The Need for Story: Cultural Diversity in Classroom and CommunityAnne Haas Dyson, Celia Genishi National Council of Teachers of English, 1994 - 259 pagina's Emphasizing the complex relationships among story, ethnicity, and gender, this book explores the nature of story--the basic functions it serves, its connections to the diverse sociocultural landscape of society, and its power in the classroom. In addressing concerns about how to most effectively serve increasingly diverse student populations, the book demonstrates through example the need for and the power of story. Chapters in the book are: (1) "Introduction: The Need for Story" (Anne Haas Dyson and Celia Genishi); (2) "Multiculturalism, Community, and the Arts" (Maxine Greene); (3) "Life as Narrative" (Jerome Bruner); (4) "The Power of Personal Storytelling in Families and Kindergartens" (Peggy J. Miller and Robert A. Mehler); (5) "Multicultural Literature for Children: Towards a Clarification of the Concept" (Mingshui Cai and Rudine Sims Bishop); (6) "What Is Sharing Time For?" (Courtney B. Cazden); (7) "'The Blacker the Berry, the Sweeter the Juice': African American Student Writers" (Geneva Smitherman); (8) "Gender Differences and Symbolic Imagination in the Stories of Four-Year-Olds" (Ageliki Nicolopoulou and others); (9) "'And They Lived Happily Ever After': Cultural Storylines and the Construction of Gender" (Pam Gilbert); (10) "Princess Annabella and the Black Girls" (Vivian Gussin Paley); (11) "'I'm Gonna Express Myself': The Politics of Story in the Children's Worlds" (Anne Haas Dyson); (12) "'All the Things That Mattered': Stories Written by Teachers for Children" (Sal Vascellaro and Celia Genishi); (13) The Contribution of the Preschool to a Native American Community" (Susan J. Britsch); (14) "Stories as Ways of Acting Together" (Shirley Brice Heath); (15) "Writing as a Foundation for Transformative Community in the Tenderloin" (Carol E. Heller); and (16) "Conclusion: Fulfilling the Need for Story" (Celia Genishi and Anne Haas Dyson). (RS) |
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adults African American analysis Anatosaurus Annabella baby bathtub BEV syntax bird black doll boys and girls Bruner Cambridge Carol Heller chapter characters child children's literature children's narratives classroom cognitive construction context create cross-cultural curriculum discourse score discourse style disorder diverse doll Dyson Educational Testing Service elements English essays ethnic European American example friends gender differences Goodhertz Harvard University holistic score images important Kendra kids Kwanzaa language learning listen literary lives Louise Magpie meaning mother multicultural education multicultural literature NAEP narrative styles narrator parallel culture Pecola peers personal storytelling perspective play preschool princesses relationships role Salima sense shared Smith-Willis Smitherman social storyline structure symbolic imagination Tachi take children seriously talk teacher teaching Tenderloin texts themes things tion told traditional Triceratops University Press Vivian Paley voices wanted William women workshop writing Yokuts York young