prejudices, rituality to our religion, to bring the one object of faith into their intellectual stability is swept away. fixed contemplation, and the more enlivening prospects of In another direction, also, lively affections and weak judgeternity into more constant influence. ment give a wrong bias to the character. The Christian un

Need we further suggest the incalculable importance of a der an enlivening sense of the Saviour's love is ready to emdeep and spiritual study of the word of God, in connection brace any new view or doctrine, which he conceives caleuwith an established profession of the gospel? Miss Gra-lated to honour and exalt him. Now a controlling power is ham's exclusive study of the word after the period of her re- as necessary for the healthful regularity of the mind, as an incovery from infidelity-('the Lord helping her to pray over vigorating principle. Opiniative decision is too often misevery word she read') must have been productive of a rich taken for spiritual principle. We want the influence of "the harvest to her soul. And indeed the general supremacy and wisdom from above," not only to open to our minds expanded entireness of this sacred study throughout life was a main and attractive views of truth, but to enable us to affix to every source of her mature apprehension of the doctrines of Christ. part its just proportion-that no favourite doctrines be sufferMay not a partial study of Scripture explain the difficulty-ed to absorb our interest, or be raised to an undue imporwhy sincere Christians-praying for the promised "guidance tance-that essential points may have their preponderance of the Holy Spirit into all truth"-should yet be left under over those of a more doubtful character-that every step of the influence of error? Do they heartily desire to be guided our progress may present to us a more complete view of the into all truth-into practical as well as doctrinal-into hum- harmony of the system. The multitude of excursions in the bling as well as the more exciting-truths? Is every part of theological field, without and beyond the rule of revelation, the holy book, after the example of this devoted saint, hon- are an evidence of that wandering of the mind from reality, oured as the word of God-carefully explored, and earnestly and that triumph of imagination over truth, that denotes a prayed over? The promise supposes a diligent search of the mind not in the full possession of its own powers. But let whole field of Divine truth, and the neglect of any part of us in another track be careful that the sublime contemplation this field shuts us out from the sphere of the promise. Per- of the gospel does not pamper a prurient curiosity: but rather haps also a superficial study of "the word of Christ"-even that it gives a more settled character to our faith, and a wise when the whole surface is surveyed-is one of the most and active direction to our practice. Let us watch, also prominent causes of slight profession in the present day. It under the exercise of this sound mind, that the fear of uncertoo often lodges only-not "dwells" with us; or it dwells tain doctrines does not quench the ardour of Scriptural inveswith us not in us; or the "riches" of the treasure-house are tigation-that we continue our research "unto all the riches too little regarded; or Christian "wisdom" is little exercised of the full assurance of understanding," that we go on as in the application of its contents to our several emergencies. long as there is one point of the sacred book unexploredIn some cases we mark a disproportionate attention to the "forgetting the things that are behind, and reaching forth unto externals of scripture, which betrays a criminal indifference to those things that are before."

its spiritual excellences. The holy simplicity of study is de- We cannot but remark, how frequently a defect of soundteriorated. The mind is contented to feed upon husks, while ness of mind is connected with unsteadiness of Christian prothe heavenly pleasures connected with the internal study of fession. And indeed in all cases, important talents of inthe sacred volume are untouched and unknown. With others fluence are wasted, and valuable spheres of usefulness are

contracted, by this evil. What servant of God, therefore, conscious alike of his responsibility and weakness, will not present his frequent and earnest petition to the throne of grace, "Teach me good judgment and knowledge?" These inestimable blessings are not the exclusive accomplishments of highly-gifted intellects. The believer, weak in natural intelligence, but simple in dependence upon his God, will be not only guided, but established in the truth, even in the midst of abounding errors. He will be taught not to be lieve every spirit, but to try the spirits, whether they be of God." He will be led to "try the things that differ" in the church-not by the holiness of their several professors, (which even if it were more perfectly apprehended-is not the decisive Test of Truth,) but by "the law and the testimony;" being assured, "that if they speak not according to this word"-though they be "angels of light"-" there is no light in them."

III. The memoir before us may also point out the ground and blessedness of Scriptural enjoyment. Miss Graham's full reception of the high principles of the gospel made Christian devotedness a privilege, and Christian resignation the path of peace. Her clear views of sovereign grace; her tender spirit of assured confidence; and the bright beaming rays of her hope of glory, were sources of incessant energy and heavenly cheerfulness. The spiritual atmosphere in which she lived, communicated life to her fainting spirit. Her heart received | a new bent, and found a new home in the bosom of her God. The staid sobriety of her character, the happiness she found in entire consecration of herself to God; her quiet composure of mind in the chamber of suffering; the overcoming strength and vigour sustaining her soul in joyfulness; abundantly proved, that she had not embraced an empty cloud, that she had not canght a shadow under the delusion of enjoying God; but that God was indeed the rest and portion of her soul. But what, on the other hand, is the portion-what the prospect of the man (whether destitute of the profession of the gospel, or holding it in delusion), who lives "without God in the world? He must raise his "altar," if he thinks of worship at all for the quieting of conscience-"To the unknown God." He makes to himself a God after his own fancy, his own heart; and it proves to be an infinite nothing. He cannot know his Creator.* He cannot therefore enjoy him. For want of this knowledge and enjoyment, he dooms himself to everlasting misery. He will not rest in God. He cannot rest in any thing short of God. If ever there was a remedy designed for man, bearing the character of Divine love, it is the gospel of Jesus, opening an uncreated source as alone sufficient to quench the thirst of immortal souls, "Ho! every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk, without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live."

Let us hear the breathings of the holy and seraphic Baxter, after this soul-satisfying portion. In thee I expect my true felicity and content. To know thee, and love thee, and delight in thee, must be my blessedness, or I must have none.

See Miss Graham's striking and original thoughts on this subject in the latter part of the Test of Truth.


The little tastes of this sweetness, which my thirsty soul hath had, do tell me that there is no other real joy. I feel that thou hast made my mind to know thee, my heart to love thee, my tongue to praise thee, and all that I am and have to serve thee. And even in the panting languishing desires and motions of my soul, I find that thou, and only thou, art its resting place; and though love do now but search, and pray, and cry, and weep, and is reaching upward, but cannot reach the glorious light, the blessed knowledge, the perfect love, for which it longeth; yet by its eye, its aim, its motions, its moans, its groans, I know its meaning, where it would be, and I know its end. My displaced soul will never be well, till it come near to thee, till it know thee better, till it love thee more. Wert thou to be found in the most solitary desert, it would seek thee; or in the uttermost parts of the earth, it would make after thee. Thy presence makes a crowd a church; thy converse maketh a closet, or solitary wood or field, to be akin to the angelical choir. The creature were dead, if thou wert not its life; and ugly, if thou wert not its beauty; and insignificant, if thou wert not its sense. soul is deformed, which is without thine image; and lifeless which liveth not in love to thee, if love be not its pulse, and prayer and praise its constant breath. The mind is unlearned, which readeth not thy name on all the world. He dreameth, who doth not live to thee. Oh! let me have no other portion! no reason, no love, no life, but what is devoted to thee, employed on thee, and for thee here, and shall be perfected in Thee, the only perfect, final object for evermore. Upon the holy altar, erected by thy Son, and by his hands, and his mediation, I humbly devote and offer to thee this heart. Oh! that I could say with greater feeling-this flaming, loving, longing heart! But the sacred fire which must kindle on my sacrifice, must come from thee. It will not else ascend unto thee. Let it consume this dross, so the nobler part may know its home. All that I can say to commend it to thine acceptance, is, that I hope it is washed in precious blood, and that there is something in it that is thine own. It still looketh toward thee, and groaneth to thee, and followeth after thee, and will be content with gold, and mirth, and honour, and such inferior fooleries no more. It lieth at thy door, and will be entertained, or perish. Though alas! it loves thee not as it would. I boldly say, it longs to love thee. It loves to love thee. It seeks, it craves no greater blessedness than perfect, endless, mutual love. It is vowed to thee, even to thee alone, and will never take up with shadows more; but is resolved to lie down in sorrow and despair, if thou wilt not be its rest and joy. It hateth itself for loving thee no more, accounting no want, deformity, shame, or pain, so great and grievous a calamity.'

Christians! You, like this holy man of God, have made trial of this portion; and you alone are competent to speak of it. You can bear testimony that the knowledge and enjoyment of God, coming to us through Christ, our Head, our All, is unspeakable bliss. It fills the most enlarged appetite of the soul. It fixes our hovering thoughts and restless anticipations. It perfects all our desires in holy delight and joy. It is the triumph of everlasting love over all the wretchedness, wants, and guilt of man. It gives supreme enjoyment in life, hope in death, a portion for eternity.

"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever."

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Extract from the last Will and Testament of the late Rev. John | Ghost-upon the Articles of the Christian Faith, as compreBampton, Canon of Salisbury.

"I give and bequeath my Lands and Estates to the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford for ever, to have and to hold all and singular the said Lands or Estates upon trust, and to the intents and purposes herein-after mentioned; that is to say, I will and appoint that the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford for the time being shall take and receive all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and (after all taxes, reparations, and necessary deductions made) that he pay all the remainder to the endowment of eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be established for ever in the said University, and to be performed in the manner following:

"I direct and appoint, that, upon the first Tuesday in Easter Term, a Lecturer be yearly chosen by the Heads of Colleges only, and by no others, in the room adjoining to the Printing-House, between the hours of ten in the morning and two in the afternoon, to preach eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, the year following, at St. Mary's in Oxford, between the commencement of the last month in Lent Term, and the end of the third week in Act Term.

hended in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds.

"Also 1 direct, that thirty copies of the eight Divinity Lecture Sermons shall be always printed, within two months after they are preached, and one copy shall be given to the Chancellor of the University, and one copy to the Head of every College, and one copy to the Mayor of the city of Oxford, and one copy to be put into the Bodleian Library; and the expence of printing them shall be paid out of the revenue of the Land or Estates given for establishing the Divinity Lecture Sermons; and the preacher shall not be paid, nor be entitled to the revenue, before they are printed."


Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.-John xvi. 7.

This was the prominent topic of consolation and encouragement among those which our Saviour suggested for the support of his earthly friends under the impending affliction of his "Also I direct and appoint, that the eight Divinity Lec-own departure from the world; and it is evident, that a more ture Sermons shall be preached upon either of the following than common interest belongs to expressions thus awful in subjects to confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and themselves, and pronounced on so awful an occasion. to confute all heretics and schismatics-upon the divine au- Had Jesus of Nazareth been no more than a human teacher thority of the holy Scriptures-upon the authority of the of virtue and philosophy, adorned as he was with every good and perfect gift to which our nature had previously aswritings of the primitive Fathers, as to the faith and prac-pired in vain, we should have attended, doubtless, with affectice of the primitive Church-upon the Divinity of our Lord tionate and reverential curiosity, to the latest instructions of and Saviour Jesus Christ-upon the Divinity of the Holy matchless wisdom, the concluding result of a life, in every

stage of its career, distinguished by more than human purity. [earth, and for whom he now, in heaven, interceded; yet the The words of dying men have, mostly, willing auditors. withdrawing of his visible presence, the cessation of his conThe universal prejudice of mankind (and what is an univer-verse, the cheerless void which occupied the place of all sal prejudice but the voice of human nature ?) ascribes to the which had constituted the former grace and glory of their sect, instructions of Death a something like divinity; and he who were sufficient to justify in minds of firmer texture than was wise and just amid the struggle of contending passions those which the Apostles appear to have possessed, the and the confusion of worldly cares, may address his disciples greatest imaginable degree of grief, of anxiety, of apprehension, with still greater effect and authority when those passions of despair. Accustomed to such a Teacher, how could his and those cares are gone by for ever. He who is himself to place be supplied among men? Deserted by such a Guardian, reap no benefit from fraud can hardly be suspected of inten- how could they hope for safety from the world, from the tional deception; he, from whom the world is receding, devil, from themselves? When that smile was withdrawn, in may discern, in that remoter prospect, the perfect proportions which innocence and childhood loved to repose; that majesof its general form and value, which (while the mass was jestic countenance, before which guilt sank down abashed, nearer to his eye) were lost in the minuter detail of its parts, and hypocrisy dropped her saintly mantle; that voice which or obscured by the intervening breath of admiration of ca-neither the spirits of hell, nor the deaf and boisterous elelumny. ments could disobey or sustain; what occupation, what am

Nor can it be denied, that we naturally affix a greater value bition could have a zest for those who had been accustomed on that wisdom and friendship of which we are no longer to to the service of such a Master? On what could their thoughts enjoy the protection; that we cling with peculiar fondness to repose when the centre of their affections was gone? and whatever is the last of its kind, and that the recollection of how weak and unavailing would the consolation have been to the past and the fear of what may follow, conspire, under trace his footsteps in those cities where his power had been circumstances like these, to stamp the present with a tenfold displayed; to visit, in mournful pilgrimage, the scenes where interest and importance. they had eaten and drank in his presence; the paths by But there is yet another and a peculiar reason why the which they had walked to the house of God in company? latest revelations of Jesus have, of all other truths, the" Let us also go that we may die with our Lord" had been, on strongest claim to our attention. a former occasion, the sentiment of one among their number;

A prophet of the most High, (for as such he is acknow- and, if the desire of death were ever either justifiable or natuledged even by those of his followers who think most meanly of ral, it must surely have been both the one and the other in the his person and nature,) and the greatest of all to whom the Messiah's surviving followers.

name of prophet has been at any time applied; we cannot But from this state of depression the coming of the Parainquire, without the strongest and most reverential curiosity, clete was to set them free; from this depth of bitterness he what truth that was which he reserved to be the last of his was to arouse their spirits to the lofty destinies of their apdiscoveries to mankind; which, as the most important feature pointed mission and ministry; their sorrow was to be turned of his commission, he deferred to communicate till the com- into joy, and their joy neither persecution, nor affliction, nor munication would be most awful and impressive,-till it poverty, was thenceforth to take away. Nay, more than this, would be remembered with the greatest accuracy, and its the loss of Christ was to be their eventual gain: not only consolation would be most required. does the Messiah comfort them by the hope that they were This discovery was the promise of the Comforter, and this to be no losers by his departure; the compensation which he promise he introduces with a solemnity of asseveration which promised was to be such as should overflow in their favour; might seem almost unnecessary, if it were not obviously and and, on this account alone, and abstracted from that other admirably calculated to excite in his followers' attention the consideration of the remission of sin by his blood, (of which most profound, the most implicit and submissive faith. our Lord himself, for reasons which may be hereafter shown, but seldom spake, and spake in the obscurity of parables,) it was expedient for them that Christ should go away.


"I tell you the truth," are his words to whom falsehood was unknown, "I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."

Nor, though this would be amply sufficient to excite our ardent curiosity, does the importance of the inquiry terminate The value of this boon we may in some measure estimate with the consolation which the Paraclete afforded to those by the intensity of the loss which it was designed to repair, with whom Christ had sojourned in the world, and who rethe departure of our Saviour from the world. "Vidisse gretted him as a visible Benefactor. An accurate compreChristum in carne" was, in the opinion of Augustin, the hension of the expressions employed by our Lord is necessary height of mortal happiness; that must have been no common to the comprehension of that entire system of salvation which blessing which could dry the tears of the children of the it was his errand to accomplish and secure; necessary to our bride-chamber when the Bridegroom had been so recently faith, inasmuch as from hence, in no small degree, the grounds taken from them: nor is the epoch of our Saviour's decease of our faith are derived; necessary to our love and gratitude, any otherwise described by the Prophets or by Christ him- inasmuch as from hence we learn the full weight of that mercy self, than as a season of desolation and mourning to all. which we have obtained from our Maker and Redeemer. By I will smite the Shepherd," said God, "and the sheep ascertaining the fulfilment of the promise we may be enshall be scattered." "When the Bridegroom is taken from couraged to a holy confidence in our Christian warfare, and them," were the words of Christ while on earth, "then shall schooled to a submissive dependance on that power and those they fast in those days." "Ye shall weep and lament, but merits, through which alone such assistance is accorded. By the world shall rejoice, and ye shall be sorrowful." fixing the extent and character of God's help we may be preAnd for such a sorrow they had, doubtless, ample cause: vented, on the other hand, from an unauthorized reliance on the time was coming, wherein whosoever killed them should his influence in points to which that influence was never inthink he rendered an acceptable service to God; a period of tended to apply; we may obtain a sufficient canon to measure trouble was to follow the Messiah's removal, "such as never the opposite statements of irreligion and enthusiasm; to dewas, since there was a nation, until that time." "When tect the extravagant claims of the last, and the unreasonable the father was to be against the son and the son against the cavils of the former; and to decide, with somewhat more exfather," and "when a man's foes were to be they of his own actness than has hitherto been attempted, in what respects household." the promise applies to the universal Christian world, and in

And into this bad world, these times of cruelty and moral what, more especially, to the earliest teachers of Christianity. convulsion, they were sent out as sheep among wolves, with- It is my intention, therefore, in the following Lectures, to out his guardianship who was their only Shepherd, under discuss, to the best of my power, the nature and office of the whose guidance they had hitherto lacked nothing. Well Comforter promised by our Lord, and the benefits which the might it be, that, when he had announced to them his ap- apostles in particular, or, in general, the great body of beproaching departure, their hearts were filled with sorrow, lievers in Christ, were authorized by that promise, to expect when Jesus himself had wept in pity for the evils which through his means. And I am the rather induced to underwere coming on the world! take this arduous inquiry, because, though the importance of

Nor was this painful sense of their loss and of their orphan the questions which it involves has been at all times acand destitute condition to be removed, though it might be knowledged and by all; yet has the attention of theologians rendered less intolerable, by the knowledge of their Master's been, perhaps, less occupied by this, than by any other spetriumph over the gates of death. cific discussion.

For, though assured, by this means, of his happiness and Those mighty champions of English and Christian orthoglory; assured that they were the objects still of his invisi-doxy, who, in the demonstration of our Lord's Divinity and ble affection and favour, the friends whom he had loved on of the atonement of sin by his blood, have left behind them

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